
Defines functions emis_chem

Documented in emis_chem

#' (in development, needs checks) Aggregate emissions by lumped groups in chemical mechanism
#' @description \code{\link{emis_chem}} aggregates emissions by chemical mechanism
#' and convert grams to mol. This function reads all hydrocarbos and respective
#' criteria polluants specified in \code{\link{ef_ldv_speed}} and \code{\link{ef_hdv_speed}}.
#' @param dfe data.frame with column `emissions` in grams and `pollutant` in long format. It is supposed
#' that each line is the pollution of some region. Then the `coldby` argument is for include the
#' name of the region.
#' @param mechanism Character,
#' "SAPRC", "RACM", "RADM2", "CBMZ", "MOZART", "SAPRC99", "CB05",
#' "MOZC_T1_EM", "CB05_OPT1", "CB05_OPT2", "CRIMECH"
#' @param colby Character indicating column name for aggregating extra column.
#' For instance, region or province.
#' @param long Logical. Do you want data in long format?
#' @return data.frame with lumped groups by chemical mechanism. It transform
#' emissions in grams to mol.
#' @importFrom data.table setDF as.data.table
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom units as_units
#' @seealso \code{\link{ef_ldv_speed}} \code{\link{ef_hdv_speed}} \code{\link{speciate}} \code{\link{ef_evap}}
#' @export
#' @note This feature is experimental and the mapping of pollutants and lumped
#' species may change in future.
#' This function is converting the intial data.frame input into data.table.
#' To have a comprehensive speciation is necessary enter with a data.frame
#' with colum 'emission' in long format including another column named 'pollutant' with
#' species of NMHC, CO, NO, NO2, NH3, SO2, PM2.5 and coarse PM10.
#' Groups derived from gases has units 'mol' and from aersols 'g'. The aersol
#' units for WRF-Chem are ug/m^2/s while for CMAQ and CAMx are g/s. So,
#' leaving the units just in g, allow to make further change while
#' providing flexibility for several models.
#' TODO: Enter with wide data.frame, with each line as a each street, each column for pollutant
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # CO
#' df <- data.frame(emission = Emissions(1:10))
#' df$pollutant = "CO"
#' emis_chem(dfe = df, "CBMZ_MOSAIC")
#' # hexanal
#' df$pollutant = "hexanal"
#' emis_chem(df, "CBMZ_MOSAIC")
#' # propadiene and NO2
#' df2 <- df1 <- df
#' df1$pollutant = "propadiene"
#' df2$pollutant = "NO2"
#' (dfe <- rbind(df1, df2))
#' emis_chem(dfe, "CBMZ_MOSAIC")
#' dfe$region <- rep(letters[1:2], 10)
#' emis_chem(dfe, "CBMZ_MOSAIC", "region")
#' emis_chem(dfe, "CBMZ_MOSAIC", "region", TRUE)
#' }
emis_chem <- function(dfe, mechanism, colby, long = FALSE) {
  dfe <- as.data.frame(dfe)
  #Check column pollutant
  if(!any(grepl(pattern = "pollutant", x = names(dfe)))){
    stop("The column 'pollutant' is present in 'dfe'")
  #Check column emissions
  if(!any(grepl(pattern = "emission", x = names(dfe)))){
    stop("The column 'emission' is not present in 'dfe'")
  # Check units
  if(!inherits(dfe$emission, "units")){
    stop("dfe$emission neeeds to has class 'units' in 'g'. Check '?units::set_units'")
  # loading mechanisms data-base
  df <- sysdata$mechx
  df <- df[df$MECH == mechanism, ]

  # loading pollutants with g_mol
  pollutants <- pollutants[, c("pollutant", "g_mol")]

  # merging and filtering g_mol
  dfe <- merge(dfe, pollutants, by = "pollutant", all = TRUE)

  # converting to mol
  dfe$mol <- ifelse(!is.na(dfe$g_mol),

  # merging with mechanism
  df_mech <-  merge(dfe, df, by = "pollutant", all = TRUE)
  df_mech <- data.table::as.data.table(df_mech)

  df_mech$mol <- ifelse(df_mech$type == "gas",
    ss <- df_mech[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm=TRUE),
                  keyby =  list(df_mech$LUMPED,
                  .SDcols = "mol" ]
    names(ss) <- c("group", colby,"emission")
  } else {
    ss <- df_mech[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm=TRUE),
                  keyby =  list(df_mech$LUMPED),
                  .SDcols = "mol" ]
    names(ss) <- c("group", "emission")
  gases <- unique(df[df$type == "gas", "LUMPED"])
  ss$units <- ifelse(ss$group %in% gases, "mol", "g")
  ss <- ss[!is.na(ss$group), ]
  pollutants <- as.data.frame(pollutants)

  } else {
      ss <- suppressWarnings(long_to_wide(df = ss,
                                          column_with_new_names = "group",
                                          column_with_data = "emission"))
    } else {
      ss <- suppressWarnings(long_to_wide(df = ss,
                                          column_with_new_names = "group",
                                          column_with_data = "emission",
                                          column_fixed = colby))
      sscolby <- ss[, colby]
      ss[, colby] <- NULL
  # putting units
  for(i in 1:(ncol(ss))){
    if(names(ss)[i] %in% gases) {
      ss[, names(ss)[i]] <-  units::as_units(ss[, names(ss)[i]], "mol")
    } else {
      ss[, names(ss)[i]] <-  units::as_units(ss[, names(ss)[i]], "g")
  if(!missing(colby)) {
    ss[, colby] <- sscolby
   ss <-  ss[!is.na(ss[colby]), ]


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vein documentation built on April 30, 2023, 1:10 a.m.