
Defines functions getWeights.BART treatSens.BART fit.treatSens.BART

Documented in treatSens.BART

getWeights.BART <- function(Z, est.type, trim.wt, null.trt, verbose)
  n.obs <- length(Z)
  nt <- sum(Z == 1)
  nc <- sum(Z == 0)
  if (identical(est.type, "ATE")) {
    wts <- 1 / null.trt$fitted
    wts[Z == 0] <- 1 / (1 - null.trt$fitted[Z == 0])
    wts <- wts * n.obs / sum(wts) # normalizing weight
    if (verbose) cat("\"ATE\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default Weights for the average treatment effect.\n")
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATT")) {
    wts <- null.trt$fitted / (1 - null.trt$fitted)
    wts[Z == 1] <- 1
    wts[Z == 0] <- wts[Z == 0] * (nc / sum(wts[Z == 0])) # normalizing weight
    if (verbose) cat("\"ATT\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default Weights for the average treatment effect in the treated.\n")
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATC")) {
    wts <- (1-null.trt$fitted)/null.trt$fitted
    wts[Z == 0] <- 1
    wts[Z == 1] <- wts[Z == 1] * (nt / sum(wts[Z == 1])) # normalizing weight
    if (verbose) cat("\"ATC\" option is selected. Sensitivity analysis is performed with the default Weights for the average treatment effect in the controls.\n")
  } else {
    stop("est.type must be either \"ATE\", \"ATT\", \"ATC\"")
  ## trim.weight option
  if (!is.null(trim.wt)) {
    if (is.numeric(trim.wt) && length(trim.wt) == 1) {
      if (identical(est.type, "ATE")) max.wt <- trim.wt / 100 * n.obs
      if (identical(est.type, "ATT")) max.wt <- trim.wt / 100 * nt
      if (identical(est.type, "ATC")) max.wt <- trim.wt / 100 * nc
      wts[wts > max.wt] <- max.wt
      if (verbose) cat("Weight trimming is applied.  The maximum size of weights is set to", max.wt,", which is", trim.wt,"% of the size of the inferential group.\n")
    } else {
      stop("trim.wt must be a number greater than 0")


