
#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
defaultInfoPanel <- function (point, data, imageNames)
    usingQuartz <- isTRUE(names(dev.cur()) == "quartz")
    quitInstructions <- paste(ifelse(usingQuartz,"Press Esc","Right click"), "to exit", sep=" ")
    plot(NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", main=paste("Location: (",implode(point,","),")",sep=""))
    nImages <- min(4, length(imageNames))
    yLocs <- 0.95 - cumsum(c(0,rep(c(0.1,0.13),nImages)))
    yLocs[length(yLocs)] <- -0.05
    labels <- quitInstructions
    for (i in seq_len(nImages))
        labels <- c(labels, {
            if (is.numeric(data[[i]]))
        }, imageNames[i])
    text(0.5, yLocs, rev(labels), col=c(rep(c("white","red"),nImages),"grey70"), cex=pmin(1,1/strwidth(rev(labels))), xpd=TRUE)

#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
timeSeriesPanel <- function (point, data, imageNames)
    usingQuartz <- isTRUE(names(dev.cur()) == "quartz")
    quitInstructions <- paste(ifelse(usingQuartz,"Press Esc","Right click"), "to exit", sep=" ")
    lengths <- sapply(data, length)
    suppressWarnings(range <- c(min(sapply(data,min,na.rm=T)), max(sapply(data,max,na.rm=T))))
    range[is.infinite(range)] <- 0
    plot(NA, xlim=c(1,max(lengths)), ylim=range, xlab=quitInstructions, ylab="intensity", col.lab="grey70", bty="n", main=paste("Location: (",implode(point,","),")",sep=""))
    for (i in seq_along(data))
        if (lengths[i] > 1)
            lines(1:lengths[i], data[[i]], col="red", lwd=2)

#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
polarPlotPanel <- function (point, data, imageNames, directions, bValues = NULL)
    usingQuartz <- isTRUE(names(dev.cur()) == "quartz")
    quitInstructions <- paste(ifelse(usingQuartz,"Press Esc","Right click"), "to exit", sep=" ")
    if (is.null(bValues))
        bValues <- rep(1, nrow(directions))
    lengths <- sapply(data, length)
    data <- data[[which(lengths==nrow(directions))]]
    maxDataValue <- suppressWarnings(max(data[bValues>0],na.rm=T))
    correlations <- abs(cor(cbind(abs(directions), data))[1:3,4])
    basicColour <- rgb(correlations[1], correlations[2], correlations[3])
    basicBrightness <- shades::brightness(basicColour)
    axes <- setdiff(1:3, which.min(correlations))
    view <- c("sagittal","coronal","axial")[which.min(correlations)]
    plot(NA, xlim=c(-maxDataValue,maxDataValue), ylim=c(-maxDataValue,maxDataValue), xlab=quitInstructions, ylab="intensity", col.lab="grey70", bty="n", main=paste("Location: (",implode(point,","),")\nView: ",view,sep=""), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", asp=1)
    ticks <- list(x=pretty(par("xaxp")[1:2]), y=pretty(par("yaxp")[1:2]))
    axis(1, ticks$x, abs(ticks$x))
    axis(2, ticks$y, abs(ticks$y))
    for (b in setdiff(sort(unique(bValues)),0))
        i <- (bValues == b)
        currentDirections <- rbind(directions[i,], -directions[i,])
        currentData <- rep(data[i],2)
        order <- order(atan2(currentDirections[,axes[2]], currentDirections[,axes[1]]))
        polygon((currentDirections[,axes]*currentData)[order,], col=shades::brightness(basicColour,basicBrightness*b/max(bValues,na.rm=TRUE)))

