
Defines functions line_plot_year

Documented in line_plot_year

# Data plotting

#' Line plots of Vortex parameters vs years
#' \code{line_plot_year} generates line plots of the selected Vortex parameters
#' for the selected populations, for all simulated years.
#' Plots are ggplot objects. When \code{save2disk=TRUE} these are saved as .rda
#' and .pdf files
#' @param data A df from \code{collate_dat}
#' @param project Vortex project name (used to name the output)
#' @param scenario Vortex scenario name (used to name the output)
#' @param params Vortex parameters to be plotted,
#' default: c('PExtinct', 'Nextant', 'Het', 'Nalleles')
#' @param plotpops The populations to be included in the plot, default: 'all'
#' @param save2disk Whether to save the output to disk, default: TRUE
#' @param dir_out The local path to store the output. Default: Plots
#' @return Line plot(s)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.clas for more details.
#' data(pac.clas)
#' lineplot.st.classic <- line_plot_year(data=pac.clas, project='Pacioni_et_al',
#'                        scenario='ST_Classic',
#'                        params=c('PExtinct', 'Nextant', 'Het', 'Nalleles'),
#'                        save2disk=FALSE)
line_plot_year <- function(data,
                           params = c("PExtinct", "Nextant", "Het", "Nalleles"),
                           plotpops = c("all"),
                           save2disk = TRUE,
                           dir_out = "Plots") {
    ## Dealing with no visible global variables
    scen.name <- NULL
    pop.name <- NULL
    if (plotpops == "all") plotpops <- unique(data$pop.name)

    # Set up headings for params
    params <- make.names(params)

    # set legend size
    nscen <- length(unique(data$scen.name))
    if (nscen < 32) {
        legKeySize <- 7
        legTxtSize <- 7
    } else {
        if (nscen > 60) {
            legKeySize <- 2.5
            legTxtSize <- 5
        } else {
            legKeySize <- round(160/nscen, digits = 2)
            legTxtSize <- 5

    fname_root <- if (is.null(scenario)) project else paste(project, scenario, sep = "_")

    popstdat <- subset(data, pop.name %in% plotpops)

    r.line_plot_year <- list()
    i <- 0
    if (save2disk) {
        dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        pdf(paste(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "YearVsParams.pdf", sep = ""))

    for (param in params) {
        i <- i + 1
        root <- paste0(fname_root, "_", param)
        g <- ggplot(popstdat, aes_string(x = "Year", y = param)) +
            geom_line(aes(color = scen.name)) +
            facet_grid(pop.name ~ .)
        plot <- g +
            theme(panel.spacing = unit(0.2, "inches"),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = legTxtSize),
                  legend.key.size = unit(legKeySize, "mm")) +
            scale_colour_discrete(name = "Scenarios")
        r.line_plot_year[[i]] <- plot
        assign(paste(root, "_", "plot", sep = ""), g)

    if (save2disk) {
        save(list = (ls(pattern = paste0(fname_root, "_", ".*", "_", "plot"))),
            file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "YearVsParams.rda"))

    names(r.line_plot_year) <- ls(
        pattern = paste(fname_root, "_", ".*", "_", "plot", sep = ""))

#' Line plots of Vortex parameters vs years
#' \code{line_plot_year_mid} generates line plots of the selected Vortex parameters
#' for the selected populations, from year zero to yrmid. The purpose of these
#' plots is to 'zoom' in the initial phase of the simulations to better
#' appreciate dynamics of the parameters of interest.
#' Plots are ggplot objects. When \code{save2disk=TRUE} these are saved as .rda
#' and .pdf files
#' @param yrmid The last year to plot
#' @inheritParams line_plot_year
#' @return Line plot(s)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import vortexRdata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.clas for more details.
#' data(pac.clas)
#' lineMidPlot.st.classic <- line_plot_year_mid(data=pac.clas,
#'                           project='Pacioni_et_al',
#'                           scenario='ST_Classic',
#'                           yrmid=50,
#'                           params=c('PExtinct', 'Nextant', 'Het', 'Nalleles'),
#'                           save2disk=FALSE)
line_plot_year_mid <- function(data,
                               yrmid = 1,
                               params = c("PExtinct", "Nextant", "Het", "Nalleles"),
                               plotpops = c("all"),
                               save2disk = TRUE,
                               dir_out = "Plots") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    Year <- NULL
    pop.name <- NULL
    scen.name <- NULL
    if (plotpops == "all") plotpops <- unique(data$pop.name)

