
Defines functions linearityTest.star get_include.star get_include.aar get_include.lstar get_include.setar get_include.linear get_include toLatex.nlar oneStep plot.nlar print.summary.nlar summary.nlar MAPE.nlar MAPE.default MAPE BIC.nlar AIC.nlar mse.nlar mse.default deviance.nlar residuals.nlar fitted.nlar coef.nlar print.nlar nlar getNUsed.nlar getNUsed.nlar.struct getNUsed getdX1 getdYY getdXX getdXXYY.nlar.struct getdXXYY getYY getXX getXXYY.nlar.struct getXXYY nlar.struct

Documented in AIC.nlar BIC.nlar coef.nlar deviance.nlar fitted.nlar getNUsed getXX getXXYY getYY MAPE MAPE.default MAPE.nlar mse.default mse.nlar nlar nlar.struct oneStep plot.nlar residuals.nlar summary.nlar toLatex.nlar

#' NLAR methods
#' Generic \sQuote{nlar} methods. Method \sQuote{nlar} is described in a
#' separate page: \code{\link{nlar}}
#' \describe{ 
#'   \item{MAPE}{ Mean Absolute Percent Error } 
#'   \item{mse}{ Mean Square Error } 
#'   \item{plot}{ Diagnostic plots } }
#' @param x,object fitted \sQuote{nlar} object
#' @param ask graphical option. See \code{\link{par}}
#' @param digits For print method, see \code{\link{printCoefmat}}.
#' @param label LaTeX label passed to the equation
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to and from other methods
#' @author Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#' @seealso \code{\link{availableModels}} for listing all currently available
#' models.
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' x <- log10(lynx)
#' mod.setar <- setar(x, m=2, thDelay=1, th=3.25)
#' mod.setar
#' AIC(mod.setar)
#' mse(mod.setar)
#' MAPE(mod.setar)
#' coef(mod.setar)
#' summary(mod.setar)
#' e <- residuals(mod.setar)
#' e <- e[!is.na(e)]
#' plot(e)
#' acf(e)
#' plot(x)
#' lines(fitted(mod.setar), lty=2)
#' legend(x=1910, y=3.9,lty=c(1,2), legend=c("observed","fitted"))
#' plot(mod.setar)
#' @name nlar-methods

## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007/2006, 2008, 2018  Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.  You can also obtain it by
## writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
## Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

nlar.struct <- function(x, m, d=1, steps=d, series) {
    series <- deparse(substitute(x))
  x <- as.ts(x)
  n <- length(x)

    stop("only univariate time series are allowed")

    stop("missing values not allowed")

  if( missing(m) )
    stop("missing argument: 'm' is necessary")

  if((m*d + steps) > n)
    stop("time series too small to handle these embedding parameters")

  xxyy <- embedd(x, lags=c((0:(m-1))*(-d), steps) )

  extend(list(), "nlar.struct",
         x=x, m=m, d=d, steps=steps, series=series,
         xx=xxyy[,1:m,drop=FALSE], yy=xxyy[,m+1], n.used=length(x))

getXXYY <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("getXXYY")

getXXYY.nlar.struct <- function(obj, ...) {
	x <- obj$x
	m <- obj$m
	d <- obj$d
	steps <- obj$steps
	embedd(x, lags=c((0:(m-1))*(-d), steps) )

getXX <- function(obj, ...)
	getXXYY(obj,...)[ , 1:obj$m , drop=FALSE]

getYY <- function(obj, ...)
	getXXYY(obj, ...)[ , obj$m+1]

getdXXYY <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("getdXXYY")

getdXXYY.nlar.struct <- function(obj,same.dim=FALSE, ...) {
	x <- obj$x
	m<-if(same.dim) obj$m-1 else obj$m
	d <- obj$d
	steps <- obj$steps
	embedd(x, lags=c((0:(m-1))*(-d), steps) )

getdXX <- function(obj, ...)
	diff(getdXXYY(obj,...))[ , 1:obj$m , drop=FALSE]

getdYY <- function(obj, ...)
	diff(getdXXYY(obj, ...))[ , obj$m+1]

getdX1 <- function(obj, ...)
	getdXXYY(obj,...)[ -1, 1, drop=FALSE]

getNUsed <- function(obj, ...)

