
Defines functions gui_out_grid

Documented in gui_out_grid

#' VMS Effort Gridding GUI
#' The \code{gui_out_grid} function implements the graphical user interface
#'  for the VMS Effort Gridding
#' This function, with a VMS DB and a Grid Sea Area Map shape file, computes the total
#'  fishing effort (in hours) over each cell of the submitted grid, relative to the
#'  selected metier
#' @param vms_db_name The path of a VMS DataBase
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#'  The result count will be plotted on the submitted grid. The user can both save the
#'  result count vector as an r object (necessary for \code{\link{gui_dcf_ind}}),
#'   or the annotated grid shape file.
#' @usage gui_out_grid(vms_db_name = "")
#' @seealso \code{\link{gui_dcf_ind}}

gui_out_grid <- function(vms_db_name = "") {
  vms_DB <- vms_DB$new()
  vms_DB$db <- vms_db_name
  count <- 0
  themap <- polymap$new()
  themap$path <- ""

  vms_out_grid_win <- gwindow("VMS Effort Gridding", visible = FALSE)

  # VMS DB check for pings in harbour, coherence and on land
  big_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = vms_out_grid_win)

  gri_g <- gframe(horizontal = FALSE, container = big_g)
  rigth_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = big_g)
  gri_g2 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g)
  gri_g3 <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = gri_g)
  gri_g3f <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3)
  gri_g3f2 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3)

  gimage(system.file("ico/view-calendar-timeline.png", package = "vmsbase"), container = gri_g2)
  proglab <- glabel("Gridding & Mapping", container = gri_g2)

  vms_db_f <- gframe(text = "VMS DB file", horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3f)
  sel_vms_f <- glabel("Select VMS DB file", container = vms_db_f)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-blue.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- gfile(
        text = "Select VMS DataBase file",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("VMS DB file" = list(patterns = c("*.vms.sqlite")))
      #            svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])

      if (vms_DB$db != "") {
        met_sel_d[] <- sqldf("select distinct(met_des) from vms_lb", dbname = vms_DB$db)[, 1]
        svalue(met_sel_d, index = TRUE) <- 1
        enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
        enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
        if (themap$path != "") {
          enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- ""
      enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- "Select VMS DB file"
  ## Land file
  cus_map_g <- gframe(text = "Grid Shape File", horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3f2)
  cus_map_lab <- glabel("Select Grid Shape File", container = cus_map_g)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-html.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = cus_map_g,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      themap$path <- gfile(
        text = "Select ShapePoly map",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("shp data" = list(patterns = c("*.shp")))
      svalue(cus_map_lab) <- paste("Grid map: ", ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(themap$path, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(themap$path, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(themap$path, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(themap$path, "/")[[1]])]), sep = "")

      if (themap$path != "" & vms_DB$db != "") {
        met_sel_d[] <- sqldf("select distinct(met_des) from vms_lb", dbname = vms_DB$db)[, 1]
        svalue(met_sel_d, index = TRUE) <- 1
        enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
        enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
        enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = cus_map_g,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      themap$path <- ""
      svalue(cus_map_lab) <- "Select ShapePoly map"

      enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE

  gri_g3f3 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3)
  met_sel_f <- gframe(text = "Metier Selection", horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3f3)
  met_sel_d <- gdroplist(c("Metier"), selected = 1, container = met_sel_f)
  glabel("Interpolation\nfrequency", container = gri_g3f3)
  int_fre_cho <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 60, by = 1, value = 10, horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3f3)
  glabel("minutes", container = gri_g3f3)
  enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE

  gri_g3f4 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3)
  dat_sel_f <- gframe(text = "Metier Data Source", horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g3f4)
  dat_sel_d <- gdroplist(c("VMS-LB Match", "NN Prediction"), selected = 1, container = dat_sel_f, handler = function(h, ...) {
    met_sel_d[] <- sqldf(paste("select distinct met_des from ", ifelse(svalue(dat_sel_d) == "VMS-LB Match", "vms_lb", "nn_clas"), sep = ""), dbname = vms_DB$db)
  enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE

  infolab <- glabel("", container = gri_g)

  start_b <- gbutton("Start gridding", container = gri_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(cus_map_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE
    enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE
    enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE

    svalue(infolab) <- "Gridding Started"
    count <<- 0
    cat("\n\n   ---   VMS DB Gridding Started   ---\n", sep = "")

    cat("\n   -     Loading Data From DB...", sep = "")
    sel_met <- svalue(met_sel_d)

