
Defines functions random_search_single random_search

Documented in random_search random_search_single

#' @title Randomize the output of the Genetic Algorithm
#' @name random_search
#' @description Perform a random search in the grid cells, to further optimize
#'   the output of the wind farm layout.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams genetic_algorithm
#' @param result The resulting matrix of the function \code{\link{genetic_algorithm}}
#' or \code{\link{windfarmGA}}
#' @param best Which best individuals should be the starting conditions for a
#'   random search. The default is 1.
#' @param n The number of random searches to be performed. Default is 20.
#' @param Plot Should the random search be plotted? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param max_dist A numeric value multiplied by the rotor radius to perform
#'   collision checks. Default is \code{2.2}
#' @family Randomization
#' @return Returns a list.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' new <- random_search(resultrect, sp_polygon, n = 20, best = 4)
#' plot_random_search(resultRS = new, result = resultrect, Polygon1 = sp_polygon, best = 2)
#' }
random_search <- function(result, Polygon1, n = 20, best = 1, Plot = FALSE, max_dist = 2.2) {
  ## TODO - Performance and structure ---
  ## Data Config ############################
  # Order the resulting layouts with highest Energy output
  resldat <- do.call("rbind", result[,"bestPaEn"])
  maxDist <- as.numeric(result[,"inputData"][[1]]['Rotorradius',]) * max_dist

  ## Remove duplicated layouts based on x, y energy / efficiency
  resldat <- resldat[!duplicated(resldat[, 1:4]), ]

  if (Plot) {
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  ## Process Data ########
  ## Remove duplicated "Runs", assign do resldat and sort by Energy
  resldat <- as.data.frame(resldat[!duplicated(resldat[, 'Run']),, drop=FALSE])
  resldat$GARun <- 1:nrow(resldat)
  ## Sort by EnergyOverall
  resldat <- resldat[order(resldat[, 4], decreasing = TRUE),]

  ## Get the GA-runs of the best layouts
  if (best > nrow(resldat)) {
    message(paste0("Only ",nrow(resldat), " unique layouts found. Set 'best' to ",
    best <- nrow(resldat)
  bestGARunIn <- resldat$GARun[1:best]

  resolu <- max(as.numeric(result[bestGARunIn[1],]$inputData["Resolution",][1]))
  rotRad <- max(as.numeric(result[bestGARunIn[1],]$inputData["Rotorradius",][1]))
  winddata <- result[bestGARunIn[1],]$inputWind
  ## Get max factor for alteration of coordination
  maxFac <- rotRad * (resolu / (rotRad * 2))

  ## Grid the Polygon ############
  Polygon1 <- isSpatial(shape = Polygon1)
  GridMethod <- result[1,"inputData"][[1]]["Grid Method",][[1]]
  GridMethod <- toupper(GridMethod)
  if (GridMethod != "HEXAGON" & GridMethod != "H") {
    # Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and grid cell Ids.
    propu  <- as.numeric(result[bestGARunIn[1],]$inputData["Percentage of Polygon",][1])
    Grid <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = resolu, prop = propu)
  } else {
    # Calculate a Grid with hexagonal grid cells
    Grid <- hexa_area(Polygon1, resolu)
  ## Windata Formatting ###################
  winddata <- windata_format(winddata)
  probabDir <- winddata[[2]]
  winddata <- winddata[[1]]
  ## Init arguments ########
  ## Get reference / turbine height and rotor radius of 1 individual.
  # TODO - if 3D-wake possible, turbine height must be evaluated in the loop
  ## If different rotor radii, it must also go in the loop
  ref_height <- as.numeric(result[1, ]$inputData[12, ])
  rotor_height <- as.numeric(result[1, ]$inputData[13, ])
  rotor_radius <- as.numeric(result[1,]$inputData[1,])
  max_angle <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_angle")
  max_dist <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_distance")

  ## Run Random Search  ################
  RandResultAll <- vector(mode = "list", length = best)
  for (o in 1:best) {
    bestGARun <- bestGARunIn[o]

