
Defines functions cor2Srho Srho.cor Trho.test.SA Trho.test.AR safe.Trho mbboot boot.perm Srho.test.ts safe.Srho Srho.test.AR surrogate.ARs surrogate.AR Srho.test.SA surrogate.SA reference.biv reference.uni lscv.biv lscv.uni pi.biv pi.uni scv.biv scv.uni mlcv.biv mlcv.uni Srho.ts.biv Srho.ts.uni Srho.func.old Srho.func Srho.ts

Documented in Srho.test.AR Srho.test.ts Srho.ts surrogate.AR surrogate.ARs surrogate.SA Trho.test.AR Trho.test.SA

  ## tseriesEntropy
  ## Entropy based tests of serial dependence and nonlinearity
  #  The authors of this software is
  #  Simone Giannerini, Copyright (c) 2009.
  #  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
  #  purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
  #  is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
  #  or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
  #  documentation for such software.
  #  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  #  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  #  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  #  (at your option) any later version.
  #  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  #  GNU General Public License for more details.
  #  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
  #  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

 ## ***************************************************************************************************

 setClass("Srho.ts", contains="Srho",
         representation(method ="character", bandwidth="character"))

## ***************************************************************************************************
setMethod ("show" , "Srho.ts",
    out <- object@.Data
    names(out) <- object@lags;
    n <- length(out);
    lag.max <- object@lags[n]
    cat (" Srho computed on", lag.max, "lags \n")
    cat (" ------------------------------------------------ \n")
    cat (" ------------------------------------------------ \n")
    cat (" Data type               :" , object@data.type , "\n")
    cat (" Stationary version      :" , object@stationary , "\n")
    cat (" Computation method used :" , object@method , "\n")
    cat (" Bandwidth method used   :" , object@bandwidth , "\n")
    cat (" Additional notes        :" , object@notes, "\n");
    cat ("\n")

## ***************************************************************************************************

Srho.ts <- function(x,y, lag.max = 10, bw = c("reference",
"mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), plot = TRUE, tol=1e-03,...){

    n <- length(x);
    if (missing(lag.max)) lag.max = round(n/4);
    if((lag.max >= n)||(lag.max < 1)) stop('incorrect number of lags')

    bw     <- match.arg(bw)
    method <- match.arg(method)
#    if(stationary=TRUE) stop("Stationary version not yet implemented for continuous data");
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop('input series must be numeric')
    if (missing(y)||is.null(y)){ # RICORDARSI DI AGGIORNARE GLI HELP *********
        return(Srho.ts.uni(x,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=plot, tol=tol,...))
    } else {
        if(!is.numeric(y)) stop('input series must be numeric')
        return(Srho.ts.biv(x,y,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=plot, tol=tol,...))

## **************************************************************************************************

# $Id: Entropy_lib.R,v 2.14 2002/06/23 17:14:05 jracine Exp jracine $'
# Written by J. Racine email: jracine@maxwell.syr.edu

# R code defining Srho described in Granger, Maasoumi, and Racine JTSA
# "A Dependence Metric for Possibly Nonlinear Processes".
# Finally, univariate and bivariate kernel density routines
# and cross-validation routines for data-driven bandwidth selection.

## ***************************************************************
## Extensively modified by Simone Giannerini
## email: simone.giannerini@unibo.it
## August 2005 -
## *******************************************************************
## All the bottleneck parts of the program related to Srho
## have been rewritten in F90 and are dynamically loaded
## Some R parts have been rewritten in a cleaner and more portable way
## *******************************************************************
## May 2011:
## the program uses the package "cubature" instead of "adapt" for
## multidimensional integration
## *******************************************************************

