
Defines functions treepl treeco tree.screens tree.matrix tree.depth tree.control tile.tree text.tree print.summary.tree summary.tree snip.tree residuals.tree print.tree partition.tree node.match model.frame.tree misclass.tree labels.tree deviance.tree descendants data.tree cv.tree .onUnload

Documented in cv.tree deviance.tree misclass.tree partition.tree print.summary.tree print.tree residuals.tree snip.tree summary.tree text.tree tile.tree tree.control tree.screens

#  tree/R/treemisc.R Copyright (C) 1994-2018 B. D. Ripley
#  miscellaneous support routines for package 'tree'.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

.noGenerics <- TRUE

.onUnload <- function(libpath) library.dynam.unload("tree", libpath)

tree_env <- new.env()

cv.tree <- function(object, rand, FUN = prune.tree, K = 10, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    m <- model.frame(object)
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    FUN <- deparse(substitute(FUN))
    init <- do.call(FUN, c(list(object), extras))
    if(missing(rand)) rand <- sample(K, length(m[[1L]]), replace = TRUE)
    cvdev <- 0
    ## need to drop 'k' from extras
    extras$k <- NULL
    for(i in unique(rand)) {
        tlearn <- tree(model = m[rand != i,  , drop = FALSE])
        plearn <- do.call(FUN, c(list(tlearn, newdata =
                                      m[rand == i, , drop = FALSE],
                                      k = init$k), extras))
        cvdev <- cvdev + plearn$dev
    init$dev <- cvdev

data.tree <- function(tree)
    oc <- tree$call
    while(oc[[1L]] != "tree") oc <- eval(oc[[2L]])$call
    if(is.null(oc$data)) NULL
    else {
        warning("retrieving data from ", deparse(oc$data))

descendants <- function(nodes, include = TRUE)
    n <- length(nodes)
    if(n == 1L) return(matrix(TRUE, 1L, 1L))
    ind <- 1L:n
    desc <- matrix(FALSE, n, n)
    if(include) diag(desc) <- TRUE
    parents <- match((nodes %/% 2L), nodes)
    lev <- floor(log(nodes, base = 2))
    desc[1L, 2L:n] <- TRUE
    for(i in max(lev):2L) {
        desc[cbind(ind[parents[lev == i]], ind[lev == i])] <- TRUE
        parents[lev == i] <- parents[parents[lev == i]]
        lev[lev == i] <- i - 1L

deviance.tree <- function(object, detail = FALSE, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    frame <- object$frame
    if(detail) frame$dev
    else sum(frame$dev[frame$var == "<leaf>"])

labels.tree <- function(object, pretty = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    frame <- object$frame
    xlevels <- attr(object, "xlevels")
    var <- as.character(frame$var)
    splits <- matrix(sub("^>", " > ", sub("^<", " < ", frame$splits)),, 2L)
    lt <- c(letters, 0:5) # max 32 levels
    if(!is.null(pretty)) {
        if(pretty) xlevels <- lapply(xlevels, abbreviate, minlength=pretty)
        for(i in grep("^:", splits[, 1L],))
            for(j in 1L:2L) {
                sh <- splits[i, j]
                nc <- nchar(sh)
                sh <- substring(sh, 2L:nc, 2L:nc)
                xl <- xlevels[[var[i]]][match(sh, lt)]
                splits[i, j] <- paste0(": ", paste(as.vector(xl), collapse=","))

    if(!collapse) return(array(paste0(var, splits), dim(splits)))
    node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
    parent <- match((node %/% 2L), node)
    odd <- as.logical(node %% 2L)
    node[odd] <- paste0(var[parent[odd]], splits[parent[odd], 2L])
    node[!odd] <- paste0(var[parent[!odd]], splits[parent[!odd], 1L])
    node[1L] <- "root"

