#' Simple descriptive statistics
#' R Implementation of the SPSS Function \code{Descriptives}
#' The xpssDescriptives function provides a set of descriptive statistic tools.
#' \strong{\code{missing:}}
#' \tabular{rll}{
#'\tab \code{variable} \tab removes user-, and system-missing data explicitly for every variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{listwise} \tab performs a listwise-deletion.
#'\cr \tab \code{include} \tab includes all user-defined missing values.}
#' \strong{\code{statistics:}}
#' \tabular{rll}{
#'\tab \code{kurtosis} \tab calculates the bulge of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{max} \tab displays the maximum of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{mean} \tab calculates the arithmetic mean, respectively the midpoint of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{min} \tab displays the minimum of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{kurtosis} \tab calculates the bulge of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{range} \tab displays the span between the minimum and the maximum value.
#'\cr \tab \code{sekurtosis} \tab calculates the standrard error of the bulge of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{semean} \tab displays the standard error of the arithmetic mean.
#'\cr \tab \code{seskewness} \tab calculates the standrard error of the inclination of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{skewness} \tab calculates the inclination of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{stddev} \tab displays the standard deviation of the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{sum} \tab calculates the sum of each observation within the variable.
#'\cr \tab \code{variance} \tab displays the variance.}
#' \code{ztrans} input, is a list with elements varname and zname. \code{varname} and \code{zname} are either atomic characters or character vectors. \cr It is necessary that either both parameters are filled or blank.
#' @param x a (non-empty) data.frame or input data of class \code{"xpssFrame"}.
#' @param variables atomic character or character vector with the name of the variables.
#' @param missing atomic character which specifiy the missing method. The method indicates what should happen when the data contains NAs. Default is \code{"variable"}.
#' @param statistics atomic chracter or character vector which determine the descriptiv statistics. Default are \code{"mean"}, \code{"max"}, \code{"min"}, \code{"stddev"}.
#' @param save logical indicator. TRUE adds the z-score of each variable to \code{x}. Default is FALSE.
#' @param ztrans list which specifies variables for z-transformation and name of z-transformed variables. Read Details for further information.
#' @return Output is a list object with descriptive statistic parameters. The specific outcomes of the selected variables are stored in a list object. Every variable is stored in a different list element.
#' If the parameter \code{save} is TRUE, a matrix with z-transformed values will be appended at the end of the list. If \code{ztrans} is blank, the name of the matrix will be Z*varname*. Otherwise whether \code{ztrans} is not empty the user specified description in \code{zname} will be the name of the z-transformed matrix of the variable \code{varname}.
#' @author Bastian Wiessner
#' @importFrom e1071 kurtosis skewness
#' @importFrom data.table
#' @examples
#' data(fromXPSS)
#' ## Analyzing Variable V5, Output contains default statistics
#' xpssDescriptives(x=fromXPSS,
#' variables="V5")
#' ## Analyzing Variable V7_1, Output contains default statistics
#' ## and z-score of Variable V7_1
#' xpssDescriptives(x=fromXPSS,
#' variables="V7_1",
#' save = TRUE)
#' ## Analyzing Variable V7_2, Output contains default statistics
#' ## and z-score of Variable V7_2 store in myZname
#' xpssDescriptives(x=fromXPSS,
#' variables="V7_2",
#' save = TRUE,
#' ztrans = list(varname = "V7_2",
#' zname = "myZname"))
#' ## Analyzing Variable V7_2, Output contains kurtosis, skewness, semean and mean
#' ## missing values are included
#' ## z-score get calculated and store in myZname
#' xpssDescriptives(x=fromXPSS,
#' variables="V7_2",
#' statistics=c("kurtosis",
#' "skewness",
#' "semean",
#' "mean"),
#' missing="include",
#' save = TRUE,
#' ztrans = list(varname = "V7_2",
#' zname = "myZname"))
#' @export
xpssDescriptives <- function(x,
missing = "variable",
statistics = c("mean",
save = FALSE,
ztrans = list(varname=NULL,
names(ztrans) <- c("varname", "zname")
functiontype <- "AN"
dataname <- eval(paste0(deparse(substitute(x))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
x <- applyMetaCheck(x)
for(i in 1:length(variables)){
if(!(is.element(variables[i],names(x)))) {
stop("The selected variables are not in the dataset")
for(i in 1:length(variables))
if(class(x[,variables[i]]) != "numeric"){
stop("Variables are not numeric")
if(missing != "variable" && missing != "listwise" && missing != "include") {
stop("wrong 'missing' argument. Only the arguments 'variable', 'listwise', and 'include' are valid.")