getNUsed.nlar.struct <- function(obj, ...)

getNUsed.nlar <- function(obj, ...)
#non-linear autoregressive model fitting
#str: result of a call to nlar.struct

#'Non-linear time series model, base class definition
#'Generic non-linear autoregressive model class constructor.
#'Constructor for the generic \code{nlar} model class. On a fitted object you
#'can call some generic methods. For a list of them, see
#'An object of the \code{nlar} class is a list of (at least) components:
#'\describe{ \item{str}{ \code{\link{nlar.struct}} object, encapsulating
#'general infos such as time series length, embedding parameters, forecasting
#'steps, model design matrix } \item{coefficients}{ a named vector of model
#'estimated/fixed coefficients } \item{k}{ total number of estimated
#'coefficients } \item{fitted.values}{ model fitted values } \item{residuals}{
#'model residuals } \item{model}{ data frame containing the variables used }
#'\item{model.specific}{ (optional) model specific additional infos} }
#'A \code{\link{nlar}} object normally should also have a model-specific
#'subclass (i.e., \code{nlar} is a virtual class).
#'Each subclass should define at least a \code{print} and, hopefully, a
#'\code{oneStep} method, which is used by \code{\link{predict.nlar}} to
#'iteratively extend ahead the time series.
#'@param str a \code{nlar.struct} object, i.e. the result of a call to
#'@param coefficients,fitted.values,residuals,k,model,model.specific internal
#'@param \dots further model specific fields
#'@return An object of class \code{nlar}. \link{nlar-methods} for a list of
#'available methods.
#'@author Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#'@seealso \code{\link{availableModels}} for currently available built-in
#'models.  \link{nlar-methods} for available \code{nlar} methods.
#'@references Non-linear time series models in empirical finance, Philip Hans
#'Franses and Dick van Dijk, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2000).
#'Non-Linear Time Series: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Tong, H., Oxford:
#'Oxford University Press (1990).
#'@keywords ts internal
nlar <- function(str, coefficients, fitted.values, residuals, k, model,
                 model.specific=NULL, ...) {
  return(extend(list(), "nlar",
                coefficients = coefficients,
                fitted.values= fitted.values,
                residuals = residuals,

#' @export
#Print nlar object
print.nlar <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  cat("\nNon linear autoregressive model\n")

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
#Coefficients of a nlar.fit object (actually only for aar, as setar and lstar have dedicated one)
coef.nlar <- function(object,  ...){
  co <- object$coefficients

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
#Fitted values for the fitted nlar object
fitted.nlar <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- c(rep(NA, object$str$n.used - length(object$fitted.values)), object$fitted.values)
  tsp(ans) <- tsp( object$str$x )
  ans <- as.ts(ans)

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @template param_timeAttr
#' @template param_initVal
#' @export
#Observed residuals for the fitted nlar object
residuals.nlar <- function(object, initVal=TRUE, timeAttr = TRUE, ...) {
  str <- object$str
  data <- str$x
  resids <- object$residuals
  n_init <- str$n.used - length(resids)
  if(initVal) {
    res <- c(rep(NA,  n_init), resids)  
  } else {
    res <- resids
  if(timeAttr) {
    if(!initVal) {
      data <- tail(data, -n_init)
    tsp(res) <- tsp(data)
    res <- as.ts(res)

if(FALSE) {
  linear_l2_none <- linear(lh, m = 2, include = "none")
  residuals(linear_l2_none, timeAttr = FALSE)
  residuals(linear_l2_none, initVal = FALSE)
  residuals(linear_l2_none, initVal = FALSE, timeAttr = FALSE)
  linear_l2_none_num <- linear(as.numeric(lh), m = 2, include = "none")
  residuals(linear_l2_none_num, timeAttr = FALSE)
  residuals(linear_l2_none_num, initVal = FALSE)
  residuals(linear_l2_none_num, initVal = FALSE, timeAttr = FALSE)

#get the threshold for setar and nlVar

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
#Observed residuals for the fitted nlar object
deviance.nlar<-function(object,...) crossprod(object$residuals)

#Mean Square Error for the specified object

#'Mean Square Error
#'Generic function to compute the Mean Squared Error of a fitted model.
#'@aliases mse
#'@param object object of class \code{nlar.fit}
#'@param \dots additional arguments to \code{mse}
#'@return Computed MSE for the fitted model.
#'@author Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#'@keywords ts
mse <- function (object, ...)  