misclass.tree <- function(tree, detail = FALSE)
    if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    if(is.null(attr(tree, "ylevels")))
        stop("misclassification error rate is appropriate for factor responses only")
    if(is.null(y <- tree$y)) y <- model.response(model.frame(tree))
    if(is.null(wts <- tree$weights)) wts <- model.weights(model.frame(tree))
    if(is.null(wts)) wts <- rep(1, length(y))
    frame <- tree$frame
    if(detail) {
        which <- descendants(as.integer(row.names(frame)))
        tmp <- as.vector((which[, tree$where] *
                          outer(frame$yval, y, "!=")) %*% wts)
        names(tmp) <- row.names(tree$frame)
    else sum(wts*(frame$yval[tree$where] != y))

model.frame.tree <- function(formula, ...)
    if(!is.null(m <- formula$model)) return(m)
    oc <- formula$call
    if(substring(deparse(oc[[1L]]), 1L, 7L) == "predict") {
        m <- eval(oc$newdata)
        if(is.null(attr(m, "terms"))) {
            object <- eval(oc$object)
            m <- model.frame(object$terms, m, na.pass)
    while(!deparse(oc[[1L]]) %in% c("tree", "tree::tree", "tree:::tree"))
        oc <- eval(oc[[2L]])$call
    oc$subset <- names(formula$where)
    oc$method <- "model.frame"

node.match <- function(nodes, nodelist, leaves, print.it = TRUE)
    node.index <- match(nodes, nodelist, nomatch = 0L)
    bad <- nodes[node.index == 0L]
    if(length(bad) > 0L & print.it)
        warning("supplied nodes ", paste(bad, collapse = ","),
                " are not in this tree")
    good <- nodes[node.index > 0L]
    if(!missing(leaves) && any(leaves <- leaves[node.index])) {
        warning("supplied nodes ",
                paste(good[leaves], collapse = ","), " are leaves")
        node.index[node.index > 0L][!leaves]
    else node.index[node.index > 0L]

partition.tree <- function(tree, label = "yval", add = FALSE, ordvars, ...)
    ptXlines <- function(x, v, xrange, xcoord = NULL, ycoord = NULL, tvar, i = 1L)
        if(v[i] == "<leaf>") {
            y1 <- (xrange[1L] + xrange[3L])/2
            y2 <- (xrange[2L] + xrange[4L])/2
            return(list(xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = c(ycoord, y1, y2), i = i))
        if(v[i] == tvar[1L]) {
            xcoord <- c(xcoord, x[i], xrange[2L], x[i], xrange[4L])
            xr <- xrange
            xr[3L] <- x[i]
            ll2 <- Recall(x, v, xr, xcoord, ycoord, tvar, i + 1L)
            xr <- xrange
            xr[1L] <- x[i]
            return(Recall(x, v, xr, ll2$xcoord, ll2$ycoord, tvar, ll2$i + 1L))
        } else if(v[i] == tvar[2L]) {
            xcoord <- c(xcoord, xrange[1L], x[i], xrange[3L], x[i])
            xr <- xrange
            xr[4L] <- x[i]
            ll2 <- Recall(x, v, xr, xcoord, ycoord, tvar, i + 1L)
            xr <- xrange
            xr[2L] <- x[i]
            return(Recall(x, v, xr, ll2$xcoord, ll2$ycoord, tvar, ll2$i + 1L))
        else stop("wrong variable numbers in tree.")
    if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
    if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    frame <- tree$frame
    leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
    var <- unique(as.character(frame$var[!leaves]))
    if(length(var) > 2L || length(var) < 1L)
        stop("tree can only have one or two predictors")
    nlevels <- sapply(attr(tree, "xlevels"), length)
    if(any(nlevels[var] > 0L))
        stop("tree can only have continuous predictors")
    x <- rep(NA, length(leaves))
    x[!leaves] <- as.double(substring(frame$splits[!leaves, "cutleft"],
                                      2L, 100L))
    m <- model.frame(tree)
    if(length(var) == 1L) {
        ## one x variable
        x <- sort(c(range(m[[var]]), x[!leaves]))
        if(is.null(attr(tree, "ylevels"))) y <- frame$yval[leaves]
        else y <- frame$yprob[, 1L]
        y <- c(y, y[length(y)])
        if(add) lines(x, y, type = "s", ...)
        else {
            a <- attributes(attr(m, "terms"))
            yvar <- as.character(a$variables[1+a$response])
            xo <- m[[yvar]]
            if(is.factor(xo)) ylim <- c(0,1) else ylim <- range(xo)
            plot(x, y, ylab = yvar, xlab = var, type = "s", ylim = ylim,
                 xaxs = "i", ...)
        invisible(list(x = x, y = y))
    } else {
        ## two x variables
        if(!missing(ordvars)) {
            ind <- match(var, ordvars)
            if(any(is.na(ind))) stop("unmatched names in vars")
            var <- ordvars[sort(ind)]
        lab <- frame$yval[leaves]
        if(is.null(frame$yprob)) lab <- format(signif(lab, 3L))
        else if(match(label, attr(tree, "ylevels"), nomatch = 0L))
            lab <- format(signif(frame$yprob[leaves, label], 3L))
        rx <- range(m[[var[1L]]])
        rx <- rx + c(-0.025, 0.025) * diff(rx)
        rz <- range(m[[var[2L]]])
        rz <- rz + c(-0.025, 0.025) * diff(rz)
        xrange <- c(rx, rz)[c(1, 3, 2, 4)]
        xcoord <- NULL                  # x1lo, x2lo, x1hi, x2hi
        ycoord <- NULL                  # y1, y2
        xy <- ptXlines(x, frame$var, xrange, xcoord, ycoord, var)
        xx <- matrix(xy$xcoord, nrow = 4L)
        yy <- matrix(xy$ycoord, nrow = 2L)
            plot(rx, rz, xlab = var[1L], ylab = var[2L], type = "n",
                 xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...)
        segments(xx[1L,  ], xx[2L,  ], xx[3L,  ], xx[4L,  ])
        text(yy[1L,  ], yy[2L,  ], as.character(lab), ...)