# maxpts <- 1e06 # Maximum number of function evaluations
# tol <- 1e-03   # Relative error '

##     ************************************************************************

Srho.func <- function(x1, x2, h1,h2, Hbiv, method = c("integral", "summation"),
tol=1e-03,...) {

    if(length(x1) != length(x2))  stop("Input vectors differ in length.\n")
    if((h1 <= 0) || (h2 <= 0))    stop("Bandwidths must be positive.\n")

    method <- match.arg(method)

    if(method == "integral") {
        # For range of integration, use min - range and max + range for each
        # variable
        lo.default <- c(3*min(x1)-2*max(x1),3*min(x2)-2*max(x2)) # Lower vertices (min -        2range)
        up.default <- c(3*max(x1)-2*min(x1),3*max(x2)-2*min(x2)) # Upper vertices (max +        2range)
        xb                 <- cbind(x1,x2)
        N                  <- nrow(xb)
        storage.mode(xb)   <- 'double'
        Hinv               <- solve(Hbiv)
        storage.mode(Hinv) <- 'double'

         Srho.integrand2 <- function(x) {
            storage.mode(x) <- 'double'
            nx              <- NCOL(x)
           # SUBROUTINE SRhointegrand2(X,nX,xb,N,h1,h2,Hinv,SINT)
            res <- .Fortran("srhointegrand2",x,as.integer(nx),xb,as.integer(N),
         return(0.5*hcubature(f=Srho.integrand2, lowerLimit=lo.default,
         upperLimit=up.default, tol = tol,vectorInterface = TRUE,
         fDim = 1, absError=0,...)$integral)
    } else if(method == "summation") {
        h1.biv <- Hbiv[1,1]
        h2.biv <- Hbiv[2,2]
        Srho.sum <-
        .Fortran("srhosum", as.double(x1),as.double(x2), as.integer(length(x1)),
            as.double(h1),as.double(h2), as.double(h1.biv),as.double(h2.biv),S=double(1),PACKAGE='tseriesEntropy')$S;

## *****************************************************************************

Srho.func.old <- function(x1, x2, h1, h2, Hbiv, method = c("integral",
"summation"), tol=1e-03,...) {

    if(length(x1) != length(x2))  stop("Input vectors differ in length.\n")
    if((h1 <= 0) || (h2 <= 0))    stop("Bandwidths must be positive.\n")

    method <- match.arg(method)
    h1.biv <- Hbiv[1,1]
    h2.biv <- Hbiv[2,2]
    if(method == "integral") {
        # For range of integration, use min - range and max + range for each
        # variable
        lo.default <- c(3*min(x1)-2*max(x1),3*min(x2)-2*max(x2)) # Lower vertices (min - 2range)
        up.default <- c(3*max(x1)-2*min(x1),3*max(x2)-2*min(x2)) # Upper vertices (max + 2range)
        # Here we define a function which is the integrand of Srho when the
        # densities are estimated using a Gaussian kernel
         Srho.integrand <- function(x) {
            Srho.integrand <- .Fortran("srhointegrand",as.double(x),as.double(x1),as.double(x2),as.integer(length(x1)),
         return(0.5*hcubature(f=Srho.integrand, lowerLimit=lo.default, upperLimit=up.default, tol = tol,
         fDim = 1, absError=0,...)$integral)
    } else if(method == "summation") {

        Srho.sum <- .Fortran("srhosum",as.double(x1),as.double(x2),as.integer(length(x1)),
## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.ts.uni <- function(x, lag.max = 10, bw = c("reference",
"mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"),bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), plot = TRUE, tol=1e-03,...) {
    n <- length(x)
    S      <- rep(NA,lag.max)
    bw     <- match.arg(bw)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    bw.fun.uni <- paste(bw,"uni",sep=".")
    bw.fun.biv <- paste(bw,"biv",sep=".")
    h1   <- do.call(bw.fun.uni,list(x));
    h2   <- h1
    for(k in 1:lag.max){
        x.lag0 <- x[(1+k):n]
        x.lagk <- x[1:(n-k)]
        Hbiv   <- do.call(bw.fun.biv,list(x.lag0,x.lagk,bdiag));
        S[k]   <- Srho.func(x.lag0,x.lagk,h1,h2,Hbiv,method,tol,...)
    out <- new("Srho.ts")
    out@.Data      <- S
    out@lags       <- 1:lag.max
    out@stationary <- FALSE
    out@data.type  <- "continuous"
    out@bandwidth  <- bw
    out@method     <- method
    if (plot){
    else return(out)

## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.ts.biv <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10, bw = c("reference",
"mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"),bdiag=TRUE, method = c("integral","summation"),plot=TRUE, tol=1e-03,...){

    if(length(x) != length(y))  stop("Input vectors differ in length.\n")

    n <- length(x)
    bw     <- match.arg(bw)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    S      <- rep(NA,(2*lag.max+1))
    bw.fun.uni <- paste(bw,"uni",sep=".")
    bw.fun.biv <- paste(bw,"biv",sep=".")
    h1   <- do.call(bw.fun.uni,list(x));
    h2   <- do.call(bw.fun.uni,list(y));
    Hbiv <- do.call(bw.fun.biv,list(x,y,bdiag));

    S[lag.max+1] <- Srho.func(x,y,h1,h2,Hbiv,method,tol,...)

    for(k in 1:lag.max) {
        x1     <- x[1:(n-k)];
        y1     <- y[(k+1):n];
        Hbiv   <- do.call(bw.fun.biv,list(x1,y1,bdiag));
        S[lag.max+1+k] <- Srho.func(x1,y1,h1,h2,Hbiv,method,tol,...)
        x1     <- x[(k+1):n];
        y1     <- y[1:(n-k)];
        Hbiv   <- do.call(bw.fun.biv,list(x1,y1,bdiag));

        S[lag.max+1-k] <- Srho.func(x1,y1,h1,h2,Hbiv,method,tol,...)
    out <- new("Srho.ts")
    out@.Data      <-  S
    out@lags       <- -lag.max:lag.max
    out@stationary <- FALSE
    out@data.type  <- "continuous"
    out@bandwidth  <- bw
    out@method     <- method
    if (plot) {
    else return(out)
## **************************************************************************************************

# Next we implement cross-validation for univariate and bivariate
# density estimation using second-order Gaussian kernels as is used in
# the metrics defined above.

# Kullback-Leibler cross-validation for kernel density estimation,
# second order Gaussian kernel (likelihood cross-validation)

mlcv.uni <- function(x) {
    DMACH <- rep(0,4)
    x <- x
    n <- length(x)
    kdenest.mlcv <- function(h) {
       kdenest.mlcv <- .Fortran("kdenestmlcv",as.double(x),as.integer(length(x)),as.double(h),F=double(1),as.double(DMACH),PACKAGE='tseriesEntropy');
    return(nlm(kdenest.mlcv, 1.06*(min(sd(x),IQR(x)/1.34))*n^{-1/5})$estimate)
## **************************************************************************************************

mlcv.biv <- function(x,y,bdiag) {
    DMACH <- rep(0,4)
    x <- x
    y <- y
    n <- length(x);
    kdenest.mlcv <- function(h) {
        kdenest.mlcv <- .Fortran("kdenestmlcvb",as.double(x),as.double(y),as.integer(length(x)),as.double(h),F=double(1),as.double(DMACH),PACKAGE='tseriesEntropy');
    res <- nlm(kdenest.mlcv, c(1.06*(min(sd(x),IQR(x)/1.34))*n^{-1/6},1.06*sd(y)*n^{-1/6}))$estimate
## **************************************************************************************************
scv.uni <- function(x){
## **************************************************************************************************
scv.biv <- function(x,y,bdiag){
## **************************************************************************************************
pi.uni <- function(x){
## **************************************************************************************************
pi.biv <- function(x,y,bdiag){
## **************************************************************************************************
lscv.uni <- function(x){
## **************************************************************************************************

lscv.biv <- function(x,y,bdiag){
## **************************************************************************************************

reference.uni <- function(x){
    #return( 1.06*(min(sd(x),IQR(x)/1.34))*length(x)^{-1/5})
## **************************************************************************************************

reference.biv <- function(x,y,bdiag){
#        h1.biv <- 1.06*(min(sd(x),IQR(x)/1.34))*length(x)^{-1/6}
#        h2.biv <- 1.06*sd(y)*length(y)^{-1/6}
    h1 <- 1.06*sd(x)*length(x)^{-1/6}
    h2 <- 1.06*sd(y)*length(y)^{-1/6}
## **************************************************************************************************

surrogate.SA <- function(x,nlag=trunc(length(x)/4),nsurr,Te=0.0015,RT=0.9,eps.SA=0.05,nsuccmax=30,nmax=300,che=100000){

