
Defines functions write_ts

Documented in write_ts

#' Export a list of time series to a file.
#' @param tl list of time series
#' @param fname character file name. Defaults to NULL, displaying output on console. Set a file name without file extension in order to store a file. Default file names / location are not CRAN compliant which is why the file name defaults to NULL.
#' @param format character denotes export formats. Defaults to .csv. "csv", "xlsx", "json", "rdata" are available. Spreadsheet formats like csv allow for further optional parameters.
#' @param date_format character denotes the date format. Defaults to NULL. If set to null the default is used: Jan 2010.
#' @param timestamp_to_fn If TRUE, the current date will be appended to the file name. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param round_digits integer, precision in digits.
#' @param rdata_varname character name of the list of time series within the store RData. Defaults to "tslist".
#' @param ... additional arguments used by spedific formats.
#' @details
#' Additional arguments covered by \code{...}
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \strong{Name} \tab \strong{Effect} \tab \strong{Format(s)} \cr
#'   \code{wide} \tab Export data in a wide format (one column per series) \tab CSV, XLSX \cr
#'   \code{transpose} \tab Transpose exported data (one row per series) \tab CSV, XLSX, only if wide = TRUE \cr
#'   \code{zip} \tab If set to TRUE, the file is compressed into a zip archive after export \tab any \cr
#' }
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom utils zip
#' @import data.table
#' @export
write_ts <- function(tl,
                     fname = NULL,
                     format = "csv",
                     date_format = NULL,
                     timestamp_to_fn = FALSE,
                     round_digits = NULL,
                     rdata_varname = "tslist",
                     ...) {
  args <- list(...)

  if (!is.list(tl)) {
    stop("tl must be a list object!")

  if (is.null(names(tl))) {
    warning("Unnamed list provided, using index as name!")
    names(tl) <- seq(1:length(tl))

  # Match format
  allowed_formats <- c("csv", "xlsx", "json", "rdata")
  format <- match.arg(format, allowed_formats)

  # Timestamp filename
  if (timestamp_to_fn & !is.null(fname)) {
    fname <- paste(fname, gsub("-", "_", Sys.Date()), sep = "_")

  wide <- ifelse(!is.null(args$wide), args$wide, FALSE)
  transpose <- ifelse(!is.null(args$transpose), args$transpose, FALSE)

  # check for format compatability
  if (format %in% c("csv", "xlsx") && wide) {
    ts_lengths <- sapply(tl, length)
    if (!all(diff(ts_lengths) == 0)) {
      warning("list contains time series of different lengths. Export to wide .csv or xlsx is not recommended.")

  if (!is.null(round_digits)) {
    tl <- lapply(tl, round, digits = round_digits)

  # Export data
  if (format == "rdata") {
    env <- new.env()
    env[[rdata_varname]] <- tl

    if (is.null(fname)) {

    write_name <- paste0(fname, ".RData")

    save(list = ls(env), file = write_name, envir = env)
  } else {
    nTs <- length(tl)

    if (format != "json") {
      if (!wide) {
        # convert the list into a pretty, long data.frame
        tl_lengths <- data.table(length = sapply(tl, length))

        index <- seq(nrow(tl_lengths))

        tsdf <- tl_lengths[, list(internal_index = seq(length)), by = index]

        tl_names <- names(tl)

        tsdf[, `:=`(
          freq = frequency(tl[[index]]),
          series = tl_names[index],
          value = as.numeric(tl[[index]][internal_index]),
          date_numeric = as.numeric(time(tl[[index]]))
        by = index

        tsdf[, date := formatNumericDate(date_numeric, freq, date_format), by = freq]

        tsdf[, `:=`(index = NULL, date_numeric = NULL, freq = NULL, internal_index = NULL)]
        setcolorder(tsdf, c("date", "value", "series"))
      } else {
        tsmat <- do.call("cbind", tl)
        dates <- time(tsmat)
        freq <- frequency(tl[[1]])

        tsdf <- as.data.table(tsmat)
        tsdf[, t := dates]
        dates_formatted <- formatNumericDate(dates, freq, date_format)

        # Then cbinding xts, index is added as a column. We don't want that.
        # Alternatively: suppressWarnings?
        if ("index" %in% names(tsdf)) {
          tsdf <- tsdf[, -"index", with = FALSE]

        if (transpose) {
          tsdf <- dcast(melt(tsdf, id.vars = "t", variable.name = "series"), series ~ t)
          names(tsdf)[2:ncol(tsdf)] <- dates_formatted
        } else {
          tsdf <- cbind(data.table(date = dates_formatted), tsdf)
          tsdf <- tsdf[, -"t", with = FALSE]

    if (format == "json") {
      json_pretty <- ifelse(!is.null(args$json_pretty), args$json_pretty, FALSE) # TODO: getArgs helper?

      # Output an object of arrays of objects { "key": [{"date": time1, "value": value1}, ...], ...}
      jsondf <- lapply(tl, function(x) {
        t <- time(x)
        f <- frequency(x)

        t <- formatNumericDate(t, f, date_format)

        data.frame(date = t, value = x, row.names = NULL)
      json <- toJSON(jsondf, pretty = json_pretty, digits = 16)

      if (is.null(fname)) {

      write_name <- paste(fname, "json", sep = ".")

      # Write json as a "single element CSV" for speed
        file = write_name,
        quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE
    } else {
      if (wide) {
        # Check for frequency consistency
        frq <- unique(sapply(tl, frequency))
        if (length(frq) != 1) {
          stop("All time series need to have the same frequency for proper wide export.")

      xlsx_available <- requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)
      if (!xlsx_available) {
        format <- "csv"
        warning("package openxlsx not available, writing .csv")

      if (format == "xlsx") {
        # TODO: Maybe move this up before the expensive operations.
        # Need to figure out nrow(tsdf) as nPoints <- length(unique(c(all the dates)))
        # or something though
        if (ncol(tsdf) > 1000) {
          stop("XSLX format can not handle more than 1000 time series")
        } else if (nrow(tsdf) > 1e6) {
          stop("XLSX format can not handle more than 1'000'000 rows")

        # need to explicitly call print cause of data.table evaluation
        if (is.null(fname)) {
        write_name <- paste0(fname, ".xlsx")
          paste0(fname, ".xlsx")
      } else {
        if (is.null(fname)) {

        write_name <- paste0(fname, ".csv")
        fwrite(tsdf, write_name)

  should_zip <- ifelse(!is.null(args$zip), args$zip, FALSE)

  if (should_zip) {
    zip_name <- paste0(fname, ".zip")
    zip(zip_name, write_name)

utils::globalVariables(c("internal_index", "date_numeric"))

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tstools documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:13 p.m.