
Defines functions find_magic fix_windows_url download_old_win download_no_libcurl download available_port is_solaris is_linux is_osx is_windows dropNulls dir_exists phantom_paths install_phantomjs is_phantomjs_version_latest is_phantomjs_installed phantomjs_version phantomjs_cmd_result find_phantom phantom_run

Documented in install_phantomjs is_phantomjs_installed

phantom_run <- function(args, wait = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  phantom_bin <- find_phantom(quiet = quiet)

  # Handle missing phantomjs
  if (is.null(phantom_bin)) return(NULL)

  # Make sure args is a char vector
  args <- as.character(args)

  p <- callr::process$new(
    args = args,
    stdout = "|", stderr = "|",
    supervise = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(wait)) {
    cat_n <- function(txt) {
      if (length(txt) > 0) {
        cat(txt, sep = "\n")
    while(p$is_alive()) {
      p$wait(200) # wait until min(c(time_ms, process ends))

# Find PhantomJS from PATH, APPDATA, system.file('webshot'), ~/bin, etc
find_phantom <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
  path <- Sys.which( "phantomjs" )
  if (path != "") return(path)

  for (d in phantom_paths()) {
    exec <- if (is_windows()) "phantomjs.exe" else "phantomjs"
    path <- file.path(d, exec)
    if (utils::file_test("-x", path)) break else path <- ""

  if (path == "") {
    # It would make the most sense to throw an error here. However, that would
    # cause problems with CRAN. The CRAN checking systems may not have phantomjs
    # and may not be capable of installing phantomjs (like on Solaris), and any
    # packages which use webshot in their R CMD check (in examples or vignettes)
    # will get an ERROR. We'll issue a message and return NULL; other

    if(!quiet) {
        "PhantomJS not found. You can install it with webshot::install_phantomjs(). ",
        "If it is installed, please make sure the phantomjs executable ",
        "can be found via the PATH variable."

phantomjs_cmd_result <- function(args, wait = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  # Retrieve and store output from STDOUT
  utils::capture.output(invisible(phantom_run(args = args, wait = wait, quiet = quiet)),
                        type = "output")

phantomjs_version <- function() {
  phantomjs_cmd_result("--version", quiet = TRUE)

#' Determine if PhantomJS is Installed
#' Verifies that a version of PhantomJS is installed and available for use
#' on the user's computer.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the PhantomJS is installed. Otherwise, \code{FALSE}
#' if PhantomJS is not installed.
#' @export
is_phantomjs_installed <- function() {
  !is.null(find_phantom(quiet = TRUE))

is_phantomjs_version_latest <- function(requested_version) {
  # Ensure phantomjs is installed if not, request an update
  if (!is_phantomjs_installed()) {

  # Obtain the installed version
  installed_phantomjs_version <- phantomjs_version()

  # For versions 2.5.0-beta and 2.5.0-beta2, phantomjs reports its version to be
  # "2.5.0-development".
  # However, for the requested version, we have the names "2.5.0-beta" and
  # "2.5.0-beta2".
  # For simplicity, we'll just remove the "-development" or "-beta" or "-beta2"
  # so they all map to "2.5.0".
  installed_phantomjs_version <- sub("-development", "", installed_phantomjs_version)
  requested_version           <- sub("-beta.*",      "", requested_version)

  # Check if the installed version is latest compared to requested version.
  as.package_version(installed_phantomjs_version) >= requested_version

#' Install PhantomJS
#' Download the zip package, unzip it, and copy the executable to a system
#' directory in which \pkg{webshot} can look for the PhantomJS executable.
#' @details This function was designed primarily to help Windows users since it
#'   is cumbersome to modify the \code{PATH} variable. Mac OS X users may
#'   install PhantomJS via Homebrew. If you download the package from the
#'   PhantomJS website instead, please make sure the executable can be found via
#'   the \code{PATH} variable.
#'   On Windows, the directory specified by the environment variable
#'   \code{APPDATA} is used to store \file{phantomjs.exe}. On OS X, the
#'   directory \file{~/Library/Application Support} is used. On other platforms
#'   (such as Linux), the directory \file{~/bin} is used. If these directories
#'   are not writable, the directory \file{PhantomJS} under the installation
#'   directory of the \pkg{webshot} package will be tried. If this directory
#'   still fails, you will have to install PhantomJS by yourself.
#'   If PhantomJS is not already installed on the computer, this function will
#'   attempt to install it. However, if the version of PhantomJS installed is
#'   greater than or equal to the requested version, this function will not
#'   perform the installation procedure again unless the \code{force} parameter
#'   is set to \code{TRUE}. As a result, this function may also be used to
#'   reinstall or downgrade the version of PhantomJS found.
#' @param version The version number of PhantomJS.
#' @param baseURL The base URL for the location of PhantomJS binaries for
#'   download. If the default download site is unavailable, you may specify an
#'   alternative mirror, such as
#'   \code{"https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/"}.
#' @param force Install PhantomJS even if the version installed is the latest or
#'   if the requested version is older. This is useful to reinstall or downgrade
#'   the version of PhantomJS.
#' @return \code{NULL} (the executable is written to a system directory).
#' @export
install_phantomjs <- function(version = '2.1.1',
    baseURL = 'https://github.com/wch/webshot/releases/download/v0.3.1/',
    force = FALSE) {