#' @rdname mse
#' @export
mse.default <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
mse.nlar <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname nlar-methods
#' @param k numeric, the penalty per parameter to be used for AIC/BIC; the default k = 2 is
#' the classical AIC
#' @export
#AIC for the fitted nlar model
AIC.nlar <- function(object,k=2, ...){
  n <- object$str$n.used
  npar <- object$k
  n * log( mse(object) ) + k * npar

#' @rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
#BIC for the fitted nlar model
BIC.nlar <- function(object, ...)
	AIC.nlar(object, k=log(getNUsed(object)))

#Mean Absolute Percent Error

#'Mean Absolute Percent Error
#'Generic function to compute the Mean Absolute Percent Error of a fitted
#'@aliases MAPE
#'@param object object of class \code{nlar.fit}
#'@param \dots additional arguments to \code{MAPE}
#'@return Computed Mean Absolute Percent Error for the fitted model.
#'@author Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#'@keywords ts
#' @export
MAPE <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname MAPE
#' @export
MAPE.default <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
MAPE.nlar <- function(object, ...) {
  e <- abs(object$residuals/object$str$yy)
  mean( e[is.finite(e)] )

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
#Computes summary infos for the fitted nlar model
summary.nlar <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- list()
  ans$object <- object
  ans$mse <- mse(object)
  ans$AIC <- AIC(object)
  ans$MAPE <- MAPE(object)
  ans$df <- object$k
  ans$residuals <- residuals(object)
  return(extend(list(), "summary.nlar", listV=ans))

#' @export
#Prints summary infos for the fitted nlar model
print.summary.nlar <- function(x, ...) {
  rq <- structure(quantile(x$residuals, na.rm=TRUE), names = c("Min","1Q","Median","3Q","Max"))
  print(rq, ...)
  cat("residuals variance = ", format(x$mse, digits = 4), 
      ",  AIC = ", format(x$AIC, digits=2), ", MAPE = ",format(100*x$MAPE, digits=4),"%\n", sep="")

#'@rdname nlar-methods
#' @export
plot.nlar <- function(x, ask = interactive(), ...) {
  str <- x$str
  op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  par(ask = ask, mfrow = c(2, 1), no.readonly=TRUE)
  series <- str$series
  data <- str$x
  plot(data, main = series, ylab = "Series")
  plot(residuals(x), main = "Residuals", ylab = "Series")
  tmp <- c(acf(data, na.action=na.remove, plot=FALSE)$acf[-1,,],
           acf(residuals(x), na.action=na.remove, plot=FALSE)$acf[-1,,])
  ylim <- range(tmp)
  acf.custom(data, main = paste("ACF of",series), na.action = na.remove, ylim=ylim)
  acf.custom(residuals(x), main = "ACF of Residuals", na.action = na.remove, ylim=ylim)
  tmp <- c(pacf(data, na.action=na.remove, plot=FALSE)$acf[-1,,],
           pacf(residuals(x), na.action=na.remove, plot=FALSE)$acf[-1,,])
  pacf.custom(data, main = paste("PACF of",series), ylim=ylim)
  pacf.custom(residuals(x), main = "PACF of Residuals", na.action = na.remove, ylim=ylim)
  partitions <- length(na.remove(data))^(1/3)
  partitions <- max(2, partitions)
  tmp <- c(mutual(na.remove(data), partitions=partitions, plot=FALSE)[-1],
           mutual(na.remove(residuals(x)), partitions=partitions, plot=FALSE)[-1])
  ylim <- c(0,max(tmp))
  mutual.custom(na.remove(data), partitions=partitions, 
		main=paste("Average Mutual Information of",series), ylim=ylim)
  mutual.custom(na.remove(residuals(x)), partitions=partitions, 
		main="Average Mutual Information of residuals", ylim=ylim)

#'Doing one step forward within a \code{NLAR} model
#'If in \code{object} is encapsulated the \code{NLAR} map, say, \code{F(X[t],
#'X[t-d], ..., X[t-(m-1)d])}, this function should return the value of \code{F}
#'(with already fitted parameters) applied to given new data, which can be a
#'single vector of length \code{m} or a matrix with \code{m} columns.
#'@param object fitted \sQuote{nlar} object
#'@param newdata data from which to step forward
#'@param \dots further arguments to be passed to and from other methods
#'@return Computed value(s)
#'@note This is an internal function, and should not be called by the user
#'@author Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#'@keywords internal ts
oneStep <- function(object, newdata, ...)