    # Set up headings for params
    params <- make.names(params)

    # set legend size
    nscen <- length(unique(data$scen.name))
    if (nscen < 32) {
        legKeySize <- 5
        legTxtSize <- 7
    } else {
        if (nscen > 60) {
            legKeySize <- 2.5
            legTxtSize <- 5
        } else {
            legKeySize <- round(160/nscen, digits = 2)
            legTxtSize <- 5

    fname_root <- if (is.null(scenario)) project else paste0(project, "_", scenario)

    yrmidstdat <- subset(data, Year <= yrmid & pop.name %in% plotpops)

    r.line_plot_year_mid <- list()
    i <- 0
    if (save2disk) {
        dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        pdf(paste0(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "YearMidVsParams.pdf"))

    for (param in params) {
        i <- i + 1
        root <- paste(fname_root, param, sep = "_")
        g <- ggplot(yrmidstdat, aes_string(x = "Year", y = param)) +
            geom_line(aes(color = scen.name)) +
            facet_grid(pop.name ~ .)
        plot <- g +
            theme(panel.spacing = unit(0.2, "inches"),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = legTxtSize),
                  legend.key.size = unit(legKeySize, "mm")) +
            scale_colour_discrete(name = "Scenarios")
        r.line_plot_year_mid[[i]] <- plot
        assign(paste(root, "_", "Mid", "plot", sep = ""), g)
    pat <- paste0(fname_root, "_", ".*", "_", "Mid", "plot")
    if (save2disk) {
        save(list = (ls(pattern = pat)),
             file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "YearMidVsParams.rda"))

    names(r.line_plot_year_mid) <- ls(pattern = pat)

#' Dot plots of mean Vortex parameters
#' \code{dot_plot} generates dot plots of mean parameter values for each population
#' (row) at each year value requested with 'yrs' (columns). Bars represent
#' standard deviation.
#' Plots are ggplot objects. When \code{save2disk=TRUE} these are saved as .rda
#' and .pdf files
#' \code{yrs} can be a numeric vector of length >= 1 (e.g. \code{yrs=c(50,100)}).
#' Each point in time will be plotted in different columns.
#' If a continuous variable is passed to \code{setcolour}, a continuous gradient
#' of colour will be assigned to the marker (e.g. for example, a scale from blue
#' to black). If a sharp change of colours between different values of a
#' continuous variable is desired, it has to be converted into a factor.
#' @param yrs The years to be included in the plot
#' @param setcolour Variable to be used to set colours of data,
#'   default: scen.name
#' @inheritParams line_plot_year
#' @return Dot plots of mean parameter values with standard deviation
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import vortexRdata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.clas for more details.
#' data(pac.clas)
#' dot <- dot_plot(data=pac.clas, project='Pacioni_et_al', scenario='ST_Classic',
#'                yrs=c(80, 120),
#'                params=c('PExtinct', 'Nextant', 'Het', 'Nalleles'),
#'                save2disk=FALSE)
dot_plot <- function(data,
                     yrs = c(1, 2),
                     params = c("PExtinct", "Nextant", "Het", "Nalleles"),
                     setcolour = "scen.name",
                     plotpops = c("all"),
                     save2disk = TRUE,
                     dir_out = "Plots") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    Year <- NULL
    pop.name <- NULL

    if (plotpops == "all") plotpops <- unique(data$pop.name)

    # Set up headings for params
    params <- make.names(params)

    fname_root <- if (is.null(scenario)) project else paste(project, scenario, sep = "_")

    # set legend size
    nLegItems <- length(unique(data[, setcolour]))
    if (nLegItems < 32) {
        legKeySize <- 5
        legTxtSize <- 7
    } else {
        if (nLegItems > 60) {
            legKeySize <- 2.5
            legTxtSize <- 5
        } else {
            legKeySize <- round(160/nLegItems, digits = 2)
            legTxtSize <- 5

    # Vector of SD names for params
    SDname <- function(parSD) paste("SD.", parSD, ".", sep = "")
    SD <- sapply(params, SDname)
    if ("r.stoch" %in% params) SD["r.stoch"] <- "SD.r."

    # dot plots by pops & yrs of mean params with (SD) bars
    popstdat <- subset(data, pop.name %in% plotpops)

    r.dot_plot <- list()
    if (save2disk) {
        dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        pdf(paste(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "dot_plots.pdf", sep = ""))