#Main function call
treatSens.BART <- function(formula,                # formula: assume treatment is 1st term on rhs
                           trt.model = probitEM(), # options are probitEM(), probit(family), bart()
                           theta = 0.5,            # Pr(U == 1) for binomial model
                           grid.dim = c(8, 4),     # 1st dimension specifies zeta.z, 2nd dimension specifies zeta.y.
                           standardize = TRUE,     # logical: should variables be standardized?
                           zero.loc = 1 / 3,       # location of zero along line y=x, as fraction in [0,1], or "full" if full range is desired
                           verbose = FALSE,
                           buffer = 0,             # restriction to range of coef on U to ensure stability around the edges
                           est.type = "ATE",       # type of estimator targeted: "ATE", "ATT", or "ATC".
                           data = NULL,
                           seed = 1234,            # default seed is 1234.
                           nsim = 200,             # number of simulated Us to average over per cell in grid
                           nthin = 10,             # number of iterations to jump just on trees before updating U 
                           nburn = 200,            # number of Us per cell to throw away at start
                           nthreads = NULL,        # number of parallel processes used to divide grid
                           spy.range = NULL,       # custom range for sensitivity parameter on Y, e.g.(0, 10), zero.loc will be overridden.
                           spz.range = NULL,       # custom range for sensitivity parameter on Z, e.g.(-2,2), zero.loc will be overridden.
                           trim.wt = 10,           # the maximum size of weight is set at "trim.wt"% of the inferential group. type NULL to turn off.
                           benchmarking = "2SD"    # scale for benchmarking points for plot - difference between +1 and -1 SD in X or +-0.5 SD.
  matchedCall <- match.call()
  sensParam   <- "coef"
  resp.family <- NULL
  trt.family  <- binomial(link = "probit")
  # return error if only either spy.range or spz.range is specified.
  if ((is.null(spy.range) && !is.null(spz.range)) || (!is.null(spy.range) && is.null(spz.range))) {
    stop("either spy.range or spz.range is missing")
  if (!is.null(est.type) && est.type %not_in% c("ATE", "ATT", "ATC")) {
    stop("estimate type must be either \"ATE\", \"ATT\", or \"ATC\"")
  # set seed
  if (!is.numeric(seed) || anyNA(seed))
    stop("seed must be an integer")
  if (!is.integer(seed) && as.double(as.integer(seed)) != seed)
    warning("seed changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
  #extract variables from formula
  form.vars <- parse.formula(formula, resp.cov = NULL, data)
  Y <- form.vars$resp
  Z <- form.vars$trt
  X <- as.matrix(form.vars$covars)
  Z <- as.numeric(Z)  # treat factor-level Z as numeric...?  Or can recode so factor-level trt are a) not allowed b) not modeled (so no coefficient-type sensitivity params)
  if (is.null(data)) data <- data.frame(Y,Z,X)
  if (!is.binary(Z))
    stop("currently only binary treatments are supported")
  # Check whether data, options, and etc. conform to the format in "warnings.R"
  out.warnings <- warningsBART(formula, theta, grid.dim, nsim,
                               verbose, spy.range, spz.range, est.type, form.vars, data)
  formula   <- out.warnings$formula
  grid.dim  <- out.warnings$grid.dim
  nsim      <- out.warnings$nsim
  data      <- out.warnings$data
  spy.range <- out.warnings$zetay.range
  spz.range <- out.warnings$zetaz.range
  # check and change U.model
  if (verbose) cat("Binary U with binomial distribution is assumed.\n")
  U.model <- "binomial"    
  #standardize variables
  if (standardize) {
    Y <- std.nonbinary(Y)
    Z <- std.nonbinary(Z)
    if (!is.null(X)) X <- apply(X, 2, std.nonbinary)
  } else { #MH: following two lines are added to avoid error in contYZU
    Y <- as.numeric(Y)
    Z <- as.numeric(Z)
  ## fit null model for treatment models & get residuals
  n.obs <- length(Y)
  trt.model <- evaluateTreatmentModelArgument(matchedCall$trt.model)
  if (is(trt.model, "bartTreatmentModel")) {
    if (!is.null(X)) {
      diffLevels <- if (NCOL(X) > 1)
                      lapply(seq_len(ncol(X)), function(j) { m <- mean(X[,j]); s <- sd(X[,j]); c(m - 0.5 * s, m + 0.5 * s) })
                      list({ m <- mean(X); s <- sd(X); c(m - 0.5 * s, m + 0.5 * s) })
      null.bart <- pdbart(X, Z, levs = diffLevels, pl = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                          k = trt.model$k, ntree = trt.model$ntree, nskip = nburn, ndpost = nsim)
      null.trt  <- list(fitted.values = apply(pnorm(null.bart$yhat.train), 2, mean),
                        coef = c(NA_real_, sapply(null.bart$fd, function(pd) mean(apply(pd, 1, diff)))))
    } else {
      null.trt  <- list(fitted.values = rep(mean(Z), length(Z)))
  } else {
    null.trt <- if (!is.null(X)) glm(Z ~ X, family = trt.family) else glm(Z ~ 1, family = trt.family)

  Z.res <- Z - null.trt$fitted.values
  v_Z   <- var(Z.res) * (n.obs - 1) / (n.obs - 1 - if (!is.null(X)) NCOL(X) else 0)
  ## fit null model for the outcome and get residuals
  if (identical(est.type, "ATE") || is.null(est.type)) {
    Z.test  <- rep(TRUE, length(Z))
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATT")) {
    Z.test  <- Z == 1
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATC")) {
    Z.test  <- Z == 0
  Z.est <- 1 - Z[Z.test]
  X.test <- if (is.null(X)) Z.est else {
    if (ncol(X) > 1) cbind(X[Z.test,], Z.est) else cbind(X[Z.test], Z.est)
  colnames(X.test) <- if (is.null(X)) "Z" else {
    if (ncol(X) > 1 && !is.null(colnames(X))) c(colnames(X), "Z") else c(paste("X", 1:NCOL(X), sep = "."), "Z")
  X.train <- if (is.null(X)) Z else cbind(X, Z)
  colnames(X.train) <- colnames(X.test)

