
Defines functions vmrPackageTest vmrPackageBuild vmrPackageCheck vmrProvision vmrDisconnect vmrConnect vmrConfigSSH vmrExec vmrSend vmrInstallPackages vmrUpdatePackages vmrIsRunning vmrStop vmrStart vmrBoxDownload vmrStatus vmrResume vmrSuspend vmrRemoveSnapshot vmrListSnapshot vmrRestoreSnapshot vmrTakeSnapshot vmrLocalBoxPrune vmrLocalBoxRemove vmrLocalBoxUpdate vmrLocalBoxList vmrMountDir vmrDestroy vmrUpdateEnvVersion vmrInfo writeVagrantFile vmrInitEnv vmrLoad .checkMinimalVMR summary.vmr print.vmr getProviderOptions vmrCreate vmrListBox vmrList vmrSetVerbose

Documented in getProviderOptions print.vmr summary.vmr vmrBoxDownload vmrConfigSSH vmrConnect vmrCreate vmrDestroy vmrDisconnect vmrExec vmrInfo vmrInitEnv vmrInstallPackages vmrIsRunning vmrList vmrListBox vmrListSnapshot vmrLoad vmrLocalBoxList vmrLocalBoxPrune vmrLocalBoxRemove vmrLocalBoxUpdate vmrMountDir vmrPackageBuild vmrPackageCheck vmrPackageTest vmrProvision vmrRemoveSnapshot vmrRestoreSnapshot vmrResume vmrSend vmrSetVerbose vmrStart vmrStatus vmrStop vmrSuspend vmrTakeSnapshot vmrUpdateEnvVersion vmrUpdatePackages

# This file is part of vmr.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Jean-François Rey <jf.rey.public@gmail.com>
# vmr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# vmr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Foobar.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Set verbose level
#' @name vmrSetVerbose
#' @description Set verbose level for vmr package functions
#' @details Three verboses mode is available:
#' * "None" : print nothings
#' * "Normal" : print essential
#' * "Full" : print all
#' @param verbose_mode "None", "Normal" or "Full"
#' @return invisible verbose value
#' @export
#' @md
vmrSetVerbose <- function(verbose_mode = "Normal") {
    "None" =  vmr_env$verbose_mode <- 0,
    "Normal" = vmr_env$verbose_mode <- 1,
    "Full" =  vmr_env$verbose_mode <- 2,
    stop('Unknow verbose mode, should be "None", "Normal" or "Full"')


#' @title List available boxes from VagrantCloud
#' @name vmrList
#' @description List of available boxes from a VagrantCloud organization account.
#' @details Default usage lists boxes preconfigurated with R
#'  from [VMR organization account](https://app.vagrantup.com/VMR).
#' @param org Vagrant Cloud organization name (default : 'VMR')
#' @return a data.frame with Name, Provider, Version and Description of available boxes
#' @export
#' @md
vmrList <- function(org = .VagrantCloudOrganization) {

#' @title List all available version of a box
#' @name vmrListBox
#' @description List all versions and providers available of a box.
#' @details List information of a box from VagrantCloud.
#'  Default usage list information of a box preconfigurated with R
#'  from [VMR organization account](https://app.vagrantup.com/VMR).
#' @param box_name the box name
#' @param org Vagrant Cloud organization name (default : 'VMR')
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # List Boxes
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' # Box informaion
#' box_info <- vmrListBox(boxes$Name[1])
#' box_info
#' }
#' @return a data.frame with "Name, "Version", "Description", "Provider" and "Date" of the box
#' @export
#' @md
vmrListBox <- function(box_name, org = .VagrantCloudOrganization) {
  getBoxInfo(box_name, org)

#' @title Create a __vmr__ environment class
#' @name vmrCreate
#' @description Create a __vmr__ object.
#' @details Create a S3 __vmr__ object (a simple list).
#' The object contains all information needed to configure and manage a
#' __vmr__ environment (a vagrant environment).
#' A __vmr__ environment need mostly a box _name_ and a _provider_.
#' The environment is attached to the current working directory.
#' __vmr__ object main attributs:
#' * __path__: working directory
#' * __org__: Vagrant cloud user/organization name 'VMR'
#' * __box__: the box name
#' * __version__: the box version
#' * __provider__: the provider
#' * __provider_options__: the provider options (see [[getProviderOptions()]])
#' * __vagrantName__: Vagrant environment name
#' * __ID__ <- Vagrant environment ID
#' * __synced_folder__: a list with source and destination
#' * __ssh_user__: the ssh user
#' * __ssh_pwd__: the ssh user password
#' * __ssh_port__: the ssh port
#' * __ssh_private_key_path__: the private ssh key path
#' @param name a box name
#' @param provider the box provider (default: "virtualbox")
#' @param version the box version (default : "latest")
#' @param provider.options provider options (call [[getProviderOptions()]] to get values)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # List boxes available
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' # Create a vmr object
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(boxes$Name[1])
#' # to customize the guest machine for virtualbox
#' virtualboxOpts <- getProviderOptions(provider = "virtualbox")
#' virtualboxOpts$modifyvm <- list(cpus = 4, memory = 4096)
#' virtualboxOpts$name <- "My VM Cool Name"
#' # To specify a provider and version
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(
#'   name = boxes$Name[1],
#'   provider = "virtualbox",
#'   version = boxes$Version[1],
#'   provider.options = virtualboxOpts
#' )
#' }
#' @return a __vmr__ object (see details)
#' @export
#' @md
vmrCreate <- function(name, provider = "virtualbox", version = "latest", provider.options = virtualboxOptions(FALSE)) {
  printVerbose(1, "Creating vmr environment...")
  vmr <- list()
  attr(vmr, "class") <- "vmr"
  vmr$path <- normalizePath(getwd())

