
Defines functions validate_filenames prolific_cleanup scrape_cols get_varnames locate_data_files read_tratings_simulated read_tratings read_cjudgments_simulated read_cjudgments read_sessions_simulated read_sessions import_tratings_simulated import_tratings import_cjudgments import_cjudgments_simulated import_phase_info_simulated import_phase_info import_sessions_simulated import_sessions preprocess_simulated preprocess

Documented in import_cjudgments import_cjudgments_simulated import_phase_info import_phase_info_simulated import_sessions import_sessions_simulated import_tratings import_tratings_simulated locate_data_files preprocess preprocess_simulated read_cjudgments read_cjudgments_simulated read_sessions read_sessions_simulated read_tratings read_tratings_simulated validate_filenames

#' Importing and Preprocessing Longitudinal Illusory Truth Data
#' Functions to import and preprocess raw (or simulated) data.
#' @param path Path to the directory containing raw data files.
#' @param outpath Path to the directory where anonymized data will be saved.
#' @param report Filename of the HTML preprocessing report.
#' @return A string with the path to the generated HTML report.
#' @details The purpose of these functions are to import, transform,
#'   and anonymize raw data files from the Truth Trajectory study by
#'   \insertCite{Henderson_Simons_Barr_2021;textual}{truthiness}. As
#'   few users other than the researchers will have access to the
#'   original non-anonymized data, functions are also supplied to
#'   perform the same set of actions on simulated data. There are two
#'   versions of each function, an original version (e.g.,
#'   \code{preprocess}) and a simulated version (e.g.,
#'   \code{preprocess_simulated}). We include two sets of functions
#'   because the simulated functions were built during the planning
#'   stage of the study, based on assumptions about the structure of
#'   the raw data files that turned out to be incorrect once we
#'   obtained pilot data. Rather than laboriously re-write the
#'   simulation functions to match the new data structure, we decided
#'   to preserve the old functions and split them off from the new
#'   versions. They perform the same set of actions and yield the same
#'   end products, but import and transform the data differently
#'   because of the differing nature of the raw data files.
#' The "preprocessing" functions are the high-level functions and the
#' only ones that most users will need. The "import" and "read" are
#' lower-level functions that are called by the "preprocess"
#' functions, and are described here for completeness.
#' @section Preprocessing:
#' Generally, users will not have access to the non-anonymized raw
#' data and so will not need to use any of these functions, except
#' when working with simulated data. The data objects resulting from
#' the preprocessing of the original raw data are available as
#' built-in data objects documented in
#' \code{\link{truth_trajectory_data}}. Users interested in
#' reproducing the results from the anonymized data should start with
#' the documentation for \code{\link{reproduce_analysis}}.
#' The \code{preprocess} functions load in the data from the raw data
#' files and write out (1) non-anonymized, preprocessed data files;
#' (2) anonymized, preprocessed data files; and (3) an HTML report. It
#' performs these actions by running scripts derived from R Markdown
#' templates included in the package. It is not necessary to view
#' these scripts, but if you wish to do so, use
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{draft}}; R Studio users can also access the
#' templates from the "New File > R Markdown" pull down menu and then
#' selecting the appropriate template in the dialog box.
#' To access this preprocessing script for simulated data:
#' \code{rmarkdown::draft("preprocessing-simulated.Rmd",
#'                        "illusory-truth-preprocessing-sim", "truthiness")}
#' and the preprocessing script for real data:
#' \code{rmarkdown::draft("preprocessing.Rmd",
#'                        "illusory-truth-preprocessing", "truthiness")}
#' The processing script outputs four anonymized data files into the
#' subdirectory named in the \code{outpath} argument. For maximum
#' portability, each file is stored in two versions: binary (RDS)
#' format as well as comma-separated values (CSV). These files are
#' called \code{ANON_sessions}, \code{ANON_phases},
#' \code{ANON_categories}, and \code{ANON_ratings} and the data they
