vec_rank: Compute ranks

View source: R/rank.R

vec_rankR Documentation

Compute ranks


vec_rank() computes the sample ranks of a vector. For data frames, ranks are computed along the rows, using all columns after the first to break ties.


  ties = c("min", "max", "sequential", "dense"),
  incomplete = c("rank", "na"),
  direction = "asc",
  na_value = "largest",
  nan_distinct = FALSE,
  chr_proxy_collate = NULL



A vector


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Ranking of duplicate values.

  • "min": Use the current rank for all duplicates. The next non-duplicate value will have a rank incremented by the number of duplicates present.

  • "max": Use the current rank + n_duplicates - 1 for all duplicates. The next non-duplicate value will have a rank incremented by the number of duplicates present.

  • "sequential": Use an increasing sequence of ranks starting at the current rank, applied to duplicates in order of appearance.

  • "dense": Use the current rank for all duplicates. The next non-duplicate value will have a rank incremented by 1, effectively removing any gaps in the ranking.


Ranking of missing and incomplete observations.

  • "rank": Rank incomplete observations normally. Missing values within incomplete observations will be affected by na_value and nan_distinct.

  • "na": Don't rank incomplete observations at all. Instead, they are given a rank of NA. In this case, na_value and nan_distinct have no effect.


Direction to sort in.

  • A single "asc" or "desc" for ascending or descending order respectively.

  • For data frames, a length 1 or ncol(x) character vector containing only "asc" or "desc", specifying the direction for each column.


Ordering of missing values.

  • A single "largest" or "smallest" for ordering missing values as the largest or smallest values respectively.

  • For data frames, a length 1 or ncol(x) character vector containing only "largest" or "smallest", specifying how missing values should be ordered within each column.


A single logical specifying whether or not NaN should be considered distinct from NA for double and complex vectors. If TRUE, NaN will always be ordered between NA and non-missing numbers.


A function generating an alternate representation of character vectors to use for collation, often used for locale-aware ordering.

  • If NULL, no transformation is done.

  • Otherwise, this must be a function of one argument. If the input contains a character vector, it will be passed to this function after it has been translated to UTF-8. This function should return a character vector with the same length as the input. The result should sort as expected in the C-locale, regardless of encoding.

For data frames, chr_proxy_collate will be applied to all character columns.

Common transformation functions include: tolower() for case-insensitive ordering and stringi::stri_sort_key() for locale-aware ordering.


Unlike base::rank(), when incomplete = "rank" all missing values are given the same rank, rather than an increasing sequence of ranks. When nan_distinct = FALSE, NaN values are given the same rank as NA, otherwise they are given a rank that differentiates them from NA.

Like vec_order_radix(), ordering is done in the C-locale. This can affect the ranks of character vectors, especially regarding how uppercase and lowercase letters are ranked. See the documentation of vec_order_radix() for more information.


  • vec_order_radix()

  • vec_slice()


x <- c(5L, 6L, 3L, 3L, 5L, 3L)

vec_rank(x, ties = "min")
vec_rank(x, ties = "max")

# Sequential ranks use an increasing sequence for duplicates
vec_rank(x, ties = "sequential")

# Dense ranks remove gaps between distinct values,
# even if there are duplicates
vec_rank(x, ties = "dense")

y <- c(NA, x, NA, NaN)

# Incomplete values match other incomplete values by default, and their
# overall position can be adjusted with `na_value`
vec_rank(y, na_value = "largest")
vec_rank(y, na_value = "smallest")

# NaN can be ranked separately from NA if required
vec_rank(y, nan_distinct = TRUE)

# Rank in descending order. Since missing values are the largest value,
# they are given a rank of `1` when ranking in descending order.
vec_rank(y, direction = "desc", na_value = "largest")

# Give incomplete values a rank of `NA` by setting `incomplete = "na"`
vec_rank(y, incomplete = "na")

# Can also rank data frames, using columns after the first to break ties
z <- c(2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 2L)
df <- data_frame(x = x, z = z)


vctrs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.