  null.resp <- dbarts::bart(x.train = X.train, y.train = Y, x.test = X.test, verbose = FALSE)
  Y.res <- Y - t(null.resp$yhat.train)  ## residual vectors from BART fit
  v_Y <- max(apply(Y.res, 2, var)) * (n.obs - 1) / (n.obs - NCOL(X) - 2)
  Y.res <- Y.res[,1]
  ## calculate tau0 and se.tau0 from the difference of two response surface
  if (identical(est.type, "ATE")) {
    diffs <- null.resp$yhat.train - null.resp$yhat.test
    diffs[, Z == 0] <- -diffs[, Z == 0]
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATT")) {
    diffs = null.resp$yhat.train[, Z == 1] - null.resp$yhat.test
  } else if (identical(est.type, "ATC")) {
    diffs = null.resp$yhat.test - null.resp$yhat.train[, Z == 0]
  tau0 <- mean(apply(diffs, 1, mean))
  se.tau0 <- sd(apply(diffs, 1, mean))
  sgnTau0 <- sign(tau0)

  ## Calculating coefficients for X  
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    Xcoef = cbind(null.trt$coef[-1], NA)
    sampler.control <- dbartsControl(keepTrainingFits = FALSE,
                                     n.samples = as.integer(nsim),                                   
                                     n.burn    = as.integer(0),                                   
                                     n.chains  = 1L,
                                     n.threads = 1L,
                                     updateState = FALSE)      ## only useful if you plan on save()ing
    sampler <- dbarts(X.train, Y, control = sampler.control)
    sampler$run(numSamples = 0, numBurnIn = if (nburn > 0) nburn else 1) ## burn it in without any test data
    x.test <- rbind(X.train, X.train)
    n <- nrow(X.train)
    p <- ncol(X.train)
    x.sd   <- apply(X.train, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)   ## get sds for each column
    x.mean <- apply(X.train, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE) ## get means for each column
    for (i in 1:(p - 1)) { ## exclude Z column
      if (is.binary(X.train[,i])){
        newColumn <- c(rep(1, n), rep(0, n))
      } else {
        if (identical(benchmarking, "2SD")) {
          newColumn <- c(rep(x.mean[i] + x.sd[i], n),     rep(x.mean[i] - x.sd[i], n))
        } else {
          newColumn <- c(rep(x.mean[i] + x.sd[i] / 2, n), rep(x.mean[i] - x.sd[i] / 2, n))
      sampler$setTestPredictor(newColumn, i)
      samples <- sampler$run()
      diffs <- samples$test[seq.int(n),] - samples$test[seq.int(n + 1, 2 * n),]
      Xcoef[i,2] = mean(diffs, na.rm = TRUE)
      oldColumn <- c(X.train[,i], X.train[,i])
      sampler$setTestPredictor(oldColumn, i)
    Xcoef.plot = Xcoef
    Xcoef.plot[,2] = abs(Xcoef[,2])
  } else {
    Xcoef <- Xcoef.plot <- NULL
  ### end X coef calculations
  grid.weights <- getWeights.BART(Z, est.type, trim.wt, null.trt, verbose)
  #Need to check how range is determined & what to do for BART
  #register control.fit
  control.fit <- list(resp.family = resp.family, trt.family = trt.family, U.model = U.model, 
                      standardize = standardize, weights = grid.weights, nsim = nsim, nthin = nthin, nburn = nburn, 
                      offset = TRUE, p = NULL, g = NULL, X.test = X.test, est.type = est.type, treatmentModel = trt.model, nthread = nthreads)
  range <- calc.range(sensParam, grid.dim, spz.range, spy.range, buffer, U.model, zero.loc, Xcoef.plot, Y, Z, X, Y.res, Z.res, v_Y, v_Z, theta, sgnTau0, control.fit, null.trt)
  zetaZ <- range$zetaZ
  zetaY <- range$zetaY
  grid.dim <- c(length(zetaZ), length(zetaY))
  sens.coef <- sens.se <- zeta.z <- zeta.y <- zz.se <- zy.se <- 
    array(NA, dim = c(grid.dim[2], grid.dim[1], nsim), dimnames = list(round(zetaY, 3), round(zetaZ, 3), NULL))
  #Call cibart sensitivity analysis
  cat("Computing final grid...\n")
  control.sens <- cibartControl(n.sim       = nsim,
                                n.burn.init = nburn,
                                n.thin      = nthin,
                                n.thread    = if (is.null(nthreads)) guessNumCores() else nthreads)