#' contain is described in the \code{\link{codebook}}.
#' In addition to the anonymized data, the preprocessing scripts
#' output two files with non-anonymized data. These files contain
#' sensitive information (Prolific IDs and answers to open-ended
#' questions) and are named \code{NOT_ANONYMIZED_sessions.rds} and
#' \code{NOT_ANONYMIZED_phases.rds}. They are written to the
#' "target directory", which is the directory just above the
#' subdirectory with the anonymized data as specified by
#' \code{outpath}; if \code{outpath} is \code{NULL}, then a
#' subdirectory is created in the working directory for the anonymized
#' files and the target directory will be the working directory. The
#' compiled HTML report is also stored in the target directory. If the
#' filename is not specified by the user (\code{NULL}), then one is
#' generated, with a prefix corresponding to the name of the
#' subdirectory where the anonymized data is stored, and the suffix
#' "-preprocessing.html". The return value of the preprocessing
#' function is the file path to this report.
#' Users can manually add exclusions by editing the files
#' \code{manually_exclude_participants.csv} and
#' \code{manually_exclude_phases.csv} in the target directory; if they
#' don't exist, then they will be written to the target directory when
#' the script is first run. Thus, it is wise to run the preprocessing
#' script twice: once to create the files so that the user can see how
#' the entries in these files should be structured, and once again
#' after filling in the data to apply the manual exclusions.
#' @section Import and Read Functions:
#' The \code{import_*} and \code{read_*} functions are not
#' intended to be called directly; instead, the user will typically
#' call the \code{preprocess} or \code{preprocess_simulated}
#' function, or render the R Markdown preprocessing template (using
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{draft}}). These lower-level functions are invoked by
#' these higher-level functions, and are documented here for
#' completeness.
#' The \code{import_*} functions extract session, phase, category
#' judgments, or ratings data from the full set of raw data files in
#' subdirectory \code{path} and return a (non-anonymized) data frame
#' with the corresponding data. They do this by calling the
#' corresponding \code{read_*} function for each of the single input
#' files in the subdirectory, and transforming and combining the
#' information as required.
#' @examples
#' td_raw <- tempfile()  # temp dir for raw data
#' td_anon <- tempfile() # temp dir for preprocessed data
#' ## simulate data and preprocess it
#' set.seed(62)
#' simulate_resp_files(40, path = td_raw, overwrite = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' ## run the built-in R Markdown script
#' tf1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".html") # temporary file for report
#' report <- preprocess_simulated(td_raw, td_anon, tf1)
#' browseURL(report) # view the HTML preprocessing report
#' file.remove(report) # clean up
#' }
#' sess <- import_sessions_simulated(td_raw)
#' sess_p1 <- read_sessions_simulated(file.path(td_raw, "P1L1.csv"))
#' # clean up temp files
#' unlink(td_raw, TRUE, TRUE)
#' unlink(td_anon, TRUE, TRUE)
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
preprocess <- function(path,
                       outpath = NULL,
                       report = NULL) {
  path <- normalize_path(path)
  if (!is.null(outpath)) {
    outpath <- normalize_path(outpath)
  } else {
    outpath <- paste0("anon-", Sys.Date())
  if (is.null(report)) {
    report <- paste0(basename(outpath), "-preprocessing.html")
  if (!dir.exists(path)) {stop("directory '", path, "' does not exist")}
  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
  infile <- rmarkdown::draft(tf, "illusory-truth-preprocessing", "truthiness",
                             FALSE, FALSE)
  message("Pre-processing raw data in '", path, "'")
  this_wd <- dirname(outpath)
  if (dirname(outpath) == ".") {
    this_wd <- getwd()
  ofile <- rmarkdown::render(infile,
                             output_file = file.path(this_wd, report),
                             output_dir = this_wd,
                             knit_root_dir = this_wd,
                             envir = new.env(),
                             quiet = TRUE,
                             params = list(subdir = path,
                                           anondir = outpath))
  file.copy(ofile, report)