#'@rdname nlar-methods
toLatex.nlar <- function(object, digits, label,...) {
  obj <- object
  str <- obj$str
  m <- str$m
  d <- str$d
  steps <- str$steps
  res <- character()
  res[1] <- "\\["
  if(!missing(label)) res[1]<- paste(res[1], "\\label{", label, "}", sep="")
  res[2] <- paste("X_{t+",steps,"} = F( X_{t}",sep="")
  if(m>1) for(j in 2:m)
    res[2] <- paste(res[2], ", X_{t-",(j-1)*d,"}",sep="")
  res[2] <- paste(res[2], " )")
  res[3] <- "\\]"
  res[4] <- ""
  return(structure(res, class="Latex"))

## get_include
get_include <- function(object) UseMethod("get_include")
get_include.linear <-  function(object) object$include
get_include.setar <-  function(object) object$include
get_include.lstar <-  function(object) object$model.specific$include
get_include.aar <-  function(object) "const"
get_include.star <-  function(object) "const"

# LM linearity testing against 2 regime STAR
#   Performs an 3rd order Taylor expansion LM test
#   str: an nlar.struct object
#   rob
#   sig
linearityTest.star <- function(str, thVar, externThVar=FALSE,
                                      rob=FALSE, sig=0.05, trace=TRUE, ...)
  n.used <- NROW(str$xx);  # The number of lagged samples

  # Build the regressand vector
  y_t <- str$yy;
  # Regressors under the null
  xH0 <- cbind(1, str$xx)

  # Get the transition variable
  s_t <- thVar

  # Linear Model (null hypothesis)
  linearModel <- lm(y_t ~ . , data=data.frame(xH0))
  u_t <- linearModel$residuals;
  SSE0 <- sum(u_t^2)

  # Regressors under the alternative
  if (externThVar) {
#    if (rob) {} else {
    tmp <- rep(s_t, NCOL(str$xx) + 1)
    dim(tmp) <- c(length(s_t), NCOL(str$xx) + 1)
    xH1 <- cbind(cbind(1, str$xx) * tmp, cbind(1, str$xx) * (tmp^2),
                 cbind(1, str$xx) * (tmp^3))
  } else {
#    if (rob) {} else {
    tmp <- rep(s_t, NCOL(str$xx))
    dim(tmp) <- c(length(s_t), NCOL(str$xx))
    xH1 <- cbind(str$xx * tmp, str$xx * (tmp^2), str$xx * (tmp^3))

  # Standarize the regressors
  Z <- cbind(xH0, xH1);
  nZ <- NCOL(Z);
  sdZ <- apply(Z,2,sd)
  dim(sdZ) <- c(1, nZ)
  sdZ <- kronecker(matrix(1,n.used,1), sdZ) # repeat sdZ n.used rows
  Z[,2:nZ] <- Z[,2:nZ] / sdZ[,2:nZ]

  # Nonlinear model (alternative hypothesis)
  nonlinearModel <- lm(u_t ~ ., data=data.frame(Z));
  e_t <- nonlinearModel$residuals;
  SSE1 <- sum(e_t^2)

  # Compute the test statistic
  n <- NCOL(xH0);
  m <- NCOL(xH1);
  F = ((SSE0 - SSE1) / m) / (SSE1 / (n.used - m - n));
  # Look up the statistic in the table, get the p-value
  pValue <- pf(F, m, n.used - m - n, lower.tail = FALSE);
  if (pValue >= sig) {
    return(list(isLinear = TRUE, pValue = pValue));
  else {
    return(list(isLinear = FALSE, pValue = pValue));


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