plot.tree <- function (x, y = NULL,
                       type = c("proportional", "uniform"), ...)
    if(inherits(x, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
    if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    type <- match.arg(type)
    uniform <- type == "uniform"
    dev <- dev.cur()
    if (dev == 1L) dev <- 2L # as device will be opened.
    assign(paste0("device", dev), uniform, envir = tree_env)
    invisible(treepl(treeco(x, uniform),
                     node = as.integer(row.names(x$frame)), ...))

print.tree <-
    function(x, pretty = 0, spaces = 2, digits = getOption("digits")-3, ...)
    if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    is.prob <- !is.null(ylevels <- attr(x, "ylevels"))
    if(is.prob) cat("node), split, n, deviance, yval, (yprob)\n")
    else cat("node), split, n, deviance, yval\n")
    cat("      * denotes terminal node\n\n")
    frame <- x$frame
    node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
    depth <- tree.depth(node)
    indent <- paste(rep(" ", spaces * 32), collapse = "")
                                     #32 is the maximal depth
    if(length(node) > 1L) {
        indent <- substring(indent, 1L, spaces * seq(depth))
        indent <- paste0(c("", indent[depth]), format(node), ")")
    } else
    indent <- paste0(format(node), ")")
    if(is.prob) {
        yval <- paste0(as.character(frame$yval), " (")
        yprob <- format(frame$yprob, digits = digits)
        for(i in seq(ylevels)) yval <- paste(yval, yprob[, i])
        yval <- paste(yval, ")")
    } else
    yval <- format(signif(frame$yval, digits = digits))
    term <- rep(" ", length(depth))
    term[frame$var == "<leaf>"] <- "*"
    z <- labels.tree(x, pretty = pretty)
    z <- paste(indent, z, round(frame$n, 2L),
               format(signif(frame$dev, digits = digits)),
               yval, term)
    cat(z, sep = "\n")

residuals.tree <-
    function(object, type = c("usual", "pearson", "deviance"), ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    if(is.null(y <- object$y))
        y <- model.extract(model.frame(object), "response")
    frame <- object$frame
    if(is.null(attr(object, "ylevels"))) return(y - frame$yval[object$where])
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type == "usual") yhat <- frame$yval[object$where]
    else yhat <- frame$yprob[object$where,  ][cbind(seq(y), unclass(y))]
    r <- switch(type,
                usual = as.integer(y != yhat),
                pearson = (1 - yhat)/yhat,
                deviance = -2 * log(yhat))
    names(r) <- names(y)