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
preprocess_simulated <- function(path,
                                 outpath = NULL,
                                 report = NULL) {
  path <- normalize_path(path)
  if (!is.null(outpath)) {
    outpath <- normalize_path(outpath)
  } else {
    outpath <- paste0("anon-", Sys.Date())
  if (is.null(report)) {
    report <- paste0(basename(outpath), "-preprocessing.html")
  if (!dir.exists(path)) {stop("directory '", path, "' does not exist")}
  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
  infile <- rmarkdown::draft(tf, "illusory-truth-preprocessing-sim",
                             "truthiness", FALSE, FALSE)
  message("Pre-processing (simulated) raw data in '", path, "'")
  this_wd <- dirname(outpath)
  if (dirname(outpath) == ".") {
    this_wd <- getwd()
  ofile <- rmarkdown::render(infile,
                             output_file = file.path(this_wd, report),
                             output_dir = this_wd,
                             knit_root_dir = this_wd,
                             envir = new.env(),
                             quiet = TRUE,
                             params = list(subdir = path,
                                           anondir = outpath))
  file.copy(ofile, report)

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_sessions <- function(path) {
  ifiles <- locate_data_files(path)

  phase_id <- sub(".+P([1-4]{1})\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", "\\1", ifiles)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       phase_id = phase_id)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_sessions)

  ## if we only have one phase
  if (length(ifiles) == 1L) {
    df[["data"]][[1]][, c("PID", "list_id", "ConsentAll", "Age",
                          "Gender", "NativeLang", "Nationality")]
  } else {
    ## only do the below if we have data from more than one phase
    ## lets figure out the columns that only appear in a single session
    phases <- as.integer(sub(".*[Pp]([1-4])\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", "\\1",

    cnames <- purrr::map(df[["data"]], names)
    by_phase <- split(cnames, df[["phase_id"]])
    pdat <- split(df, df[["phase_id"]])
    pcols <- purrr::map(by_phase, function(x) {unique(unlist(x))})
    ## get the columns unique to each phase
    pdat2 <- list()

    for (i in phases) {
      others <- setdiff(phases, i)
      unique_cols <-
        unique(c("PID", "list_id", 
                         union(union(pcols[[others[1]]], pcols[[others[2]]]),
      pdat[[i]][["data2"]] <- purrr::map(pdat[[i]][["data"]],
                                         function(x) x[, unique_cols])
      pdat2[[i]] <- tidyr::unnest(pdat[[i]][, c("data2")], c("data2"))    
    has_data <- purrr::map_lgl(
                         ~ !(is.null(.x[["PID"]]) | is.null(.x[["list_id"]])))
    df2 <- purrr::reduce(pdat2[has_data],
                         dplyr::full_join, by = c("PID", "list_id"))
    df2[["Age"]] <- as.integer(df2[["Age"]])
    df2[, c("PID", "list_id", setdiff(names(df2), c("PID", "list_id")))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_sessions_simulated <- function(path) {
  ifiles <- dir(sub("/$", "", path), rfiles_regex, full.names = TRUE)
  list_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 4, 4)), levels = 1:8)
  phase_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 2, 2)), levels = 1:4)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       list_id = list_id,
                       phase_id = phase_id)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_sessions_simulated)

  ## only do the below if we have data from all phases
  ## if (length(ifiles) == 32L) {
    ## lets figure out the columns that only appear in a single session
  cnames <- purrr::map(df[["data"]], names)
  by_phase <- split(cnames, df[["phase_id"]])
  pdat <- split(df, df[["phase_id"]])
  pcols <- purrr::map(by_phase, function(x) {unique(unlist(x))})
  ## get the columns unique to each phase
  pdat2 <- list()

  for (i in 1:4) {
    others <- setdiff(1:4, i)
    unique_cols <-
                       union(union(pcols[[others[1]]], pcols[[others[2]]]),
    pdat[[i]][["data2"]] <- purrr::map(pdat[[i]][["data"]],
                                       function(x) x[, unique_cols])
    pdat2[[i]] <- tidyr::unnest(pdat[[i]][, c("list_id", "data2")], c("data2"))    

  has_data <- purrr::map_lgl(pdat2,
                             ~ !(is.null(.x[["PID"]]) | is.null(.x[["list_id"]])))

  df2 <- purrr::reduce(pdat2[has_data], dplyr::full_join, by = c("PID", "list_id"))
  df2[, c("PID", "list_id", setdiff(names(df2), c("PID", "list_id")))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_phase_info <- function(path) {
  data <- NULL
  ifiles <- locate_data_files(path)

  phase_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 2, 2)), levels = 1:4)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       phase_id = phase_id)

  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_sessions)

  if (length(ifiles) == 1L) {
    df2 <- tidyr::unnest(df[1, c("phase_id", "data")], data)
    df2[, c("PID", "list_id", "phase_id", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Status", "Progress",
            "Duration (in seconds)", "Finished", "RecordedDate", "ResponseId",
            "DistributionChannel", "UserLanguage", "Consent", "TechDiff", "Cheat")]
  } else {
    ## lets figure out the columns that only appear in a single session
    phases <- as.integer(sub(".*[Pp]([1-4])\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", "\\1",
    cnames <- purrr::map(df[["data"]], names)
    by_phase <- split(cnames, df[["phase_id"]])
    pdat <- split(df, df[["phase_id"]])
    pcols <- purrr::map(by_phase, function(x) {unique(unlist(x))})
    ## get the columns common to all phases
    has_data <- purrr::map_lgl(pcols, ~ (length(.x) > 0L))
    common_cols <- purrr::reduce(pcols[has_data], intersect)
    pdat2 <- list()

