#' Estimation of cold start emissions with top-down approach
#' @description \code{\link{emis_cold_td}} estimates cld start emissions with
#' a top-down appraoch. This is, annual or monthly emissions or region.
#' Especifically, the emissions are esitmated for row of the simple feature (row
#' of the spatial feature).
#' In general was designed so that each simple feature is a region with
#' different average monthly temperature.
#' This funcion, as other in this package, adapts to the class of the input data.
#' providing flexibility to the user.
#' @param veh "Vehicles" data-frame or spatial feature, wwhere columns are the
#' age distribution of that vehicle. and rows each simple feature or region.
#' The number of rows is equal to the number of streets link
#' @param lkm Numeric; mileage by the age of use of each vehicle.
#' @param ef Numeric; emission factor with
#' @param efcold Data.frame. When it is a data.frame, each column is for each
#' type of vehicle by age of use, rows are are each simple feature. When you have
#' emission factors for each month, the order should a data.frame ina long format,
#' as rurned by \code{\link{ef_ldv_cold}}.
#' @param beta Data.frame with the fraction of cold starts. The rows are the fraction
#' for each spatial feature or subregion, the columns are the age of use of vehicle.
#' @param pro_month Numeric; montly profile to distribuite annual mileage in each month.
#' @param params List of parameters; Add columns with information to returning data.frame
#' @param verbose Logical; To show more information
#' @param fortran Logical; to try the fortran calculation.
#' @param nt Integer; Number of threads wich must be lower than max available.
#' See \code{\link{check_nt}}. Only when fortran = TRUE
#' @return Emissions data.frame
#' @importFrom dotCall64 .C64 vector_dc
#' @seealso \code{\link{ef_ldv_cold}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Do not run
#' veh <- age_ldv(1:10, agemax = 8)
#' euros <- c("V", "V", "IV", "III", "II", "I", "PRE", "PRE")
#' dt <- matrix(rep(2:25, 5), ncol = 12, nrow = 10) # 12 months, 10 rows
#' row.names(dt) <- paste0("Simple_Feature_", 1:10)
#' efc <- ef_ldv_cold(ta = dt, cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(34))
#' efh <- ef_ldv_speed(
#' v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#' eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(runif(nrow(veh), 15, 40))
#' )
#' lkm <- units::as_units(18:11, "km") * 1000
#' cold_lkm <- cold_mileage(ltrip = units::as_units(20, "km"), ta = celsius(dt))
#' names(cold_lkm) <- paste0("Month_", 1:12)
#' veh_month <- c(rep(8, 1), rep(10, 5), 9, rep(10, 5))
#' system.time(
#' a <- emis_cold_td(
#' veh = veh,
#' lkm = lkm,
#' ef = efh[1, ],
#' efcold = efc[1:10, ],
#' beta = cold_lkm[, 1],
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' system.time(
#' a2 <- emis_cold_td(
#' veh = veh,
#' lkm = lkm,
#' ef = efh[1, ],
#' efcold = efc[1:10, ],
#' beta = cold_lkm[, 1],
#' verbose = TRUE,
#' fortran = TRUE
#' )
#' ) # emistd2coldf.f95
#' a$emissions <- round(a$emissions, 8)
#' a2$emissions <- round(a2$emissions, 8)
#' identical(a, a2)
#' # Adding parameters
#' emis_cold_td(
#' veh = veh,
#' lkm = lkm,
#' ef = efh[1, ],
#' efcold = efc[1:10, ],
#' beta = cold_lkm[, 1],
#' verbose = TRUE,
#' params = list(
#' paste0("data_", 1:10),
#' "moredata"
#' )
#' )
#' system.time(
#' aa <- emis_cold_td(
#' veh = veh,
#' lkm = lkm,
#' ef = efh,
#' efcold = efc,
#' beta = cold_lkm,
#' pro_month = veh_month,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' system.time(
#' aa2 <- emis_cold_td(
#' veh = veh,
#' lkm = lkm,
#' ef = efh,
#' efcold = efc,
#' beta = cold_lkm,
#' pro_month = veh_month,
#' verbose = TRUE,
#' fortran = TRUE
#' )
#' ) # emistd5coldf.f95
#' aa$emissions <- round(aa$emissions, 8)
#' aa2$emissions <- round(aa2$emissions, 8)
#' identical(aa, aa2)
#' }
emis_cold_td <- function(veh,
verbose = FALSE,
fortran = FALSE,
nt = ifelse(check_nt() == 1, 1, check_nt() / 2)) {
# Check units
if (!inherits(lkm,"units")) {
stop("lkm neeeds to has class 'units' in 'km'. Please, check package '?units::set_units'")
if (units(lkm) == units(units::as_units("m"))) {