if((statistics != "all") && (statistics != "default")&& (statistics != "n") && (statistics != "mean") && (statistics != "min") && (statistics != "max") &&
(statistics != "stddev") && (statistics !="kurtosis") && (statistics != "range") && (statistics !="semean") &&
(statistics != "skewness") && (statistics != "sum") && (statistics != "variance"))
stop("unknown statics command, only the following paramters are valid: 'all', 'default', 'kurtosis', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'range', 'semean', 'skewness', 'stddev', 'sum', 'variance'")
if(!is.null(ztrans$zname) && is.null(ztrans$varname) || is.null(ztrans$zname) && !is.null(ztrans$varname))
stop("varname should contain the original variable name, zname the new name of the z-transformed variable")
stop("the save argument has to be logical. f.e. TRUE or FALSE.")
if(attributes(x)$SPLIT_FILE != FALSE){
splitter <- unlist(str_split(attributes(x)$SPLIT_FILE,pattern=" "))
splitter <- splitter[1:length(splitter)-1]
variables <- c(variables,splitter)
descr <- list(variables)
#------------------ Missing FUnctions----------------------------------------------#
if("variable" %in% missing)
for (i in 1:length(variables))
pos <- which(x[,variables[i]] %in% attributes(x[,variables[i]])$defined.MIS)
x[,variables[i]][pos] <- NA
descr[[i]] <- na.omit(x[,variables[i]])
if("listwise" %in% missing)
if(length(variables) >1){
descr <- as.list(na.omit(x[,variables]))
} else {
descr <- list(na.omit(x[,variables]))
if("include" %in% missing)
variables <- c("V5","V6","V7_2")
temp <- computeValue(x,variables)
for(i in 1:length(variables)){
descr[[i]] <- na.omit(temp[[i]])
names(descr) <- variables
#----------------- Z - Transform -----------------------------------#
if(save == T && is.null(ztrans$varname)) {
for(i in 1:length(variables))
descr[[length(descr)+1]] <- scale(x[,variables[i]])
names(descr)[length(descr)] <- paste("Z",variables[i], sep = "")
if(!is.null(ztrans$varname)) {
if(is.element(ztrans$varname,variables)) {
if((save==T) && (length(ztrans$varname) == (length(ztrans$zname))) && ((!is.null(ztrans$varname)) && (!is.null(ztrans$zname)))) {
for(j in 1:length((intersect(ztrans$varname, variables)))){
varnames <- names(descr)[which(names(descr)%in% ztrans$varname)]
varnames <- paste("Z",varnames, sep = "")
names(descr)[which(names(descr) %in% varnames[j])] <- ztrans$zname[j]
} else if((save==F) && (length(ztrans$varname) == (length(ztrans$zname))) && ((!is.null(ztrans$varname)) && (!is.null(ztrans$zname)))){
for(j in 1:length((intersect(ztrans$varname, variables)))){
descr[[length(descr)+1]] <- scale(x[,ztrans$varname[j]])
names(descr)[length(descr)] <- ztrans$zname[[j]]
#------------------ Statistic FUnctions----------------------------------------------#
tempmean <- NULL
tempmin <- NULL
tempmax <- NULL
tempstddev <- NULL
tempkurtosis <- NULL
tempsekurtosis <- NULL
temprange <- NULL
tempsemean <- NULL
tempskewness <- NULL
tempseskewness <- NULL
tempsum <- NULL
tempvariance <- NULL
if(any(attributes(x)$SPLIT_FILE != FALSE)){
descr <-
variables <- variables[length(variables)-(length(splitter))]
splitter <- paste(splitter,collapse=",")
if(any(attributes(x)$SPLIT_FILE != FALSE)){
for(i in 1:length(variables))
express <- "list("
express <- paste0(express,"n=length(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"kurt=kurtosis(get(variables[[i]]),type=2),")
express <- paste0(express,"max=max(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"mean=mean(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"median=median(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"min=min(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"range=diff(range(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T)),")
express <- paste0(express,"sekurt=2*(sqrt((6*length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-2)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+1)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+3))))* (sqrt(((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))^2 -1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-3)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+5)))),")
express <- paste0(express,"semean=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T)/(sqrt(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]]))))),")
express <- paste0(express,"skew=skewness(get(variables[[i]]),type=2),")
express <- paste0(express,"seskew=sqrt((6*length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-2)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+1)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+3))),")
