#' Kernel Density Estimator
#' \code{KDE} returns the probability function for the kernel density estimator
#' The kernel density estimator for a set of input data is obtained by taking a mixture distribution
#' consisting of a (possibly weighted) combination of kernels. In this function we compute the KDE
#' using the kernel of the T-distribution; the function can also estimate a discretised version of the
#' KDE (taken over the integers) if required. The degrees-of-freedom and the bandwidth for the KDE can
#' be specified in the inputs; if the bandwidth is not specified then it are estimated using the methods
#' set out in Sheather and Jones (1991) used in the \code{stats::density} function. The output of the
#' function is a list of class \code{kde} that contains the probability functions for the KDE and
#' associated information. The output object can be plotted to show the density function for the KDE.
#' Note: The function has an option \code{to.environment} to allow the user to load the probability
#' functions to the global environment or another specified environment. If this is set to \code{TRUE}
#' then the probability functions are loaded to the specified environment in addition to appearing as
#' elements of the output; there is a message informing the user if existing objects in the global
#' environment were overwritten. If the functions are not loaded to the environment then the user
#' can use the function \code{KDE.load} to load them later from the produced object.
#' @param data Input data for the kernel density estimator (a numeric vector)
#' @param weights Weights for the kernel density estimator (a numeric vector with the same length as the data)
#' @param bandwidth Bandwidth for the KDE; if \code{NULL} it is estimated
#' @param df Degrees-of-freedom for the T-distribution
#' @param Name of the KDE distribution; used for naming of the probability functions (a character string)
#' @param Name of the values in the data; used for naming the plot of the KDE
#' @param discrete Logical; if \code{TRUE} the function produces a discrete KDE over the integers
#' @param discrete.warn Logical; if \code{TRUE} the function gives a warning if non-discrete data is used to produce a discrete KDE
#' @param to.environment Logical; if \code{TRUE} the probability functions are attached to the global environment
#' @param envir The environment where the probability functions are loaded (if \code{to.environment} is \code{TRUE})
#' @return A \code{kde} object containing the probability functions for the kernel density estimator
#' @examples
#' k <- KDE(rnorm(500))
#' print(k)
#' plot(k)
#' KDE.load(k, environment()); ls()
KDE <- function (data, weights = NULL, bandwidth = NULL, df = Inf, = 'kde', = 'Value',
discrete = FALSE, discrete.warn = TRUE,
to.environment = FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
#Get preliminary call/name information
DATA.NAME <- deparse(substitute(data))
WEIGHTS.NAME <- deparse(substitute(weights))
#Check input data and weights
if (!is.numeric(data)) stop('Error: Input data should be numeric vector')
if (length(data) == 0) stop('Error: Input data must not be empty')
if (length(data) == 1) stop('Error: Input data must have at least two values to estimate the density')
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (!is.numeric(weights)) stop('Error: Input weights should be numeric')
if (length(weights) != length(data)) stop('Error: Inputs data and weights should be the same length (unless the latter is NULL)')
if (min(weights) < 0) stop('Error: Input weights cannot be negative')
if (sum(weights) == 0) stop('Error: Input weights cannot all be zero') } else {
#Check bandwidth and df
if (!is.null(bandwidth)) {
if (!is.numeric(bandwidth)) stop('Error: Input bandwidth should be a numeric value')
if (length(bandwidth) != 1) stop('Error: Input bandwidth should be a single numeric value')
if (min(bandwidth) <= 0) stop('Error: Input bandwidth should be a positive value') } else {
if (!is.numeric(df)) stop('Error: Input df should be a numeric value')
if (length(df) != 1) stop('Error: Input df should be a single numeric value')
if (min(df) <= 0) stop('Error: Input df should be a positive value')
#Check discrete
if (!is.logical(discrete)) stop('Error: Input discrete should be a logical value')
if (length(discrete) != 1) stop('Error: Input discrete should be a single logical value')
if (!is.logical(discrete.warn)) stop('Error: Input discrete.warn should be a logical value')
if (length(discrete.warn) != 1) stop('Error: Input discrete.warn should be a single logical value')
if ((discrete)&(discrete.warn)) {
if (any(data != as.integer(data))) {
warning('Non-integer data used to produce a discrete KDE over the integers') } }
#Check other inputs
if (!is.character( stop('Error: Input should be a character value')
if (length( != 1) stop('Error: Input should be a single character value')
if (!is.character( stop('Error: Input should be a character value')
if (length( != 1) stop('Error: Input should be a single character value')
if (!is.logical(to.environment)) stop('Error: Input to.environment should be a logical value')
