
Defines functions numerize simplify2df accuracy_stat_simple accuracy_stat.pred_roll accuracy_stat.default accuracy_stat

Documented in accuracy_stat accuracy_stat.default accuracy_stat.pred_roll

##### acc_stats: function to get accuracy for true/fitted

#'Forecasting accuracy measures.
#'Compute forecasting accuracies. This is very similar to the
#'\code{\link[forecast]{accuracy}} method form \pkg{forecast}.
#'The function works either for a simple data.frame or for objects
#'\code{pred_roll}. For simple data.frames, the argument \code{true}, i.e. a
#'data frame containing the true values, has to be provided. For
#'\code{pred_roll} objects, the true values are contained in the object, so no
#'need (nor possibility) to provide the true values.
#'@aliases accuracy_stat
#'@param object A data-frame, matrix, or object of class \code{pred_roll}
#'@param true If \code{object} is just a matrix or data-frame, true values to
#'be compared to should be supplied
#'@param w Optional. For objects of class \code{pred_roll} containing multiple
#'variables, user can specify the way to aggregate the specific x-step-ahead
#'into the \sQuote{all} category
#'@param \dots Not used currently.
#'@return A data-frame containing the forecasting accuracy measures.
#'@author Matthieu Stigler
#'@keywords ts
#'## univariate:
#'mod_ar <- linear(lynx[1:100], m=1)
#'mod_ar_pred <- predict_rolling(mod_ar, newdata=lynx[101:114])
#'accuracy_stat(object=mod_ar_pred$pred, true=mod_ar_pred$true)
#'## multivariate
#'mod_var <- lineVar(barry, lag=1)
#'mod_var_pred <-predict_rolling(object=mod_var, nroll=10, n.ahead=1:3)
#'accuracy_stat(object=mod_var_pred, w=c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1))
accuracy_stat <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname accuracy_stat
#' @export
accuracy_stat.default <- function(object, true, ...) accuracy_stat_simple(fit=object, true=true)

#' @rdname accuracy_stat
#' @export
accuracy_stat.pred_roll <- function(object, w, ...) {

  is_multiH <- "n.ahead" %in% colnames(object$pred)

    n.aheads <- unique(object$pred[,"n.ahead"])
    nvar <- NCOL(object$true)
    for(i in 1:length(n.aheads)){
      pred_df <- as.data.frame(object$pred)
      sub <- pred_df[pred_df[,"n.ahead"]==n.aheads[i],1:nvar,drop=FALSE] ##simpler with subset() but did not pass R CMD check: r code for poss probs
      li[[i]] <- accuracy_stat_simple(fit=sub, true=object$true)
    res_raw <- simplify2df(li)
    res_raw <- data.frame(var=rownames(res_raw),res_raw, row.names=1:nrow(res_raw))

  ## add means: 
    if(missing(w)) w <- rep(1/length(n.aheads), length(n.aheads))
    means <- aggregate(res_raw[,2:6], list(res_raw$var), weighted.mean, w=w)
    colnames(means)[1] <- "var"
    res_withmeans <- rbind(res_raw, means)

  ## add horizon column:
    res_withmeans[,"n.ahead"] <- rep(c(n.aheads,"all"), each=if(nvar==1) 1 else nvar+1)
    res <- res_withmeans
    res <- res[order(res$var, numerize(res$n.ahead)),]

  } else {
    res <- accuracy_stat_simple(fit=object$pred, true=object$true)
    res <- data.frame(var=rownames(res),res)



accuracy_stat_simple <- function(fit, true){

  isMulti <- !is.null(dim(true))&&ncol(true)>1
  isSameLength <- if(isMulti) !all(dim(true)==dim(fit)) else if(is.null(dim(true)))  length(true)!=length(fit) else nrow(true)!=nrow(fit)
  if(isSameLength) stop("'true' and 'fit' should be of same dimension")

  res<- true -fit
  pe <- res/true * 100 # Percentage error

  res_mat <- as.matrix(res)
  pe_mat <- as.matrix(pe)

  out <- c(mean(res_mat,na.rm=TRUE), sqrt(mean(res_mat^2,na.rm=TRUE)), mean(abs(res_mat),na.rm=TRUE), mean(pe_mat,na.rm=TRUE), mean(abs(pe_mat),na.rm=TRUE))
  names(out) <- c("ME","RMSE","MAE","MPE","MAPE")

    out2 <- t(rbind(colMeans(res,na.rm=TRUE), sqrt(colMeans(res^2,na.rm=TRUE)), colMeans(abs(res),na.rm=TRUE), colMeans(pe,na.rm=TRUE), colMeans(abs(pe),na.rm=TRUE)))
    colnames(out2) <- c("ME","RMSE","MAE","MPE","MAPE")
    out <- rbind(out2, out)
    if(all(rownames(out)[-nrow(out)]=="")) rownames(out)[-nrow(out)] <- paste("Var", 1:(nrow(out)-1), sep="")
    rownames(out)[nrow(out)] <- "global"
  } else {
    out <- t(as.data.frame(out))
    rownames(out) <- ifelse(is.null(names(true)),  "Var1", names(true))



simplify2df <- function(x, res=c("matrix", "df")) {
  res<- match.arg(res)

  out <- x[[1]]
  for(i in 2:length(x)){
    out <- rbind(out, x[[i]])
  if(res=="df") out <- as.data.frame(out)

numerize<- function(x) {
  x[x=="all"] <- Inf


## univariate
mod_ar <- linear(lynx[1:100], m=1)
mod_ar_pred <- predict_rolling(mod_ar, newdata=lynx[101:114])
accuracy_stat(object=mod_ar_pred$pred, true=mod_ar_pred$true)
accuracy_stat(object=as.matrix(mod_ar_pred$pred), true=as.matrix(mod_ar_pred$true))

mod_ar_pred_12 <- predict_rolling(mod_ar, newdata=lynx[101:114], n.ahead=1:2)

## multivariate
# data(barry)
mod_var <- lineVar(barry, lag=1)

mod_var_pred <-predict_rolling(object=mod_var, nroll=10, n.ahead=1)
accuracy_stat(object=mod_var_pred, w=c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1))

accuracy_stat(object=mod_var_pred$pred, true=mod_var_pred$true)

accuracy_stat(object=as.matrix(mod_var_pred$pred), true=as.matrix(mod_var_pred$true))
accuracy_stat(object=mod_var_pred$pred[,1], true=mod_var_pred$true[,1])

mod_var_pred_multih <- predict_rolling(object=mod_var, nroll=10, n.ahead=1:2)
accuracy_stat(object=mod_var_pred_multih, w=c(1,0))


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tsDyn documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:03 a.m.