# tree/R/treemisc.R Copyright (C) 1994-2018 B. D. Ripley
# miscellaneous support routines for package 'tree'.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
.noGenerics <- TRUE
.onUnload <- function(libpath) library.dynam.unload("tree", libpath)
tree_env <- new.env()
cv.tree <- function(object, rand, FUN = prune.tree, K = 10, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
m <- model.frame(object)
extras <- = FALSE)$...
FUN <- deparse(substitute(FUN))
init <-, c(list(object), extras))
if(missing(rand)) rand <- sample(K, length(m[[1L]]), replace = TRUE)
cvdev <- 0
## need to drop 'k' from extras
extras$k <- NULL
for(i in unique(rand)) {
tlearn <- tree(model = m[rand != i, , drop = FALSE])
plearn <-, c(list(tlearn, newdata =
m[rand == i, , drop = FALSE],
k = init$k), extras))
cvdev <- cvdev + plearn$dev
init$dev <- cvdev
data.tree <- function(tree)
oc <- tree$call
while(oc[[1L]] != "tree") oc <- eval(oc[[2L]])$call
if(is.null(oc$data)) NULL
else {
warning("retrieving data from ", deparse(oc$data))
descendants <- function(nodes, include = TRUE)
n <- length(nodes)
if(n == 1L) return(matrix(TRUE, 1L, 1L))
ind <- 1L:n
desc <- matrix(FALSE, n, n)
if(include) diag(desc) <- TRUE
parents <- match((nodes %/% 2L), nodes)
lev <- floor(log(nodes, base = 2))
desc[1L, 2L:n] <- TRUE
for(i in max(lev):2L) {
desc[cbind(ind[parents[lev == i]], ind[lev == i])] <- TRUE
parents[lev == i] <- parents[parents[lev == i]]
lev[lev == i] <- i - 1L
deviance.tree <- function(object, detail = FALSE, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
frame <- object$frame
if(detail) frame$dev
else sum(frame$dev[frame$var == "<leaf>"])
labels.tree <- function(object, pretty = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
frame <- object$frame
xlevels <- attr(object, "xlevels")
var <- as.character(frame$var)
splits <- matrix(sub("^>", " > ", sub("^<", " < ", frame$splits)),, 2L)
lt <- c(letters, 0:5) # max 32 levels
if(!is.null(pretty)) {
if(pretty) xlevels <- lapply(xlevels, abbreviate, minlength=pretty)
for(i in grep("^:", splits[, 1L],))
for(j in 1L:2L) {
sh <- splits[i, j]
nc <- nchar(sh)
sh <- substring(sh, 2L:nc, 2L:nc)
xl <- xlevels[[var[i]]][match(sh, lt)]
splits[i, j] <- paste0(": ", paste(as.vector(xl), collapse=","))
if(!collapse) return(array(paste0(var, splits), dim(splits)))
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
parent <- match((node %/% 2L), node)
odd <- as.logical(node %% 2L)
node[odd] <- paste0(var[parent[odd]], splits[parent[odd], 2L])
node[!odd] <- paste0(var[parent[!odd]], splits[parent[!odd], 1L])
node[1L] <- "root"
misclass.tree <- function(tree, detail = FALSE)
if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
if(is.null(attr(tree, "ylevels")))
stop("misclassification error rate is appropriate for factor responses only")
if(is.null(y <- tree$y)) y <- model.response(model.frame(tree))
if(is.null(wts <- tree$weights)) wts <- model.weights(model.frame(tree))
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- rep(1, length(y))
frame <- tree$frame
if(detail) {
which <- descendants(as.integer(row.names(frame)))
tmp <- as.vector((which[, tree$where] *
outer(frame$yval, y, "!=")) %*% wts)
names(tmp) <- row.names(tree$frame)
else sum(wts*(frame$yval[tree$where] != y))
model.frame.tree <- function(formula, ...)
if(!is.null(m <- formula$model)) return(m)
oc <- formula$call
if(substring(deparse(oc[[1L]]), 1L, 7L) == "predict") {
m <- eval(oc$newdata)
if(is.null(attr(m, "terms"))) {
object <- eval(oc$object)
m <- model.frame(object$terms, m, na.pass)
while(!deparse(oc[[1L]]) %in% c("tree", "tree::tree", "tree:::tree"))
oc <- eval(oc[[2L]])$call
oc$subset <- names(formula$where)
oc$method <- "model.frame"
node.match <- function(nodes, nodelist, leaves, = TRUE)
node.index <- match(nodes, nodelist, nomatch = 0L)
bad <- nodes[node.index == 0L]
if(length(bad) > 0L &
warning("supplied nodes ", paste(bad, collapse = ","),
" are not in this tree")
good <- nodes[node.index > 0L]
if(!missing(leaves) && any(leaves <- leaves[node.index])) {
warning("supplied nodes ",
paste(good[leaves], collapse = ","), " are leaves")
node.index[node.index > 0L][!leaves]
else node.index[node.index > 0L]
partition.tree <- function(tree, label = "yval", add = FALSE, ordvars, ...)