if (length(to.environment) != 1) stop('Error: Input to.environment should be a single logical value')
if (!is.environment(envir)) stop('Error: Input envir should be an environment')
###################################### Generate and return the output ######################################
#Set the means and weights for KDE and estimate bandwidth
DATA <- data
k <- length(DATA)
DF <- df
if (is.null(weights)) { WEIGHTS <- NULL } else { WEIGHTS <- weights/sum(weights) }
if (is.null(bandwidth)) { BAND <- stats::density(DATA, weights = WEIGHTS)$bw } else {
BAND <- bandwidth }
#Create output list
OUT <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 17)
names(OUT)[1:4] <- PROB.NAMES <- paste0(c('d', 'p', 'q', 'r'),
names(OUT)[5:16] <- c('', 'data', 'weighted', '', 'weights',
'bandwidth', 'bandwidth.est', 'df', 'call', 'discrete',
'', 'envir')
OUT[[6]] <- DATA
if (WEIGHTED) { OUT[[9]] <- WEIGHTS }
OUT[[10]] <- BAND
OUT[[11]] <- BAND.EST
OUT[[12]] <- DF
OUT[[13]] <- deparse(CALL)
OUT[[14]] <- discrete
OUT[[15]] <-
OUT[[16]] <- envir
class(OUT) <- 'kde'
#Generate probability functions for continuous KDE
if (!discrete) {
PROB.FUNCS <- .KDE.continuous(means = DATA, weights = WEIGHTS, bandwidth = BAND, df = DF)
OUT[[1]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[1]]
OUT[[2]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[2]]
OUT[[3]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[3]]
OUT[[4]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[4]] }
#Generate probability functions for continuous KDE
if (discrete) {
PROB.FUNCS <- .KDE.discrete(means = DATA, weights = WEIGHTS, bandwidth = BAND, df = DF)
OUT[[1]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[1]]
OUT[[2]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[2]]
OUT[[3]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[3]]
OUT[[4]] <- PROB.FUNCS[[4]] }
#Load functions to global environment (if required)
if (to.environment) {
#Check if functions already exist in the loading environment
#Message user if functions are overwritten
EXISTS <- rep(FALSE, 4)
for (i in 1:4) { EXISTS[i] <- exists(PROB.NAMES[i], envir = envir) }
if (any(EXISTS)) {
if (identical(envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects were overwritten in the global environment: \n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n')
} else {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects were overwritten in the environment \'',
deparse(substitute(envir)), '\' :', '\n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n') } }
#Load functions to the global environment
list2env(OUT[1:4], envir = envir) }
#Return output
#' Utilities for KDE fits
#' @name KDE_utils
#' \code{KDE.load} copies KDE distribution functions from a KDE object to a target environment.
#' @rdname KDE_utils
#' @param object,x A KDE object
#' @param envir The target environment
#' @param overwrite If FALSE, aborts if the function names are already present in the target environment
#' @return KDE.load returns \code{envir}
KDE.load <- function (object, envir = NULL, overwrite = TRUE) {
#Check object class
if (!('kde' %in% class(object))) stop('Error: This print method is only used for objects of class \'kde\'')
#Check inputs envir and overwrite
if (!is.null(envir)) {
if (!is.environment(envir)) stop('Error: Input envir should be an environment') }
if (!is.logical(overwrite)) stop('Error: Input overwrite should be a logical value')
if (length(overwrite) != 1) stop('Error: Input overwrite should be a single logical value')
#Get information
PROB.FUNCS <- object[1:4]
if (is.null(envir)) { envir <- object$envir }
#Check if functions already exist in the loading environment
EXISTS <- rep(FALSE, 4)
for (i in 1:4) { EXISTS[i] <- exists(PROB.NAMES[i], envir = envir) }
#Set functions to load to the loading environment
if (overwrite) { LOAD <- PROB.FUNCS } else { LOAD <- PROB.FUNCS[!EXISTS] }
#Message user if functions are/were already in the loading environment
if (overwrite) {
if (any(EXISTS)) {
if (identical(envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects were overwritten in the global environment: \n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n')
} else {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects were overwritten in the environment \'',
deparse(substitute(envir)), '\' :', '\n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n') } } }
if (!overwrite) {
if (any(EXISTS)) {
if (identical(envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects are already in the global environment (and were not overwritten): \n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n')
} else {
message('\n', ' Message from call: ', deparse(CALL), '\n',
' The following objects are already in the environment \'',
deparse(substitute(envir)), '\' (and were not overwritten):', '\n \n',
' ', paste(PROB.NAMES[EXISTS], collapse = ', '), '\n') } } }
#Load functions to the loading environment (if appropriate)
invisible(list2env(LOAD, envir = envir)) }
#' \code{print.kde} prints the KDE object and returns it invisibly.