    ## Get the starting layout of windfarm[o]
    layout_start <- result[bestGARun, ]$bestPaEn
    coordLay <- layout_start[, 1:2]

    if (Plot) {
      points(coordLay, pch = 15, col = "black")
      legend(x = "bottom", 
              legend = c("Starting Location", "Randomly generated Location", 
                       "Suitable Location", "Relocated due to Turbine Collision"),
              col = c("black", "blue","green", "red"), lwd = 1, lty = c(0, 0), 
              pch = c(15, 3, 1, 20))

    ## Run n random searches on windfarm[o]
    RandResult <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      coordLayTmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(coordLay[,1]))
      ## For every turbine, alter x/y coordinates randomly
      for (j in 1:length(coordLay[,1])) {
        maxAlterX <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
        maxAlterY <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
        cordNew <- coordLay[j,]
        cordNew[1] <- cordNew[1] + maxAlterX
        cordNew[2] <- cordNew[2] + maxAlterY
        if (Plot) {
          points(cordNew[1], cordNew[2], col = "blue", pch = 3)
        coordLayTmp[[j]] <- cordNew
      coordsj <- do.call("rbind", coordLayTmp)

      ## Check if turbines are not colliding #####################
      pointsDistBl <- st_as_sf(data.frame(coordsj), coords = c("X","Y"))
      pointsDist <- st_distance(pointsDistBl)
      distMin <- pointsDist[which(pointsDist < maxDist & pointsDist != 0)]

      while (length(distMin) > 0) {
        pointsDistBl <- st_as_sf(data.frame(coordsj), coords = c("X","Y"))
        pointsDist <- st_distance(pointsDistBl)
        distMin <- pointsDist[which(pointsDist < maxDist & pointsDist != 0)]
        if (length(distMin) != 0) {
          pointsDist <- data.frame(pointsDist)
          colnames(pointsDist) <- 1:length(pointsDist)

          pointsDist <- round(pointsDist, 2)
          distMin <- round(distMin, 2)
          distMin <- distMin[duplicated(distMin)]

          ColRowMin <- which(pointsDist == distMin, 
                             useNames = TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)

          CoordsWrongOrigin <- coordLay[ColRowMin[1, 2],]

          maxAlterX <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
          maxAlterY <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
          cordNew <- CoordsWrongOrigin
          cordNew[1] <- cordNew[1] + maxAlterX
          cordNew[2] <- cordNew[2] + maxAlterY

          if (Plot) {
            points(x = coordsj[ColRowMin[1, 2],1],
                   y = coordsj[ColRowMin[1, 2],2],
                   col = "red", cex = 1.2, pch = 20)
          coordsj[ColRowMin[1, 2],] <- cordNew
      if (Plot) {
        points(coordsj, col = "green", cex = 1.5)

      ## Arrange random points to input for calculate_energy
      coordsj <- cbind(coordsj,
                       "ID" = 1,
                       "bin" = 1)
      coordsj <- coordsj[, c("ID", "X", "Y", "bin")]

      # Calculate energy and save in list with length n ################
      resCalcen <- calculate_energy(sel = coordsj,
                               referenceHeight = ref_height,
                               RotorHeight = rotor_height,
                               SurfaceRoughness = 0.3,
                               wnkl = max_angle, distanz = max_dist,
                               dirSpeed = winddata,
                               RotorR = rotor_radius,
                               polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE,
                               srtm_crop = NULL, cclRaster = NULL, 
                               weibull = FALSE)

      ## Process Result ###################
      ## TODO - optimize all next lines (calculate_energy has already beeter method)
      ee <- lapply(resCalcen, function(x) {
        subset.matrix(x, subset = !duplicated(x[,'Punkt_id']),
                      select = c('Bx','By','Windrichtung','RotorR','TotAbschProz','V_New',
                                 'Rect_ID','Energy_Output_Red', 'Energy_Output_Voll',

      # get Energy Output and Efficiency rate for every wind direction
      enOut <- lapply(ee, function(x){
                      subset = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(ee[[1]][, 1]) - 1)),
                      select = c("Windrichtung", "Energy_Output_Red", 
      enOut <- do.call("rbind", enOut)