snip.tree <-
    function(tree, nodes, xy.save = FALSE, digits = getOption("digits") - 3)
    .snip.tree <- function(tree, nodes)
        where <- tree$where
        frame <- tree$frame
        node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
        if(is.null(frame$which)) frame$which <- descendants(node, FALSE)
        i <- match(nodes, node)
        frame$var[i] <- "<leaf>"
        frame$splits[i,  ] <- ""
        ii <- frame$which[i,  , drop = FALSE]
        keep <- !apply(ii, 2L, any)
        frame <- frame[keep,  , drop = FALSE]
        frame$which <- frame$which[, keep, drop = FALSE]
        where <- match(node[where], node[keep])
        nn <- match(nodes, node[keep])
        for(n in seq(length(nodes))) where[ii[n, tree$where]] <- nn[n]
        tree$frame <- frame
        tree$where <- structure(where, names = names(tree$where))

    if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot snip singlenode tree")
    if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    call <- match.call()
    node <- as.integer(row.names(tree$frame))
    if(missing(nodes)) {
        iprev <- i <- 0L
        nodes <- NULL
        totdev <- deviance(tree)
        xy <- treeco(tree)
        tree$frame$which <- descendants(node, include = FALSE)
        labs <- c("node number: ", "  tree deviance = ", "  subtree deviance = ")
        while(length(i <- identify(xy$x, xy$y, n=1, plot=FALSE)) > 0L) {
            if(tree$frame$var[i] == "<leaf>") {
                cat("Terminal node -- try again\n")
            ii <- tree$frame$which[i,  ]
            if(i != iprev) {
                frame <- tree$frame
                dev <- frame$dev
                node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
                newdev <- totdev - sum(dev[ii & (frame$var == "<leaf>")]) + dev[i]
                stats <- c(node[i], format(signif(c(totdev, newdev), digits)))
                cat(paste(labs, stats, "\n"))
                iprev <- i
            } else {
                xy <- treepl(xy, node, erase = ii)
                nodes <- c(nodes, node[i])
                tree <- .snip.tree(tree, node[i])
                totdev <- newdev
        if(xy.save) attr(tree, ".xy") <- xy
    } else {
        i <- node.match(nodes, node, tree$frame$var == "<leaf>")
        if(length(i) == 0L) return(tree)
        nodes <- node[i]
        which <- descendants(node, include = TRUE)
        nodes <- nodes[colSums(which[i,  ] %*% which[, i]) == 1]
        diag(which) <- FALSE
        tree$frame$which <- which
        tree <- .snip.tree(tree, nodes)
    tree$frame$which <- NULL
    call$nodes <- nodes
    tree$call <- call
    if(dim(tree$frame)[1L] == 1L) class(tree) <- "singlenode"

summary.tree <- function(object, ...)
    obj <- list(call = object$call)
    frame <- object$frame
    obj$type <- if(is.reg <- is.null(attr(object, "ylevels")))
        "\nRegression tree:\n" else "\nClassification tree:\n"
    leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
    variables <- names(attr(object, "xlevels"))
    used <- unique(frame$var[!leaves])
    if(length(used) < length(variables)) obj$used <- used
    obj$size <- sum(leaves)
    obj$df <- frame$n[1L] - obj$size
    obj$dev <- deviance.tree(object)
    if(!is.reg) obj$misclass <- c(misclass.tree(object), frame$n[1L])
    else obj$residuals <- residuals(object)
    class(obj) <- "summary.tree"

print.summary.tree <-
    function(x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 3, 3), ...)
    if(!is.null(x$used)) {
        cat("Variables actually used in tree construction:\n")
    cat(paste("Number of terminal nodes: ", x$size, "\n"))
        cat("Effective number of terminal nodes: ",
            format(signif(x$ effect.size, digits)), "\n")
    cat(paste("Residual mean deviance: ",
              format(signif(x$dev/x$df, digits)), "=",
              format(signif(x$dev, digits)), "/",
              format(signif(x$df, digits)), "\n"))
        cat("Misclassification error rate:",
            format(signif(x$misclass[1L]/x$misclass[2L], digits)),
            "=", x$misclass[1L], "/", x$ misclass[2L], "\n")
    else {
        cat("Distribution of residuals:\n")
        print(summary(x$residuals, digits = digits, ...))