#' A simple interactive viewer for MriImage objects
#' The \code{viewImages} function provides a simple interactive viewer for
#' \code{MriImage} objects. 3D and 4D images may be used.
#' @param images An \code{MriImage} object, or list of \code{MriImage} objects.
#' @param colourScales A list of colour scales to use for each image, which
#'   will be recycled to the length of \code{images}. See
#'   \code{\link{getColourScale}} for details. The default is to use greyscale.
#' @param point For \code{viewImages}, a length 3 integer vector giving the
#'   initial location of the crosshairs, in voxels. For info panel functions,
#'   the current location of the crosshairs.
#' @param interactive A single logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the plot is
#'   interactive.
#' @param crosshairs A single logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the crosshairs are
#'   displayed.
#' @param orientationLabels A single logical value. If \code{TRUE}, orientation
#'   labels are displayed.
#' @param fixedWindow A single logical value. If \code{TRUE}, each image is
#'   windowed globally, rather than for each slice.
#' @param indexNames A list whose elements are either \code{NULL} or a named
#'   character vector giving the names associated with each index in the image.
#' @param infoPanel A function with at least three arguments, which must plot
#'   something to fill the bottom-right panel of the viewer after each change
#'   of crosshair location. The three mandatory arguments correspond to the
#'   current location in the image, the image values at that location, and the
#'   names of each image. The \code{defaultInfoPanel} and
#'   \code{timeSeriesPanel} functions are valid examples.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to \code{infoPanel}.
#' @param data A list giving the data value(s) at the current crosshair
#'   location in each image displayed. Typically numeric, but in principle may
#'   be of any mode, and will be character mode when \code{indexNames} is not
#'   \code{NULL}.
#' @param imageNames A character vector giving a name for each image displayed.
#' @param directions A matrix of 3D acquisition direction vectors, one per row.
#' @param bValues A vector of b-values, if the image is diffusion-weighted.
#' @return These functions are called for their side effects.
#' @note The \code{defaultInfoPanel} and \code{timeSeriesPanel} functions are
#'   not intended to be called directly. They are simple examples of valid
#'   values for the \code{infoPanel} argument to \code{viewImages}.
#' @author Jon Clayden
#' @seealso \code{\link{getColourScale}}
#' @references Please cite the following reference when using TractoR in your
#' work:
#' J.D. Clayden, S. Muñoz Maniega, A.J. Storkey, M.D. King, M.E. Bastin & C.A.
#' Clark (2011). TractoR: Magnetic resonance imaging and tractography with R.
#' Journal of Statistical Software 44(8):1-18.
#' \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v44/i08/}.
#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
viewImages <- function (images, colourScales = NULL, point = NULL, interactive = TRUE, crosshairs = TRUE, orientationLabels = TRUE, fixedWindow = TRUE, indexNames = NULL, infoPanel = defaultInfoPanel, ...)
    if (is.list(images))
        images <- lapply(images, as, "MriImage")
        images <- list(as(images, "MriImage"))
    nImages <- length(images)
    if (is.null(colourScales))
        colourScales <- rep(list(1), nImages)
    else if (!is.list(colourScales))
        colourScales <- as.list(colourScales)
    else if (length(colourScales) != nImages)
        colourScales <- rep(colourScales, length.out=nImages)
    nDims <- sapply(images, function(x) x$getDimensionality())
    if (any(nDims < 3 | nDims > 4))
        report(OL$Error, "Only 3D and 4D images may currently be used")
    dims <- lapply(images, function(x) x$getDimensions()[1:3])
    if (!equivalent(dims, rep(dims[1],length(dims))))
        report(OL$Error, "Dimensions of the specified images do not match")
    dims <- dims[[1]]
    images3D <- lapply(images, function(x) {
        if (x$getDimensionality() == 4)
            extractMriImage(x, 4, 1)
    if (fixedWindow)
        windows <- lapply(images3D, function(x) range(x$getData(),na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE))
        windows <- rep(list(NULL), length(images3D))
    if (is.null(point))
        point <- round(dims / 2)
    imageNames <- sapply(images, function(x) basename(x$getSource()))
    labels <- list(c("P","A","I","S"), c("R","L","I","S"), c("R","L","P","A"))
    oldPars <- par(bg="black", col="white", fg="white", col.axis="white", col.lab="white", col.main="white")
    oldOptions <- options(locatorBell=FALSE)
        point[point < 1] <- 1
        point[point > dims] <- dims[point > dims]
        voxelCentre <- (point - 1) / (dims - 1)
        starts <- ends <- numeric(0)
        # Plot the info panel first so that we have some handle on the coordinate system when we use locator()
        if (is.null(infoPanel))
            mainPars <- par(bg="black", col="black", fg="black", col.axis="black", col.lab="black", col.main="white")
            plot(1:3, 1:3, main=paste("Location: (",implode(point,","),")",sep=""))
            data <- lapply(seq_along(images), function(i) {
                if (images[[i]]$getDimensionality() == 4)
                else if (!is.null(indexNames[[i]]))
                    value <- images[[i]][point[1],point[2],point[3]]
                    es("#{value} (#{indexNames[[i]][as.character(value)]})")
            infoPanel(point, data, imageNames, ...)
        for (i in 1:3)
            inPlaneAxes <- setdiff(1:3, i)
            currentPoint <- rep(NA, 3)
            currentPoint[i] <- point[i]
            createSliceGraphic(images3D[[1]], currentPoint[1], currentPoint[2], currentPoint[3], device="internal", colourScale=colourScales[[1]], windowLimits=windows[[1]])
            if (nImages > 1)
                for (j in 2:nImages)
                    createSliceGraphic(images3D[[j]], currentPoint[1], currentPoint[2], currentPoint[3], device="internal", add=TRUE, colourScale=colourScales[[j]], windowLimits=windows[[j]])
            region <- par("usr")
            starts <- c(starts, region[c(1,3)])
            ends <- c(ends, region[c(2,4)])
            width <- c(region[2]-region[1], region[4]-region[3])
            if (crosshairs)
                halfVoxelWidth <- 0.5 / (dims[inPlaneAxes] - 1)
                lines(rep(voxelCentre[inPlaneAxes[1]],2), c(-halfVoxelWidth[2],1+halfVoxelWidth[2]), col="red")
                lines(c(-halfVoxelWidth[1],1+halfVoxelWidth[1]), rep(voxelCentre[inPlaneAxes[2]],2), col="red")
            if (orientationLabels)
                text(c(0.1*width[1]+region[1],0.9*width[1]+region[1],0.5*width[2]+region[3],0.5*width[2]+region[3]), c(0.5*width[1]+region[1],0.5*width[1]+region[1],0.1*width[2]+region[3],0.9*width[2]+region[3]), labels=labels[[i]])
        if (!interactive)
        nextPoint <- locator(1)
        if (is.null(nextPoint))
        # Coordinates are relative to the axial plot at this point
        nextPoint <- unlist(nextPoint)
        if (nextPoint[1] > ends[5] && nextPoint[2] <= ends[6])
        else if (nextPoint[1] <= ends[5] && nextPoint[2] > ends[6])
            adjustedPoint <- (nextPoint-c(starts[5],ends[6])) / (ends[5:6]-starts[5:6]) * (ends[1:2]-starts[1:2]) + starts[1:2]
            point[2:3] <- round(adjustedPoint * (dims[2:3] - 1)) + 1
        else if (nextPoint[1] > ends[5] && nextPoint[2] > ends[6])
            adjustedPoint <- (nextPoint-ends[5:6]) / (ends[5:6]-starts[5:6]) * (ends[3:4]-starts[3:4]) + starts[3:4]
            point[c(1,3)] <- round(adjustedPoint * (dims[c(1,3)] - 1)) + 1
            point[1:2] <- round(nextPoint * (dims[1:2] - 1)) + 1
    if (interactive)

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tractor.base documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.