ptXlines <- function(x, v, xrange, xcoord = NULL, ycoord = NULL, tvar, i = 1L)
if(v[i] == "<leaf>") {
y1 <- (xrange[1L] + xrange[3L])/2
y2 <- (xrange[2L] + xrange[4L])/2
return(list(xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = c(ycoord, y1, y2), i = i))
if(v[i] == tvar[1L]) {
xcoord <- c(xcoord, x[i], xrange[2L], x[i], xrange[4L])
xr <- xrange
xr[3L] <- x[i]
ll2 <- Recall(x, v, xr, xcoord, ycoord, tvar, i + 1L)
xr <- xrange
xr[1L] <- x[i]
return(Recall(x, v, xr, ll2$xcoord, ll2$ycoord, tvar, ll2$i + 1L))
} else if(v[i] == tvar[2L]) {
xcoord <- c(xcoord, xrange[1L], x[i], xrange[3L], x[i])
xr <- xrange
xr[4L] <- x[i]
ll2 <- Recall(x, v, xr, xcoord, ycoord, tvar, i + 1L)
xr <- xrange
xr[2L] <- x[i]
return(Recall(x, v, xr, ll2$xcoord, ll2$ycoord, tvar, ll2$i + 1L))
else stop("wrong variable numbers in tree.")
if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
frame <- tree$frame
leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
var <- unique(as.character(frame$var[!leaves]))
if(length(var) > 2L || length(var) < 1L)
stop("tree can only have one or two predictors")
nlevels <- sapply(attr(tree, "xlevels"), length)
if(any(nlevels[var] > 0L))
stop("tree can only have continuous predictors")
x <- rep(NA, length(leaves))
x[!leaves] <- as.double(substring(frame$splits[!leaves, "cutleft"],
2L, 100L))
m <- model.frame(tree)
if(length(var) == 1L) {
## one x variable
x <- sort(c(range(m[[var]]), x[!leaves]))
if(is.null(attr(tree, "ylevels"))) y <- frame$yval[leaves]
else y <- frame$yprob[, 1L]
y <- c(y, y[length(y)])
if(add) lines(x, y, type = "s", ...)
else {
a <- attributes(attr(m, "terms"))
yvar <- as.character(a$variables[1+a$response])
xo <- m[[yvar]]
if(is.factor(xo)) ylim <- c(0,1) else ylim <- range(xo)
plot(x, y, ylab = yvar, xlab = var, type = "s", ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", ...)
invisible(list(x = x, y = y))
} else {
## two x variables
if(!missing(ordvars)) {
ind <- match(var, ordvars)
if(any( stop("unmatched names in vars")
var <- ordvars[sort(ind)]
lab <- frame$yval[leaves]
if(is.null(frame$yprob)) lab <- format(signif(lab, 3L))
else if(match(label, attr(tree, "ylevels"), nomatch = 0L))
lab <- format(signif(frame$yprob[leaves, label], 3L))
rx <- range(m[[var[1L]]])
rx <- rx + c(-0.025, 0.025) * diff(rx)
rz <- range(m[[var[2L]]])
rz <- rz + c(-0.025, 0.025) * diff(rz)
xrange <- c(rx, rz)[c(1, 3, 2, 4)]
xcoord <- NULL # x1lo, x2lo, x1hi, x2hi
ycoord <- NULL # y1, y2
xy <- ptXlines(x, frame$var, xrange, xcoord, ycoord, var)
xx <- matrix(xy$xcoord, nrow = 4L)
yy <- matrix(xy$ycoord, nrow = 2L)
plot(rx, rz, xlab = var[1L], ylab = var[2L], type = "n",
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...)
segments(xx[1L, ], xx[2L, ], xx[3L, ], xx[4L, ])
text(yy[1L, ], yy[2L, ], as.character(lab), ...)
plot.tree <- function (x, y = NULL,
type = c("proportional", "uniform"), ...)
if(inherits(x, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
type <- match.arg(type)
uniform <- type == "uniform"
dev <- dev.cur()
if (dev == 1L) dev <- 2L # as device will be opened.