    for (i in phases) {
      pdat[[i]][["data2"]] <- purrr::map(pdat[[i]][["data"]],
                                         function(x) x[, common_cols])
      pdat2[[i]] <- tidyr::unnest(pdat[[i]][, c("phase_id", "data2")],
    df2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(pdat2)
    df2[["Duration (in seconds)"]] <- as.integer(df2[["Duration (in seconds)"]])
    df2[, c("PID", "list_id", "phase_id",
            setdiff(names(df2), c("PID", "list_id", "phase_id")))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_phase_info_simulated <- function(path) {
  ifiles <- dir(sub("/$", "", path), rfiles_regex, full.names = TRUE)
  list_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 4, 4)), levels = 1:8)
  phase_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 2, 2)), levels = 1:4)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       list_id = list_id,
                       phase_id = phase_id)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_sessions_simulated)
  ## lets figure out the columns that only appear in a single session
  cnames <- purrr::map(df[["data"]], names)
  by_phase <- split(cnames, df[["phase_id"]])
  pdat <- split(df, df[["phase_id"]])
  pcols <- purrr::map(by_phase, function(x) {unique(unlist(x))})
  ## get the columns common to all phases
  has_data <- purrr::map_lgl(pcols, ~ (length(.x) > 0L))
  common_cols <- purrr::reduce(pcols[has_data], intersect)
  pdat2 <- list()
  for (i in 1:4) {
    pdat[[i]][["data2"]] <- purrr::map(pdat[[i]][["data"]],
                                       function(x) x[, common_cols])
    pdat2[[i]] <- tidyr::unnest(pdat[[i]][, c("list_id", "phase_id", "data2")],
  df2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(pdat2[[1]], pdat2[[2]], pdat2[[3]], pdat2[[4]])
  df2[, c("PID", "list_id", "phase_id",
          setdiff(names(df2), c("PID", "list_id", "phase_id")))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_cjudgments_simulated <- function(path) {
  data <- NULL
  ifiles <- dir(sub("/$", "", path), rfiles_iregex, full.names = TRUE)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_cjudgments_simulated)
  tidyr::unnest(df, c(data))[, c("PID", "stim_id", "category")]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_cjudgments <- function(path) {
  data <- NULL
  ifiles <- dir(sub("/$", "", path), "^[Pp]1\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", full.names = TRUE)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_cjudgments)
  tidyr::unnest(df, c(data))[, c("PID", "stim_id", "category")]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_tratings <- function(path) {
  data <- NULL
  ifiles <- locate_data_files(path)
  phase_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 2, 2)), levels = 1:4)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       phase_id = phase_id)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_tratings)
  tidyr::unnest(df, c(data))[, c("PID", "phase_id", "stim_id", "trating")]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
import_tratings_simulated <- function(path) {
  data <- NULL
  ifiles <- dir(sub("/$", "", path), rfiles_regex, full.names = TRUE)
  phase_id <- factor(as.integer(substr(basename(ifiles), 2, 2)), levels = 1:4)
  df <- tibble::tibble(fname = ifiles,
                       phase_id = phase_id)
  df[["data"]] <- purrr::map(df[["fname"]], read_tratings_simulated)
  tidyr::unnest(df, c(data))[, c("PID", "phase_id", "stim_id", "trating")]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_sessions <- function(path) {
  newpath <- prolific_cleanup(path)
  vnames <- get_varnames(newpath)
  tnames <- grep("^TR[0-9]{3}.*$", vnames, value = TRUE)
  inames <- grep("^CJ[0-9]{3}.*$", vnames, value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(newpath, setdiff(vnames, c(tnames, inames)))
  idat2 <- idat[, c("PROLIFIC_PID", setdiff(names(idat),
                                            c("PID", "PROLIFIC_PID")))]
  ## check for weird format of phase 1 file
  if (length(intersect(names(idat2), paste("Group", 1:8, sep = "_"))) == 8L) {
    cx <- grep("^Group_[1-8]", names(idat2))
    idat2[["Group"]] <- character(nrow(idat2))
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(idat2))) {
      not_na <- which(!is.na(idat2[i, cx]))
      idat2[["Group"]][[i]] <- sub("^Group_", "", names(idat2)[cx][not_na])
  names(idat2)[1] <- "PID"
  names(idat2) <- sub("^Group$", "list_id", names(idat2))
  idat3 <- idat2[,
                 setdiff(names(idat2), paste("Group", 1:8, sep = "_"))]
  idat3[, c("PID", "list_id", setdiff(names(idat3), c("PID", "list_id")))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_sessions_simulated <- function(path) {
  vnames <- get_varnames(path)
  tnames <- grep("^TR[0-9]{3}$", vnames, value = TRUE)
  inames <- grep("^CJ[0-9]{3}$", vnames, value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(path, setdiff(vnames, c(tnames, inames)))
  idat[, c("PID", setdiff(names(idat), "PID"))]