  if (!identical(grep("/", name), integer(0))) {
    pos <- regexpr("/", name)
    vmr$org <- substr(name, 1, pos - 1)
    vmr$box <- substr(name, pos + 1, nchar(name))
  } else {
    vmr$org <- .VagrantCloudOrganization
    vmr$box <- name
  vmr$version <- version
  vmr$provider <- provider
  vmr$provider_options <- provider.options

  vmr$vagrantName <- paste0("vmr-", sub("/", "-", name), "-", provider)
  vmr$ID <- vagrantGetID(vmr$vagrantName, vmr$path)

  vmr$synced_folder <- list()
  vmr$synced_folder$source <- ""
  vmr$synced_folder$destination <- ""

  vmr$ssh_user <- "vagrant"
  vmr$ssh_pwd <- "vagrant"
  vmr$ssh_port <- ""
  vmr$ssh_private_key_path <- ""


#' @title List provider options
#' @name getProviderOptions
#' @description List a provider available options.
#' @details It return a list of options name and value for a specific provider.
#' To get the help page do ```?<provider_name>Options()```, for example [[virtualboxOptions()]].
#' @param provider a provider name
#' @param details if TRUE print options, otherwise return default options
#' @return a list of options
#' @examples
#' vbOpts <- getProviderOptions(provider = "virtualbox")
#' print(vbOpts)
#' @export
#' @md
getProviderOptions <- function(provider = "virtualbox", details = FALSE) {
  get(paste0(provider, "Options"))(details)

#' @title Print __vmr__ object information
#' @name print.vmr
#' @description print information from a __vmr__ object
#' @param x a __vmr__ object
#' @param ... optional print arguments
#' @return the __vmr__ object (via invisible(x))
#' @export
#' @md
print.vmr <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("### vmr environment information ###\n")
  cat("Organization:", x$org, "\n")
  cat("Name:", x$box, "\n")
  cat("Version:", x$version, "\n")
  if (x$ID != "") cat("Machine ID:", x$ID, "\n")
  cat("Machine instance:", x$vagrantName, "\n")
  cat("Machine environment directory:", x$path, "\n")
  if (x$synced_folder$source != "" && x$synced_folder$destination != "") {
    cat(paste0("Synced folder: '", x$synced_folder$source, "' to Guest '", x$synced_folder$destination, "'\n"))
  } else {
    cat("Synced folder: Disable\n")
  cat("ssh user:", x$ssh_user, "\n")
  cat("ssh password:", x$ssh_pwd, "\n")
  cat("ssh port:", x$ssh_port, "\n")
  if (x$ssh_private_key_path != "") cat("ssh private key path:", x$ssh_private_key_path, "\n")
  cat("Provider:", x$provider, "\n")
  if (x$provider == "virtualbox") {
  } else {
    cat(x$provider, "unknow or not implemented provider\n")


#' @title Summary __vmr__ object information
#' @name summary.vmr
#' @description print information from a __vmr__ object
#' @param object a __vmr__ object
#' @param ... optional print arguments
#' @return the __vmr__ object (via invisible(x))
#' @export
#' @md
summary.vmr <- function(object, ...) {

# @title check a vmr object "class"
# @description check minimal variables needed in a 'vmr' object
# @param vmr a vmr object
# @return TRUE if OK
.checkMinimalVMR <- function(vmr) {
  if (attr(vmr, "class") != "vmr") stop("arguments is not a vmr list object")
  if (is.null(vmr$org) || vmr$org == "") stop("vmr$org undefined")
  if (is.null(vmr$box) || vmr$box == "") stop("vmr$box undefined")
  if (is.null(vmr$provider) || vmr$provider == "") stop("vmr$provider undefined")

