
#' Function to fill in missing time series data.
#' This function will check the percent of missing values and the size
#' of the largest missing block of data.  By default, if less than 40 percent 
#' of the data are missing and the largest block is less than 30 days, the 
#' data will be filled-in by using a structural time series, \link{StructTS} 
#' from the base stats  package in R (R Development Core Team, 2012).  The 
#' fitted structural time series is then smoothed via a state-space model, 
#' \link{tsSmooth} from the base stats package in R.
#' @name fillMiss
#' @title Fill-in missing hydrological values
#' @param dataset is a data frame in the format of the data frame returned by
#' \link{importDVs}, with missing values indicated by NA.
#' @param block is the size of the largest block of missing data that the 
#' function will fill-in.
#' @param pmiss is the maximum amount of the missing data that can be missing
#' in the dataset for fill-in procedure to be performed.
#' @param model is the type of structural time series model, see 
#' \link{StructTS}.  The default value is trend.  If level is used, the results 
#' of \link{fillMiss}, which by default applies a fixed-interval smoothing to 
#' the time series, \link{tsSmooth}, will be very close to linear interpolation. 
#' @param smooth  a logical that indicates whether or not to apply 
#' \link{tsSmooth} to the structured time series.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to plotting method (see \link{par}).
#' @return a data frame with NAs in the "val" column replaced by 
#' estimated values and a plot showing observed and estimated data.  If there 
#' are too many missing values, based on default or user defined limits, the
#' unaltered dataset is returned as well as a message, such as "Error 
#' in fillMiss(misQ05054000) : Too much missing data.  Cannot fill in missing 
#' values."
#' @note Many methods have been suggested for estimating missing hydrological 
#' data.  However, experiments showed that the functions in the base stats 
#' package  worked very well if the blocks of missing data were not long.  
#' Users with larger blocks of missing data may want to explore other methods 
#' including using nearby gages to estimate missing values at a streamgage.  
#' Additional methods for filling in missing hydrological data are summarized 
#' in Beauchamp and others (1989) and Elshorbagy and others (2000).
#' To indicate which values have been replaced, the qualcode field is
#' populated with 'fM' for those values that were estimated using the
#' fillMiss function.
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{StructTS}, \link{tsSmooth}, \link{cleanUp}
#' @format The returned data frame has the following columns: \cr
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' Name \tab Type \tab Description \cr 
#' staid \tab factor \tab USGS station identification number \cr
#' val \tab numeric \tab The value of the hydrologic variable \cr
#' dates \tab Date \tab Date of daily value \cr
#' qualcode \tab factor \tab Qualification code
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(exampleWaterData)
#' my.newdata <- fillMiss(misQ05054000, block=30, pmiss=50, log="y")
#' summary(misQ05054000)
#' summary(my.newdata)
#' # ph example
#' pH05082500<-importDVs("05082500", code="00400", stat="00008", 
#' sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2011-12-31")
#' plotParam(pH05082500)
#' pHfilled<-fillMiss(pH05082500, block=45, ylim=c(7.5,9), yaxs="i")
#' @keywords NA hplot datagen ts smooth
#' @references
#' Beauchamp, J.J., 1989, Comparison of regression and time-series methods for
#' synthesizing missing streamflow records: Water Resources Bulletin, v. 25, 
#' no. 5, p. 961--975.
#' Elshorbagy, A.A., Panu, U.S., Simonovic, S.P., 2000, Group-based
#' estimation of missing hydrological data---I. Approach and general
#' methodology: Hydrological Sciences Journal, v. 45, no. 6, p. 849--866.
#' R Development Core Team, 2012, R---A language and environment for statistical
#' computing: Vienna, Austria, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, [ISBN
#' 3-900051-07-0].  (Also available at \url{https://www.r-project.org}.)
fillMiss <- function(dataset, block=30, pmiss=40, model="trend", 
                     smooth=TRUE, ... ) {
  if (sum(pck) > 0) {
    percent<-round((sum(pck)/length(dataset$val))*100, digits=2)
    my.message<-paste("There are ", sum(pck), 
                      "missing values for", dataset$staid[1], "or", percent, 
                      "percent of the data.", sep=" ")
    my.message2<-paste("The maximum block of missing", dataset$staid[1], 
                       "data is", max.mis, "days long.", sep=" ")
  } else { noMis<-paste("No missing values for", dataset$staid[1], sep=" ")
  if ( percent >= pmiss | max.mis >= block ) {
    tooMuch <- paste("Too much missing data for", dataset$staid[1], 
                     "Cannot fill in missing values.", sep=" ")
    message (tooMuch)
  } else {
    my.struct<-StructTS(my.series, type=model)
    if ( smooth ) fit<-tsSmooth(my.struct) else fit<-fitted(my.struct)
    #par(las=1, tck=0.01)
    plot(my.series, typ="l", lwd=4, xlab="Observation", 
         ylab="Observed and estimated times series", ...)
    leg.txt<-c("Observed values", "New time series")
    legend("topleft", leg.txt, col=c("black","green"), lwd=c(4,1), bty="n",
           ncol=2, cex=0.8)
    dataset$val[pck] <- fit[pck,1]
    lng <- length(grep("fM", levels(dataset$qualcode)))
    if ( lng < 1 ) {
      dataset$qualcode <- factor(dataset$qualcode, levels=c(levels(dataset$qualcode), 'fM')) 
    dataset$qualcode[pck] <- "fM"
    if (!is.null(attributes(dataset)$stat) & 
      !is.null(attributes(dataset)$code)) {
      subtext <- paste("Parameter code", attributes(dataset)$code, 
                       " Statistics code", attributes(dataset)$stat, 
                       sep=" ")
    fillMess <- paste("Filled in", sum(pck), "values for", dataset$staid[1],
                      sep=" ")
    message (fillMess)

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