# Laplacian Eigenmap (Belkin & Niyogi, 2002)
# Original formulation solves the generalized eigenvalue problem of the
# unnormalized graph Laplacian: L v = lambda D v, where L = D - A
# and uses the bottom eigenvectors v that result
# (ignoring the constant eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue).
# This is equivalent to using the top eigenvectors from the usual
# eigendecomposition of a row-normalized Laplacian P = D^-1 A: P v = lambda' v
# so we don't need to depend on an external package for generalized eigenvalues.
# Note that while the eigenvectors are the same, the eigenvalues are
# different: lambda' = 1 - lambda, but we don't use them with Laplacian
# Eigenmaps anyway.
# As we only need to calculate the top ndim + 1 eigenvectors (i.e. normally 3)
# it's incredibly wasteful to calculate all of them.
# A must be symmetric and positive semi definite, but not necessarily
# normalized in any specific way.
#' @import Matrix
laplacian_eigenmap <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE, force_irlba = FALSE) {
if (rspectra_is_installed() && !force_irlba) {
coords <- rspectra_laplacian_eigenmap(A, ndim, verbose = verbose)
} else {
coords <- irlba_laplacian_eigenmap(A, ndim, verbose = verbose)
rspectra_laplacian_eigenmap <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from Laplacian Eigenmap (via RSpectra)")
# Equivalent to: D <- diag(colSums(A)); M <- solve(D) %*% A
# This effectively row-normalizes A: colSums is normally faster than rowSums
# and because A is symmetric, they're equivalent
M <- A / colSums(A)
res <- rspectra_eigs_asym(M, ndim)
if (is.null(res) ||
!is.list(res) ||
!"vectors" %in% names(res) ||
is.null(res$vectors) ||
error = function(e) {
) ||
ncol(res$vectors) < ndim) {
"Laplacian Eigenmap failed to converge, ",
"using random initialization instead"
n <- nrow(M)
return(rand_init(n, ndim))
# return the smallest eigenvalues
as.matrix(Re(res$vectors[, 2:(ndim + 1)]))
irlba_laplacian_eigenmap <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from Laplacian Eigenmap (via irlba)")
lapA <- form_modified_laplacian(A, ret_d = TRUE)
res <- irlba_spectral_tsvd(lapA$L, ndim + 1)
if (is.null(res) || ncol(res$vectors) < ndim || !res$converged) {
"Laplacian Eigenmap failed to converge, ",
"using random initialization instead"
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
res <- lapA$Disqrt * res$vectors[, 2:(ndim + 1), drop = FALSE]
# re-scale the vectors to length 1
sweep(res, 2, sqrt(colSums(res * res)), `/`)
form_normalized_laplacian <- function(A) {
# Normalized Laplacian: clear and close to UMAP code, but very slow in R
# I <- diag(1, nrow = n, ncol = n)
# D <- diag(1 / sqrt(colSums(A)))
# L <- I - D %*% A %*% D
# A lot faster (order of magnitude when n = 1000)
Dsq <- sqrt(Matrix::colSums(A))
L <- -Matrix::t(A / Dsq) / Dsq
Matrix::diag(L) <- 1 + Matrix::diag(L)
# The symmetrized graph Laplacian (Lsym) but shifted so that:
# the bottom eigenvectors of Lsym correspond to the top singular vectors of
# this matrix (hence can be used with truncated SVD), and the eigenvalues
# are all positive, so we don't lose sign and hence correct eigenvector ordering
# when using the singular values (lambda = 2 - d)
form_modified_laplacian <- function(A, ret_d = FALSE) {
Dsq <- sqrt(Matrix::colSums(A))
L <- Matrix::t(A / Dsq) / Dsq
Matrix::diag(L) <- 1 + Matrix::diag(L)
if (ret_d) {
list(L = L, Disqrt = 1 / Dsq)
} else {
# Return the ndim eigenvectors associated with the ndim largest eigenvalues
sort_eigenvectors <- function(eig_res, ndim) {
vec_indices <- rev(order(eig_res$values, decreasing = TRUE)[1:ndim])
as.matrix(Re(eig_res$vectors[, vec_indices]))
normalized_laplacian_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE, force_irlba = FALSE) {
if (rspectra_is_installed() && !force_irlba) {
coords <- rspectra_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = verbose)
} else {
coords <- irlba_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = verbose)
rspectra_normalized_laplacian_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian")
L <- form_normalized_laplacian(A)
res <- rspectra_eigs_sym(L, ndim, verbose = verbose)
if (is.null(res) ||
!is.list(res) ||
!"vectors" %in% names(res) ||
is.null(res$vectors) ||
