
Defines functions scold_for_scopes scold_for_renviron pat_sitrep code_hint_with_host gh_token_help create_github_token

Documented in create_github_token gh_token_help

#' Get help with GitHub personal access tokens
#' @description

#' A [personal access
#' token](https://docs.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line)
#' (PAT) is needed for certain tasks usethis does via the GitHub API, such as
#' creating a repository, a fork, or a pull request. If you use HTTPS remotes,
#' your PAT is also used when interacting with GitHub as a conventional Git
#' remote. These functions help you get and manage your PAT:

#' * `gh_token_help()` guides you through token troubleshooting and setup.
#' * `create_github_token()` opens a browser window to the GitHub form to
#'   generate a PAT, with suggested scopes pre-selected. It also offers advice
#'   on storing your PAT.
#' * `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` helps you register your PAT with the Git
#'   credential manager used by your operating system. Later, other packages,
#'   such as usethis, gert, and gh can automatically retrieve that PAT and use
#'   it to work with GitHub on your behalf.
#' Usually, the first time the PAT is retrieved in an R session, it is cached in
#' an environment variable, for easier reuse for the duration of that R session.
#' After initial acquisition and storage, all of this should happen
#' automatically in the background. GitHub is encouraging the use of PATs that
#' expire after, e.g., 30 days, so prepare yourself to re-generate and re-store
#' your PAT periodically.
#' Git/GitHub credential management is covered in a dedicated article: [Managing
#' Git(Hub)
#' Credentials](https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/git-credentials.html)
#' @details
#' `create_github_token()` has previously gone by some other names:
#' `browse_github_token()` and `browse_github_pat()`.
#' @param scopes Character vector of token scopes, pre-selected in the web form.
#'   Final choices are made in the GitHub form. Read more about GitHub API
#'   scopes at
#'   <https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/>.
#' @param description Short description or nickname for the token. You might
#'   (eventually) have multiple tokens on your GitHub account and a label can
#'   help you keep track of what each token is for.
#' @inheritParams use_github
#' @seealso [gh::gh_whoami()] for information on an existing token and
#'   `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` and `gitcreds::gitcreds_get()` for a secure way
#'   to store and retrieve your PAT.
#' @return Nothing
#' @name github-token

#' @export
#' @rdname github-token
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_github_token()
#' }
create_github_token <- function(scopes = c("repo", "user", "gist", "workflow"),
                                description = "DESCRIBE THE TOKEN'S USE CASE",
                                host = NULL) {
  scopes <- glue_collapse(scopes, ",")
  host <- get_hosturl(host %||% default_api_url())
  url <- glue(

  hint <- code_hint_with_host("gitcreds::gitcreds_set", host)
  message <- c(
    "_" = "Call {.run {hint}} to register this token in the local Git
           credential store."
  if (is_linux()) {
    message <- c(
      "!" = "On Linux, it can be tricky to store credentials persistently.",
      "i" = "Read more in the {.href ['Managing Git(Hub) Credentials' article](https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/git-credentials.html)}."
  message <- c(
    "i" = "It is also a great idea to store this token in any
           password-management software that you use."

#' @inheritParams use_github
#' @export
#' @rdname github-token
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gh_token_help()
#' }
gh_token_help <- function(host = NULL) {
  host_url <- get_hosturl(host %||% default_api_url())
  kv_line("GitHub host", host_url)

  pat_sitrep(host_url, scope = "project")

code_hint_with_host <- function(function_name, host = NULL, arg_name = NULL) {
  arg_hint <- function(host, arg_name) {
    if (is.null(host) || is_github_dot_com(host)) {
    if (is_null(arg_name)) {
    } else {
      glue('{arg_name} = "{host}"')

  glue_chr("{function_name}({arg_hint(host, arg_name)})")

# workhorse behind gh_token_help() and called, possibly twice, in git_sitrep()
# hence the need for `scold_for_renviron = TRUE/FALSE`
# scope determines if "global" or "de_facto" email is checked
pat_sitrep <- function(host = "https://github.com",
                       scope = c("user", "project"),
                       scold_for_renviron = TRUE) {
  scope <- rlang::arg_match(scope)

  if (scold_for_renviron) {

  maybe_pat <- purrr::safely(gh::gh_token)(api_url = host)
  if (is.null(maybe_pat$result)) {
      "x" = "The PAT discovered for {.url {host}} has the wrong structure."
    ui_bullets(c("i" = maybe_pat$error))
  pat <- maybe_pat$result
  have_pat <- pat != ""

  if (!have_pat) {
    kv_line("Personal access token for {.val {host}}", NULL)
    hint <- code_hint_with_host("usethis::create_github_token", host, "host")
      "_" = "To create a personal access token, call {.run {hint}}."
    hint <- code_hint_with_host("gitcreds::gitcreds_set", host)
    url <- "https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/git-credentials.html"
      "_" = "To store a token for current and future use, call {.run {hint}}.",
      "i" = "Read more in the {.href [Managing Git(Hub) Credentials]({url})} article."
  kv_line("Personal access token for {.val {host}}", ui_special("discovered"))

  online <- is_online(host)
  if (!online) {
      "x" = "Host is not reachable.",
      " " = "No further vetting of the personal access token is possible.",
      "_" = "Try again when {.val {host}} can be reached."