    ## Wrapper for the F90 routine SURROGATEACF
    ## Given a time series in input x computes nsurr surrogates through Simulated Annealing
    ## INPUT: ********************************************************************************
     N    <- length(x);     #  length of the series
    ##  nlag                #  minimization is performed w.r.t. to the first 'nlag' lags
    ##  Te                  #  starting value for the temperature (should be dependent on N)
    ##  RT                  #  reduction factor for the temperature
    ##  eps.SA              #  target tolerance
    ##  nsuccmax            #  Te is decreased after nsuccmax*N successes
    ##  nmax                #  Te is decreased after nmax*N iterations
    ##  nsurr               #  number of surrogates
    ##  che                 #  after check*2N global iterations the algorithm starts again
    ## OUTPUT:
    ##   A matrix with N rows and nsurr columns, in each column is stored a surrogate
    surrogate.acf <- matrix(0,N,nsurr);
    surr <- .Fortran("surrogateacf",as.double(x),as.integer(N),as.integer(nlag),as.double(Te),as.double(RT),as.double(eps.SA),
            as.integer(nsuccmax),as.integer(nmax),as.integer(nsurr),as.integer(che),surrogate.acf, PACKAGE='tseriesEntropy');
    surrogate.acf <- surr[[11]];

## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.test.SA <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10,  B = 100, plot = TRUE, quant = c(0.95, 0.99),
bw = c("reference", "mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), tol=1e-03,
    if(any(quant<=0|quant>=1)) stop("elements of quant must lie in ]0,1[");
            quant <- c(0.95,quant)
            quant <- c(quant,0.99)
    bw     <- match.arg(bw)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (missing(y)){
        S.x    <- Srho.ts(x,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=FALSE, tol=tol,...)@.Data
        x.surr <- surrogate.SA(x=x,nlag=nlag,nsurr = (B+5),Te=Te,RT=RT,eps.SA=eps.SA,nsuccmax=nsuccmax,nmax=nmax,che=che)
        M      <-  safe.Srho(x.surr=x.surr$surr,B.good=B,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,tol=tol,...);
        M.95   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[1]));
        M.99   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[2]));
        names(S.x) <- 1:lag.max
        ind95  <- which(S.x>=M.95);
        ind99  <- which(S.x>=M.99);
        out            <- new("Srho.test")
        out@.Data      <- S.x@.Data
        out@lags       <- 1:lag.max
        out@stationary <- FALSE
        out@data.type  <- "continuous"
        out@test.type  <- "nonlinearity (SA)"
        out@call       <- match.call();
        out@call.h     <- x.surr$call;
        out@quantiles  <- cbind(M.95,M.99)
        q.names        <- paste("Q",as.character((quant*100)),"%",sep='')
        colnames(out@quantiles)     <- q.names
        rownames(out@quantiles)     <- 1:lag.max
        out@significant.lags        <- list(as.integer(names(ind95)),as.integer(names(ind99)))
        names(out@significant.lags) <- q.names
        out@p.value                 <- rowMeans(M >= S.x) # bootstrap p-value
        names(out@p.value)          <- 1:lag.max
        if (plot) {
        else return(out)

    } else {
        return(cat("Cross-Entropy testing for non linearity not yet implemented"))

## **************************************************************************************************

surrogate.AR <- function(x, order.max=NULL, fit.method=c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw"), nsurr){
    fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method)
    n         <- length(x);
    x.ar      <- ar(x,method=fit.method,order.max = order.max, na.action=na.exclude);
    x.res.ar  <- x.ar$resid;
    ind       <- is.na(x.res.ar);
    x.res.ar[ind] <- median(x.res.ar,na.rm=T);
    x.res.ar  <- scale(x.res.ar,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE) # Recenters the residuals (NEW)
    x.par.ar  <- x.ar$ar;             # Estimated parameters AR
    le.ar     <- x.ar$order;          # Estimated order of the AR model (AIC)
    x.surr    <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=nsurr) # Matrix of the bootstrap replications
    for(i in (1:nsurr)) {
        x.resb     <- sample(x.res.ar,replace=TRUE);
        x.surr[,i] <- arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = x.par.ar),innov=x.resb,n.start=le.ar+1);
## **************************************************************************************************