      # Add the Probability of every direction
      # Calculate the relative Energy outputs relative to wind direction probabilities
      enOut <- cbind(enOut, "probabDir" = probabDir)
      enOut <- cbind(enOut, "Eneralldire" = 
                       enOut[, "Energy_Output_Red"] * (enOut[, "probabDir"] / 100))

      # Calculate the sum of the relative Energy outputs
      enOut <- cbind(enOut, "EnergyOverall" = sum(enOut[, "Eneralldire"]))

      # Calculate the sum of the relative Efficiency rates respective to 
      # the probability of the wind direction
      enOut <- cbind(enOut, "Efficalldire" = 
                       sum(enOut[, "Parkwirkungsgrad"] * (enOut[, "probabDir"] / 100)))

      # Get the total Wake Effect of every Turbine for all Wind directions
      total_wake <- lapply(ee, function(x){
        x[, "TotAbschProz"]
      total_wake <- do.call("cbind", total_wake)
      total_wake <- rowSums(total_wake)

      # Get the original X / Y - Coordinates of the selected individual
      xundyOrig <- coordsj[, 2:3]

      # Add the Efficieny and the Energy Output of all wind directions and add the total 
      # Wake Effect of every Point Location
      # Include the Run of the genertion to the data frame
      xundyOrig <- cbind(xundyOrig,
                         "EfficAllDir" = enOut[1, "Efficalldire"],
                         "EnergyOverall" = enOut[1, "EnergyOverall"],
                         "AbschGesamt" = total_wake,
                         "Run" = i)

      # Get the Rotor Radius and the Rect_IDs of the park configuration
      ## TODO - rotor radius is already saved outisde the loop and Rect_ID is just dummy 
      dt <-  ee[[1]]
      dt <- subset.matrix(dt, select = c("RotorR", "Rect_ID"))

      # Bind the Efficiency,Energy,WakeEffect,Run to the Radius and Rect_IDs
      dt <- cbind(xundyOrig,
                  "bestGARun" = bestGARun)

      RandResult[[i]] <- dt
    ## Group list together
    RandResult <- do.call("rbind", RandResult)
    RandResultAll[[o]] <- RandResult