  maybe_who <- purrr::safely(gh::gh_whoami)(.token = pat, .api_url = host)
  if (is.null(maybe_who$result)) {
    message <- c("x" = "Can't get user information for this token.")
    if (inherits(maybe_who$error, "http_error_401")) {
      message <- c(
        "i" = "The token may no longer be valid or perhaps it lacks the
               {.val user} scope."
    message <- c(
      "i" = maybe_who$error$message
  who <- maybe_who$result

  kv_line("GitHub user", who$login)
  scopes <- strsplit(who$scopes, ", ")[[1]]
  kv_line("Token scopes", scopes)

  maybe_emails <-
    purrr::safely(gh::gh)("/user/emails", .token = pat, .api_url = host)
  if (is.null(maybe_emails$result)) {
      "x" = "Can't retrieve registered email addresses from GitHub.",
      "i" = "Consider re-creating your PAT with the {.val user} (or at least
             {.val user:email}) scope."
  } else {
    emails <- maybe_emails$result
    addresses <- map_chr(
      ~ if (.x$primary) glue_data(.x, "{email} (primary)") else .x[["email"]]
    kv_line("Email(s)", addresses)
      user <- git_user_get(where_from_scope(scope))
    if (!is.null(user$email) && !any(grepl(user$email, addresses))) {
        "x" = "Git user's email ({.val {user$email}}) doesn't appear to be
               registered with GitHub host."


scold_for_renviron <- function() {
  renviron_path <- scoped_path_r("user", ".Renviron", envvar = "R_ENVIRON_USER")
  if (!file_exists(renviron_path)) {

  renviron_lines <- read_utf8(renviron_path)
  fishy_lines <- grep("^GITHUB_(PAT|TOKEN).*=.+", renviron_lines, value = TRUE)
  if (length(fishy_lines) == 0) {

  fishy_keys <- re_match(fishy_lines, "^(?<key>.+)=.+")$key
  # TODO: when I switch to cli, this is a good place for `!`
  # in general, lots below is suboptimal, but good enough for now
    "!" = "{.path {pth(renviron_path)}} defines{cli::qty(length(fishy_keys))}
           the environment variable{?s}:",
    "!" = "This can prevent your PAT from being retrieved from the Git
           credential store.",
    "i" = "If you are troubleshooting PAT problems, the root cause may be an
           old, invalid PAT defined in {.path {pth(renviron_path)}}.",
    "i" = "For most use cases, it is better to NOT define the PAT in
           {.file .Renviron}.",
    "_" = "Call {.run usethis::edit_r_environ()} to edit that file.",
    "_" = "Then call {.run gitcreds::gitcreds_set()} to put the PAT into
           the Git credential store."

scold_for_scopes <- function(scopes) {
  if (length(scopes) == 0) {
      "x" = "Token has no scopes!",
      "i" = "Tokens initiated with {.fun create_github_token} default to the
             recommended scopes."

  # https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/developers/apps/scopes-for-oauth-apps
  # why these checks?
  # previous defaults for create_github_token(): repo, gist, user:email
  # more recently: repo, user, gist, workflow
  # (gist scope is a very weak recommendation)
  has_repo <- "repo" %in% scopes
  has_workflow <- "workflow" %in% scopes
  has_user_email <- "user" %in% scopes || "user:email" %in% scopes

  if (has_repo && has_workflow && has_user_email) {

  suggestions <- c(
    "*" = if (!has_repo) "{.val repo}: needed to fully access user's repos",
    "*" = if (!has_workflow) "{.val workflow}: needed to manage GitHub Actions workflow files",
    "*" = if (!has_user_email) "{.val user:email}: needed to read user's email addresses"
  message <- c(
    "!" = "Token lacks recommended scopes:",
    "i" = "Consider re-creating your PAT with the missing scopes.",
    "i" = "Tokens initiated with {.fun usethis::create_github_token} default to the
           recommended scopes."

Try the usethis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

usethis documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:29 p.m.