surrogate.ARs <- function(x, order.max=NULL, fit.method=c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw"), nsurr){
    fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method)
    n          <- length(x);
    x.ar       <- ar(x,method=fit.method,order.max = order.max, na.action=na.exclude);
    x.res.ar   <- x.ar$resid;
    ind        <- is.na(x.res.ar);
    x.res.ar[ind] <- median(x.res.ar,na.rm=TRUE);
    x.res.ar   <- scale(x.res.ar,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE) # Recenter the residuals
    x.par.ar   <- x.ar$ar;                 # Estimated parameters AR
    le.ar      <- x.ar$order;              # Estimated order of the AR model (AIC)
    fit        <- density(x.res.ar)        # Kernel density fit
    x.surr     <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=nsurr) # Matrix of the bootstrap replications
    for(i in (1:nsurr)) {
        x.resb     <- rnorm(n, sample(x.res.ar, size = n, replace = TRUE), fit$bw) # draws from the density
        x.surr[,i] <- arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = x.par.ar),innov=x.resb,n.start=le.ar+1);
## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.test.AR <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10,  B = 100, plot = TRUE, quant = c(0.95, 0.99),
bw = c("reference", "mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), tol=1e-03,
order.max=NULL, fit.method=c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw"),smoothed=TRUE,...)
    if(any(quant<=0|quant>=1)) stop("elements of quant must lie in ]0,1[");
            quant <- c(0.95,quant)
            quant <- c(quant,0.99)
    bw         <- match.arg(bw)
    method     <- match.arg(method)
    fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method)
    arg.s      <- list(x=x,order.max=order.max,fit.method=fit.method,nsurr = (B+5))
    fun        <- switch(smoothed+1,"surrogate.AR","surrogate.ARs")
    if (missing(y)){
        S.x    <- Srho.ts(x,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=FALSE, tol=tol,...)@.Data
#        x.surr <- surrogate.AR(x=x,order.max=order.max,fit.method=fit.method,nsurr = (B+5))
        x.surr <-  do.call(eval(fun),args=arg.s)
        M      <-  safe.Srho(x.surr=x.surr$surr,B.good=B,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,tol=tol,...);
        M.95   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[1]));
        M.99   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[2]));
        names(S.x) <- 1:lag.max
        ind95  <- which(S.x>=M.95);
        ind99  <- which(S.x>=M.99);
        out            <- new("Srho.test")
        out@.Data      <- S.x@.Data
        out@lags       <- 1:lag.max
        out@stationary <- FALSE
        out@data.type  <- "continuous"
        out@test.type  <- "nonlinearity (AR)"
        out@call       <- match.call();
        out@call.h     <- x.surr$call
        out@quantiles  <- cbind(M.95,M.99)
        q.names        <- paste("Q",as.character((quant*100)),"%",sep='')
        colnames(out@quantiles)     <- q.names
        rownames(out@quantiles)     <- 1:lag.max
        out@significant.lags        <- list(as.integer(names(ind95)),as.integer(names(ind99)))
        names(out@significant.lags) <- q.names
        out@p.value                 <- rowMeans(M >= S.x) # bootstrap p-value
        names(out@p.value)          <- 1:lag.max
        if (plot) {
        else return(out)

    } else {
        return(cat("Cross-Entropy testing for non linearity not yet implemented"))
## **************************************************************************************************

    safe.Srho <- function(x.surr,y.surr,B.good,lag.max,writeout=200,bw,bdiag,method,tol,...){

        ## Function to protect against crashes in computing Srho.ts on surrogates or bootstrap replicates

        ## INPUT:
        ##  [...]     same as Srho.ts
        ##  B.good       :  minimum number of replications requested.
        ##  x.surr, ysurr:  matrix of the surrogates, one column each.
        ##                  It has to be ncol(x.surr) > B.good.
        ##  writeout     :  writes every writeout replications.
        ## OUTPUT:
        ##  S.surr       :  nlag by B.good matrix with the results.

