
# Wallace EcoMod: a flexible platform for reproducible modeling of
# species niches and distributions.
# penvs_drawBgExtent.R
# File author: Wallace EcoMod Dev Team. 2023.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of the Wallace EcoMod application
# (hereafter “Wallace”).
# Wallace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# Wallace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Wallace. If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
penvs_drawBgExtent_module_ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    span("Step 1:", class = "step"),
    span("Draw Background Extent", class = "stepText"), br(), br(),
    "Draw a polygon and select buffer distance", br(), br(),
    tags$p(paste0('Buffer area in degrees (1 degree = ~111 km). Exact length',
                  ' varies based on latitudinal position.')),
    numericInput(ns("drawBgBuf"), label = "Study region buffer distance (degree)",
                 value = 0, min = 0, step = 0.5),
      title = "Apply selection to ALL species loaded",
      checkboxInput(ns("batch1"), label = strong("Batch"), value = FALSE) # Check default (value = FALSE)
    actionButton(ns('goDrawBg'), "Create"),
    tags$hr(class = "hrDotted"),
    span("Step 2:", class = "step"),
    span("Sample Background Points", class = "stepText"), br(), br(),
    strong(paste0('Mask predictor rasters by background extent and sample',
                  ' background points')), br(), br(),
    numericInput(ns("bgPtsNum"), label = "No. of background points",
                 value = 10000, min = 1, step = 1), # Check default (value = 10000)
      title = "Apply selection to ALL species loaded",
      checkboxInput(ns("batch2"), label = strong("Batch"), value = FALSE) # Check default (value = FALSE)
    actionButton(ns("goBgMask"), "Sample"),
    tags$hr(class = "hrDashed"),
    actionButton(ns("goReset_penvs"), "Reset", class = 'butReset'),
    strong(" background")

penvs_drawBgExtent_module_server <- function(input, output, session, common) {
  logger <- common$logger
  spp <- common$spp
  allSp <- common$allSp
  curSp <- common$curSp <- common$
  envs <- common$envs
  bgExt <- common$bgExt

  observeEvent(input$goDrawBg, {
    if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$polyExtXY)) {
      logger %>% writeLog(
        type = 'error',
        paste0("The polygon has not been drawn and finished. Please use the ",
               "draw toolbar on the left-hand of the map to complete ",
               "the polygon.")

    drawExtXY <- spp[[curSp()]]$polyExtXY
    drawExtID <- spp[[curSp()]]$polyExtID

    # loop over all species if batch is on
    if (input$batch1 == TRUE) spLoop <- allSp() else spLoop <- curSp()

    for (sp in spLoop) {
      # ERRORS ####
      if (is.null(spp[[sp]]$envs)) {
        logger %>% writeLog(
          type = 'error',
          'Environmental variables missing. Obtain them in component 3.')
      # FUNCTION CALL ####
      drawBgExt <- penvs_drawBgExtent(drawExtXY, drawExtID, input$drawBgBuf,
                                      spp[[sp]]$occs, logger, spN = sp)
      # LOAD INTO SPP ####
      spp[[sp]]$procEnvs$bgExt <- drawBgExt

      # METADATA ####
      ##Record buffer size
      spp[[sp]]$rmm$code$wallace$bgBuf <- input$drawBgBuf
      polyX <- printVecAsis(round(spp[[curSp()]]$polyExtXY[, 1], digits = 4))
      polyY <- printVecAsis(round(spp[[curSp()]]$polyExtXY[, 2], digits = 4))
      spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$code$wallace$drawExtPolyCoords <-
        paste0('Draw Polygon (X: ', polyX, ', Y: ', polyY, ')')
      spp[[sp]]$rmm$data$occurrence$backgroundSampleSizeRule <-
        paste0('Draw Polygon, ', input$bgBuf, ' degree buffer')

  observeEvent(input$goBgMask, {
    # WARNING ####
    if (input$bgPtsNum < 1) {
      logger %>% writeLog(type = 'warning',
                          "Enter a non-zero number of background points.")
    # loop over all species if batch is on
    if (input$batch2 == TRUE) spLoop <- allSp() else spLoop <- curSp()