error = function(e) {
) ||
ncol(res$vectors) < ndim) {
"Spectral initialization failed to converge, ",
"using random initialization instead"
n <- nrow(A)
return(rand_init(n, ndim))
sort_eigenvectors(res, ndim)
# Use a normalized Laplacian and use truncated SVD
irlba_tsvd_normalized_laplacian_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian")
L <- form_modified_laplacian(A)
res <- irlba_spectral_tsvd(L, ndim + 1)
if (is.null(res) || ncol(res$vectors) < ndim || !res$converged) {
"Spectral initialization failed to converge, ",
"using random initialization instead"
n <- nrow(A)
return(rand_init(n, ndim))
res$vectors[, 2:(ndim + 1), drop = FALSE]
irlba_spectral_tsvd <- function(L, n, iters = 1000) {
suppressWarnings(res <- irlba::irlba(L, nv = n, nu = 0, maxit = iters))
list(vectors = res$v, values = 2.0 - res$d, converged = res$iter != iters)
irlba_eigs_asym <- function(L, ndim) {
suppressWarnings(res <- tryCatch(
res <- irlba::partial_eigen(
n = ndim + 1,
symmetric = FALSE,
smallest = TRUE,
tol = 1e-3,
maxit = 1000,
verbose = TRUE
res$values <- sqrt(res$values)
error = function(c) {
irlba_eigs_sym <- function(L, ndim, smallest = TRUE) {
suppressWarnings(res <- tryCatch(
res <- irlba::partial_eigen(
n = ndim + 1,
symmetric = TRUE,
smallest = smallest,
tol = 1e-3,
maxit = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
error = function(c) {
# Use irlba's partial_eigen instead of RSpectra
irlba_normalized_laplacian_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian (using irlba)")
# Using the normalized Laplacian and looking for smallest eigenvalues does
# not work well with irlba's partial_eigen routine, so form the shifted
# Laplacian and look for largest eigenvalues
L <- form_modified_laplacian(A)
res <- irlba_eigs_sym(L, ndim, smallest = FALSE)
if (is.null(res) ||
!is.list(res) ||
!"vectors" %in% names(res) ||
is.null(res$vectors) ||
error = function(e) {
) ||
ncol(res$vectors) < ndim) {
"Spectral initialization failed to converge, ",
"using random initialization instead"
n <- nrow(A)
return(rand_init(n, ndim))
# shift back the eigenvalues
res$values <- 2.0 - res$values
sort_eigenvectors(res, ndim)
# Default UMAP initialization
# spectral decomposition of the normalized Laplacian + some noise
spectral_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE, force_irlba = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
if (rspectra_is_installed() && !force_irlba) {
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using RSpectra)")
coords <- rspectra_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = FALSE)
} else {
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)")
coords <- irlba_tsvd_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = FALSE)
scale_and_jitter(coords, max_coord = 10.0, sd = 0.0001)
irlba_spectral_init <- function(A, ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
if (nrow(A) < 3) {
tsmessage("Graph too small, using random initialization instead")
return(rand_init(nrow(A), ndim))
tsmessage("Initializing from normalized Laplacian (using irlba) + noise")
coords <- irlba_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = FALSE)
scale_and_jitter(coords, max_coord = 10.0, sd = 0.0001)
# Scales coords so that the largest absolute coordinate is 10.0 then jitters by
# adding gaussian noise with mean 0 and standard deviation sd
scale_and_jitter <- function(coords, max_coord = 10.0, sd = 0.0001) {
expansion <- 10.0 / max(abs(coords))
(coords * expansion) + matrix(stats::rnorm(n = prod(dim(coords)), sd = sd),
ncol = ncol(coords)
# Return the number of connected components in a graph (represented as a
# sparse matrix).
connected_components <- function(X) {
Xt <- Matrix::t(X)
connected_components_undirected(nrow(X), Xt@i, Xt@p, X@i, X@p)
# UMAP random initialization: uniform between +10 and -10 along each axis
rand_init <- function(n, ndim, verbose = FALSE) {
tsmessage("Initializing from uniform random")
matrix(stats::runif(n = n * ndim, min = -10, max = 10), ncol = ndim)
# LargeVis random initialization: Gaussian with sd 1e-4 (like t-SNE)
rand_init_lv <- function(n, ndim, verbose = FALSE) {
tsmessage("Initializing from random Gaussian with sd = 1e-4")
matrix(stats::rnorm(ndim * n, sd = 1e-4), n)