#' @title Randomize the location of a single turbine
#' @name random_search_single
#' @description Perform a random search for a single turbine, to further
#'   optimize the output of the wind farm layout.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams random_search
#' @param max_dist A numeric value multiplied by the rotor radius to perform
#'   collision checks. Default is 2.2
#' @family Randomization
#' @family Plotting Functions
#' @return Returns a list
random_search_single <- function(result, Polygon1, n = 20, Plot = FALSE, max_dist = 2.2) {
  ## TODO - Performance and structure ---
  ## Data Config ############################
  # Order the resulting layouts with highest Energy output
  resldat <- do.call("rbind", result[,"bestPaEn"])
  maxDist <- as.numeric(result[,"inputData"][[1]]['Rotorradius',]) * max_dist
  if (Plot) {
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
  ## Process Data ########
  ## Remove duplicated "Runs", assign do resldat and sort by Energy
  resldat <- as.data.frame(resldat[!duplicated(resldat[,'Run']),, drop=FALSE])
  resldat$GARun <- 1:nrow(resldat)
  ## Sort by EnergyOverall
  resldat <- resldat[order(resldat[, 4], decreasing = TRUE),]
  ## Get the GA-run of the best layout
  bestGARun <- resldat$GARun[1]
  resolu <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun,]$inputData["Resolution",][1])
  rotRad <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun,]$inputData["Rotorradius",][1])
  winddata <- result[bestGARun,]$inputWind
  ## Get max factor for alteration of coordination
  maxFac <- rotRad * (resolu / (rotRad * 2))
  ## Grid the Polygon ############
  Polygon1 <- isSpatial(shape = Polygon1)
  GridMethod <- result[1,"inputData"][[1]]["Grid Method",][[1]]
  GridMethod <- toupper(GridMethod)
  if (GridMethod != "HEXAGON" & GridMethod != "H") {
    # Calculate a Grid and indexed coordinates of all grid cell centers
    propu  <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun,]$inputData["Percentage of Polygon",][1])
    Grid <- grid_area(shape = Polygon1, size = resolu, prop = propu)
  } else {
    # Calculate a Grid with hexagonal grid cells
    Grid <- hexa_area(Polygon1, resolu)
  ## Windata Formatting ###################
  winddata <- windata_format(winddata)
  probabDir <- winddata[[2]]
  winddata <- winddata[[1]]
  ## Init arguments ########
  ## Get reference / turbine height and rotor radius of 1 individual.
  # TODO - if 3D-wake possible, turbine height must be evaluated in the loop
  ## If different rotor radii, it must also go in the loop
  ref_height <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun, ]$inputData[12, ])
  rotor_height <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun, ]$inputData[13, ])
  rotor_radius <- as.numeric(result[bestGARun,]$inputData[1,])
  max_angle <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_angle")
  max_dist <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_distance")
  ## Turbine Indexing by user input (Must be plotted) ################
  ## Get the starting layout of windfarm[o]
  layout_start <- result[bestGARun,]$bestPaEn
  points(x = layout_start[, "X"], y = layout_start[, "Y"], pch = 15)
  calibrate::textxy(X = layout_start[, "X"], Y = layout_start[, "Y"], 
                    labs = layout_start[, "Rect_ID"], cex = 1.5, offset = 0.75)
  turbInx <- ""
  while (!turbInx %in% layout_start[,'Rect_ID']) {
    cat("Enter the turbine number that you want to optimize.")
    # turbInx <- readline(prompt = "Please enter the corresponding number: ")
    cat("Please enter the corresponding number:\n")
    turbInx <- readLines(n = 1, con = getOption("windfarmGA.connection"))
  turbInx <- which(layout_start[, 'Rect_ID'] == as.numeric(turbInx))
  coordLay <- layout_start[, 1:2]
  if (Plot) {
    points(coordLay, pch = 15, col = "black")
    points(coordLay[as.numeric(turbInx), ][1],
           coordLay[as.numeric(turbInx), ][2], pch = 15, col = "purple")
    legend( x = "bottom", 
            legend = c("Starting Location", "Selected Turbine", "Randomly generated Location",
                       "Suitable Location", "Relocated due to Turbine Collision"),
            col = c("black", "purple", "blue", "green", "red"), lwd = 1, lty = c(0, 0),
            pch = c(15, 15, 3, 20, 20))
  ## Run Random Search  ################
  RandResult <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    ## Copy the original layout (really need that?)
    coordLayRnd <- coordLay
    ## Get random steps for x/y and add to coords of "problematic" turbine
    maxAlterX <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
    maxAlterY <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
    cordNew <- coordLay[as.numeric(turbInx),]
    cordNew[1] <- cordNew[1] + maxAlterX
    cordNew[2] <- cordNew[2] + maxAlterY
    if (Plot) {
      points(cordNew[1], cordNew[2], col = "blue", pch = 3)
    ## Assign new coordinates to "problematic" turbine