    # PROCESSING ####
    for (sp in spLoop) {
      # FUNCTION CALL ####
      bgMask <- penvs_bgMask(spp[[sp]]$occs,
                             spN = sp)
      bgNonNA <- raster::ncell(bgMask) - raster::freq(bgMask, value = NA)[[1]]
      if ((bgNonNA + 1) < input$bgPtsNum) {
        logger %>%
            type = "error", hlSpp(sp),
            "Number of requested background points (n = ", input$bgPtsNum, ") is ",
            "higher than the maximum points available on the background extent ",
            "(n = ", bgNonNA, "). Please reduce the number of requested points.")
      bgPts <- penvs_bgSample(spp[[sp]]$occs,
                              spN = sp)
      withProgress(message = paste0("Extracting background values for ",
                                    spName(sp), "..."), {
        bgEnvsVals <-, bgPts))

      if (sum(rowSums(, spp[[sp]]$occs[ , c("longitude", "latitude")])))) > 0) {
        logger %>%
          writeLog(type = "error", hlSpp(sp),
                   "One or more occurrence points have NULL raster values.",
                   " This can sometimes happen for points on the margin of the study extent.",
                   " Please increase the buffer slightly to include them.")

      # LOAD INTO SPP ####
      spp[[sp]]$procEnvs$bgMask <- bgMask
      # add columns for env variables beginning with "envs_" to bg tbl
      spp[[sp]]$bg <- cbind(scientific_name = paste0("bg_", sp), bgPts,
                            country = NA, state_province = NA, locality = NA,
                            year = NA, record_type = NA, catalog_number = NA,
                            institution_code = NA, elevation = NA,
                            uncertainty = NA, bgEnvsVals)
      # sample background points
      spp[[sp]]$bgPts <- bgPts

      # METADATA ####
      spp[[sp]]$rmm$data$occurrence$backgroundSampleSizeSet <- input$bgPtsNum

  # reset background button functionality
  observeEvent(input$goReset_penvs, {
    spp[[curSp()]]$procEnvs$bgExt <- NULL
    spp[[curSp()]]$procEnvs$bgMask <- NULL
    spp[[curSp()]]$bg <- NULL
    spp[[curSp()]]$bgPts <- NULL
    spp[[curSp()]]$rmm$data$occurrence$backgroundSampleSizeSet <- NULL
    logger %>% writeLog(
      hlSpp(curSp()), "Reset background extent and background points.")

    save = function() {
        drawBgBuf = input$drawBgBuf,
        bgPtsNum = input$bgPtsNum
    load = function(state) {
      # Load
      updateNumericInput(session, "drawBgBuf", value = state$drawBgBuf)
      updateNumericInput(session, "bgPtsNum", value = state$bgPtsNum)
  common$update_component(tab = "Map")

penvs_drawBgExtent_module_map <- function(map, common) {
  spp <- common$spp
  curSp <- common$curSp
  occs <- common$occs

  map %>% leaflet.extras::addDrawToolbar(
    targetGroup = 'draw',
    polylineOptions = FALSE,
    rectangleOptions = FALSE,
    circleOptions = FALSE,
    markerOptions = FALSE,
    circleMarkerOptions = FALSE,
    editOptions = leaflet.extras::editToolbarOptions()

  if (is.null(spp[[curSp()]]$procEnvs$bgExt)) {
    map %>% clearAll() %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = occs(), lat = ~latitude, lng = ~longitude,
                       radius = 5, color = 'red', fill = TRUE, fillColor = "red",
                       fillOpacity = 0.2, weight = 2, popup = ~pop)
  } else {
    map %>% clearAll() %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = occs(), lat = ~latitude, lng = ~longitude,
                       radius = 5, color = 'red', fill = TRUE, fillColor = "red",
                       fillOpacity = 0.2, weight = 2, popup = ~pop)
    polys <- spp[[curSp()]]$procEnvs$bgExt@polygons[[1]]@Polygons
    if (length(polys) == 1) {
      xy <- list(polys[[1]]@coords)
    } else {
      xy <- lapply(polys, function(x) x@coords)
    for (shp in xy) {
      map %>%
        addPolygons(lng = shp[, 1], lat = shp[, 2], weight = 4, color = "gray",
                    group = 'bgShp')

penvs_drawBgExtent_module_rmd <- function(species) {
  # Variables used in the module's Rmd code
    penvs_drawBgExtent_knit = !is.null(species$rmm$code$wallace$drawExtPolyCoords),
    polyExtXY_rmd = printVecAsis(species$polyExtXY),
    polyExtID_rmd =  species$polyExtID,
    drawBgBuf_rmd = species$rmm$code$wallace$bgBuf,
    bgPtsNum_rmd = species$rmm$data$occurrence$backgroundSampleSizeSet


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wallace documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:16 a.m.