# .checkvmrEnv <- function(){
#  if (!file.exists("Vagrantfile")) stop("Wrong vmr environment\n",
#                                        "Vagrantfile template can't be find here\n",
#                                        getwd(),"\n")
#  global_status <- vagrantGlobalStatus()
# }

#' @title Load a __vmr__ environment containing a Vagrant file
#' @name vmrLoad
#' @description Load a __vmr__ environment containing a VagrantFile
#'  and create a __vmr__ object (see [[vmrCreate()]] for object details).
#' @details It read a Vagrant file template with __vmr__ compatible parameters.
#' It's an experimental Vagrant file reading, some parameters may not be loaded.
#' @param dir the __vmr__ environment directory (default: "./")
#' @param vagrantfileName a Vagrantfile name (default: "Vagrantfile")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load the Vagrantfile in the current directory
#' vmr <- vmrLoad(getwd())
#' }
#' @return a __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrLoad <- function(dir = "./", vagrantfileName = "Vagrantfile") {
  printVerbose(2, "Experimental Vagrantfile reading... some Options may not be loaded")
  path <- normalizePath(dir)
  printVerbose(2, paste0("move to ", path))
  oldpath <- getwd()

  vagrant_file <- normalizePath(file.path(path, vagrantfileName))

  if (!file.exists(vagrant_file)) stop("can't find ", vagrant_file)

  vmr <- list()
  attr(vmr, "class") <- "vmr"
  vmr$path <- path

  printVerbose(1, paste0("Reading ", vagrant_file))

  vagrant_data <- readLines(vagrant_file)

  extract <- function(text_vector, pattern) {
    text <- text_vector[grep(pattern, text_vector)]
    pos_value <- regexpr('\"[^\"]+\"', text)
    substr(text, pos_value + 1, pos_value + attr(pos_value, "match.length") - 2)

  extractInt <- function(text_vector, pattern) {
    text <- text_vector[grep(pattern, text_vector)]
    pos_value <- regexpr("= [0-9]+", text)
    as.integer(substr(text, pos_value + 2, pos_value + attr(pos_value, "match.length")))

  box <- strsplit(extract(vagrant_data, "config.vm.box "), split = "/")[[1]]
  vmr$org <- box[1]
  vmr$box <- box[2]
  vmr$version <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.vm.box_version")
  if (identical(character(0), vmr$version) || nchar(vmr$version) == 0) vmr$version <- "latest"

  vmr$vagrantName <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.vm.define")

  vmr$provider <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.vm.provider")
  if (identical(vmr$provider, character(0))) {
    vmr$provider <- ""
    vmr$provider_options <- NULL
  } else {
    vmr$provider_options <- get(paste0(vmr$provider, "ReadOptions"))(vagrant_data)

  vmr$ID <- vagrantGetID(vmr$vagrantName, vmr$path)

  vmr$synced_folder <- list()
  vmr$synced_folder$source <- ""
  vmr$synced_folder$destination <- ""
  sync_f <- vagrant_data[grep("config.vm.synced_folder", vagrant_data)]
  if (length(sync_f) > 1) {
    temp <- strsplit(sync_f[1], split = " +")[[1]]
    vmr$synced_folder$source <- substr(temp[2], 2, nchar(temp[2]) - 2)
    vmr$synced_folder$destination <- substr(temp[3], 2, nchar(temp[3]) - 1)

  vmr$ssh_user <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.ssh.username")
  if (identical(character(0), vmr$ssh_user)) vmr$ssh_user <- "vagrant"
  vmr$ssh_pwd <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.ssh.password")
  if (identical(character(0), vmr$ssh_pwd)) vmr$ssh_pwd <- "vagrant"
  vmr$ssh_port <- extractInt(vagrant_data, "config.ssh.port")
  if (identical(integer(0), vmr$ssh_port)) vmr$ssh_port <- ""
  vmr$ssh_private_key_path <- extract(vagrant_data, "config.ssh.private_key_path")
  if (identical(character(0), vmr$ssh_private_key_path)) vmr$ssh_private_key_path <- ""


#' @title Initialize the __vmr__ environment
#' @name vmrInitEnv
#' @description Create __vmr__ environment in the current directory.
#' Set configuration into a template file name "Vagrantfile"
#'  and download the box if needed.
#' @details The __vmr__ environment consist of a directory (the working directory)
#' and a template file name _Vagrantfile_.
#' If the box is not present in localhost it will be download.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @param force.vagrantfile if TRUE force to overwrite environment configuration (default FALSE)
#' @param force.download if TRUE force to download the box, otherwise do not (default FALSE).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(boxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' }
#' @return the __vmr__ object
#' @export
vmrInitEnv <- function(vmr, force.vagrantfile = FALSE, force.download = FALSE) {
  printVerbose(1, "Initialize vmr environment")

  oldpath <- getwd()

  if (vmrIsRunning()) stop("The virtual guest is running. run vmrStop() and recall this function")

  writeVagrantFile(vmr, force.vagrantfile)