stop("Units of lkm is 'm', change to 'km'")
if (units(lkm) == units(units::as_units("km"))) {
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("Length of 'lkm' must be the as the number of columns of 'veh'")
# Checking ef
if (is.matrix(ef) | {
ef <-
if (!inherits(ef[, 1], "units")) {
stop("columns of ef must has class 'units' in 'g/km'. Please, check package '?units::set_units'")
if (units(ef[, 1]) != units(units::as_units("g/km"))) {
stop("Units of ef must be 'g/km' ")
if (units(ef[, 1]) == units(units::as_units("g/km"))) {
for (i in 1:ncol(veh)) {
ef[, i] <- as.numeric(ef[, i])
} else {
if (!inherits(ef, "units")) {
stop("ef must has class 'units' in 'g/km'. Please, check package '?units::set_units'")
if (units(ef) != units(units::as_units("g/km"))) {
stop("Units of ef must be 'g/km' ")
# if(units(ef)$numerator == "g" || units(ef)$denominator == "km"){ # not tested
# ef <- as.numeric(ef)
# }
# Checking ef cold
if (!inherits(efcold[, 1], "units")) {
stop("columns of efcold must has class 'units' in 'g/km'. Please, check package '?units::set_units'")
if (units(efcold[, 1]) != units(units::as_units("g/km"))) {
stop("Units of efcold must be 'g/km' ")
if (units(efcold[, 1]) == units(units::as_units("g/km"))) {
for (i in 1:ncol(veh)) {
efcold[, i] <- as.numeric(efcold[, i])
# Checking veh
for (i in 1:ncol(veh)) {
veh[, i] <- as.numeric(veh[, i])
# Checking sf
if (inherits(veh, "sf")) {
if (verbose) message("converting sf to data.frame")
veh <- sf::st_set_geometry(veh, NULL)
# checking beta
beta <-
# pro_month
if (!missing(pro_month)) {
if ( | is.matrix(pro_month)) {
pro_month <-
for (i in 1:nrow(pro_month)) {
pro_month[i, ] <- pro_month[i, ] / sum(pro_month[i, ])
} else if (is.numeric(pro_month)) {
pro_month <- pro_month / sum(pro_month)
# Checking pro_month
if (!missing(pro_month)) {
if (verbose) message("Estimation with monthly profile")
if (length(pro_month) != 12) stop("Length of pro_month must be 12")
mes <- ifelse(nchar(1:12) < 2, paste0(0, 1:12), 1:12)
if ( {
if (verbose) message("Assuming you have emission factors for each simple feature and then for each month")
# when pro_month varies in each simple feature
if ( {
if (nrow(pro_month) == 1) {
message("Replicating one-row matrix to match number of rows of `veh`")
pro_month <- matrix(as.numeric(pro_month), nrow = nrow(veh), ncol = ncol(pro_month))
if (fortran) {
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold[, 1:ncol(veh)], efcold$month)
efcold <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(efcold, unlist)))
nrowv <- as.integer(nrow(veh))
ncolv <- as.integer(ncol(veh))
pmonth <- as.integer(ncol(pro_month))
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
ef <- as.matrix(ef)
month <- as.matrix(pro_month)
beta <- as.matrix(beta)
if (nrow(beta) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of 'beta' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (ncol(beta) != ncol(month)) stop("number of cols of 'beta' and 'month' must be equal")
if (length(efcold) != length(unlist(veh)) * pmonth) stop("`efcold` and `veh` must be dimensionally compatible")
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `lkm` must be equal to number of columns of `veh`")
if (nrow(ef) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
if (ncol(ef) != ncol(veh)) stop("number of cols of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
if (nrow(month) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of `month` and `veh` must be equal")
# emis(i, j, k) = beta(i, k) * veh(i, j) * lkm(j) * ef(i, j) * efcold(i, j, k) * month(i, k)
if (!missing(nt)) {
if (nt >= check_nt()) {
"Your machine has ", check_nt(),
" threads and nt must be lower"
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd4coldfpar.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd4coldfpar",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 6),
"integer", "double"
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
efcold = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
nt = as.integer(nt),
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 10), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
} else {