    coordLayRnd[as.numeric(turbInx),] <- cordNew 
    ## Check if turbines are colliding #####################
    pointsDistBl <- st_as_sf(data.frame(coordLayRnd), coords = c("X","Y"))
    pointsDist <- st_distance(pointsDistBl)
    distMin <- pointsDist[which(pointsDist < maxDist & pointsDist != 0)]
    while (length(distMin) > 0) {
      pointsDistBl <- st_as_sf(data.frame(coordLayRnd), coords = c("X","Y"))
      pointsDist <- st_distance(pointsDistBl)
      distMin <- pointsDist[which(pointsDist < maxDist & pointsDist != 0)]
      if (length(distMin) != 0) {
        pointsDist <- data.frame(pointsDist)
        colnames(pointsDist) <- 1:length(pointsDist)
        ## TODO - docs. whats going on here and why
        pointsDist <- round(pointsDist, 2) 
        distMin <- round(distMin, 2)
        distMin <- distMin[duplicated(distMin)]
        ## Copy the original layout (really need that? AGAIN ?)
        cordNew <- coordLay[as.numeric(turbInx), ]
        ## Get random steps for x/y and add to coords of "problematic" turbine
        maxAlterX <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
        maxAlterY <- runif(1, min = -maxFac, max = maxFac)
        ## Try new random steps
        cordNew[1] <- cordNew[1] + maxAlterX
        cordNew[2] <- cordNew[2] + maxAlterY
        if (Plot) {
          points(x = cordNew[1],
                 y = cordNew[2],
                 col = "red", pch = 20)
        ## Assign new random steps
        coordLayRnd[as.numeric(turbInx),] <- cordNew
    if (Plot) {
      points(x = cordNew[1], y = cordNew[2], col = "green", pch = 20)
    ## Arrange random points to input for calculate_energy
    coordLayRnd <- cbind(coordLayRnd,
                         "ID" = 1,
                         "bin" = 1)
    coordLayRnd <- coordLayRnd[, c("ID", "X", "Y", "bin")]
    # Calculate energy and save in list with length n ################
    resCalcen <- calculate_energy(sel = coordLayRnd,
                                  referenceHeight = ref_height,
                                  RotorHeight = rotor_height,
                                  SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, wnkl = max_angle, distanz = max_dist,
                                  dirSpeed = winddata,
                                  RotorR = rotor_radius,
                                  polygon1 = Polygon1, topograp = FALSE,
                                  srtm_crop = NULL, cclRaster = NULL, weibull = FALSE)
    ## Process Data ###################
    ee <- lapply(resCalcen, function(x) {
      subset.matrix(x, subset = !duplicated(x[,'Punkt_id']),
                    select = c('Bx','By','Windrichtung','RotorR','TotAbschProz','V_New',
                               'Rect_ID','Energy_Output_Red', 'Energy_Output_Voll',
    # get Energy Output and Efficiency rate for every wind direction
    enOut <- lapply(ee, function(x) {
                    subset = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(ee[[1]][, 1]) - 1)),
                    select = c('Windrichtung', 'Energy_Output_Red', 'Parkwirkungsgrad'))})
    enOut <- do.call("rbind", enOut)
    # Add the Probability of every direction
    # Calculate the relative Energy outputs respective to the probability of the wind direction
    enOut <- cbind(enOut, 'probabDir' = probabDir)
    enOut <- cbind(enOut, 'Eneralldire' = enOut[,'Energy_Output_Red'] * (enOut[,'probabDir'] / 100))
    # Calculate the sum of the relative Energy outputs
    enOut <- cbind(enOut, 'EnergyOverall' = sum(enOut[,'Eneralldire']))
    # Calculate the sum of the relative Efficiency rates respective to the probability of the 
    # wind direction
    enOut <- cbind(enOut, 'Efficalldire' = sum(enOut[,'Parkwirkungsgrad'] * (enOut[,'probabDir'] / 100)))
    # Get the total Wake Effect of every Turbine for all Wind directions
    AbschGesamt <- lapply(ee, function(x){ 
    AbschGesamt <- do.call("cbind", AbschGesamt)
    AbschGesamt <- rowSums(AbschGesamt)
    # Get the original X / Y - Coordinates of the selected individual
    xundyOrig <- coordLayRnd[, 2:3]
    # Add the Efficieny and the Energy Output of all wind directions and add the total 
    # Wake Effect of every Point Location
    # Include the Run of the genertion to the data frame
    xundyOrig <- cbind(xundyOrig,
                       'EfficAllDir' = enOut[1, 'Efficalldire'],
                       'EnergyOverall' = enOut[1, 'EnergyOverall'],
                       'AbschGesamt' = AbschGesamt,
                       'Run' = i)
    # Get the Rotor Radius and the Rect_IDs of the park configuration
    dt <-  ee[[1]]
    # layout_start
    dt <- subset.matrix(dt, select = c('RotorR', 'Rect_ID'))
    # Bind the Efficiency,Energy,WakeEffect,Run to the Radius and Rect_IDs
    dt <- cbind(xundyOrig,
                "bestGARun" = bestGARun)
    RandResult[[i]] <- dt

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windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.