#' brings newdata in a format appropriate for applying rvinecopulib functions.
#' @noRd
prepare_newdata <- function(newdata, object, use_response = FALSE) {
newdata <-
if (!use_response) {
object$model_frame <- object$model_frame[-1]
check_newdata(newdata, object)
# factors must be expanded to dummy numeric variables
newdata <- expand_factors(newdata)
newdata <- remove_unused(newdata, object, use_response)
#' checks if newdata has appropriate columns and sorts according to the order
#' used for fitting.
#' @noRd
check_newdata <- function(newdata, object) {
check_var_availability(newdata, names(object$model_frame))
# the check_x functions expect variables in newdata and model_frame in
# the same order
newdata <- newdata[names(object$model_frame)]
check_types(newdata, object$model_frame)
check_levels(newdata, object$model_frame)
#' checks if all *selected* covariates are in newdata.
#' @noRd
check_var_availability <- function(newdata, vars) {
vars_avail <- match(vars, colnames(newdata))
if (any( {
vars_missing <- paste(vars[], collapse = ", ")
stop("'newdata' is missing variables ", vars_missing)
#' checks if variable types are equal in original data and new data.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @noRd
check_types <- function(actual, expected) {
different_type <- sapply(
function(i) !identical(class(actual[[i]])[1], class(expected[[i]])[1])
if (any(different_type)) {
errors <- data.frame(
expected = sapply(actual[different_type], function(x) class(x)[1]),
actual = sapply(expected[different_type], function(x) class(x)[1])
errors <- paste(capture.output(print(errors)), collapse = "\n")
stop("some columns have incorrect type:\n", errors, call. = FALSE)
#' checks if factor levels are equal in original data and new data.
#' @noRd
check_levels <- function(actual, expected) {
# only check factors
actual <- actual[sapply(actual, is.factor)]
expected <- expected[sapply(expected, is.factor)]
if (length(expected) == 0) {
different_levels <- sapply(
function(i) !identical(levels(actual[[i]]), levels(expected[[i]]))
if (any(different_levels)) {
errors <- data.frame(
expected = sapply(
function(x) paste(levels(x), collapse = ",")
actual = sapply(
function(x) paste(levels(x), collapse = ",")
errors <- paste(capture.output(print(errors)), collapse = "\n")
stop("some factors have incorrect levels\n", errors, call. = FALSE)
#' removes unused variables and returns newdata in the order used for fitting.
#' @noRd
remove_unused <- function(newdata, object, use_response = FALSE) {
# x must be sorted in the order of the data used for fitting
fit_order <- object$order[order(object$selected_vars)]
if (use_response) {
fit_order <- c(names(object$model_frame)[1], fit_order)
newdata[, fit_order, drop = FALSE]
#' transforms data to uniform scale with probability integral transform.
#' For discrete variables, the output has dimension 2*d
#' @noRd
to_uscale <- function(data, margins, add_response = FALSE) {
if (any(sapply(margins, length) == 2)) {
# uscale = TRUE during fitting
if (add_response == TRUE)
data <- cbind(0.5, data)
u_sub <- list()
u <- lapply(seq_along(margins), function(k) pkde1d(data[[k]], margins[[k]]))
if (any(sapply(margins, function(m) nlevels(m$x) > 0))) {
compute_u_sub <- function(k) {
if (nlevels(margins[[k]]$x) > 0) {
data[, k] <- ordered(data[, k], levels = levels(margins[[k]]$x))
lv <- as.numeric(data[, k]) - 1
lv0 <- which(lv == 0)
lv[lv0] <- 1
xlv <- ordered(levels(margins[[k]]$x)[lv],
levels = levels(margins[[k]]$x))
u_sub <- pkde1d(xlv, margins[[k]])
u_sub[lv0] <- 0
} else {
u_sub <- lapply(seq_along(margins), compute_u_sub)
if (add_response) {
u <- c(list(0.5), u)
if (length(u_sub) > 0)
u_sub <- c(list(0.5), u_sub)
u <- truncate_u(cbind(, u),, u_sub)))
if ((length(u) == 1) & (NROW(data) > 1))
u <- matrix(u, NROW(data))
#' ensures that u-scale data does not contain zeros or ones.