  ## TODO may update box vagrantBoxUpdate
  if (identical(grep("/", vmr$box), integer(0))) {
    box <- paste0(vmr$org, "/", vmr$box)
  } else {
    box <- vmr$box
  vagrantBoxAdd(box, vmr$version, vmr$provider, force.download)

  printVerbose(1, "Now run vmr<Function>() into", vmr$path, "directory")


# @title Create a Vagrant file from a __vmr__ object
# @description Create a Vagrant file template from a __vmr__ object.
# @param vmr a __vmr__ object
# @param force if TRUE force to overwrite the template file
# @return path to the Vagrantfile
# @md
writeVagrantFile <- function(vmr, force = FALSE) {
  if (file.exists("Vagrantfile") && isFALSE(force)) {
    stop("Vagrantfile already exists in ", getwd(), "\n use argument force.vagrantfile=TRUE to override it.")

  printVerbose(2, "Creating Vagrantfile template in ", getwd())

        # if (isTRUE(vmr$r$update_packages) || length(vmr$r$install_packages) != 0) .provisionRscript(vmr),
        'Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|\n',

        if (!identical(grep("/", vmr$box), integer(0))) {
          paste0('\tconfig.vm.box = "', vmr$box, '"\n')
        } else {
          paste0('\tconfig.vm.box = "', vmr$org, "/", vmr$box, '"\n')

        if (vmr$version != "" && vmr$version != "latest") paste0('\tconfig.vm.box_version = "', vmr$version, '"\n'),

        if (vmr$synced_folder$source != "" && vmr$synced_folder$destination != "") {
          paste0('\tconfig.vm.synced_folder "', vmr$synced_folder$source, '", "', vmr$synced_folder$destination, '"\n')
        '\tconfig.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true\n',

        paste0('\tconfig.vm.define "', vmr$vagrantName, '" do |d|\n'),

        # SSH configuration
        '\tconfig.vm.communicator = "ssh"\n',
        if (vmr$ssh_user != "vagrant" || vmr$ssh_pwd != "vagrant") {
            '\tconfig.ssh.username ="', vmr$ssh_user, '"\n',
            '\tconfig.ssh.password ="', vmr$ssh_pwd, '"\n',
            "\tconfig.ssh.keep_alive = true\n",
            "\tconfig.ssh.insert_key = true\n"
        } else {
          paste0("\tconfig.ssh.insert_key = false\n")

        if (vmr$ssh_port != "") paste0("\tconfig.ssh.port = ", vmr$ssh_port, "\n"),
        if (vmr$ssh_private_key_path != "") paste0('\tconfig.ssh.private_key_path = "', vmr$ssh_private_key_path, '"\n'),

        # Provisioning
        # if (isTRUE(vmr$r$update_packages) || length(vmr$r$install_packages) != 0) '\tconfig.vm.provision "shell", inline: $rscript\n',

        # Provider configuration (default virtualbox)
        # for providers options '\tconfig.vm.provider = "',vmr$provider,'"\n',
        if (!is.null(vmr$provider) && nchar(vmr$provider) > 0) {
          if (vmr$provider == "virtualbox" && !is.null(vmr$provider_options)) virtualBoxVagrantFile(vmr$provider_options)
    error = function(cond) {
      warning("Error writing Vagrantfile template\n", cond, immediate. = TRUE)
    warning = function(cond) {
      warning("May have some error writing Vagrantfile template\n", cond, immediate. = TRUE)
    finally = {


#' @title Get guest machine information
#' @name vmrInfo
#' @description Get guest machine information.
#' Print OS, R, R-devel and R packages information.
#' Still in development.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(boxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' vmrInfo()
#' }
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrInfo <- function() {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")
  # TODO make a clean print

  cat("#### R Version ####\n")
  vagrantSSHCommand("R --version")
  cat("#### Rdevel Version ####\n")
  vagrantSSHCommand("if Rdevel --version &> /dev/null ; then Rdevel --version ; fi")
  cat("#### OS informations ####\n")
  vagrantSSHCommand("Rscript -e \"Sys.info()\"")
  # cat("#### R packages installed ####\n")
  # vagrantSSHCommand("Rscript -e \"installed.packages()\"")


#' @title Update a __vmr__ environment.
#' @name vmrUpdateEnvVersion
#' @description Force to use the latest box version of the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @details Put __vmr__ object version to latest and update the Vagrant File template.
#' Download the new box version if needed.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(boxes$Name[1], version = "oldone")
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' # update to latest
#' vmr <- vmrUpdateEnvVersion(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' }
#' @return a __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrUpdateEnvVersion <- function(vmr) {
  if (vmrIsRunning()) vmrStop()

  printVerbose(1, "Set environment to use the latest box version")
  vmr$version <- "latest"
  vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr, force.vagrantfile = TRUE)