assign(paste0("device", dev), uniform, envir = tree_env)
invisible(treepl(treeco(x, uniform),
node = as.integer(row.names(x$frame)), ...))
print.tree <-
function(x, pretty = 0, spaces = 2, digits = getOption("digits")-3, ...)
if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
is.prob <- !is.null(ylevels <- attr(x, "ylevels"))
if(is.prob) cat("node), split, n, deviance, yval, (yprob)\n")
else cat("node), split, n, deviance, yval\n")
cat(" * denotes terminal node\n\n")
frame <- x$frame
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
depth <- tree.depth(node)
indent <- paste(rep(" ", spaces * 32), collapse = "")
#32 is the maximal depth
if(length(node) > 1L) {
indent <- substring(indent, 1L, spaces * seq(depth))
indent <- paste0(c("", indent[depth]), format(node), ")")
} else
indent <- paste0(format(node), ")")
if(is.prob) {
yval <- paste0(as.character(frame$yval), " (")
yprob <- format(frame$yprob, digits = digits)
for(i in seq(ylevels)) yval <- paste(yval, yprob[, i])
yval <- paste(yval, ")")
} else
yval <- format(signif(frame$yval, digits = digits))
term <- rep(" ", length(depth))
term[frame$var == "<leaf>"] <- "*"
z <- labels.tree(x, pretty = pretty)
z <- paste(indent, z, round(frame$n, 2L),
format(signif(frame$dev, digits = digits)),
yval, term)
cat(z, sep = "\n")
residuals.tree <-
function(object, type = c("usual", "pearson", "deviance"), ...)
if(!inherits(object, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
if(is.null(y <- object$y))
y <- model.extract(model.frame(object), "response")
frame <- object$frame
if(is.null(attr(object, "ylevels"))) return(y - frame$yval[object$where])
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "usual") yhat <- frame$yval[object$where]
else yhat <- frame$yprob[object$where, ][cbind(seq(y), unclass(y))]
r <- switch(type,
usual = as.integer(y != yhat),
pearson = (1 - yhat)/yhat,
deviance = -2 * log(yhat))
names(r) <- names(y)
snip.tree <-
function(tree, nodes, = FALSE, digits = getOption("digits") - 3)
.snip.tree <- function(tree, nodes)
where <- tree$where
frame <- tree$frame
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
if(is.null(frame$which)) frame$which <- descendants(node, FALSE)
i <- match(nodes, node)
frame$var[i] <- "<leaf>"
frame$splits[i, ] <- ""
ii <- frame$which[i, , drop = FALSE]
keep <- !apply(ii, 2L, any)
frame <- frame[keep, , drop = FALSE]
frame$which <- frame$which[, keep, drop = FALSE]
where <- match(node[where], node[keep])
nn <- match(nodes, node[keep])
for(n in seq(length(nodes))) where[ii[n, tree$where]] <- nn[n]
tree$frame <- frame
tree$where <- structure(where, names = names(tree$where))
if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot snip singlenode tree")
if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
call <-
node <- as.integer(row.names(tree$frame))
if(missing(nodes)) {
iprev <- i <- 0L
nodes <- NULL
totdev <- deviance(tree)
xy <- treeco(tree)
tree$frame$which <- descendants(node, include = FALSE)
labs <- c("node number: ", " tree deviance = ", " subtree deviance = ")
while(length(i <- identify(xy$x, xy$y, n=1, plot=FALSE)) > 0L) {
if(tree$frame$var[i] == "<leaf>") {
cat("Terminal node -- try again\n")
ii <- tree$frame$which[i, ]
if(i != iprev) {
frame <- tree$frame
dev <- frame$dev
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
newdev <- totdev - sum(dev[ii & (frame$var == "<leaf>")]) + dev[i]
stats <- c(node[i], format(signif(c(totdev, newdev), digits)))
cat(paste(labs, stats, "\n"))
iprev <- i
} else {
xy <- treepl(xy, node, erase = ii)
nodes <- c(nodes, node[i])
tree <- .snip.tree(tree, node[i])
totdev <- newdev
if( attr(tree, ".xy") <- xy
} else {
i <- node.match(nodes, node, tree$frame$var == "<leaf>")
if(length(i) == 0L) return(tree)
nodes <- node[i]
which <- descendants(node, include = TRUE)
nodes <- nodes[colSums(which[i, ] %*% which[, i]) == 1]
diag(which) <- FALSE
tree$frame$which <- which
tree <- .snip.tree(tree, nodes)
tree$frame$which <- NULL
call$nodes <- nodes
tree$call <- call
if(dim(tree$frame)[1L] == 1L) class(tree) <- "singlenode"
summary.tree <- function(object, ...)