text.tree <-
    function(x, splits = TRUE, label = "yval", all = FALSE,
             pretty = NULL, digits = getOption("digits") - 3,
             adj = par("adj"), xpd = TRUE, ...)
    oldxpd <- par(xpd=xpd)
    if(inherits(x, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
    if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    frame <- x$frame
    column <- names(frame)
    if(!is.null(ylevels <- attr(x, "ylevels"))) column <- c(column, ylevels)
    if(!is.null(label) && is.na(match(label, column)))
        stop("label must be a column label of the frame component of the tree")
    charht <- par("cxy")[2L]
    if(!is.null(srt <- list(...)$srt) && srt == 90) {
        if(missing(adj)) adj <- 0
        ladj <- 1 - adj
    } else ladj <- adj
    xy <- treeco(x)
    if(splits) {
        node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
        left.child <- match(2 * node, node)
        rows <- labels.tree(x, pretty = pretty)[left.child]
        ind <- !is.na(rows)
        text(xy$x[ind], xy$y[ind] + 0.5 * charht, rows[ind], adj=adj,  ...)
    if(!is.null(label)) {
        leaves <- if(all) rep(TRUE, nrow(frame)) else frame$var == "<leaf>"
        if(label == "yval" & !is.null(ylevels))
            stat <- as.character(frame$yval[leaves])
        else if(!is.null(ylevels) && !is.na(lev <- match(label, ylevels)))
            stat <- format(signif(frame$yprob[leaves, lev], digits = digits))
        else stat <- format(signif(frame[leaves, label], digits = digits))
        if(!is.null(dim(stat)) && dim(stat)[2L] > 1) {
                stat[1L,  ] <- paste(sep = ":", dimnames(stat)[[2L]], stat[1L,  ])
            stat <- do.call("paste",
                            c(list(sep = "\n"), split(stat, col(stat))))
        text(xy$x[leaves], xy$y[leaves] - 0.5 * charht, labels = stat,
             adj = ladj, ...)

tile.tree <- function(tree, var, screen.arg = ascr + 1, axes = TRUE)
    if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot tile singlenode tree")
    if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
    where <- tree$where
    varname <- substitute(var)
    v <- match(deparse(varname), as.character(attr(tree$terms, "variables")),
               nomatch = 0L)
    if(v) var <- model.frame(tree)[, v]
    else {
        if(!is.null(data <- data.tree(tree))) {
            var <- eval(varname, data)
            names(var) <- row.names(data)
        } # else names(var) <- database.attr("row.names")
        var <- var[names(where)]
    if(length(var) != length(where))
        stop("variable length must match that of data used in fit")
    if(any(is.na(var))) var <- na.tree.replace(list(var = var))$var
    if(!(levx <- length(levels(var)))) {
        var <- cut(var, quantile(var) - c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        levx <- 4L
        names(var) <- names(where)
    leaves <- tree$frame$var == "<leaf>"
    nl <- sum(leaves)
    x <- seq(nl)
    indices <- unlist(split(names(where), where))
    counts <- c(table(var[indices], rep(1L:nl, tree$frame$n[leaves])))
    xm <- max(x)
    y <- seq(0, 1, length = levx + 1L)[-1L]
    dy <- y[2L] - y[1L]
    y <- rep(y, nl)[as.logical(counts)]
    x <- rep(x, rep(levx, nl))[as.logical(counts)]
    dx <- counts[as.logical(counts)]/(max(counts) * 2)
    x <- rbind(x, x - dx, x - dx, x, x, NA)
    y <- rbind(y, y, y + dy, y + dy, y, NA)
    if(!(ascr <- screen())) stop("need to use split.screen first")
    xpd <- par(xpd = TRUE, mar=rep(0,4))
    plot(x, y, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = c(1, xm))
        abline(v = seq(xm))
    screen(ascr, new = FALSE)
    counts <- matrix(counts, levx, nl,
                     dimnames = list(levels(var), row.names(tree$frame)[leaves]))