        n.surr <- ncol(x.surr);
            y.surr <- NULL
            S.surr <- matrix(0,nrow=lag.max,ncol=B.good)
            if(any(dim(x.surr)!=dim(y.surr))){stop("x.surr and y.surr do not match")}
            S.surr <- matrix(0,nrow=(2*lag.max+1),ncol=B.good)
        if(n.surr<B.good) stop("The number of surrogates generated are less than the number of the results requested")
        if(n.surr==B.good) warning("The number of surrogates generated are equal to the number of the results requested")
        k <- 1;
        j <- 1;
       # cat("\r Replication number  1");
        while(k <= B.good){
            result <- try(Srho.ts(x=x.surr[,j],y=y.surr[,j],lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,plot=FALSE,tol=tol,...)@.Data,TRUE)
            cond <- (class(result)=="try-error"|any(is.na(result))|any(is.nan(result)))
                cat("\r ***************************************");
                cat("\r Crash encountered, surrogate skipped \n");
                cat("\r Surrogate number ", j);
                cat("\r ***************************************");
            } else {
                S.surr[,k] <- result
                if(k%%writeout==0) cat("\r Replication number ", k); ## Writes every writeout replications
                k <- k+1;
            j <- j+1;

## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.test.ts <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10,  B = 100, plot = TRUE, quant = c(0.95, 0.99),
bw = c("reference", "mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), tol=1e-03,
ci.type = c("mbb","perm"),...)
    if(any(quant<=0|quant>=1)) stop("elements of quant must lie in ]0,1[");
            quant <- c(0.95,quant)
            quant <- c(quant,0.99)
    bw      <- match.arg(bw)
    method  <- match.arg(method)
    ci.type <- match.arg(ci.type)
        y <- NULL
        y.surr <- NULL
        lag.names <- 1:lag.max
        ci.type <- "perm"
        blag <- lag.max
        X <- ts.intersect(as.ts(x), as.ts(y)) # time alignment
        x <- X[,1]
        y <- X[,2]
        y.surr  <- switch(ci.type,"mbb"=mbboot(x=y,B=B+5,l=blag),"perm"=boot.perm(x=y, B=B+5))
        lag.names <- -lag.max:lag.max
    x.surr <- switch(ci.type,"mbb"=mbboot(x=x,B=B+5,l=blag),"perm"=boot.perm(x=x, B=B+5))
    S.x    <- Srho.ts(x=x,y=y,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=FALSE,tol=tol,...)@.Data
    M      <-  safe.Srho(x.surr=x.surr$surr,y.surr=y.surr$surr,B.good=B,lag.max=lag.max,
    M.95   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[1]));
    M.99   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[2]));
    names(S.x) <- lag.names
    ind95  <- which(S.x>=M.95);
    ind99  <- which(S.x>=M.99);
    out <- new("Srho.test")
    out@.Data      <- S.x@.Data
    out@lags       <- lag.names
    out@stationary <- FALSE
    out@data.type  <- "continuous"
    out@test.type  <- paste("independence",ci.type,sep="-")
    out@call       <- match.call();
    out@quantiles  <- cbind(M.95,M.99)
    q.names <- paste("Q",as.character((quant*100)),"%",sep='')
    colnames(out@quantiles)     <- q.names
    rownames(out@quantiles)     <- lag.names
    out@significant.lags        <- list(as.integer(names(ind95)),as.integer(names(ind99)))
    names(out@significant.lags) <- q.names
    out@p.value                 <- rowMeans(M >= S.x) # bootstrap p-value
    names(out@p.value)          <- lag.names
    if (plot) {
    else return(out)
## **************************************************************************************************

boot.perm <- function(x, B){
## generates B random permutations of x
# INPUT:  vector x of length n
# OUTPUT: n by B matrix; each column contains a random permutation of x
    n      <- length(x)
    x.surr <- matrix(rep(x,B), n,B)
    x.surr <- apply(x.surr,FUN=sample,MARGIN=2)
## **************************************************************************************************