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd4coldf.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd4coldf",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 7)
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
efcold = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 9), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
e <- data.frame(emissions = a)
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- rep(row.names(veh), ncolv * pmonth)
e$age <- rep(rep(seq(1, ncolv), each = nrowv), pmonth)
e$month <- rep(seq(1, pmonth), each = ncolv * nrowv)
} else {
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold, efcold$month)
e <-"rbind", lapply(1:12, function(k) {
dfi <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(veh), function(j) {
beta[, k] * lkm[j] * veh[, j] * pro_month[, k] * ef[, j] * efcold[[k]][, j]
dfi <-
names(dfi) <- "emissions"
dfi <- Emissions(dfi)
dfi$rows <- row.names(veh)
dfi$age <- rep(1:ncol(veh), each = nrow(veh))
dfi$month <- (1:length(pro_month))[k]
} else if (is.numeric(pro_month)) {
if (fortran) {
nrowv <- as.integer(nrow(veh))
ncolv <- as.integer(ncol(veh))
pmonth <- as.integer(length(pro_month))
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
ef <- as.matrix(ef[, 1:ncol(veh)])
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold[, 1:ncol(veh)], efcold$month)
efcold <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(efcold, unlist)))
month <- as.numeric(pro_month)
beta <- as.matrix(beta)
if (nrow(beta) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of 'beta' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (ncol(beta) != length(month)) stop("number of cols of 'beta' length of 'month' must be equal")
if (length(efcold) != length(unlist(veh)) * pmonth) stop("`efcold` and `veh` must be dimensionally compatible")
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `lkm` must be equal to number of columns of `veh`")
if (nrow(ef) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
if (ncol(ef) != ncol(veh)) stop("number of cols of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
# emis(i, j, k) = beta(i, k) * veh(i, j) * lkm(j) * ef(i, j) * efcold(i, j, k) * month(k)
if (!missing(nt)) {
if (nt >= check_nt()) {
"Your machine has ", check_nt(),
" threads and nt must be lower"
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd5coldfpar.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd5coldfpar",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 6),
"integer", "double"
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
nt = as.integer(nt),
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 10), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
} else {
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd5coldf.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd5coldf",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 7)
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 9), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
e <- data.frame(emissions = a)
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- rep(row.names(veh), ncolv * pmonth)
e$age <- rep(rep(seq(1, ncolv), each = nrowv), pmonth)
e$month <- rep(seq(1, pmonth), each = ncolv * nrowv)
} else {
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold, efcold$month)
e <-"rbind", lapply(1:12, function(k) {
dfi <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(veh), function(j) {
beta[, k] * lkm[j] * veh[, j] * pro_month[k] * ef[, j] * efcold[[k]][, j]
dfi <-
names(dfi) <- "emissions"
dfi <- Emissions(dfi)
dfi$rows <- row.names(veh)
dfi$age <- rep(1:ncol(veh), each = nrow(veh))
dfi$month <- (1:length(pro_month))[k]
if (!missing(params)) {
if (!is.list(params)) stop("'params' must be a list")
if (is.null(names(params))) {
if (verbose) message("Adding names to params")
names(params) <- paste0("P_", 1:length(params))
for (i in 1:length(params)) {
e[, names(params)[i]] <- params[[i]]
if (verbose) cat("Sum of emissions:", sum(e$emissions), "\n")
} else {
# ef inherits numeric
if (verbose) message("Assuming you have emission factors for each simple feature and then for each month")
# when pro_month vary each month
if ( {