express <- paste0(express,"stddev=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"sum=sum(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"variance=var(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"mean=mean(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),sd=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),n=length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]]))),max=max(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),min=min(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- paste0(express,"n=length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]]))),kurt=kurtosis(get(variables[[i]]),type=2),max=max(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),mean=mean(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),median=median(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),min=min(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),range=diff(range(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T)),sekurt=2*(sqrt((6*length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-2)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+1)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+3))))* (sqrt(((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))^2 -1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-3)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+5)))),semean=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T)/(sqrt(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]]))))),skew=skewness(get(variables[[i]]),type=2),seskew=sqrt((6*length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-1)) / ((length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))-2)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+1)*(length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]])))+3))),stddev=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),sum=sum(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),variance=var(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),mean=mean(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),sd=sd(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),n=length(na.omit(get(variables[[i]]))),max=max(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),min=min(get(variables[[i]]),na.rm=T),")
express <- str_sub(string=express,start=1,end=str_length(express)-1)
express <- paste0(express,")")
descr <- descr[,eval(parse(text=express)),by=splitter]
} else {
for(i in 1:length(variables)) {
tempn <- N <- length(descr[[i]])
if("mean" %in% statistics)
tempmean <- mean(descr[[i]])
if("min" %in% statistics)
tempmin <- min(descr[[i]])
if("max" %in% statistics)
tempmax<- max( descr[[i]])
if("stddev" %in% statistics)
tempstddev <- sd(descr[[i]])
if("kurtosis" %in% statistics) {
tempkurtosis <- kurtosis(descr[[i]], type=2)
tempsekurtosis <- 2*(sqrt((6*N*(N-1)) / ((N-2)*(N+1)*(N+3))))* (sqrt(((N^2 -1)) / ((N-3)*(N+5))))
if("range" %in% statistics) {
temprange <- diff(range(descr[[i]]))
if("skewness" %in% statistics) {
tempskewness <- skewness(descr[[i]], type=2)
tempseskewness <- sqrt((6*N*(N-1)) / ((N-2)*(N+1)*(N+3)))
if("semean" %in% statistics) {
tempsemean <- sd(na.omit(descr[[i]])/(sqrt(N)))
if("sum" %in% statistics) {
tempsum <- sum( descr[[i]])
if("variance" %in% statistics) {
tempvariance <- var( descr[[i]])
if("all" %in% statistics) {
tempn <- length(descr[[i]])
tempmean <- mean(descr[[i]])
tempmin <- min(descr[[i]])
tempmax <- max(descr[[i]])
tempstddev <- sd( descr[[i]])
tempkurtosis <- kurtosis( descr[[i]], type=2)
tempsekurtosis <- sqrt(((N^2 -1)) / ((N-3)*(N+5)))
temprange <- diff(range(descr[[i]]))
tempsemean <- sd(descr[[i]])/(sqrt(N))
tempskewness <- skewness( descr[[i]], type=2)
tempseskewness <- sqrt((6*N*(N-1)) / ((N-2)*(N+1)*(N+3)))
tempsum <- sum( descr[[i]])
tempvariance <- var( descr[[i]])
if("default" %in% statistics) {
tempn <- length(descr[[i]])
tempmean <- mean(descr[[i]])
tempmin <- min(descr[[i]])
tempmax <- max(descr[[i]])
tempstddev <- sd( descr[[i]])
descr[[i]] <- list("n" = tempn,
"mean" = tempmean,
"min" = tempmin,
"max" = tempmax,
"stddev" = tempstddev,
"kurtosis" = tempkurtosis,
"sekurtosis" = tempsekurtosis,
"range" = temprange,
"semean" = tempsemean,
"skewness" = tempskewness,
"seskewness" = tempseskewness,
"sum" = tempsum,
"variance" = tempvariance)
for(i in 1:length(variables)){
pos <- which(F==lapply(descr[[i]], is.null))
descr[[i]] <- descr[[i]][pos]
descr <- noquote(descr)
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