#' @title Remove all resources created in a __vmr__ environment
#' @name vmrDestroy
#' @description Remove all resources created by [vmrStart()]
#' @details Will by default remove all resources created from the current __vmr__ environment.
#'  By specifying the _id_ any environment with this _id_ will be remove.
#' @param id a __vmr__ environment id (default : "" id from the current environment)
#' @param force if TRUE force to remove
#' @return the vagrant environment id
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrStop()
#' vmrDestroy()
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrDestroy <- function(id = "", force = FALSE) {
  printVerbose(1, "Checking configuration...")
  vms <- vagrantGlobalStatus()
  if (id != "") {
    vm <- vms[which(vms$id == id), ]
  else {
    vm <- vms[which(vms$directory == normalizePath("./")), ]

  x <- "y"
  if (!isTRUE(force)) {
    x <- readline(paste0("Are you sure you want to destroy the ", vm$name, " VM? [y/N] "))

  if (x == "y" || x == "Y") {
    printVerbose(1, paste0("The VM ", vm$name, " will be destroyed"))
    args <- c("destroy", "--force", vm$id)
  else {
    printVerbose(1, paste0("The VM ", vm$name, " will not be destroyed"))

  if (id == "") {
    x <- "y"
    if (!isTRUE(force)) {
      x <- readline(paste0(
        "Do you want to remove Vagrantfile template ",
        "and .vagrant directory ",
        "(clean vmr environment) ? [y/N] "

    if (x == "y" || x == "Y") {
      file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/Vagrantfile"))
      unlink(paste0(getwd(), "/.vagrant"), recursive = TRUE)


#' @title Mount a host directory to guest
#' @name vmrMountDir
#' @description Mount a host directory to the guest machine.
#' @details If the option of mounting a directory is available
#' in the guest provider, it will mount _src_ to _destination_ directory.
#' Calling with no arguments will disable this option.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @param src a host directory
#' @param dest a destination guest directory
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' boxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(boxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrMountDir(vmr, src = getwd(), dest = "/vmr")
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' }
#' @return a __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrMountDir <- function(vmr, src = "", dest = "") {
  printVerbose(1, "Mount ", src, " to", dest)
  printVerbose(1, "This option may not be available to all boxes")
  printVerbose(1, "Call vmrInitEnv() and restart the environment after that to take effect")

  vmr$synced_folder <- list()
  vmr$synced_folder$source <- src
  vmr$synced_folder$destination <- dest


#' @title List downloaded boxes
#' @name vmrLocalBoxList
#' @description List all boxes downloaded in localhost
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' localBoxes <- vmrLocalBoxList()
#' print(localBoxes)
#' }
#' @return a data.frame with boxes Name, Providers and Version
#' @export
#' @md
vmrLocalBoxList <- function() {
  box_list <- vagrantBoxList()
  printVerbose(2, "This is all boxes available in your system: ")
  # printVerbose(2, box_list)

#' @title Update local box version
#' @name vmrLocalBoxUpdate
#' @description Download the latest version of the box use in the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @return execution code or message
#' @export
#' @md
vmrLocalBoxUpdate <- function() {
  printVerbose(2, "Download latest version of the current environment box")

#' @title Remove a box from localhost
#' @name vmrLocalBoxRemove
#' @description Remove a specific box from localhost.
#' @param name the box name
#' @param provider the box provider (default: first provider found)
#' @param version the box version (default: version available)
#' @param force if TRUE force to remove
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lboxes <- vmrLocalBoxList()
#' vmrLocalBoxRemove(lboxes$Name[[1]])
#' # if multiple providers and versions
#' vmrLocalBoxRemove(lboxes$Name[[1]], lboxes$Provider[[1]], lboxes$Version[[1]])
#' }
#' @return execution code or message
#' @export
#' @md
vmrLocalBoxRemove <- function(name, provider = "", version = "", force = FALSE) {
  printVerbose(2, paste0("Remove the box: ", name))
  if (provider != "") printVerbose(1, "Provider: ", provider)
  if (version != "") printVerbose(1, "Version: ", version)
  invisible(vagrantBoxRemove(name, provider, version, force))

#' @title Remove old installed boxes
#' @name vmrLocalBoxPrune
#' @description Removes old versions of installed boxes.
#' @return a data.frame of still installed boxes (Name, Poviders and Version)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrLocalBoxPrune()
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrLocalBoxPrune <- function() {
  printVerbose(2, "Removes old boxes version")

# @export
# vmrPackage <- function() {
#  print("soon")
# }

#' @title Take a snapshot of the guest machine
#' @name vmrTakeSnapshot
#' @description Take a snapshot of the guest machine.
#' @param snap_name the name given to the snapshot
#' @return the snapshot name (invisible)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrTakeSnapshot("my snapshot")
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrTakeSnapshot <- function(snap_name) {
  printVerbose(1, "Taking a snapshot ", snap_name)
  vagrantSnapshot("save", snap_name)