if (nrow(pro_month) == 1) {
message("Replicating one-row matrix to match number of rows of `veh`")
pro_month <- matrix(as.numeric(pro_month), nrow = nrow(veh), ncol = ncol(pro_month))
if (fortran) {
nrowv <- as.integer(nrow(veh))
ncolv <- as.integer(ncol(veh))
pmonth <- as.integer(ncol(pro_month))
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
ef <- as.numeric(ef)
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold[, 1:ncol(veh)], efcold$month)
efcold <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(efcold, unlist)))
month <- as.matrix(pro_month)
beta <- as.matrix(beta)
if (nrow(beta) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of 'beta' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (ncol(beta) != ncol(month)) stop("number of cols of 'beta' and 'month' must be equal")
if (length(efcold) != length(unlist(veh)) * pmonth) stop("`efcold` and `veh` must be dimensionally compatible")
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `lkm` must be equal to number of columns of `veh`")
if (length(ef) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `ef` and number of cols of `veh` must be equal")
if (nrow(month) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of `month` and `veh` must be equal")
# emis(i, j, k) = beta(i, k) * veh(i, j) * lkm(j) * ef(j) * efcold(i, j, k) * month(i, k)
if (!missing(nt)) {
if (nt >= check_nt()) {
"Your machine has ", check_nt(),
" threads and nt must be lower"
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd6coldfpar.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd6coldfpar",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 6),
"integer", "double"
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
nt = as.integer(nt),
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 10), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
} else {
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd6coldf.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd6coldf",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 7)
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 9), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
e <- data.frame(emissions = a)
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- rep(row.names(veh), ncolv * pmonth)
e$age <- rep(rep(seq(1, ncolv), each = nrowv), pmonth)
e$month <- rep(seq(1, pmonth), each = ncolv * nrowv)
} else {
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold, efcold$month)
e <-"rbind", lapply(1:12, function(k) {
dfi <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(veh), function(j) {
beta[, k] * lkm[j] * veh[, j] * pro_month[, k] * ef[j] * efcold[[k]][, j]
dfi <-
names(dfi) <- "emissions"
dfi <- Emissions(dfi)
dfi$rows <- row.names(veh)
dfi$age <- rep(1:ncol(veh), each = nrow(veh))
dfi$month <- (1:length(pro_month))[k]
} else if (is.numeric(pro_month)) {
if (fortran) {
nrowv <- as.integer(nrow(veh))
ncolv <- as.integer(ncol(veh))
pmonth <- as.integer(length(pro_month))
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
ef <- as.numeric(ef)
efcold <- split(efcold[, 1:ncol(veh)], efcold[ncol(efcold)])
efcold <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(efcold, unlist)))
month <- as.numeric(pro_month)
beta <- as.matrix(beta)
if (nrow(beta) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of 'beta' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (ncol(beta) != length(month)) stop("number of cols of 'beta' length of 'month' must be equal")
if (length(efcold) != length(unlist(veh)) * pmonth) stop("`efcold` and `veh` must be dimensionally compatible")
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `lkm` must be equal to number of columns of `veh`")
if (length(ef) != ncol(veh)) stop("number of rows of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
# emis(i, j, k) = beta(i, k) * veh(i, j) * lkm(j) * ef(j) * efcold(i, j, k) * month(k)
if (!missing(nt)) {
if (nt >= check_nt()) {
"Your machine has ", check_nt(),
" threads and nt must be lower"
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd3coldfpar.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd3coldfpar",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 6),
