vec_locate_matches: Locate observations matching specified conditions

View source: R/match.R

vec_locate_matchesR Documentation

Locate observations matching specified conditions



vec_locate_matches() is a more flexible version of vec_match() used to identify locations where each value of needles matches one or multiple values in haystack. Unlike vec_match(), vec_locate_matches() returns all matches by default, and can match on binary conditions other than equality, such as >, >=, <, and <=.


  condition = "==",
  filter = "none",
  incomplete = "compare",
  no_match = NA_integer_,
  remaining = "drop",
  multiple = "all",
  relationship = "none",
  nan_distinct = FALSE,
  chr_proxy_collate = NULL,
  needles_arg = "needles",
  haystack_arg = "haystack",
  error_call = current_env()


needles, haystack

Vectors used for matching.

  • needles represents the vector to search for.

  • haystack represents the vector to search in.

Prior to comparison, needles and haystack are coerced to the same type.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Condition controlling how needles should be compared against haystack to identify a successful match.

  • One of: "==", ">", ">=", "<", or "<=".

  • For data frames, a length 1 or ncol(needles) character vector containing only the above options, specifying how matching is determined for each column.


Filter to be applied to the matched results.

  • "none" doesn't apply any filter.

  • "min" returns only the minimum haystack value matching the current needle.

  • "max" returns only the maximum haystack value matching the current needle.

  • For data frames, a length 1 or ncol(needles) character vector containing only the above options, specifying a filter to apply to each column.

Filters don't have any effect on "==" conditions, but are useful for computing "rolling" matches with other conditions.

A filter can return multiple haystack matches for a particular needle if the maximum or minimum haystack value is duplicated in haystack. These can be further controlled with multiple.


Handling of missing and incomplete values in needles.

  • "compare" uses condition to determine whether or not a missing value in needles matches a missing value in haystack. If condition is ==, >=, or <=, then missing values will match.

  • "match" always allows missing values in needles to match missing values in haystack, regardless of the condition.

  • "drop" drops incomplete values in needles from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if any needles are incomplete.

  • If a single integer is provided, this represents the value returned in the haystack column for values of needles that are incomplete. If no_match = NA, setting incomplete = NA forces incomplete values in needles to be treated like unmatched values.

nan_distinct determines whether a NA is allowed to match a NaN.


Handling of needles without a match.

  • "drop" drops needles with zero matches from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if any needles have zero matches.

  • If a single integer is provided, this represents the value returned in the haystack column for values of needles that have zero matches. The default represents an unmatched needle with NA.


Handling of haystack values that needles never matched.

  • "drop" drops remaining haystack values from the result. Typically, this is the desired behavior if you only care when needles has a match.

  • "error" throws an error if there are any remaining haystack values.

  • If a single integer is provided (often NA), this represents the value returned in the needles column for the remaining haystack values that needles never matched. Remaining haystack values are always returned at the end of the result.


Handling of needles with multiple matches. For each needle:

  • "all" returns all matches detected in haystack.

  • "any" returns any match detected in haystack with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in haystack.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in haystack.


Handling of the expected relationship between needles and haystack. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • "none" doesn't perform any relationship checks.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each value in needles matches at most 1 value in haystack.

    • Each value in haystack matches at most 1 value in needles.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each value in needles matches any number of values in haystack.

    • Each value in haystack matches at most 1 value in needles.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each value in needles matches at most 1 value in haystack.

    • Each value in haystack matches any number of values in needles.

  • "many-to-many" expects:

    • Each value in needles matches any number of values in haystack.

    • Each value in haystack matches any number of values in needles.

    This performs no checks, and is identical to "none", but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

  • "warn-many-to-many" doesn't assume there is any known relationship, but will warn if needles and haystack have a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected), encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

relationship is applied after filter and multiple to allow potential multiple matches to be filtered out first.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see no_match and remaining.


A single logical specifying whether or not NaN should be considered distinct from NA for double and complex vectors. If TRUE, NaN will always be ordered between NA and non-missing numbers.


A function generating an alternate representation of character vectors to use for collation, often used for locale-aware ordering.

  • If NULL, no transformation is done.

  • Otherwise, this must be a function of one argument. If the input contains a character vector, it will be passed to this function after it has been translated to UTF-8. This function should return a character vector with the same length as the input. The result should sort as expected in the C-locale, regardless of encoding.

For data frames, chr_proxy_collate will be applied to all character columns.

Common transformation functions include: tolower() for case-insensitive ordering and stringi::stri_sort_key() for locale-aware ordering.

needles_arg, haystack_arg

Argument tags for needles and haystack used in error messages.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


vec_match() is identical to (but often slightly faster than):

  condition = "==",
  multiple = "first",
  nan_distinct = TRUE

vec_locate_matches() is extremely similar to a SQL join between needles and haystack, with the default being most similar to a left join.

Be very careful when specifying match conditions. If a condition is misspecified, it is very easy to accidentally generate an exponentially large number of matches.