#' @title Restore a snapshot of the guest machine
#' @name vmrRestoreSnapshot
#' @description Restore a snapshot of the guest machine.
#' @param snap_name the snapshot name
#' @return the snapshot name
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrRestoreSnapshot("my snapshot")
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrRestoreSnapshot <- function(snap_name) {
  printVerbose(1, "Restore snapshot: ", snap_name)
  vagrantSnapshot("restore", snap_name)


#' @title List snapshot of the guest machine
#' @name vmrListSnapshot
#' @description Print all snapshot name of the guest machine
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrListSnapshot <- function() {
  printVerbose(1, "Listing snapshot")
  ## TODO return the list name

#' @title remove a snapshot of the guest machine
#' @name vmrRemoveSnapshot
#' @description remove a snapshot of the guest machine
#' @param snap_name the snapshot name
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrRemoveSnapshot <- function(snap_name) {
  printVerbose(1, "Delete a snapshot: ", snap_name)
  vagrantSnapshot("delete", snap_name)
  ## TODO return the list name

#' @title Save state and stop guest machine
#' @name vmrSuspend
#' @description Save the guest machine and stop it.
#' @details In the current __vmr__ environment, save the state of the guest machine
#'  and stop it.
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrSuspend <- function() {
  printVerbose(1, "Suspend environment")
  args <- "suspend"

#' @title Resume a stopped guest machine
#' @name vmrResume
#' @description Resume a stopped guest machine.
#' @details In the current __vmr__ environment, start a stopped ([[vmrSuspend()]]) guest machine.
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrResume <- function() {
  printVerbose(1, "Resume Environment")
  args <- "resume"

#' @title Get the state of the guest machine
#' @name vmrStatus
#' @description Print guest machine state in the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @return a data.frame with Name, Provider and state
#' @export
#' @md
vmrStatus <- function() {
  printVerbose(1, "Getting status")
  st <- vagrantStatus()

  printVerbose(1, paste0(
    "The machine ", st$vagrantName, " provided by:\n",
    st$provider, " is ", st$state

#' @title Download a Box
#' @name vmrBoxDownload
#' @description Download a box from a __vmr__ object.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @return a __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrBoxDownload <- function(vmr) {

      "Will download the box ", paste0(vmr$org, "/", vmr$box),
      " ", vmr$version,
      " for", vmr$provider, "provider."
  res <- vagrantBoxAdd(name = paste0(vmr$org, "/", vmr$box), version = vmr$version, provider = vmr$provider)


#' @title Start a __vmr__ environment
#' @name vmrStart
#' @description Start a guest virtual machine using the current __vmr__ environment
#'  (directory and Vagrantfile template)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lboxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(lboxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' vmrStop()
#' }
#' @return the vmr environment unique id
#' @export
#' @md
vmrStart <- function() {
  if (vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual machine already running")
  printVerbose(1, "Starting virtual machine")


  id <- vagrantGetID(vagrantStatus()$vagrantName, normalizePath(getwd()))


#' @title Stop a __vmr__ environement
#' @name vmrStop
#' @description Stop a guest virtual machine in the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @param force if TRUE force to stop (powerOff), otherwise FALSE clean shutdown
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lboxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(lboxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' vmrStop()
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrStop <- function(force = FALSE) {
  if (vmrIsRunning()) {
    printVerbose(1, "Stoping virtual machine")
  } else {
    stop("virtual machine is not running")


#' @title Is __vmr__ environment running
#' @name vmrIsRunning
#' @description Check if a guest machine in a __vmr__ environment is running
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lboxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(lboxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' vmrIsRunning()
#' vmrStop()
#' vmrIsRunning()
#' }
#' @return TRUE if running, otherwise FALSE
#' @export
#' @md
vmrIsRunning <- function() {
  if (file.exists("Vagrantfile")) {
    st <- vagrantStatus()
    if (length(st) != 0) {
      return(st$state == "running")

#' @title Update R packages installed
#' @name vmrUpdatePackages
#' @description Updates R packages installed in the guest machine.
#' @details Will perform a [update.packages()] in the guest machine
#'  of the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lboxes <- vmrList()
#' vmr <- vmrCreate(lboxes$Name[1])
#' vmr <- vmrInitEnv(vmr)
#' vmrStart()
#' vmrUpdatePackages()
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrUpdatePackages <- function() {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  Rcmd <- "Rscript -e \"update.packages(lib.loc=.libPaths()[1],