# Rescale embedding so that the standard deviation is the specified value.
# Default gives initialization like t-SNE, but not random. Large initial
# distances lead to small gradients, and hence small updates, so should be
# avoided.
scale_coords <- function(X, sdev = 1e-4, verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.character(sdev) && sdev == "range") {
# #99: range scale coordinates like python UMAP does
tsmessage("Range-scaling initial input columns to 0-10")
return(apply(X, 2, range_scale, max = 10.0))
if (is.null(sdev)) {
tsmessage("Scaling init to sdev = ", sdev)
scale_factor <- apply(X, 2, stats::sd)
scale(X, scale = scale_factor / sdev)
# Calculates a matrix containing the first ndim columns of the PCA scores.
# Returns the score matrix unless ret_extra is TRUE, in which case a list
# is returned also containing the eigenvalues
pca_init <- function(X, ndim = min(dim(X)), center = TRUE, ret_extra = FALSE,
pca_method = "auto", verbose = FALSE) {
if (inherits(X, "dist")) {
res_mds <- stats::cmdscale(X, x.ret = TRUE, eig = TRUE, k = ndim)
if (ret_extra || verbose) {
lambda <- res_mds$eig
lambda[lambda < 0] <- 0
varex <- sum(lambda[1:ndim]) / sum(lambda)
"PCA (using classical MDS): ", ndim, " components explained ",
formatC(varex * 100), "% variance"
scores <- res_mds$points
# irlba warns about using too large a percentage of total singular value
# so don't use if dataset is small compared to ndim
if (pca_method == "auto") {
if (ndim < 0.5 * min(dim(X))) {
pca_method <- "irlba"
} else {
pca_method <- "svd"
if (pca_method == "bigstatsr") {
if (!bigstatsr_is_installed()) {
"PCA via bigstatsr requires the 'bigstatsr' package. ",
"Please install it. Falling back to 'irlba'"
pca_method <- "irlba"
tsmessage("Using '", pca_method, "' for PCA")
pca_fun <- switch(pca_method,
irlba = irlba_scores,
svdr = irlba_svdr_scores,
svd = svd_scores,
bigstatsr = bigstatsr_scores,
stop("BUG: unknown svd method '", pca_method, "'")
), list(
X = X,
ncol = ndim,
center = center,
ret_extra = ret_extra,
verbose = verbose
# Get scores by SVD
svd_scores <- function(X, ncol = min(dim(X)), center = TRUE, ret_extra = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
# need extra data if we want to re-apply PCA to new points in umap_transform
rotation <- NULL
xcenter <- NULL
X <- scale(X, center = center, scale = FALSE)
# do SVD on X directly rather than forming covariance matrix
s <- svd(X, nu = ncol, nv = ifelse(ret_extra, ncol, 0))
D <- diag(c(s$d[1:ncol]), ncol, ncol)
if (verbose || ret_extra) {
# calculate eigenvalues of covariance matrix from singular values
lambda <- (s$d^2) / (nrow(X) - 1)
varex <- sum(lambda[1:ncol]) / sum(lambda)
"PCA: ", ncol, " components explained ", formatC(varex * 100),
"% variance"
scores <- s$u %*% D
if (ret_extra) {
rotation <- s$v
xcenter <- attr(X, "scaled:center")
if (ret_extra) {
scores = scores,
lambda = lambda[1:ncol],
rotation = rotation,
center = xcenter
} else {
# Get PCA scores via irlba
irlba_scores <- function(X, ncol, center = TRUE, ret_extra = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.logical(X)) {
tsmessage("Converting logical input to numeric for PCA initialization")
# convert logical matrix to numeric
X <- X * 1
res <- irlba::prcomp_irlba(X,
n = ncol, retx = TRUE, center = center,
scale = FALSE
report_varex(res, verbose)
if (ret_extra) {
list(scores = res$x, rotation = res$rotation, center = res$center)
} else {
report_varex <- function(res, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
ncol <- ncol(res$rotation)
varex <- sum(res$sdev[1:ncol]^2) / res$totalvar
"PCA: ",
" components explained ",
formatC(varex * 100),
"% variance"
# This function taken from irlba and modified to use irlba::svdr rather
# than irlba::irlba
prcomp_rsvd <- function(x, n = 3, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE,
...) {
a <- names(as.list(
ans <- list(scale = scale.)
if ("tol" %in% a) {
warning("The `tol` truncation argument from `prcomp` is not supported by\n`prcomp_rsvd`. If specified, `tol` is passed to the `irlba` function to\ncontrol that algorithm's convergence tolerance. See `?prcomp_irlba` for help.")
if ( {
x <- as.matrix(x)
args <- list(x = x, k = n)
if (is.logical(center)) {
if (center) {
args$center <- colMeans(x)
} else {
args$center <- center
if (is.logical(scale.)) {
if (is.numeric(args$center)) {
f <- function(i) {
sqrt(sum((x[, i] - args$center[i])^2) / (nrow(x) -
scale. <- vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (ans$scale) {
ans$totalvar <- ncol(x)
} else {
ans$totalvar <- sum(scale.^2)
} else {
if (ans$scale) {
scale. <- apply(x, 2L, function(v) {
sqrt(sum(v^2) / max(
length(v) - 1L
f <- function(i) {
sqrt(sum((x[, i] / scale.[i])^2) / (nrow(x) -
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi,
} else {
f <- function(i) sum(x[, i]^2) / (nrow(x) - 1L)
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi,
if (ans$scale) {
args$scale <- scale.