obj <- list(call = object$call)
frame <- object$frame
obj$type <- if(is.reg <- is.null(attr(object, "ylevels")))
"\nRegression tree:\n" else "\nClassification tree:\n"
leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
variables <- names(attr(object, "xlevels"))
used <- unique(frame$var[!leaves])
if(length(used) < length(variables)) obj$used <- used
obj$size <- sum(leaves)
obj$df <- frame$n[1L] - obj$size
obj$dev <- deviance.tree(object)
if(!is.reg) obj$misclass <- c(misclass.tree(object), frame$n[1L])
else obj$residuals <- residuals(object)
class(obj) <- "summary.tree"
print.summary.tree <-
function(x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 3, 3), ...)
if(!is.null(x$used)) {
cat("Variables actually used in tree construction:\n")
cat(paste("Number of terminal nodes: ", x$size, "\n"))
cat("Effective number of terminal nodes: ",
format(signif(x$ effect.size, digits)), "\n")
cat(paste("Residual mean deviance: ",
format(signif(x$dev/x$df, digits)), "=",
format(signif(x$dev, digits)), "/",
format(signif(x$df, digits)), "\n"))
cat("Misclassification error rate:",
format(signif(x$misclass[1L]/x$misclass[2L], digits)),
"=", x$misclass[1L], "/", x$ misclass[2L], "\n")
else {
cat("Distribution of residuals:\n")
print(summary(x$residuals, digits = digits, ...))
text.tree <-
function(x, splits = TRUE, label = "yval", all = FALSE,
pretty = NULL, digits = getOption("digits") - 3,
adj = par("adj"), xpd = TRUE, ...)
oldxpd <- par(xpd=xpd)
if(inherits(x, "singlenode")) stop("cannot plot singlenode tree")
if(!inherits(x, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
frame <- x$frame
column <- names(frame)
if(!is.null(ylevels <- attr(x, "ylevels"))) column <- c(column, ylevels)
if(!is.null(label) &&, column)))
stop("label must be a column label of the frame component of the tree")
charht <- par("cxy")[2L]
if(!is.null(srt <- list(...)$srt) && srt == 90) {
if(missing(adj)) adj <- 0
ladj <- 1 - adj
} else ladj <- adj
xy <- treeco(x)
if(splits) {
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
left.child <- match(2 * node, node)
rows <- labels.tree(x, pretty = pretty)[left.child]
ind <- !
text(xy$x[ind], xy$y[ind] + 0.5 * charht, rows[ind], adj=adj, ...)
if(!is.null(label)) {
leaves <- if(all) rep(TRUE, nrow(frame)) else frame$var == "<leaf>"
if(label == "yval" & !is.null(ylevels))
stat <- as.character(frame$yval[leaves])
else if(!is.null(ylevels) && ! <- match(label, ylevels)))
stat <- format(signif(frame$yprob[leaves, lev], digits = digits))
else stat <- format(signif(frame[leaves, label], digits = digits))
if(!is.null(dim(stat)) && dim(stat)[2L] > 1) {
stat[1L, ] <- paste(sep = ":", dimnames(stat)[[2L]], stat[1L, ])
stat <-"paste",
c(list(sep = "\n"), split(stat, col(stat))))
text(xy$x[leaves], xy$y[leaves] - 0.5 * charht, labels = stat,
adj = ladj, ...)