#' @title Install R packages into guest machine
#' @name vmrInstallPackages
#' @description Install a list of R packages into the guest machine
#'  of the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @param pkgs list of R packages
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrInstallPackages(c("vmr"))
#' }
#' @return installed packages vector
#' @export
#' @md
vmrInstallPackages <- function(pkgs = c()) {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  pkgs_escape <- unlist(lapply(pkgs, FUN = function(p) {
    paste0("'", p, "'")
  Rcmd <- paste0("Rscript -e \"install.packages(c(", paste(pkgs_escape, collapse = ","), "),
  cat("Installing R packages :\n")
  cat(paste0("c(", paste(pkgs_escape, collapse = ","), ")\n"))

#' @title Send files and/or directories to guest machine
#' @name vmrSend
#' @description Send files and/or directories to the guest machine
#'  in the current __vmr__ environment.
#' They are upload into ~/vmr/ directory.
#' @param elt list of files and directories
#' @return 0 if OK, message otherwise
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrSend(c("myfile"))
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrSend <- function(elt = c()) {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  res <- lapply(elt, FUN = vagrantUpload)
  lapply(seq_along(res), FUN = function(i) {
    if (res[[i]] == 0) {
      message(elt[i], " uploaded")
    } else {


# TODO implement vmrGet to download form guest files/directories

#' @title Execute R methods into guest machine
#' @name vmrExec
#' @description Run R method into guest machine.
#' @details call Rscript -e "cmd" into the guest machine from
#'  the current __vmr__ environment.
#'  Command are independents and do not keep memory of past commands.
#' @param cmd list of R command
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmd <- c("Sys.info()", 'print("Hello World!")')
#' vmrExec(cmd)
#' }
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrExec <- function(cmd = c()) {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  Rcmds <- lapply(cmd, FUN = function(c) {
    paste0("Rscript -e \"", c, "\"")

  res <- lapply(Rcmds, vagrantSSHCommand)
  # return(invisible(res))

#' @title Configure ssh
#' @name vmrConfigSSH
#' @description Configure ssh credential.
#' @details by default __vmr__ use vagrant as user/password and insecure key
#' for ssh connection. This behavior can be change here, by setting an another
#' user and/or ssh keys. Calling with no arguments will disable this option.
#' Be careful, ssh using only password may result of _vmr_ functions bugs.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @param ssh_user the ssh user (default 'vagrant')
#' @param ssh_pwd the ssh pwd if any (default 'vagrant')
#' @param port the ssh port (default empty)
#' @param ssh_private_key_path path to the private ssh key to use (default empty, use insecure vagrant key)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmr <- vmrConfigSSH(ssh_user = "John", ssh_pwd = "d0e", port = "22")
#' vmr <- vmrConfigSSH(ssh_user = "John", private_key_path = "/path/to/private/key/")
#' }
#' @return an updated __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrConfigSSH <- function(vmr, ssh_user = "vagrant", ssh_pwd = "vagrant", port = "", ssh_private_key_path = "") {
  vmr$ssh_user <- ssh_user
  vmr$ssh_pwd <- ssh_pwd
  vmr$ssh_port <- port
  vmr$ssh_private_key_path <- ssh_private_key_path


#' @title Open a ssh connection to guest machine
#' @name vmrConnect
#' @description Open a ssh connection to guest machine
#' @details To open a ssh connection 'ssh' package have to be installed.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @return a __vmr__ object
# @import ssh
#' @export
#' @md
vmrConnect <- function(vmr) {
  if (!requireNamespace("ssh", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"ssh\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  ssh_conf <- vagrantSSHConfig()
    2, "Try to connect...\n",
    "User: ", vmr$ssh_user, "\n",
    "Passwd: ", vmr$ssh_pwd, "\n",
    "Host: ", ssh_conf$hostname, "\n",
    "Port: ", ssh_conf$port, "\n",
    "Keyfile: ", ssh_conf$keyfile, "\n"
  session <- ssh::ssh_connect(
    host = paste0(vmr$ssh_user, "@", ssh_conf$hostname, ":", ssh_conf$port),
    keyfile = ssh_conf$keyfile,
    passwd = vmr$ssh_pwd
  ssh::ssh_exec_wait(session, command = c("whoami", "R --version"))

  vmr$ssh_session <- session


#' @title Disconnect ssh connection to guest machine
#' @name vmrDisconnect
#' @description Close a ssh connection to the guest machine
#' @details 'ssh' package need to be installed.
#' @param vmr a __vmr__ object
#' @return a __vmr__ object
#' @export
#' @md
vmrDisconnect <- function(vmr) {
  if (!requireNamespace("ssh", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"ssh\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
      call. = FALSE