  ## this trick sets up the call in the frame the called us, so that any parameters
  ## used in the trt.model specification are looked up there
  cibartCall <- call("cibart", Y, Z, X,
                     X.test, zetaY, zetaZ, theta,
                     est.type, trt.model,
                     control.sens, verbose)
  cibartCall[[1]] <- quoteInNamespace(cibart)
  cellResults <- eval(cibartCall, parent.frame(1))
  for (i in 1:nsim) sens.coef[,,i] <- cellResults$sens.coef[i,,]
  for (j in 1:grid.dim[2]) {
    for (i in 1:grid.dim[1]) {
      sens.se[j,i,] <- cellResults$sens.se[j,i]
  ######end cibart call
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    result <- list(model.type = "BART", sensParam = sensParam, tau = sens.coef, se.tau = sens.se, 
                   sp.z = zeta.z, sp.y = zeta.y, 
                   se.spz = zz.se, se.spy = zy.se, 
                   Y = Y, Z = Z, X = X, sig2.resp = NULL, sig2.trt = NULL,
                   tau0 = tau0, se.tau0 = se.tau0,
                   Xcoef = Xcoef, Xcoef.plot = Xcoef.plot,
                   varnames = all.vars(formula), var_ytilde = v_Y, var_ztilde = v_Z)
    class(result) <- "sensitivity"
  } else {
    result <- list(model.type = "BART", sensParam = sensParam, tau = sens.coef, se.tau = sens.se, 
                   sp.z = zeta.z, sp.y = zeta.y, 
                   se.spz = zz.se, se.spy = zy.se, 
                   Y = Y, Z = Z, sig2.resp = NULL, sig2.trt = NULL,
                   tau0 = tau0, se.tau0 = se.tau0,
                   Xcoef = Xcoef, Xcoef.plot = Xcoef.plot,
                   varnames = all.vars(formula),var_ytilde = v_Y,var_ztilde = v_Z)
    class(result) <- "sensitivity"


fit.treatSens.BART <- function(sensParam, Y, Z, Y.res, Z.res, X, zetaY, zetaZ,v_Y, v_Z, theta, control.fit) {
  treatmentModel = control.fit$treatmentModel
  est.type = control.fit$est.type
  X.test = control.fit$X.test

  control.sens <- cibartControl(n.sim       = control.fit$nsim,
                                n.burn.init = control.fit$nburn,
                                n.thin      = control.fit$nthin,
                                n.thread    = 1)
  cibartCall <- call("cibart", Y, Z, X,
                     X.test, zetaY, zetaZ, theta,
                     est.type, treatmentModel,
                     control.sens, verbose = FALSE)
  cibartCall[[1]] <- quoteInNamespace(cibart)
  cellResults <- eval(cibartCall, parent.frame(1))
  list(sens.coef = mean(cellResults$sens.coef),
       sens.se = cellResults$sens.se[1, 1],
       zeta.y = zetaY,
       zeta.z = zetaZ,
       zy.se = NULL,
       zz.se = NULL,
       resp.sigma2 = NULL,
       trt.sigma2 = NULL,
       p = NULL)

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