
Defines functions wordcloud commonality.cloud comparison.cloud wordlayout textplot

Documented in commonality.cloud comparison.cloud textplot wordcloud wordlayout

# Author: ianfellows

wordcloud <- function(words,
           scale = c(4, .5),
           min.freq = 3,
           max.words = Inf,
           random.order = TRUE,
           random.color = FALSE,
           rot.per = .1,
           colors = "black",
           ordered.colors = FALSE,
           use.r.layout = FALSE,
           fixed.asp = TRUE,
           ...) {
    if (!fixed.asp && rot.per > 0)
      stop("Variable aspect ratio not supported for rotated words. Set rot.per=0.")
    tails <- "g|j|p|q|y"
    last <- 1
    nc <- length(colors)
    if (missing(freq)) {
      #	stop("freq must either be non-missing, or the tm package must be available")
      if (is.character(words) || is.factor(words)) {
        corpus <- tm::Corpus(tm::VectorSource(words))
        corpus <- tm::tm_map(corpus, tm::removePunctuation)
        corpus <-
          tm::tm_map(corpus, function(x)
            tm::removeWords(x, tm::stopwords()))
      } else
        corpus <- words
      tdm <- tm::TermDocumentMatrix(corpus)
      freq <- slam::row_sums(tdm)
      words <- names(freq)
    if (ordered.colors) {
      if (length(colors) != 1 && length(colors) != length(words)) {
        stop(paste("Length of colors does not match length of words",
    if (min.freq > max(freq))
      min.freq <- 0
    overlap <- function(x1, y1, sw1, sh1) {
      if (!use.r.layout)
        return(is_overlap(x1, y1, sw1, sh1, boxes))
      s <- 0
      if (length(boxes) == 0)
      for (i in c(last, 1:length(boxes))) {
        bnds <- boxes[[i]]
        x2 <- bnds[1]
        y2 <- bnds[2]
        sw2 <- bnds[3]
        sh2 <- bnds[4]
        if (x1 < x2)
          overlap <- x1 + sw1 > x2 - s
          overlap <- x2 + sw2 > x1 - s
        if (y1 < y2)
          overlap <- overlap && (y1 + sh1 > y2 - s)
          overlap <- overlap && (y2 + sh2 > y1 - s)
        if (overlap) {
          last <<- i
    ord <- rank(-freq, ties.method = "random")
    words <- words[ord <= max.words]
    freq <- freq[ord <= max.words]
    if (ordered.colors) {
      colors <- colors[ord <= max.words]
    if (random.order)
      ord <- sample.int(length(words))
      ord <- order(freq, decreasing = TRUE)
    words <- words[ord]
    freq <- freq[ord]
    words <- words[freq >= min.freq]
    freq <- freq[freq >= min.freq]
    if (ordered.colors) {
      colors <- colors[ord][freq >= min.freq]
    thetaStep <- .1
    rStep <- .05
    op <- par("mar")
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    if (fixed.asp)
      plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), asp = 1)
      plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
    normedFreq <- freq / max(freq)
    size <- (scale[1] - scale[2]) * normedFreq + scale[2]
    boxes <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(words)) {
      rotWord <- runif(1) < rot.per
      r <- 0
      theta <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
      x1 <- .5
      y1 <- .5
      wid <- strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
      ht <- strheight(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
      #mind your ps and qs
      if (grepl(tails, words[i]))
        ht <- ht + ht * .2
      if (rotWord) {
        tmp <- ht
        ht <- wid
        wid <- tmp
      isOverlaped <- TRUE
      while (isOverlaped) {
        if (!overlap(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht) &&
            x1 - .5 * wid > 0 && y1 - .5 * ht > 0 &&
            x1 + .5 * wid < 1 && y1 + .5 * ht < 1) {
          if (!random.color) {
            if (ordered.colors) {
              cc <- colors[i]
            else {
              cc <- ceiling(nc * normedFreq[i])
              cc <- colors[cc]
          } else {
            cc <- colors[sample(1:nc, 1)]
            cex = size[i],
            offset = 0,
            srt = rotWord * 90,
            col = cc,
          boxes[[length(boxes) + 1]] <- c(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht)
          isOverlaped <- FALSE
        } else{
          if (r > sqrt(.5)) {
                          "could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."))
            isOverlaped <- FALSE
          theta <- theta + thetaStep
          r <- r + rStep * thetaStep / (2 * pi)
          x1 <- .5 + r * cos(theta)
          y1 <- .5 + r * sin(theta)
    par(mar = op)