#' @noRd
truncate_u <- function(u) {
pmin(pmax(u, 1e-10), 1 - 1e-10)
#' transforms predicted response back to original variable scale.
#' @noRd
to_yscale <- function(u, object) {
if (any(sapply(object$margins, length) == 2))
return(u) # uscale = TRUE during fitting
nms <- colnames(u)
u <- lapply(u, qkde1d, obj = object$margins[[1]])
u <-
names(u) <- nms
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @noRd
expand_factors <- function(data) {
if ( {
data <- lapply(data, function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x) | is.ordered(x)) {
lvs <- levels(x)
x <- model.matrix(~x)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
x <-
x <- lapply(x, function(y) ordered(y, levels = 0:1))
names(x) <- lvs[-1]
process_par_1d <- function(data, pars) {
d <- ncol(data)
if (!is.null(pars$xmin)) {
if (length(pars$xmin) != d)
stop("'xmin' must be a vector with one value for each variable")
} else {
pars$xmin = rep(NaN, d)
if (!is.null(pars$xmax)) {
if (length(pars$xmax) != d)
stop("'xmax' must be a vector with one value for each variable")
} else {
pars$xmax = rep(NaN, d)
if (is.null(pars$bw))
pars$bw <- NA
if (length(pars$bw) == 1)
pars$bw <- rep(pars$bw, d)
if (is.null(pars$mult))
pars$mult <- 1
if (length(pars$mult) == 1)
pars$mult <- rep(pars$mult, d)
if (is.null(pars$deg))
pars$deg <- 2
if (length(pars$deg) == 1)
pars$deg <- rep(pars$deg, d)
check_par_1d(data, pars)
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
check_par_1d <- function(data, ctrl) {
nms <- colnames(data)
if (is.null(nms)) {
nms <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(data)))
lapply(seq_len(NCOL(data)), function(k) {
msg_var <- paste0("Problem with par_1d for variable ", nms[k], ": ")
is.numeric(ctrl$mult[k]), ctrl$mult[k] > 0,
is.numeric(ctrl$xmin[k]), is.numeric(ctrl$xmax[k]),$bw[k]) | (is.numeric(ctrl$bw[k]) & (ctrl$bw[k] > 0)),
error = function(e) stop(msg_var, e$message)
if (is.ordered(data[, k]) & (!is.nan(ctrl$xmin[k]) | !is.nan(ctrl$xmax[k]))) {
stop(msg_var, "xmin and xmax are not meaningful for x of type ordered.")
if (!is.nan(ctrl$xmax[k]) & !is.nan(ctrl$xmin[k])) {
if (ctrl$xmin[k] > ctrl$xmax[k]) {
stop(msg_var, "xmin is larger than xmax.")
if (!is.nan(ctrl$xmin[k])) {
if (any(data[, k] < ctrl$xmin[k])) {
stop(msg_var, "not all data are larger than xmin.")
if (!is.nan(ctrl$xmax[k])) {
if (any(data[, k] > ctrl$xmax[k])) {
stop(msg_var, "not all data are samller than xmax.")
if (!(ctrl$deg[k] %in% 0:2)) {
stop(msg_var, "deg must be either 0, 1, or 2.")
prep_for_kde1d <- function(data) {
data <- lapply(data, function(x) if (is.ordered(x)) as.numeric(x) - 1 else x), data)
finalize_margins <- function(margins, data) {
for (k in seq_along(margins)) {
margins[[k]]$x <- data[[k]]
margins[[k]]$nobs <- nrow(data)
margins[[k]]$var_name <- names(margins)[k] <- colnames(data)[k]
margins[[1]]$loglik <- sum(log(kde1d::dkde1d(data[[1]], margins[[1]])))
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