    re_pi <- data.frame()
    if (svalue(dat_sel_d) == "VMS-LB Match") {
      f_poi <- sqldf("select i_id from p_fish where FISH = 1", dbname = vms_DB$db)

      if (nrow(f_poi) > 0) {
        p_met_mat <- fn$sqldf("select intrp.ROWID, LON, LAT, met_des from intrp, vms_lb where vms_lb.vessel = intrp.I_NCEE and intrp.T_NUM = vms_lb.track and vms_lb.met_des = '`sel_met`'", dbname = vms_DB$db)
        re_pi <- p_met_mat[which(p_met_mat[, 1] %in% f_poi[, 1]), 2:3]
        cat("Completed!     -", sep = "")
      } else {
        cat("Error! No Fishing points!")
    } else {
      nn_tab <- as.numeric(sqldf("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='nn_clas'", dbname = vms_DB$db))
      if (nn_tab == 1) {
        f_poi <- sqldf("select i_id from p_fish_nn where FISH = 1", dbname = vms_DB$db)
        if (nrow(f_poi) > 0) {
          p_met_pre <- fn$sqldf("select intrp.ROWID, LON, LAT, met_des from intrp, nn_clas where nn_clas.I_NCEE = intrp.I_NCEE and intrp.T_NUM = nn_clas.T_NUM and nn_clas.met_des = '`sel_met`'", dbname = vms_DB$db)
          re_pi <- p_met_pre[which(p_met_pre[, 1] %in% f_poi[, 1]), 2:3]

          cat("Completed!     -", sep = "")
        } else {
          cat("Error! No Fishing points!")
      } else {
        cat("\n\n -     ERROR! No Neural Network Prediction Available     -\n", sep = "")

    if (nrow(re_pi) == 0) {
      cat("\n   -     ERROR! No Fishing Points found for metier ", sel_met, sep = "")
    } else {
      svalue(infolab) <- "Loading...\nGrid Map"
      cat("\n   -     Loading Grid Map...", sep = "")

      themap$data <- readShapePoly(themap$path)
      ps_themap <- SpatialPolygons2PolySet(themap$data)

      cat(" Completed!\n   -     Counting...", sep = "")
      count <<- CountMap(re_pi, ps_themap)
      count <<- (count * svalue(int_fre_cho)) / 60
      cat(" Completed!\n\n", sep = "")

      ncolori <- 10
      s.cols <- plotrix::color.scale(1:ncolori, extremes = c("white", "firebrick4"))

      log_count <- log(count + 1)
      s.int <- seq(floor(min(count)), ceiling(max(count)), length = (length(s.cols)))
      s.vals <- findInterval(count, s.int)
      svalue(infolab) <- "Plotting...\nGrid Map"
        fill = T, col = "springgreen4", bg = "deepskyblue4",
        mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
        xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
        ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2])

      if (sum(count) != 0) {
          lty = "blank",
          col = s.cols[s.vals], add = T

          fill = T, col = "springgreen4",
          mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
          xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
          ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2]), add = TRUE

          x = "bottomright",
          legend = round(s.int, 1),
          cex = 0.7,
          title = "Fishing Times",
          col = s.cols,
          bg = "aliceblue",
          lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = 15
      } else {
        cat("\n -     No Fishing Points found for metier ", sel_met, " in the submitted area     -\n", sep = "")
      map.scale(cex = 0.75, ratio = FALSE)
      svalue(infolab) <- "Gridding\nCompleted!"
    enabled(cus_map_g) <- TRUE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- TRUE
    enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
    enabled(set_count_g) <- TRUE
    enabled(save_j_b) <- TRUE
    enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
    enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
    enabled(save_vesh_g) <- TRUE
  enabled(start_b) <- FALSE


  theplot <- ggraphics(container = rigth_g, width = 600, height = 400)


  set_count_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g)
  set_count_yn <- gradio(c("Sum", "Log10(Sum+1)"),
    selected = 1,
    container = set_count_g,
    horizontal = TRUE,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      enabled(cus_map_g) <- FALSE
      enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
      enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE
      enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE
      enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE


      ncolori <- 10
      s.cols <- color.scale(1:ncolori, extremes = c("white", "firebrick4"))