#' @rdname KDE_utils
#' @param digits Number of digits to print
#' @return \code{print.kde} returns \code{x}, invisibly
print.kde <- function(x, digits = 6, ...) {
#Check object class
if (!inherits(x, 'kde')) stop('Error: This print method is only used for objects of class \'kde\'')
if (!is.numeric(digits)) stop('Error: Input digits should be a numeric value')
if (length(digits) != 1) stop('Error: Input digits should be a single numeric value')
if (as.integer(digits) != digits) stop('Error: Input digits should be an integer')
if (min(digits) <= 1) stop('Error: Input digits must be positive')
#Extract information
k <- length(x$data)
bw <- x$bandwidth
df <- x$df
nn <- names(x)[1:4] <- x$ <- x$
weighted <- x$weighted
band.est <- x$bandwidth.est
discrete <- x$discrete
to.env <- x$to.environment
envir <- x$envir
#Print title
if (!discrete) { cat('\n Kernel Density Estimator (KDE) \n \n') }
if (discrete) { cat('\n Discrete Kernel Density Estimator (KDE) \n \n') }
#Print description
cat(' Computed from', k, 'data points in the input', paste0('\'',, '\'', '\n'))
if (weighted) { cat(' KDE uses weights from input', paste0('\'',, '\''), '\n') }
#Print bandwidth and df
if (band.est) {
cat(' Estimated bandwidth =', formatC(bw, digits = digits, format = 'f'), ' \n')
} else {
cat(' Input bandwidth =', formatC(bw, digits = digits, format = 'f'), ' \n') }
cat(' Input degrees-of-freedom = ')
if (df == Inf) {
cat('Inf \n \n')
} else {
cat(formatC(df, digits = digits, format = 'f'), ' \n \n') }
#Print information on probability functions
STAR <- rep(FALSE, 4)
if (exists(nn[1])) { if (identical(get(nn[1], envir = envir), x[[1]])) { STAR[1] <- TRUE } }
if (exists(nn[2])) { if (identical(get(nn[2], envir = envir), x[[2]])) { STAR[2] <- TRUE } }
if (exists(nn[3])) { if (identical(get(nn[3], envir = envir), x[[3]])) { STAR[3] <- TRUE } }
if (exists(nn[4])) { if (identical(get(nn[4], envir = envir), x[[4]])) { STAR[4] <- TRUE } }
if (!discrete) { cat(' Probability functions for the KDE are the following: \n \n') }
if (discrete) { cat(' Probability functions for the discrete KDE are the following: \n \n') }
cat(' Density function: ', nn[1], ifelse(STAR[1], '*', ''), '\n',
' Distribution function: ', nn[2], ifelse(STAR[2], '*', ''), '\n',
' Quantile function: ', nn[3], ifelse(STAR[3], '*', ''), '\n',
' Random generation function: ', nn[4], ifelse(STAR[4], '*', ''), '\n', '\n')
if (any(STAR)) {
if (identical(envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
cat(' * This function is presently loaded in the global environment \n \n')
} else {
cat(' * This function is presently loaded in the environment \'',
deparse(substitute(envir)), '\' \n \n') } }
#' \code{plot.kde} draws a plot of the KDE.