"integer", "double"
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
nt = as.integer(nt),
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 10), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
} else {
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd3coldf.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd3coldf",
rep("integer", 3),
rep("double", 7)
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
pmonth = pmonth,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
month = month,
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv * pmonth),
rep("r", 9), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
e <- data.frame(emissions = a)
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- rep(row.names(veh), ncolv * pmonth)
e$age <- rep(rep(seq(1, ncolv), each = nrowv), pmonth)
e$month <- rep(seq(1, pmonth), each = ncolv * nrowv)
} else {
efcold$month <- rep(1:12, each = nrow(veh))
efcold <- split(efcold, efcold$month)
e <-"rbind", lapply(1:12, function(k) {
dfi <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(veh), function(j) {
beta[, k] * lkm[j] * veh[, j] * pro_month[k] * ef[j] * efcold[[k]][, j]
dfi <-
names(dfi) <- "emissions"
dfi <- Emissions(dfi)
dfi$rows <- row.names(veh)
dfi$age <- rep(1:ncol(veh), each = nrow(veh))
dfi$month <- (1:length(pro_month))[k]
if (!missing(params)) {
if (!is.list(params)) stop("'params' must be a list")
if (is.null(names(params))) {
if (verbose) message("Adding names to params")
names(params) <- paste0("P_", 1:length(params))
for (i in 1:length(params)) {
e[, names(params)[i]] <- params[[i]]
if (verbose) cat("Sum of emissions:", sum(e$emissions), "\n")
} else {
if (verbose) message("Estimation without monthly profile")
if (fortran) {
nrowv <- as.integer(nrow(veh))
ncolv <- as.integer(ncol(veh))
lkm <- as.numeric(lkm)
ef <- as.numeric(ef)
efcold <- as.matrix(efcold[, 1:ncol(veh)])
beta <- as.numeric(unlist(beta))
if (length(beta) != nrow(veh)) stop("length of 'beta' and number of rows of 'veh' must be equal")
if (nrow(efcold) != nrow(veh)) stop("number of rows of 'efcold' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (ncol(efcold) != ncol(veh)) stop("number of cols of 'efcold' and 'veh' must be equal")
if (length(lkm) != ncol(veh)) stop("length of `lkm` must be equal to number of columns of `veh`")
if (length(ef) != ncol(veh)) stop("number of rows of `ef` and `veh` must be equal")
# emis(i, j) = beta(i) * veh(i, j) * lkm(j) * ef(j) * efcold(i, j)
if (!missing(nt)) {
if (nt >= check_nt()) {
"Your machine has ", check_nt(),
" threads and nt must be lower"
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd2coldfpar.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd2coldfpar",
rep("integer", 2),
rep("double", 5),
"integer", "double"
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
nt = as.integer(nt),
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv),
rep("r", 8), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
} else {
if (verbose) message("Calling emistd2coldf.f95")
a <- dotCall64::.C64(
.NAME = "emistd2coldf",
rep("integer", 2),
rep("double", 6)
nrowv = nrowv,
ncolv = ncolv,
veh = as.matrix(veh),
lkm = lkm,
ef = ef,
ef = efcold,
beta = beta,
emis = dotCall64::vector_dc("double", nrowv * ncolv),
rep("r", 7), "w"
PACKAGE = "vein",
e <- data.frame(emissions = a)
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- rep(row.names(veh), ncolv)
e$age <- rep(seq(1, ncolv), each = nrowv)
} else {
e <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(veh), function(j) {
unlist(beta) * as.numeric(lkm[j]) * veh[, j] * as.numeric(ef[j]) * as.numeric(efcold[, j])
e <-
names(e) <- "emissions"
e <- Emissions(e)
e$rows <- row.names(veh)
e$age <- rep(1:ncol(veh), each = nrow(veh))
if (!missing(params)) {
if (!is.list(params)) stop("'params' must be a list")
if (is.null(names(params))) {
if (verbose) message("Adding names to params")
names(params) <- paste0("P_", 1:length(params))
for (i in 1:length(params)) {
e[, names(params)[i]] <- params[[i]]
if (verbose) cat("Sum of emissions:", sum(e$emissions), "\n")
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