tile.tree <- function(tree, var, screen.arg = ascr + 1, axes = TRUE)
if(inherits(tree, "singlenode")) stop("cannot tile singlenode tree")
if(!inherits(tree, "tree")) stop("not legitimate tree")
where <- tree$where
varname <- substitute(var)
v <- match(deparse(varname), as.character(attr(tree$terms, "variables")),
nomatch = 0L)
if(v) var <- model.frame(tree)[, v]
else {
if(!is.null(data <- data.tree(tree))) {
var <- eval(varname, data)
names(var) <- row.names(data)
} # else names(var) <- database.attr("row.names")
var <- var[names(where)]
if(length(var) != length(where))
stop("variable length must match that of data used in fit")
if(any( var <- na.tree.replace(list(var = var))$var
if(!(levx <- length(levels(var)))) {
var <- cut(var, quantile(var) - c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
levx <- 4L
names(var) <- names(where)
leaves <- tree$frame$var == "<leaf>"
nl <- sum(leaves)
x <- seq(nl)
indices <- unlist(split(names(where), where))
counts <- c(table(var[indices], rep(1L:nl, tree$frame$n[leaves])))
xm <- max(x)
y <- seq(0, 1, length = levx + 1L)[-1L]
dy <- y[2L] - y[1L]
y <- rep(y, nl)[as.logical(counts)]
x <- rep(x, rep(levx, nl))[as.logical(counts)]
dx <- counts[as.logical(counts)]/(max(counts) * 2)
x <- rbind(x, x - dx, x - dx, x, x, NA)
y <- rbind(y, y, y + dy, y + dy, y, NA)
if(!(ascr <- screen())) stop("need to use split.screen first")
xpd <- par(xpd = TRUE, mar=rep(0,4))
plot(x, y, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = c(1, xm))
abline(v = seq(xm))
screen(ascr, new = FALSE)
counts <- matrix(counts, levx, nl,
dimnames = list(levels(var), row.names(tree$frame)[leaves]))
tree.control <- function(nobs, mincut = 5, minsize = 10, mindev = 0.01)
mcut <- missing(mincut)
msize <- missing(minsize)
if(mincut > (minsize/2)) {
if(mcut) mincut <- trunc(minsize/2)
else if(msize && !mcut) minsize <- 2 * mincut
else if(!msize && !mcut)
stop("mincut cannot be greater than minsize/2")
mincut <- max(1, mincut)
minsize <- max(2, minsize)
nmax <- ceiling((4 * nobs)/(minsize - 1))
list(mincut = mincut, minsize = minsize, mindev = mindev, nmax = nmax,
nobs = nobs)
tree.depth <- function(nodes)
depth <- floor(log(nodes, base = 2) + 1e-7)
as.vector(depth - min(depth))
tree.matrix <- function(frame)
if(!inherits(frame, "data.frame")) return(as.matrix(frame))
frame$"(weights)" <- NULL
terms <- attr(frame, "terms")
if(is.null(terms)) predictors <- names(frame)
else predictors <- as.character(attr(terms, "term.labels"))
frame <- frame[predictors]
term.levels <- lapply(frame, levels)
factors <- sapply(term.levels, function(x) length(x) > 0L)
if(any(factors)) {
for(preds in predictors[factors])
frame[[preds]] <- as.vector(unclass(frame[[preds]]))
x <- as.matrix(frame)
column.levels <- vector("list", ncol(x))
names(column.levels) <- dimnames(x)[[2L]]
TT <- term.levels[factors > 0L]
column.levels[names(TT)] <- TT
attr(x, "column.levels") <- column.levels
else x <- as.matrix(frame)
class(x) <- "matrix"
tree.screens <- function(figs, screen.arg = 0, ...)
figs <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.25, 0.05, 1, 0.25), 2L, 4L)
which <- split.screen(figs, screen.arg)
par(mar = rep(0, 4), cex = 1, ...)
treeco <-
function(tree, uniform)
if(missing(uniform)) {
pn <- paste0("device", dev.cur())
uniform <- if(exists(pn, envir = tree_env, inherits = FALSE))
get(pn, envir = tree_env, inherits = FALSE)
else FALSE
frame <- tree$frame
node <- as.integer(row.names(frame))
depth <- tree.depth(node)
x <- -depth
if(uniform) y <- x
else {
y <- dev <- frame$dev
depth <- split(seq(node), depth)
parent <- match(node %/% 2L, node)
sibling <- match(ifelse(node %% 2L, node - 1L, node + 1L), node)
for(i in depth[-1L])
y[i] <- y[parent[i]] - dev[parent[i]] + dev[i] + dev[sibling[i]]
depth <- -x # seems unneeded
leaves <- frame$var == "<leaf>"
x[leaves] <- seq(sum(leaves))
depth <- split(seq(node)[!leaves], depth[!leaves])
left.child <- match(node * 2L, node)
right.child <- match(node * 2 + 1L, node)
for(i in rev(depth)) x[i] <- 0.5 * (x[left.child[i]] + x[right.child[i]])
list(x = x, y = y)
treepl <- function(xy, node, erase = FALSE, ...)
x <- xy$x; y <- xy$y
parent <- match((node %/% 2L), node)
sibling <- match(ifelse(node %% 2L, node - 1L, node + 1L), node)
xx <- rbind(x, x, x[sibling], x[sibling], NA)
yy <- rbind(y, y[parent], y[parent], y[sibling], NA)
if(any(erase)) {
lines(c(xx[, erase]), c(yy[, erase]), col = par("bg"))
return(list(x = x[!erase], y = y[!erase]))
plot(range(x), range(y), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
text(x[1L], y[1L], "|", ...)
lines(c(xx[, -1L]), c(yy[, -1L]), ...)
list(x = x, y = y)
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