} else {
args$scale <- scale.
f <- function(i) {
sqrt(sum((x[, i] / scale.[i])^2) / (nrow(x) -
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
if (!missing(...)) {
args <- c(args, list(...))
s <-, args = args)
ans$sdev <- s$d / sqrt(max(1, nrow(x) - 1))
ans$rotation <- s$v
colnames(ans$rotation) <- paste("PC", seq(1, ncol(ans$rotation)),
sep = ""
ans$center <- args$center
if (retx) {
ans <- c(ans, list(x = sweep(s$u, 2, s$d, FUN = `*`)))
colnames(ans$x) <- paste("PC", seq(1, ncol(ans$rotation)),
sep = ""
class(ans) <- c("irlba_prcomp", "prcomp")
irlba_svdr_scores <-
center = TRUE,
ret_extra = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
# 5 iterations is the default for scikit-learn TruncatedSVD
res <- prcomp_rsvd(
n = ncol,
retx = TRUE,
center = center,
scale. = FALSE,
it = 5
report_varex(res, verbose)
if (ret_extra) {
scores = res$x,
rotation = res$rotation,
center = res$center
} else {
init_is_spectral <- function(init) {
res <- pmatch(tolower(init), c(
"normlaplacian", "spectral", "laplacian",
"inormlaplacian", "ispectral", "agspectral",
"irlba_spectral", "irlba_laplacian"
length(res) > 0 && !
rand_nbr_graph <- function(n_vertices, n_nbrs, val) {
nng_to_sparse(rand_nbr_idx(n_vertices, n_nbrs),
val = val,
max_nbr_id = n_vertices
rand_nbr_idx <- function(n_vertices, n_nbrs) {
idx <- matrix(nrow = n_vertices, ncol = n_nbrs)
nv1 <- n_vertices - 1
for (i in 1:n_vertices) {
ids <-, n_nbrs)
id_sel <- ids >= 1
ids[id_sel] <- ids[id_sel] + 1
idx[i, ] <- ids
# V: the current affinity graph
# n_pos: number of neighbors to retain per item
# n_neg: number of "negative" (i.e. non-)neighbors per item
# pos_affinity: value for the positive affinity (associated with nbrs)
# neg_affinity: value for the negative affinity (associated with neg nbrs)
approx_affinity_graph <- function(V, n_neg,
pos_affinity = 1, neg_affinity = 0.1,
verbose = FALSE) {
pos_V <- V
pos_V@x <- rep(pos_affinity, length(pos_V@x))
pos_V <- 0.5 * (pos_V + Matrix::t(pos_V))
neg_V <- rand_nbr_graph(nrow(pos_V), n_nbrs = n_neg, val = neg_affinity)
neg_V <- 0.5 * (neg_V + Matrix::t(neg_V))
# the cleanup below will ensure that where the same value got a pos and neg
# affinity it will end up positive
graph <- pos_V + neg_V
# clamp small values to neg_affinity
graph@x[graph@x < pos_affinity] <- neg_affinity
# and large values to pos_affinity
graph@x <- pmin(graph@x, pos_affinity)
# Initialize using a spectral decomposition of an "approximate global" graph
# Uses the same graph as standard UMAP, but with each entry set to 1. A measure
# of global structure is added by randomly setting some of the remaining zero
# to a smaller value (0.1 in this case).
# This routine is inspired by some ideas in
# 2-D Embedding of Large and High-dimensional Data with Minimal Memory and Computational Time Requirements
# Witold Dzwinel, Rafal Wcislo, Stan Matwin
# Randomized Near Neighbor Graphs, Giant Components, and Applications in Data Science
# George C. Linderman, Gal Mishne, Yuval Kluger, Stefan Steinerberger
agspectral_init <- function(V, n_neg_nbrs, pos_affinity = 1, neg_affinity = 0.1,
ndim = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
graph <- approx_affinity_graph(V, n_neg_nbrs,
pos_affinity = pos_affinity,
neg_affinity = neg_affinity,
verbose = verbose
spectral_init(graph, ndim = ndim, verbose = verbose)
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