      if (svalue(set_count_yn) == "Sum") {
        s.int <- seq(floor(min(count)), ceiling(max(count)), length = (length(s.cols)))
        s.vals <- findInterval(count, s.int)
        #                              lege <- round(s.int,0)
      } else {
        log_count <- log(count + 1)
        s.int <- seq(floor(min(log_count)), ceiling(max(log_count)), length = (length(s.cols)))
        s.vals <- findInterval(log_count, s.int)
        #                              lege <- round(s.int,1)
      #                            s.vals <- findInterval(log_count, s.int)
      lege <- round(s.int, 1)
        fill = T, col = "springgreen4", bg = "deepskyblue4",
        mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
        xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
        ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2])

        lty = "blank",
        col = s.cols[s.vals], add = T

        fill = T, col = "springgreen4",
        mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
        xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
        ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2]), add = TRUE

      map.scale(cex = 0.75, ratio = FALSE)

        x = "bottomright",
        legend = round(s.int, 1),
        cex = 0.7,
        title = ifelse(svalue(set_count_yn) == "Sum", "Fishing Times", "Log Fishing Times"),
        col = s.cols,
        bg = "aliceblue",
        lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = 15


      enabled(cus_map_g) <- TRUE
      enabled(vms_db_f) <- TRUE
      enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
      enabled(set_count_g) <- TRUE
      enabled(save_j_b) <- TRUE
      enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
      enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
      enabled(save_vesh_g) <- TRUE
  enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE


  save_vesh_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = gri_g)
  save_j_b <- gbutton("Save Jpeg", container = save_vesh_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(cus_map_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(set_count_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(gri_g3f3) <- FALSE
    enabled(gri_g3f4) <- FALSE
    enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE

      filename = gfile(
        text = "Save Jpeg File",
        type = "save"
      width = 800, height = 800,
      quality = 100

    ncolori <- 10
    s.cols <- color.scale(1:ncolori, extremes = c("white", "firebrick4"))

    if (svalue(set_count_yn) == "Sum") {
      s.int <- seq(floor(min(count)), ceiling(max(count)), length = (length(s.cols)))
      s.vals <- findInterval(count, s.int)
      #                              lege <- round(s.int,0)
    } else {
      log_count <- log(count + 1)
      s.int <- seq(floor(min(log_count)), ceiling(max(log_count)), length = (length(s.cols)))
      s.vals <- findInterval(log_count, s.int)
      #                              lege <- round(s.int,1)
    #     s.vals <- findInterval(log_count, s.int)
    lege <- round(s.int, 1)
      fill = T, col = "springgreen4", bg = "deepskyblue4",
      mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
      xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
      ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2])

      lty = "blank",
      col = s.cols[s.vals], add = T

      fill = T, col = "springgreen4",
      mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
      xlim = c(themap$data@bbox[1, 1], themap$data@bbox[1, 2] * 1.11),
      ylim = c(themap$data@bbox[2, 1] * 0.98, themap$data@bbox[2, 2]), add = TRUE

    map.scale(cex = 0.75, ratio = FALSE)

      x = "bottomright",
      legend = round(s.int, 1),
      cex = 0.7,
      title = ifelse(svalue(set_count_yn) == "Sum", "Fishing Times", "Log Fishing Times"),
      col = s.cols,
      bg = "aliceblue",
      lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = 15


    enabled(cus_map_g) <- TRUE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- TRUE
    enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
    enabled(set_count_g) <- TRUE
    enabled(save_j_b) <- TRUE
    enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
    enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
    enabled(save_vesh_g) <- TRUE
  enabled(save_j_b) <- FALSE
  save_vec <- gbutton("    Save\nCount Vector", container = save_vesh_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    saveRDS(count, paste(gfile(text = "Select dir and Vector Name", type = "save", filter = list("All files" = list(patterns = c("*")), "R grid Vector" = list(patterns = c(".grivec.rData")))), ".grivec.rData", sep = ""))
  save_shp <- gbutton("    Save\nShape File", container = save_vesh_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    cho_des <- gfile(text = "Select Shapefile Destination Directory", type = "selectdir")
    Join2shp(shpfile = themap$path, datavector = count, dirdest = cho_des)
    gconfirm("VMS Grid Shapefile Saving Completed!", title = "Confirm", icon = "info")
  enabled(save_vesh_g) <- FALSE
  if (vms_DB$db != "") {
    #     svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
    svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])

    met_sel_d[] <- sqldf("select distinct(met_des) from vms_lb", dbname = vms_DB$db)[, 1]
    svalue(met_sel_d, index = TRUE) <- 1
    enabled(gri_g3f3) <- TRUE
    enabled(gri_g3f4) <- TRUE
    if (themap$path != "") {
      enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
  visible(vms_out_grid_win) <- TRUE

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vmsbase documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6 p.m.