#' @rdname KDE_utils
#' @param n number of bins
#' @param cut cutoffs for xaxis (in steps of bw)
#' @param fill.colour,fill.color fill color of bars
#' @param ... unused
#' @returns \code{plot.kde} returns the plot as recorded by \code{recordPlot}
plot.kde <- function(x, digits = 6, n = 512, cut = 4,
fill.colour = 'dodgerblue', fill.color = fill.colour, ...) {
#Check object class
if (!('kde' %in% class(x))) stop('Error: This plot method is only used for objects of class \'kde\'')
#Check inputs
if (!is.numeric(digits)) stop('Error: Input digits should be a numeric value')
if (length(digits) != 1) stop('Error: Input digits should be a single numeric value')
if (as.integer(digits) != digits) stop('Error: Input digits should be an integer')
if (min(digits) <= 1) stop('Error: Input digits must be positive')
if (!is.numeric(n)) stop('Error: Input n should be a numeric value')
if (length(n) != 1) stop('Error: Input n should be a single numeric value')
if (min(n) < 64) stop('Error: Input n is too small')
if (!is.numeric(cut)) stop('Error: Input cut should be a numeric value')
if (length(cut) != 1) stop('Error: Input cut should be a single numeric value')
if (min(cut) <= 0) stop('Error: Input cut must be positive')
#Check fill.colour/color
if (length(fill.colour) != 1) stop('Error: Input fill.colour should be a single colour')
if (length(fill.color) != 1) stop('Error: Input fill.color should be a single colour')
if (!fill.color %in% colours()) stop('Error: Input fill.colour/color must be in \'colours()\'')
#Extract information
df <- x$df
bw <- x$bandwidth
data <- x$data
dens <- x[[1]]
band.est <- x$bandwidth.est
discrete <- x$discrete <- x$
#Compute value range for the plot
xmin <- min(data) - bw*cut
xmax <- max(data) + bw*cut
#Create the subtitle
E1 <- 'Input degrees-of-freedom = '
if (band.est) { E2 <- 'Estimated bandwidth = ' } else { E2 <- 'Input bandwidth = ' }
SUBTITLE <- paste0( '(', E1, if (df == Inf) { '\U221E' } else { formatC(df, digits = digits, format = 'f') },
', ', E2, formatC(bw, digits = digits, format = 'f'), ')')
#Create the plot (continuous KDE)
if (!discrete) {
xx <- xmin + (xmax-xmin)*((1:n)-1)/(n-1)
yy <- dens(xx)
zz <- rep(0, n)
plot(xx, yy, type = 'l',
xlab =, ylab = 'Density')
title(main = 'Kernel Density Estimator')
mtext(side = 3, line = 0.25, cex = 0.8, SUBTITLE)
polygon(c(xx, rev(xx)), c(zz, rev(yy)), col = fill.color) }
#Create the plot (discrete KDE)
if (discrete) {
xx <- (floor(xmin)):(ceiling(xmax))
yy <- dens(xx)
zz <- rep(0, n)
barplot(names.arg = xx, height = yy,
ylim = c(0, 1.1*max(yy)), col = fill.color,
xlab =, ylab = 'Probability')
title(main = 'Discrete Kernel Density Estimator')
mtext(side = 3, line = 0.25, cex = 0.8, SUBTITLE) }
#Save the plot
PLOT <- recordPlot()
#Return the plot
.KDE.continuous <- function(means, weights = NULL, bandwidth, df) {
#Set output list
PROB.FUNCS <- vector(length = 4, mode = 'list')
names(PROB.FUNCS) <- c('dkde', 'pkde', 'qkde', 'rkde')
#Generate density function
PROB.FUNCS[[1]] <- function(x, bandwidth, df, log = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute log-density values
n <- length(x)
LOGDENS <- rep(0, n)
LOGMATRIX <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:n) {
LOGMATRIX[i,] <- dt((x[i]-means)/bandwidth, df = df, log = TRUE) - log(bandwidth) + log(weights)
LOGDENS[i] <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGMATRIX[i,]) }
#Return output
if (log) { LOGDENS } else { exp(LOGDENS) } }
#Generate cumulative distribution function
PROB.FUNCS[[2]] <- function(x, bandwidth, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute log-density values
n <- length(x)
LOGCDF <- rep(0, n)
LOGMATRIX <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:n) {
LOGMATRIX[i,] <- pt((x[i]-means)/bandwidth, df = df, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights)
LOGCDF[i] <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGMATRIX[i,]) }
#Return output
if (log.p) { LOGCDF } else { exp(LOGCDF) } }
#Generate quantile function
PROB.FUNCS[[3]] <- function(p, bandwidth, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute approximate quantiles
n <- length(p)
if (log.p) { LOGP <- p } else { LOGP <- log(p) }
if (!lower.tail) { LOGP <- VGAM::log1mexp(-LOGP) }
QUANTILES.APPROX <- quantile(x = means, probs = exp(LOGP), names = FALSE)
#Refine approximate quantiles via optimisation
for (i in 1:n) {
#Check for special cases
if (LOGP[i] == -Inf) { QUANTILES[i] <- -Inf }
if (LOGP[i] == 0) { QUANTILES[i] <- Inf }
#Optimise for remaining cases
if ((LOGP[i] != -Inf)&(LOGP[i] != 0)) {
#Set objective function
OBJECTIVE <- function(x) {
LOGVALS <- pt((x-means)/bandwidth, df = df, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights)
LOGCDF <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGVALS)
(LOGCDF - LOGP[i])^2 }
#Refine quantile
QUANTILES[i] <- NLM$estimate } }
#Return output
#Generate random-generation function
PROB.FUNCS[[4]] <- function(n, bandwidth, df) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Generate random variables
