
context("nmixTTD fitting function")

#Setup common vars
M = 100 # Number of sites
nrep <- 3 # Number of visits per site
Tmax = 5 # Max duration of a visit
alpha1 = -1 # Covariate on rate
beta1 = 1 # Covariate on density
mu.lambda = 1 # Rate at alpha1 = 0
mu.dens = 1 # Density at beta1 = 0

covDet <- matrix(rnorm(M*nrep),nrow = M,ncol = nrep) #Detection covariate
covDens <- rnorm(M) #Abundance/density covariate

test_that("nmixTTD can fit a Poisson/exp model",{
  dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
  N <- rpois(M, dens) # Realized density per site
  lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
  ttd <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrep){
    expect_warning(ttd <- cbind(ttd,rexp(M, N*lambda[,i])))
  ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
  ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax
  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens,
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet)),
  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), c(-0.2846,1.1224,0.2221,-1.06713), tol=1e-4)
  #with NA
  umf@y[1,1] <- NA
  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), c(-0.2846,1.1224,0.2221,-1.06713), tol=1e-4)

  pr1 <- predict(fit, "state")
  expect_equivalent(dim(pr1), c(M, 4))
  expect_equivalent(pr1$Predicted[1:2], c(0.3371,0.3232), tol=1e-4)
  nd <- data.frame(covDens=0)
  pr2 <- predict(fit, "state", newdata=nd)
  expect_equivalent(pr2$Predicted, 0.7523, tol=1e-4)
  pr3 <- predict(fit, "det")
  expect_equivalent(dim(pr3), c(M*nrep, 4))
  expect_equivalent(pr3$Predicted[1], 2.2710, tol=1e-4)
  nd <- data.frame(covDet=0)
  pr4 <- predict(fit, "det", newdata=nd)
  expect_equivalent(dim(pr4), c(1,4))
  expect_equivalent(pr4$Predicted, 1.248748, tol=1e-4)

  #Check with site covs in det formula
  fit_pred <- nmixTTD(~1, ~covDens, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  pr5 <- predict(fit_pred, "det")
  expect_equivalent(dim(pr5), c(M*nrep, 4))
  expect_equivalent(pr5$Predicted[1:3], rep(0.587956, 3), tol=1e-4)
  expect_equivalent(pr5$Predicted[4:6], rep(0.5769142, 3), tol=1e-4)
  nd5 <- data.frame(covDens=c(1,2))
  pr6 <- predict(fit_pred, "det", newdata=nd5)
  expect_equivalent(dim(pr6), c(2,4))

  sim <- simulate(fit, 2)
  expect_is(sim, "list")
  expect_equivalent(length(sim), 2)
  expect_equivalent(dim(sim[[1]]), dim(umf@y))

  fit2 <- update(fit, data=umf[1:10,])

  r <- ranef(fit)
  b <- bup(r)
  expect_equivalent(length(b), M)
  expect_equivalent(b[2], 1.204738, tol=1e-5)


  #Try with threads=2
  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  fit_2 <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10, threads=2)
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), coef(fit_2))

  #Check error when random effect in formula
  expect_error(nmixTTD(~(1|dummy), ~1, umf))

  #Check with more than 1 detection covariate
  fit3 <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet+cdet2+cdet3, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  expect_equivalent(length(coef(fit3, "det")), 4)
  fit4 <- nmixTTD(~covDens+cdens2, ~covDet+cdet2+cdet3, data=umf, K=max(N)+10)
  expect_equivalent(length(coef(fit4, "state")), 3)
  expect_equivalent(length(coef(fit4, "det")), 4)

test_that("nmixTTD can fit a P/weib model",{
  shape = 5
  dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
  N <- rpois(M, dens)
  lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
  ttd <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrep) {
    expect_warning(ttd <- cbind(ttd,rweibull(M, shape, 1/(N*lambda[,i]))))
  ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
  ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax
  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens),
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet))))

  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10, ttdDist="weibull")
  expect_equal(names(fit@estimates@estimates), c("state","det","shape"))
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), c(-0.08528,1.0540,0.0326,-0.9981,1.7203), tol=1e-4)

  sim <- simulate(fit, 2)
  r <- ranef(fit)

test_that("nmixTTD can fit a NB/exp model",{
  M = 100 # Number of sites
  covDet <- matrix(rnorm(M*nrep),nrow = M,ncol = nrep) #Detection covariate
  covDens <- rnorm(M) #Abundance/density covariate
  dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
  N <- rnbinom(M, mu=dens, size=disp) # Realized density per site
  lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
  ttd <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrep) {
    expect_warning(ttd <- cbind(ttd,rexp(M, N*lambda[,i])))
  ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
  ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax
  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens),
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet))))

  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10, mixture="NB")
  expect_equal(names(fit@estimates@estimates), c("state","det","alpha"))
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), c(-0.5082811,1.13194,0.38896,-1.05740,1.58577), tol=1e-4)

  sim <- simulate(fit, 2)
  r <- ranef(fit)

test_that("nmixTTD can fit a NB/weib model",{
  M = 100 # Number of sites
  covDet <- matrix(rnorm(M*nrep),nrow = M,ncol = nrep) #Detection covariate
  covDens <- rnorm(M) #Abundance/density covariate
  dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
  shape = 5
  N <- rnbinom(M, mu=dens, size=disp) # Realized density per site
  lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
  ttd <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrep) {
    expect_warning(ttd <- cbind(ttd,rweibull(M, shape, 1/(N*lambda[,i]))))
  ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
  ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax
  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens),
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet))))
  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10,
                 mixture="NB", ttdDist="weibull")
  expect_equal(names(fit@estimates@estimates), c("state","det","alpha","shape"))
  expect_equivalent(coef(fit), c(-0.1690,1.1790,-0.01958,-0.97968,0.93577,1.7440), tol=1e-4)

  sim <- simulate(fit, 2)
  r <- ranef(fit)

test_that("R and C++ engines give identical results",{

  dens <- exp(log(mu.dens) + beta1 * covDens)
  N <- rpois(M, dens) # Realized density per site
  lambda <- exp(log(mu.lambda) + alpha1 * covDet) # per-individual detection rate
  ttd <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrep){
    expect_warning(ttd <- cbind(ttd,rexp(M, N*lambda[,i])))
  ttd[N == 0,] <- 5 # Not observed where N = 0; ttd set to Tmax
  ttd[ttd >= Tmax] <- 5 # Crop at Tmax
  umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y = ttd, surveyLength=5,
                            siteCovs = data.frame(covDens=covDens,
                            obsCovs = data.frame(covDet=as.vector(t(covDet)),

  fit <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10, control=list(maxit=2))
  fitR <- nmixTTD(~covDens, ~covDet, data=umf, K=max(N)+10,
                 engine="R", control=list(maxit=2))
  expect_equal(coef(fit), coef(fitR))

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