
Defines functions pander.freq print.freq freq

### This is in the `rosetta` package, normally.

freq <- function(vector, digits = 1, nsmall=1, transposed=FALSE, round=1,
                 plot=FALSE, plotTheme = ggplot2::theme_bw()) {

  ### Store variable name
  varName <- gsub(".*\\$(.*)", "\\1", deparse(substitute(vector)));

  if(length(vector)<2) {
    stop("The first argument is not a vector! Did you make a typing error? Remember that R is case sensitive!");

  #   if (length(unique(vector)) < 2) {
  #     warning("There are less than two unique elements in the vector you supplied! The only element that occurs is ",
  #          vecTxtQ(unique(vector)), ", and it occurs ", sum(vector == unique(vector)), " times (there are ",
  #          ifelse(sum(is.na(vector)) == 0, "no", sum(is.na(vector))), " missing values).");
  #   }

  if (is.numeric(vector)) {
    res <- paste0("The vector you supplied ('", varName, "') is numeric, not a ",
                  "factor. Trying to convert it to a factor myself.\n");

  ### Create object to store results
  res <- list(input = as.list(environment()),
              intermediate = list(),
              output = list());

  if (!(is.factor(vector) | is.numeric(vector) | is.logical(vector) | is.character(vector))) {
    stop("Please provide a single vector in argument 'vector' ",
         "(you supplied an object of class '", class(vector),
         "'). Use 'frequencies' ",
         "to obtain multiple frequencies in one go.");

  ### Store input data
  res$input$vector <- factor(vector);

  ### Store category names
  res$intermediate$categoryNames <- levels(res$input$vector);
  ### Store data without missing values
  res$intermediate$vector.valid <- res$input$vector[!is.na(res$input$vector)];
  ### Store frequencies based on full data
  res$intermediate$frequencies.raw <- summary(res$input$vector);
  ### Store frequencies based on data without missing values
  res$intermediate$frequencies.raw.valid <- summary(res$intermediate$vector.valid);
  ### Store proportions based on full data
  res$intermediate$frequencies.prop <- summary(res$input$vector) /
  ### Store proportions based on data without missing values
  res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid <- summary(res$intermediate$vector.valid) /
  ### Compute cumulative percentages
  res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.cum <- res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid;
  if (length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid) > 1) {
    for (currentPropIndex in
         2:length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid)) {
      res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.cum[currentPropIndex] <-
        res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.cum[currentPropIndex - 1] +

  ### Now we integrate this in a dataframe to show the users. First
  ### ignoring the missing values.

  res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.clipped <- res$intermediate$frequencies.prop;
  if (length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop) > length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid)) {
    res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.clipped <- res$intermediate$frequencies.prop[1:length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop)-1];

  res$dat <- data.frame(Frequencies = res$intermediate$frequencies.raw.valid,
                        Perc.Total = 100*res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.clipped,
                        Perc.Valid = 100*res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid,
                        Cumulative = 100*res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.cum);

  ### We then add a row with the totals.
  res$dat <- rbind(res$dat, c(sum(res$intermediate$frequencies.raw.valid),
  rownames(res$dat)[nrow(res$dat)] <- "Total valid"

  ### Then, if we have missing values, we add the number and percentage of missing values,
  ### as well as the totals for these two columns.
  if (length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop) > length(res$intermediate$frequencies.prop.valid)) {
    res$dat <- rbind(res$dat, c(res$intermediate$frequencies.raw[length(res$intermediate$frequencies.raw)],
    res$dat <- rbind(res$dat, c(sum(res$intermediate$frequencies.raw),
    rownames(res$dat)[nrow(res$dat)-1] <- "NA (missing)"
    rownames(res$dat)[nrow(res$dat)] <- "Total"

  if (!is.null(round)) {
    tempRowNames <- rownames(res$dat);
    res$dat <- data.frame(lapply(res$dat, function(x) {return(round(x, digits=round));}));
    rownames(res$dat) <- tempRowNames;

  if (plot) {
    res$barChart <- ufs::ggBarChart(as.factor(res$intermediate$vector.valid),
                                              plotTheme=plotTheme) +
    # ggplot(tmpDf, aes_string(x=varName)) +
    # geom_bar() + plotTheme;
    #              scale_x_discrete(breaks=levels(res$intermediate$vector.valid),
    #                               labels=levels(res$intermediate$vector.valid),
    #                               drop=TRUE);
    #       plotTheme +
    #       theme(axis.text.x = element_text());

  ## Set object class;
  class(res) <- c("freq");

#' @export
print.freq <- function(x, digits=x$input$digits, nsmall=x$input$nsmall,
                       transposed=x$input$transposed, ...) {
  if (transposed) {
    print(t(round(x$dat, nsmall)), na.print="");
    #     ### Transpose dataframe
    #     x$dat <- data.frame(t(x$dat));
    #     ### Round frequencies and percentages and convert to character vector
    #     prettyDat <- format(x$dat, digits=digits, nsmall=nsmall);
    #     ### Replace missing values with a space
    #     prettyDat <- data.frame(lapply(prettyDat,
    #                                    function(x) {return(sub("NA", "  ", x));}));
    #     ### Replace formatted first row with original first row (without
    #     ### decimals)
    #     prettyDat[1, ] <- x$dat[1, ];
    #     ### Add column and row names again
    #     print(rownames(x$dat));
    #     print(colnames(x$dat));
#     rownames(prettyDat) <- rownames(x$dat);
#     colnames(prettyDat) <- colnames(x$dat);
#     ### Print result
#     print(prettyDat, ...);
  else {
#    print(round(x$dat, nsmall), na.print="");
    ### Round frequencies and percentages and convert to character vector
    prettyDat <- format(x$dat, digits=digits, nsmall=nsmall);
    ### Replace missing values with a space
    prettyDat <- data.frame(lapply(prettyDat,
                                   function(x) {return(sub("NA", "  ", x));}));
    ### Replace formatted first column with original first column (without
    ### decimals)
    prettyDat$Frequencies <- x$dat$Frequencies;
    ### Add row names again
    rownames(prettyDat) <- rownames(x$dat);
    ### Print result
    print(prettyDat, ...);
  if (x$input$plot) {

### Function to smoothly pander frequencies from userfriendlyscience
#' @export
pander.freq <- function(x, ...) {
  pander::pander(x$dat, missing="");

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ufs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:30 a.m.