A two column data frame containing the locations of the matches.

  • needles is an integer vector containing the location of the needle currently being matched.

  • haystack is an integer vector containing the location of the corresponding match in the haystack for the current needle.

Dependencies of vec_locate_matches()

  • vec_order_radix()

  • vec_detect_complete()


x <- c(1, 2, NA, 3, NaN)
y <- c(2, 1, 4, NA, 1, 2, NaN)

# By default, for each value of `x`, all matching locations in `y` are
# returned
matches <- vec_locate_matches(x, y)

# The result can be used to slice the inputs to align them
  x = vec_slice(x, matches$needles),
  y = vec_slice(y, matches$haystack)

# If multiple matches are present, control which is returned with `multiple`
vec_locate_matches(x, y, multiple = "first")
vec_locate_matches(x, y, multiple = "last")
vec_locate_matches(x, y, multiple = "any")

# Use `relationship` to add constraints and error on multiple matches if
# they aren't expected
try(vec_locate_matches(x, y, relationship = "one-to-one"))

# In this case, the `NA` in `y` matches two rows in `x`
try(vec_locate_matches(x, y, relationship = "one-to-many"))

# By default, `NA` is treated as being identical to `NaN`.
# Using `nan_distinct = TRUE` treats `NA` and `NaN` as different values, so
# `NA` can only match `NA`, and `NaN` can only match `NaN`.
vec_locate_matches(x, y, nan_distinct = TRUE)

# If you never want missing values to match, set `incomplete = NA` to return
# `NA` in the `haystack` column anytime there was an incomplete value
# in `needles`.
vec_locate_matches(x, y, incomplete = NA)

# Using `incomplete = NA` allows us to enforce the one-to-many relationship
# that we couldn't before
vec_locate_matches(x, y, relationship = "one-to-many", incomplete = NA)

# `no_match` allows you to specify the returned value for a needle with
# zero matches. Note that this is different from an incomplete value,
# so specifying `no_match` allows you to differentiate between incomplete
# values and unmatched values.
vec_locate_matches(x, y, incomplete = NA, no_match = 0L)

# If you want to require that every `needle` has at least 1 match, set
# `no_match` to `"error"`:
try(vec_locate_matches(x, y, incomplete = NA, no_match = "error"))

# By default, `vec_locate_matches()` detects equality between `needles` and
# `haystack`. Using `condition`, you can detect where an inequality holds
# true instead. For example, to find every location where `x[[i]] >= y`:
matches <- vec_locate_matches(x, y, condition = ">=")

  x = vec_slice(x, matches$needles),
  y = vec_slice(y, matches$haystack)

# You can limit which matches are returned with a `filter`. For example,
# with the above example you can filter the matches returned by `x[[i]] >= y`
# down to only the ones containing the maximum `y` value of those matches.
matches <- vec_locate_matches(x, y, condition = ">=", filter = "max")

# Here, the matches for the `3` needle value have been filtered down to
# only include the maximum haystack value of those matches, `2`. This is
# often referred to as a rolling join.
  x = vec_slice(x, matches$needles),
  y = vec_slice(y, matches$haystack)

# In the very rare case that you need to generate locations for a
# cross match, where every value of `x` is forced to match every
# value of `y` regardless of what the actual values are, you can
# replace `x` and `y` with integer vectors of the same size that contain
# a single value and match on those instead.
x_proxy <- vec_rep(1L, vec_size(x))
y_proxy <- vec_rep(1L, vec_size(y))
nrow(vec_locate_matches(x_proxy, y_proxy))
vec_size(x) * vec_size(y)

# By default, missing values will match other missing values when using
# `==`, `>=`, or `<=` conditions, but not when using `>` or `<` conditions.
# This is similar to how `vec_compare(x, y, na_equal = TRUE)` works.
x <- c(1, NA)
y <- c(NA, 2)

vec_locate_matches(x, y, condition = "<=")
vec_locate_matches(x, y, condition = "<")

# You can force missing values to match regardless of the `condition`
# by using `incomplete = "match"`
vec_locate_matches(x, y, condition = "<", incomplete = "match")

# You can also use data frames for `needles` and `haystack`. The
# `condition` will be recycled to the number of columns in `needles`, or
# you can specify varying conditions per column. In this example, we take
# a vector of date `values` and find all locations where each value is
# between lower and upper bounds specified by the `haystack`.
values <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:9
needles <- data_frame(lower = values, upper = values)

lower <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + sample(10, 10, replace = TRUE)
upper <- lower + sample(3, 10, replace = TRUE)
haystack <- data_frame(lower = lower, upper = upper)

# (values >= lower) & (values <= upper)
matches <- vec_locate_matches(needles, haystack, condition = c(">=", "<="))

  lower = vec_slice(lower, matches$haystack),
  value = vec_slice(values, matches$needle),
  upper = vec_slice(upper, matches$haystack)

vctrs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.