mbboot <- function(x, B, l){
# Moving Block Bootstrap
# INPUT  x: vector of length n
#        l: length of the MBB block
# OUTPUT x.surr : n by B matrix; each column contains a MBB resample from x
    n <- length(x)
    if ((l < 1) || (l >= n)) stop("l should be in [1,length(x)]")
    nblocks <- n%/%l+1 # max. number of blocks for each resample
    ind.mat   <- embed(1:n,l)[,l:1] # embedding of the indices
    ind.block <- sample.int(n=n-l+1,size=nblocks*B,replace=TRUE) # block indices
    ind.x     <- as.vector(t(ind.mat[ind.block,]))
    x.surr <- matrix(x[ind.x],nrow=nblocks*l,ncol=B)[1:n,]
 #   return(x.surr)
## **************************************************************************************************

    safe.Trho <- function(x.surr,y.surr,B.good,lag.max,writeout=200,bw,bdiag,method,tol,...){

        ## Function to protect against crashes in computing Trho on surrogates or bootstrap replicates

        ## INPUT:
        ##  [...]     same as Srho.ts
        ##  B.good       :  minimum number of replications requested.
        ##  x.surr, ysurr:  matrix of the surrogates, one column each.
        ##                  It has to be ncol(x.surr) > B.good.
        ##  writeout     :  writes every writeout replications.
        ## OUTPUT:
        ##  S.surr       :  nlag by B.good matrix with the results.

        n.surr <- ncol(x.surr);
            y.surr <- NULL
            S.surr <- matrix(0,nrow=lag.max,ncol=B.good)
            if(any(dim(x.surr)!=dim(y.surr))){stop("x.surr and y.surr do not match")}
            S.surr <- matrix(0,nrow=(2*lag.max+1),ncol=B.good)
        if(n.surr<B.good) stop("The number of surrogates generated are less than the number of the results requested")
        if(n.surr==B.good) warning("The number of surrogates generated are equal to the number of the results requested")
        k <- 1;
        j <- 1;
       # cat("\r Replication number  1");
        while(k <= B.good){
            result <- try((Srho.ts(x=x.surr[,j],y=y.surr[,j],lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,plot=FALSE,tol=tol,...)@.Data-
            cond <- (class(result)=="try-error"|any(is.na(result))|any(is.nan(result)))
                cat("\r ***************************************");
                cat("\r Crash encountered, surrogate skipped \n");
                cat("\r Surrogate number ", j);
                cat("\r ***************************************");
            } else {
                S.surr[,k] <- result
                if(k%%writeout==0) cat("\r Replication number ", k); ## Writes every writeout replications
                k <- k+1;
            j <- j+1;

## **************************************************************************************************

Trho.test.AR <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10,  B = 100, plot = TRUE, quant = c(0.95, 0.99),
bw = c("reference", "mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), tol=1e-03,
order.max=NULL, fit.method=c("yule-walker", "burg", "ols", "mle", "yw"),smoothed=TRUE,...)
    if(any(quant<=0|quant>=1)) stop("elements of quant must lie in ]0,1[");
            quant <- c(0.95,quant)
            quant <- c(quant,0.99)
    bw         <- match.arg(bw)
    method     <- match.arg(method)
    fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method)
    arg.s      <- list(x=x,order.max=order.max,fit.method=fit.method,nsurr = (B+5))
    fun        <- switch(smoothed+1,"surrogate.AR","surrogate.ARs")
    if (missing(y)){
        S.x    <- (Srho.ts(x,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=FALSE,
                                tol=tol,...)@.Data - Srho.cor(x,lag.max=lag.max,plot=FALSE)@.Data)^2
        x.surr <-  do.call(eval(fun),args=arg.s)
#        x.surr <- surrogate.AR(x=x,order.max=order.max,fit.method=fit.method,nsurr = (B+5))