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_cjudgments <- function(path) {
  if (!grepl("^[Pp]1\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", basename(path))) {
    stop("Filename '", path,
	 "' not recognized as file that contains category judgments")
  newpath <- prolific_cleanup(path)
  cnames <- grep("^CJ[0-9]{3}_?", get_varnames(newpath), value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(newpath, c("PROLIFIC_PID", cnames))
  names(idat)[1] <- "PID"
  df_0 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(idat, -PID, "stim_code", values_to = "category")
  df <- df_0[!is.na(df_0[["category"]]), ]
  df[["stim_code"]] <- sub("_[1-9]$", "", df[["stim_code"]])
  valid <- sapply(df[["category"]], function(.x) {
    .x %in% levels(truthiness::stimulus_categories[["category"]])
  if (!all(valid)) {
    stop("invalid category judgment in file'", basename(path),
         "' at line(s) ",
         paste(which(!valid), collapse = ", "))
  df[["stim_id"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(sub("^CJ", "", df[["stim_code"]])))
  df[["category"]] <- factor(df[["category"]],
                             levels = levels(truthiness::stimulus_categories[["category"]]))

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_cjudgments_simulated <- function(path) {
  if (!grepl(rfiles_iregex, basename(path))) {
    stop("Filename '", path,
	 "' not recognized as file that contains category judgments")
  cnames <- grep("^CJ[0-9]{3}$", get_varnames(path), value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(path, c("PID", cnames))
  df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(idat, -PID, "stim_code", values_to = "category")
  valid <- sapply(df[["category"]], function(.x) {
    .x %in% levels(truthiness::stimulus_categories[["category"]])
  if (!all(valid)) {
    stop("invalid category judgment in file'", basename(path),
         "' at line(s) ",
         paste(which(!valid), collapse = ", "))
  df[["stim_id"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(sub("^CJ", "", df[["stim_code"]])))
  df[["category"]] <- factor(df[["category"]],
                             levels = levels(truthiness::stimulus_categories[["category"]]))

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_tratings <- function(path) {
  if (!grepl("^[Pp][1-4]\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", basename(path))) {
    stop("Filename '", path,
	 "' not recognized as file that contains truth ratings")
  newpath <- prolific_cleanup(path)
  cnames <- grep("^TR[0-9]{3}_?", get_varnames(newpath), value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(newpath, c("PROLIFIC_PID", cnames))
  names(idat)[1] <- "PID"
  df_0 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(idat, -PID, "stim_code", values_to = "trating")
  df <- df_0[!is.na(df_0[["trating"]]), ]
  df[["stim_code"]] <- sub("_[1-9]{1}$", "", df[["stim_code"]])
  valid <- grepl("^[1-7]{1}.*", df[["trating"]])
  if (!all(valid)) {
    stop("invalid truth rating in file '", basename(path),
         "' at line(s) ",
         paste(which(!valid), collapse = ", "))
  df[["stim_id"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(sub("^TR", "", df[["stim_code"]])))
  df[["trating"]] <- sub("^([0-9]{1}).*", "\\1", df[["trating"]])
  df[["trating"]] <- as.integer(df[["trating"]])

#' @rdname preprocess
#' @export
read_tratings_simulated <- function(path) {
  if (!grepl(rfiles_regex, basename(path))) {
    stop("Filename '", path,
	 "' not recognized as file that contains truth ratings")
  cnames <- grep("^TR[0-9]{3}$", get_varnames(path), value = TRUE)
  idat <- scrape_cols(path, c("PID", cnames))
  df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(idat, -PID, "stim_code", values_to = "trating")
  valid <- grepl("^[1-7]{1}.*", df[["trating"]])
  if (!all(valid)) {
    stop("invalid truth rating in file '", basename(path),
         "' at line(s) ",
         paste(which(!valid), collapse = ", "))
  df[["stim_id"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(sub("^TR", "", df[["stim_code"]])))
  df[["trating"]] <- sub("^([0-9]{1}).*", "\\1", df[["trating"]])
  df[["trating"]] <- as.integer(df[["trating"]])