SAMPLE <-, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = weights)
MMM <- means[SAMPLE]
TTT <- rt(n, df = df)
OUT <- MMM + bandwidth*TTT
#Return output
#Link means and weights to environments of probability functions
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[1]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[1]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[2]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[2]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[3]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[3]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[4]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[4]]))
#Set arguments for probability functions
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$x <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$x <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$p <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$n <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
#Return output
.KDE.discrete <- function (means, weights = NULL, bandwidth, df) {
#Set output list
PROB.FUNCS <- vector(length = 4, mode = 'list')
names(PROB.FUNCS) <- c('dkde', 'pkde', 'qkde', 'rkde')
#Generate density function
PROB.FUNCS[[1]] <- function(x, bandwidth, df, log = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute log-density values
n <- length(x)
IMAG <- complex(imaginary = 1)
LOGDENS <- rep(-Inf, n)
LOGMATRIX <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:n) {
if (x[i] == as.integer(x[i])) {
LOGMATRIX[i,] <- pt((x[i]-means+0.5)/bandwidth, df = df, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights) +
IMAG*(pt((x[i]-means-0.5)/bandwidth, df = df, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights))
L1 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(Re(LOGMATRIX[i,]))
L2 <- matrixStats::logSumExp(Im(LOGMATRIX[i,]))
LOGDENS[i] <- L1 + VGAM::log1mexp(L1-L2) } }
#Return output
if (log) { LOGDENS } else { exp(LOGDENS) } }
#Generate cumulative distribution function
PROB.FUNCS[[2]] <- function(x, bandwidth, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute log-density values
n <- length(x)
LOGCDF <- rep(0, n)
LOGMATRIX <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:n) {
LOGMATRIX[i,] <- pt((ceiling(x[i]-0.5)-means+0.5)/bandwidth, df = df, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights)
LOGCDF[i] <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGMATRIX[i,]) }
#Return output
if (log.p) { LOGCDF } else { exp(LOGCDF) } }
#Generate quantile function
PROB.FUNCS[[3]] <- function(p, bandwidth, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Compute approximate quantiles
n <- length(p)
if (log.p) { LOGP <- p } else { LOGP <- log(p) }
if (!lower.tail) { LOGP <- VGAM::log1mexp(-LOGP) }
QUANTILES.APPROX <- quantile(x = means, probs = exp(LOGP), names = FALSE)
#Refine approximate quantiles via optimisation
for (i in 1:n) {
#Check for special cases
if (LOGP[i] == -Inf) { QUANTILES[i] <- -Inf }
if (LOGP[i] == 0) { QUANTILES[i] <- Inf }
#Optimise for remaining cases
if ((LOGP[i] != -Inf)&(LOGP[i] != 0)) {
#Set objective function
OBJECTIVE <- function(x) {
LOGVALS <- pt((x-means)/bandwidth, df = df, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = TRUE) + log(weights)
LOGCDF <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGVALS)
(LOGCDF - LOGP[i])^2 }
#Refine quantile
QUANTILES[i] <- NLM$estimate } }
#Return output
QUANTILES <- ceiling(QUANTILES - 0.5)
#Generate random-generation function
PROB.FUNCS[[4]] <- function(n, bandwidth, df) {
#Set mean-length and weights
k <- length(means)
weighted <- !is.null(weights)
if (!weighted) { weights <- rep(1/k, k) }
#Generate random variables
SAMPLE <-, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = weights)
MMM <- means[SAMPLE]
TTT <- rt(n, df = df)
OUT <- ceiling(MMM + bandwidth*TTT - 0.5)
#Return output
#Link means and weights to environments of probability functions
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[1]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[1]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[2]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[2]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[3]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[3]]))
environment(PROB.FUNCS[[4]]) <- list2env(list(means = means, weights = weights),
parent = environment(PROB.FUNCS[[4]]))
#Set arguments for probability functions
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$x <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$x <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$p <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$n <- substitute()
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$df <- df
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[1]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[2]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[3]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
formals(PROB.FUNCS[[4]])$bandwidth <- bandwidth
#Return output
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