  printVerbose(2, "Disconnect ssh...")
  vmr$ssh_session <- NULL


#' @title Provision a __vmr__ environment
#' @name vmrProvision
#' @description Provision a __vmr__ environment.
#' @details Upload 'elts' files and/or directories to the guest machine 'dest'
#' from the current __vmr__ environment.
#' And finaly run shell commands 'cmd' in the guest machine.
#' @param cmd list of shell commands
#' @param elts list of files and/or directories
#' @param dest destination of elts (default HOME/vmr)
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
vmrProvision <- function(cmd = c(), elts = c(), dest = "") {
  if (!vmrIsRunning()) stop("Virtual Machine is not running.\n
                           use vmrStart() or vmrResume()\n")

  lapply(elts, FUN = function(fd) {
    vagrantUpload(fd, dest)

  lapply(cmd, FUN = function(c) {


#' @title Perform a package check on guest
#' @name vmrPackageCheck
#' @description Perform a package check into the guest
#' @details upload the package and run devtools::check()
#'  into the guest machine. (check available in $HOME/vmr/package/pkg).  
#'  Checking a directory with multiple files may slower upload, prefer tar.gz file
#' @param pkg a package directory or a tar.gz file
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vmrPackageCheck("vmr_package.tar.gz")
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
vmrPackageCheck <- function(pkg = "./") {
  printVerbose(1, "Will perform package check")

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(pkg))) {
    to_dir <- basename(normalizePath(pkg))
    to_pkg <- ""
    Rcmds <- paste0(
      "Rscript -e \"library(devtools);check(normalizePath('vmr/package/",
      to_dir, "/", to_pkg, "'), check_dir=normalizePath('vmr/package/", to_dir, "'))\""
  else {
    to_dir <- basename(dirname(normalizePath(pkg)))
    to_pkg <- basename(pkg)
    Rcmds <- paste0(
      "Rscript -e \"library(devtools);check_built(normalizePath('vmr/package/",
      to_dir, "/", to_pkg, "'), check_dir=normalizePath('vmr/package/", to_dir, "'))\""

  printVerbose(2, paste0("Cleaning Guest \"vmr/package/", to_dir, "\""))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("rm -rf vmr/package/", to_dir, "/* 2>&1 > /dev/null"))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("mkdir -p vmr/package/", to_dir, " 2>&1 > /dev/null"))

  vmrProvision(cmd = Rcmds, elts = pkg, dest = paste0("vmr/package/", to_dir, "/"))

#' @title Build a package in the guest machine
#' @name vmrPackageBuild
#' @description Build a package bundle or binary into the guest machine.
#' @details upload the package and run devtools::build()
#' (build available in $HOME/vmr/package/pkg) in the current __vmr__ environment.
#' @param pkg a package directory or a tar.gz file
#' @param binary if TRUE build binary package otherwise FALSE
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
#' @md
vmrPackageBuild <- function(pkg = "./", binary = FALSE) {
  printVerbose(1, "Will perform package build")

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(pkg))) {
    to_dir <- basename(normalizePath(pkg))
    to_pkg <- ""
  else {
    to_dir <- basename(dirname(normalizePath(pkg)))
    to_pkg <- basename(pkg)

  printVerbose(2, paste0("Cleaning Guest \"vmr/package/", to_dir, "\""))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("rm -rf vmr/package/", to_dir, "/* 2>&1 > /dev/null"))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("mkdir -p vmr/package/", to_dir, " 2>&1 > /dev/null"))
  Rcmds <- paste0(
    "Rscript -e \"library(devtools);build(normalizePath('vmr/package/",
    to_dir, "/", to_pkg, "'), binary=", binary, ")\""
  vmrProvision(cmd = Rcmds, elts = pkg, dest = paste0("vmr/package/", to_dir, "/"))
  # TODO return path to package binary in guest

#' @title Test a package into a guest machine
#' @name vmrPackageTest
#' @description Test a package into a guest machine
#' @details Perform a package check into the guest machine
#'  of the current __vmr__ environment using devtools::test().
#'  (tests are available in $HOME/vmr/package/pkg)
#' @param pkg a package directory or tar.gz
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
vmrPackageTest <- function(pkg = "./") {
  printVerbose(1, "Will perform package test")

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(pkg))) {
    to_dir <- basename(normalizePath(pkg))
    to_pkg <- ""
  else {
    to_dir <- basename(dirname(normalizePath(pkg)))
    to_pkg <- basename(pkg)

  printVerbose(2, paste0("Cleaning Guest \"vmr/package/", to_dir, "\""))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("rm -rf vmr/package/", to_dir, "/* 2>&1 > /dev/null"))
  vagrantSSHCommand(paste0("mkdir -p vmr/package/", to_dir, " 2>&1 > /dev/null"))
  Rcmds <- paste0(
    "Rscript -e \"library(devtools);test(normalizePath('vmr/package/",
    to_dir, "/", to_pkg, "'))\""
  vmrProvision(cmd = Rcmds, elts = pkg, dest = paste0("vmr/package/", to_dir, "/"))

Try the vmr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vmr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:31 p.m.