    for (i in 1:length(params)) {
        yrstdat <- subset(popstdat, Year %in% yrs)
        root <- paste(fname_root, "_", params[i], sep = "")
        min <- yrstdat[params[i]] - yrstdat[SD[i]]
        names(min) <- "min"
        max <- yrstdat[params[i]] + yrstdat[SD[i]]
        names(max) <- "max"
        yrstdat <- cbind(yrstdat, min, max)
        limits <- aes(ymax = max, ymin = min)
        d <- ggplot(yrstdat,
                    aes_string(color = setcolour, x = "scen.name", y = params[i])) +
            geom_point() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, size = 5, vjust = 1)) +
            xlab("Scenario") +
            facet_grid(pop.name ~ Year) +
            geom_errorbar(limits, width = 0.15) +
            theme(panel.spacing = unit(0.2, "inches")) +
            if (setcolour == "scen.name") {
                theme(legend.position = "none")
            } else {
                theme(legend.position = "right",
                      legend.text = element_text(size = legTxtSize),
                      legend.key.size = unit(legKeySize, "mm"))
        assign(paste(root, "_", "dot_plot", sep = ""), d)
        r.dot_plot[[i]] <- d
    pat <- paste0(fname_root, "_", ".*", "_", "dot_plot")
    if (save2disk) {
        save(list = (ls(pattern = pat)),
             file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname_root, "_", "dot_plots.rda"))

    names(r.dot_plot) <- ls(pattern = pat)

#' Generates a matrix of scatter plots
#' \code{m_scatter} generates a matrix of pairwise scatter plots to graphically
#' investigate possible associations between variables.
#' The output from \code{collate_dat} is the preferred input for this function
#' as large datasets will require a long time to be plotted.
#' It may be convenient to pass the dependent variable of a regression model
#' with \code{param} so that all the pairwise scatter plots of this variable
#' will be in one line.
#' @param data  The output from \code{collate_dat}, the long format of the
#' output from \code{collate_run} or the output from \code{con_l_yr}
#' @param data_type The type of input data. Possible options are 'dat', 'yr' or 'run'
#' @param lookup A table to add relevant variable matched using the scenarios
#' names
#' @param yr The year to be plotted
#' @param popn The sequential number of the population (in integer)
#' @param param The parameter to be plotted in the last raw
#' @param vs The parameters to be plotted
#' @param fname The name of the files where to save the output
#' @inheritParams line_plot_year
#' @return A matrix of scatter plots
#' @import data.table
#' @import vortexRdata
#' @importFrom GGally ggpairs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ?pac.lhs for more details.
#' data(pac.lhs)
#' # Remove base scenario
#' pac.lhs.no.base <- pac.lhs[!pac.lhs$scen.name == 'ST_LHS(Base)', ]
#' # Get correct parameter values at year 0
#' lkup.ST_LHS <- lookup_table(
#'     data=pac.lhs.no.base, project='Pacioni_et_al',
#'     scenario='ST_LHS',
#'     pop='Population 1',
#'     SVs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3', 'SV4', 'SV5', 'SV6', 'SV7'),
#'     save2disk=FALSE)
#' scatter.plot <- m_scatter(
#'     data=pac.lhs.no.base[1:33],
#'     data_type='dat',
#'     lookup=lkup.ST_LHS,
#'     yr=120,
#'     popn=1,
#'     param='Nall',
#'     vs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3'),
#'     save2disk=FALSE)
m_scatter <- function(data,
                      data_type = "dat",
                      lookup = NULL,
                      yr = 1,
                      popn = 1,
                      param = "N",
                      vs = NA,
                      save2disk = TRUE,
                      fname = NULL,
                      dir_out = "Plots") {
    # Dealing with no visible global variables
    Year <- NULL
    Population <- NULL
    J <- NULL
    . <- NULL

    # Set up headings for param
    param <- make.names(param)

    if (data_type == "dat") {
        data <- data.table(data)

        # Replace col names if dat.
        # This will be changed directly in collate_dat in future versions
        setnames(data, c("pop.name", "scen.name"), c("Population", "Scenario"))

        # Thin data to use less memory
        setkey(data, Year)
        data <- data[J(yr), ]
        pop <- data[, levels(Population)][popn]
    } else {
        if (data_type == "yr") {
            setkey(data, Year)
            data <- data[J(yr), ]
            pop <- paste0("pop", popn)  # The pop is selected with its number.
        } else {
            data <- data.table(data)
            pop <- data[, levels(Population)][popn]

    setkey(data, Population)
    data <- data[.(pop), ]  # Select pop
    if(!is.null(lookup)) {
        data <- plyr::join(data, lookup, by = "Scenario", type = "left")
    corrMtrx <- GGally::ggpairs(
        data[, c(vs, param), with = FALSE],
        axisLabels = "internal",
        lower = list(continuous = "smooth"),
        mapping = aes(colour = "red", alpha = 0.2))

    if (save2disk) {
        dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
        pdf(file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname, "m_scatter_plots.pdf"))
        save(corrMtrx, file = paste0(dir_out, "/", fname, "m_scatter_plots.rda"))

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