  if (!force && is_phantomjs_version_latest(version)) {
      message('It seems that the version of `phantomjs` installed is ',
              'greater than or equal to the requested version.',
              'To install the requested version or downgrade to another version, ',
              'use `force = TRUE`.')

  if (!grepl("/$", baseURL))
    baseURL <- paste0(baseURL, "/")

  owd <- setwd(tempdir())
  on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
  if (is_windows()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf('phantomjs-%s-windows.zip', version)
    download(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = 'wb')
    zipdir <- sub('.zip$', '', zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, 'bin', 'phantomjs.exe')
  } else if (is_osx()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf('phantomjs-%s-macosx.zip', version)
    download(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = 'wb')
    zipdir <- sub('.zip$', '', zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, 'bin', 'phantomjs')
    Sys.chmod(exec, '0755')  # chmod +x
  } else if (is_linux()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf(
      'phantomjs-%s-linux-%s.tar.bz2', version,
      if (grepl('64', Sys.info()[['machine']])) 'x86_64' else 'i686'
    download(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = 'wb')
    zipdir <- sub('.tar.bz2$', '', zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, 'bin', 'phantomjs')
    Sys.chmod(exec, '0755')  # chmod +x
  } else {
    # Unsupported platform, like Solaris
    message("Sorry, this platform is not supported.")
  success <- FALSE
  dirs <- phantom_paths()
  for (destdir in dirs) {
    dir.create(destdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
    success <- file.copy(exec, destdir, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (success) break
  unlink(c(zipdir, zipfile), recursive = TRUE)
  if (!success) stop(
    'Unable to install PhantomJS to any of these dirs: ',
    paste(dirs, collapse = ', ')
  message('phantomjs has been installed to ', normalizePath(destdir))

# Possible locations of the PhantomJS executable
phantom_paths <- function() {
  if (is_windows()) {
    path <- Sys.getenv('APPDATA', '')
    path <- if (dir_exists(path)) file.path(path, 'PhantomJS')
  } else if (is_osx()) {
    path <- '~/Library/Application Support'
    path <- if (dir_exists(path)) file.path(path, 'PhantomJS')
  } else {
    path <- '~/bin'
  path <- c(path, file.path(system.file(package = 'webshot'), 'PhantomJS'))

dir_exists <- function(path) utils::file_test('-d', path)

# Given a vector or list, drop all the NULL items in it
dropNulls <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]

is_windows <- function() .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
is_osx     <- function() Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'Darwin'
is_linux   <- function() Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'Linux'
is_solaris <- function() Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'SunOS'

# Find an available TCP port (to launch Shiny apps)
available_port <- function(port = NULL, min = 3000, max = 9000) {
  if (!is.null(port)) return(port)

  # Unsafe port list from shiny::runApp()
  valid_ports <- setdiff(min:max, c(3659, 4045, 6000, 6665:6669, 6697))

  # Try up to 20 ports
  for (port in sample(valid_ports, 20)) {
    handle <- NULL

    # Check if port is open
      handle <- httpuv::startServer("", port, list()),
      error = function(e) { }
    if (!is.null(handle)) {

  stop("Cannot find an available port")

# Wrapper for utils::download.file which works around a problem with R 3.3.0 and
# 3.3.1. In these versions, download.file(method="libcurl") issues a HEAD
# request to check if a file is available, before sending the GET request. This
# causes problems when downloading attached files from GitHub binary releases
# (like the PhantomJS binaries), because the url for the GET request returns a
# 403 for HEAD requests. See
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2016-June/072852.html
download <- function(url, destfile, mode = "w") {
  if (getRversion() >= "3.3.0") {
    download_no_libcurl(url, destfile, mode = mode)

  } else if (is_windows() && getRversion() < "3.2") {
    # Older versions of R on Windows need setInternet2 to download https.
    download_old_win(url, destfile, mode = mode)

  } else {
    utils::download.file(url, destfile, mode = mode)

# Adapted from downloader::download, but avoids using libcurl.
download_no_libcurl <- function(url, ...) {
  # Windows
  if (is_windows()) {
    method <- "wininet"
    utils::download.file(url, method = method, ...)