        M      <-  safe.Trho(x.surr=x.surr$surr,B.good=B,lag.max=lag.max, bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,tol=tol,...);
        M.95   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[1]));
        M.99   <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[2]));
        names(S.x) <- 1:lag.max
        ind95      <- which(S.x>=M.95);
        ind99      <- which(S.x>=M.99);
        out        <- new("Srho.test")
        out@.Data  <- S.x
        out@lags   <- 1:lag.max
        out@stationary <- FALSE
        out@data.type  <- "continuous"
        out@test.type  <- "nonlinearity (AR) Nonparametric vs. Parametric"
        out@call       <- match.call();
        out@call.h     <- x.surr$call
        out@quantiles  <- cbind(M.95,M.99)
        q.names        <- paste("Q",as.character((quant*100)),"%",sep='')
        colnames(out@quantiles) <- q.names
        rownames(out@quantiles) <- 1:lag.max
        out@significant.lags    <- list(as.integer(names(ind95)),as.integer(names(ind99)))
        names(out@significant.lags) <- q.names
        out@p.value                 <- rowMeans(M >= S.x) # bootstrap p-value
        names(out@p.value)          <- 1:lag.max
        if (plot) {
            plot(out,ylab = "T")
        else return(out)

    } else {
        return(cat("Cross-Entropy testing for non linearity not yet implemented"))
## **************************************************************************************************

Trho.test.SA <- function(x, y, lag.max = 10,  B = 100, plot = TRUE, quant = c(0.95, 0.99),
bw = c("reference", "mlcv", "lscv", "scv", "pi"), bdiag=TRUE, method =c("integral","summation"), tol=1e-03,
    if(any(quant<=0|quant>=1)) stop("elements of quant must lie in ]0,1[");
            quant <- c(0.95,quant)
            quant <- c(quant,0.99)
    bw         <- match.arg(bw)
    method     <- match.arg(method)
    if (missing(y)){
        S.x    <- (Srho.ts(x,lag.max=lag.max,bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method, plot=FALSE,
                                tol=tol,...)@.Data - Srho.cor(x,lag.max=lag.max,plot=FALSE)@.Data)^2
        x.surr <- surrogate.SA(x=x,nlag=nlag,nsurr = (B+5),Te=Te,RT=RT,eps.SA=eps.SA,nsuccmax=nsuccmax,nmax=nmax,che=che)
        M      <-  safe.Trho(x.surr=x.surr$surr,B.good=B,lag.max=lag.max, bw=bw,bdiag=bdiag,method=method,tol=tol,...);
        M.95  <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[1]));
        M.99  <- apply(M,1,quantile,probs=c(quant[2]));
        names(S.x) <- 1:lag.max
        ind95 <- which(S.x>=M.95);
        ind99 <- which(S.x>=M.99);
        out            <- new("Srho.test")
        out@.Data      <- S.x
        out@lags       <- 1:lag.max
        out@stationary <- FALSE
        out@data.type  <- "continuous"
        out@test.type  <- "nonlinearity (SA)"
        out@call       <- match.call();
        out@call.h     <- x.surr$call;
        out@quantiles  <- cbind(M.95,M.99)
        q.names <- paste("Q",as.character((quant*100)),"%",sep='')
        colnames(out@quantiles) <- q.names
        rownames(out@quantiles) <- 1:lag.max
        out@significant.lags    <- list(as.integer(names(ind95)),as.integer(names(ind99)))
        names(out@significant.lags) <- q.names
        out@p.value                 <- rowMeans(M >= S.x) # bootstrap p-value
        names(out@p.value)          <- 1:lag.max
        if (plot) {
            plot(out,ylab = "T")
        else return(out)

    } else {
        return(cat("Cross-Entropy testing for non linearity not yet implemented"))
## **************************************************************************************************

Srho.cor <- function(x,lag.max=10,plot=TRUE){
    # Parametric estimation of Srho based on the ACF
    x.cor <- acf(x,lag.max=lag.max,plot=FALSE,na.action=na.pass)$acf[2:(lag.max+1),,1]
    out <- new("Srho")
    out@.Data      <- cor2Srho(x.cor)
    out@lags       <- 1:lag.max
    out@data.type  <- "continuous"
    out@stationary <- TRUE
    if (plot) {
    else return(out)

## ****************************************************************************************************

cor2Srho <- function(rho){
    S <- 1- (2*(1-rho^2)^(1/4))/(4-rho^2)^(1/2);
## ****************************************************************************************************

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