tree.control <- function(nobs, mincut = 5, minsize = 10, mindev = 0.01)
    mcut <- missing(mincut)
    msize <- missing(minsize)
    if(mincut > (minsize/2)) {
        if(mcut) mincut <- trunc(minsize/2)
        else if(msize && !mcut) minsize <- 2 * mincut
        else if(!msize && !mcut)
            stop("mincut cannot be greater than minsize/2")
    mincut <- max(1, mincut)
    minsize <- max(2, minsize)
    nmax <- ceiling((4 * nobs)/(minsize - 1))
    list(mincut = mincut, minsize = minsize, mindev = mindev, nmax = nmax,
         nobs = nobs)

tree.depth <- function(nodes)
    depth <- floor(log(nodes, base = 2) + 1e-7)
    as.vector(depth - min(depth))

tree.matrix <- function(frame)
    if(!inherits(frame, "data.frame")) return(as.matrix(frame))
    frame$"(weights)" <- NULL
    terms <- attr(frame, "terms")
    if(is.null(terms)) predictors <- names(frame)
    else predictors <- as.character(attr(terms, "term.labels"))
    frame <- frame[predictors]
    term.levels <- lapply(frame, levels)
    factors <- sapply(term.levels, function(x) length(x) > 0L)
    if(any(factors)) {
        for(preds in predictors[factors])
            frame[[preds]] <- as.vector(unclass(frame[[preds]]))
        x <- as.matrix(frame)
        column.levels <- vector("list", ncol(x))
        names(column.levels) <- dimnames(x)[[2L]]
        TT <- term.levels[factors > 0L]
        column.levels[names(TT)] <- TT
        attr(x, "column.levels") <- column.levels
    else x <- as.matrix(frame)
    class(x) <- "matrix"

tree.screens <- function(figs, screen.arg = 0, ...)
        figs <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.25, 0.05, 1, 0.25), 2L, 4L)
    which <- split.screen(figs, screen.arg)
    par(mar = rep(0, 4), cex = 1, ...)

treeco <-
    function(tree, uniform)
    if(missing(uniform)) {
        pn <- paste0("device", dev.cur())
        uniform <- if(exists(pn, envir = tree_env, inherits = FALSE))
            get(pn, envir = tree_env, inherits = FALSE)
        else FALSE

    frame <- tree$frame
    node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
    depth <- tree.depth(node)
    x <- -depth
    if(uniform) y <- x
    else {
        y <- dev <- frame$dev
        depth <- split(seq(node), depth)
        parent <- match(node %/% 2L, node)
        sibling <- match(ifelse(node %% 2L, node - 1L, node + 1L), node)
        for(i in depth[-1L])
            y[i] <- y[parent[i]] - dev[parent[i]] + dev[i] + dev[sibling[i]]
    depth <- -x # seems unneeded
    leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
    x[leaves] <- seq(sum(leaves))
    depth <- split(seq(node)[!leaves], depth[!leaves])
    left.child <- match(node * 2L, node)
    right.child <- match(node * 2 + 1L, node)
    for(i in rev(depth)) x[i] <- 0.5 * (x[left.child[i]] + x[right.child[i]])
    list(x = x, y = y)

treepl <- function(xy, node, erase = FALSE, ...)
    x <- xy$x; y <- xy$y
    parent <- match((node %/% 2L), node)
    sibling <- match(ifelse(node %% 2L, node - 1L, node + 1L), node)
    xx <- rbind(x, x, x[sibling], x[sibling], NA)
    yy <- rbind(y, y[parent], y[parent], y[sibling], NA)
    if(any(erase)) {
        lines(c(xx[, erase]), c(yy[, erase]), col = par("bg"))
        return(list(x = x[!erase], y = y[!erase]))
    plot(range(x), range(y), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    text(x[1L], y[1L], "|", ...)
    lines(c(xx[, -1L]), c(yy[, -1L]), ...)
    list(x = x, y = y)

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tree documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:10 p.m.