#' Locate Raw Data Files from Longitudinal Illusory Truth Study
#' Look in a subdirectory and find files containing the raw data.
#' @param path Path to data files.
#' @param full.names If ‘TRUE’, the directory path is prepended to the
#'   file names to give a relative file path.  If ‘FALSE’, the file
#'   names (rather than paths) are returned.
#' @details Looks for files matching the regular expression
#'   \code{^[Pp][1-4]\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$} and performs basic
#'   error-checking.
#' @return A character vector with the paths to the files.
#' @export
locate_data_files <- function(path, full.names = TRUE) {
  if (!dir.exists(path)) {
    stop("path '", path, "' does not exist")
  res <- sort(dir(sub("/$", "", path), "^[Pp][1-4]\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$",
                  full.names = full.names))
  if (length(res) == 0L) {
    stop("No data files of the form 'P1.csv' found in path '", path, ", '.")
  } else if (length(res) > 4L) {
    stop("Number of data files of the form 'P1.csv' (", length(res), ") ",
         "exceeds number of phases (4):\n",
         paste0("'", paste(res, collapse = "', '"), "'"))

  ## check for gaps in the sequence
  phases <- as.integer(sub(".*[Pp]([1-4])\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", "\\1", res))
  if (length(phases) != max(phases)) {
    missing_files <- paste0("P", setdiff(seq_len(max(phases)), phases), ".csv")
    stop("missing ",
         if (length(missing_files) == 1L) "file '" else "files '",
         paste0(paste(missing_files, collapse = "', '"), "'"))

get_varnames <- function(path) {
  ## read in the header row from a CSV file
  df <- suppressWarnings({readr::read_csv(I(readLines(path)[-c(2:3)]))})

scrape_cols <- function(path, cols) {
  ## read in specified columns from the CSV file
  df <- suppressWarnings({
                    col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character()))})
  df[, cols]

## Clean up line-breaks from prolific file (replace with spaces)
## Prolific seems to use 0x0D 0x0A AS line breaks
## but can also have breaks within a field that are not treated as new lines
## creating an UTTER NIGHTMARE for import
## returns a string with the cleaned data
prolific_cleanup <- function(filename) {
  b1 <- readr::read_file(filename)
  b2 <- gsub("\r\n", "ZzOogaBoogazZ", b1) # replace \r\n with special code
  b3 <- gsub("\n", " ", b2) # replace \n with spaces
  b4 <- gsub("ZzOogaBoogazZ", "\n", b3) # replace code with \n
  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
  readr::write_file(b4, tf)

#' Validate Simulated Data Filenames
#' Make sure all the files needed for the analysis are present in a
#' directory containing simulated data.
#' @param path Path to the files.
#' @details Output files from the study must match the pattern
#'   \code{PXLY.csv} where X is phase number (1-4) and Y is list
#'   number (1-8).
#' @return \code{TRUE}, if files in the directory \code{path} have
#'   names in the expected format; otherwise, an error is thrown.
#' @export
validate_filenames <- function(path) {
  if (!dir.exists(path)) stop("directory '", path, "' does not exist")
  allfiles <- dir(path, "^[Pp][1-4][Ll][1-8]\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$")
  files_needed <- paste0(rep(paste0("P", 1:4), each = 8), paste0("L", 1:8))
  stripped <- sub("\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]$", "", allfiles)
  names(stripped) <- allfiles
  if (!setequal(files_needed, stripped)) {
    extra <- setdiff(stripped, files_needed)
    probs1 <-
      if (length(extra) > 0L) {
        paste0("Filenames must be PXLY.csv (X in 1:4, Y in 1:8); ",
               "violations: ",
               paste(paste0(names(stripped)[stripped %in% extra], ".csv"),
                     collapse = ", "),
               ". ")
      } else {
    missing <- setdiff(files_needed, stripped)
    probs2 <-
      if (length(missing) > 0L) {
        paste0("Missing the following files: ",
               paste(paste0(missing, ".csv"), collapse = ", "))
      } else {
    stop(probs1, probs2)

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truthiness documentation built on May 24, 2021, 9:07 a.m.