  } else {
    # If non-Windows, check for libcurl/curl/wget/lynx, then call download.file with
    # appropriate method.

    if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget")[1])) {
      method <- "wget"
    } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl")[1])) {
      method <- "curl"

      # curl needs to add a -L option to follow redirects.
      # Save the original options and restore when we exit.
      orig_extra_options <- getOption("download.file.extra")
      on.exit(options(download.file.extra = orig_extra_options))

      options(download.file.extra = paste("-L", orig_extra_options))

    } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("lynx")[1])) {
      method <- "lynx"
    } else {
      stop("no download method found")

    utils::download.file(url, method = method, ...)

# Adapted from downloader::download, for R<3.2 on Windows
download_old_win <- function(url, ...) {
  # If we directly use setInternet2, R CMD CHECK gives a Note on Mac/Linux
  seti2 <- `::`(utils, 'setInternet2')

  # Check whether we are already using internet2 for internal
  internet2_start <- seti2(NA)

  # If not then temporarily set it
  if (!internet2_start) {
    # Store initial settings, and restore on exit

    # Needed for https. Will get warning if setInternet2(FALSE) already run
    # and internet routines are used. But the warnings don't seem to matter.

  method <- "internal"

  # download.file will complain about file size with something like:
  #       Warning message:
  #         In download.file(url, ...) : downloaded length 19457 != reported length 200
  # because apparently it compares the length with the status code returned (?)
  # so we supress that
  utils::download.file(url, method = method, ...)

# Fix local filenames like "c:/path/file.html" to "file:///c:/path/file.html"
# because that's the format used by casperjs and the webshot.js script.
fix_windows_url <- function(url) {
  if (!is_windows()) return(url)

  fix_one <- function(x) {
    # If it's a "c:/path/file.html" path, or contains any backslashs, like
    # "c:\path", "\\path\\file.html", or "/path\\file.html", we need to fix it
    # up. However, we need to leave paths that are already URLs alone.
    if (grepl("^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\]", x) ||
        (!grepl(":", x, fixed = TRUE) && grepl("\\", x, fixed = TRUE)))
      paste0("file:///", normalizePath(x, winslash = "/"))
    } else {

  vapply(url, fix_one, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# Borrowed from animation package, with some adaptations.
find_magic = function() {
  # try to look for ImageMagick in the Windows Registry Hive, the Program Files
  # directory and the LyX installation
  if (!inherits(try({
    magick.path = utils::readRegistry('SOFTWARE\\ImageMagick\\Current')$BinPath
  }, silent = TRUE), 'try-error')) {
    if (nzchar(magick.path)) {
      convert = normalizePath(file.path(magick.path, 'convert.exe'), "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  } else if (
    nzchar(prog <- Sys.getenv('ProgramFiles')) &&
      length(magick.dir <- list.files(prog, '^ImageMagick.*')) &&
      length(magick.path <- list.files(file.path(prog, magick.dir), pattern = '^convert\\.exe$',
                                       full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
  ) {
    convert = normalizePath(magick.path[1], "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  } else if (!inherits(try({
    magick.path = utils::readRegistry('LyX.Document\\Shell\\open\\command', 'HCR')
  }, silent = TRUE), 'try-error')) {
    convert = file.path(dirname(gsub('(^\"|\" \"%1\"$)', '', magick.path[[1]])), c('..', '../etc'),
                        'imagemagick', 'convert.exe')
    convert = convert[file.exists(convert)]
    if (length(convert)) {
      convert = normalizePath(convert, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
    } else {
      warning('No way to find ImageMagick!')
  } else {
    warning('ImageMagick not installed yet!')

  if (!file.exists(convert)) {
    # Found an ImageMagick installation, but not the convert.exe binary.
    warning("ImageMagick's convert.exe not found at ", convert)

Try the webshot package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

webshot documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:11 p.m.