#Call down to c++ to find out if any overplotting would occur
#.overlap <- function(x11,y11,sw11,sh11,boxes1){
#	.Call("is_overlap",x11,y11,sw11,sh11,boxes1)

#a word cloud showing the common words among documents
commonality.cloud <-
           comonality.measure = min,
           max.words = 300,
           ...) {
    ndoc <- ncol(term.matrix)
    for (i in 1:ndoc) {
      term.matrix[, i] <- term.matrix[, i] / sum(term.matrix[, i])
    freq <- apply(term.matrix, 1, function(x)
    freq <- freq + min(freq)
    wordcloud(rownames(term.matrix)[freq > 0],
              freq[freq > 0],
              min.freq = 0,
              max.words = max.words,

#a cloud comparing the frequencies of words across documents
comparison.cloud <-
           scale = c(4, .5),
           max.words = 300,
           random.order = FALSE,
           rot.per = .1,
           colors = brewer.pal(max(3, ncol(term.matrix)), "Dark2"),
           use.r.layout = FALSE,
           title.size = 3,
           title.colors = NULL,
           match.colors = FALSE,
           title.bg.colors = "grey90",
           ...) {
    ndoc <- ncol(term.matrix)
    thetaBins <- seq(from = 0,
                     to = 2 * pi,
                     length = ndoc + 1)
    for (i in 1:ndoc) {
      term.matrix[, i] <- term.matrix[, i] / sum(term.matrix[, i])
    mean.rates <- rowMeans(term.matrix)
    for (i in 1:ndoc) {
      term.matrix[, i] <- term.matrix[, i] - mean.rates
    group <- apply(term.matrix, 1, function(x)
    words <- rownames(term.matrix)
    freq <- apply(term.matrix, 1, function(x)
    tails <- "g|j|p|q|y"
    last <- 1
    nc <- length(colors)
    overlap <- function(x1, y1, sw1, sh1) {
      if (!use.r.layout)
        return(is_overlap(x1, y1, sw1, sh1, boxes))
      s <- 0
      if (length(boxes) == 0)
      for (i in c(last, 1:length(boxes))) {
        bnds <- boxes[[i]]
        x2 <- bnds[1]
        y2 <- bnds[2]
        sw2 <- bnds[3]
        sh2 <- bnds[4]
        if (x1 < x2)
          overlap <- x1 + sw1 > x2 - s
          overlap <- x2 + sw2 > x1 - s
        if (y1 < y2)
          overlap <- overlap && (y1 + sh1 > y2 - s)
          overlap <- overlap && (y2 + sh2 > y1 - s)
        if (overlap) {
          last <<- i
    ord <- rank(-freq, ties.method = "random")
    words <- words[ord <= max.words]
    freq <- freq[ord <= max.words]
    group <- group[ord <= max.words]
    if (random.order) {
      ord <- sample.int(length(words))
    } else{
      ord <- order(freq, decreasing = TRUE)
    words <- words[ord]
    freq <- freq[ord]
    group <- group[ord]
    thetaStep <- .05
    rStep <- .05
    op <- par("mar")
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), asp = 1)
    normedFreq <- freq / max(freq)
    size <- (scale[1] - scale[2]) * normedFreq + scale[2]
    boxes <- list()
    #add titles
    docnames <- colnames(term.matrix)
    if (!is.null(title.colors)) {
      title.colors <- rep(title.colors, length.out = ndoc)
    title.bg.colors <- rep(title.bg.colors, length.out = ndoc)
    for (i in 1:ndoc) {
      th <- mean(thetaBins[i:(i + 1)])
      word <- docnames[i]
      wid <- strwidth(word, cex = title.size) * 1.2
      ht <- strheight(word, cex = title.size) * 1.2
      x1 <- .5 + .45 * cos(th)
      y1 <- .5 + .45 * sin(th)
      rect(x1 - .5 * wid,
           y1 - .5 * ht,
           x1 + .5 * wid,
           y1 + .5 * ht,
           col = title.bg.colors[i],
           border = "transparent")
      if (is.null(title.colors)) {
        if (match.colors) {
          text(x1, y1, word, cex = title.size, col = colors[i])
        } else{
          text(x1, y1, word, cex = title.size)
      } else{
        text(x1, y1, word, cex = title.size, col = title.colors[i])
      boxes[[length(boxes) + 1]] <- c(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht)
    for (i in 1:length(words)) {
      rotWord <- runif(1) < rot.per
      r <- 0
      theta <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
      x1 <- .5
      y1 <- .5
      wid <- strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
      ht <- strheight(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
      #mind your ps and qs
      if (grepl(tails, words[i]))
        ht <- ht + ht * .2
      if (rotWord) {
        tmp <- ht
        ht <- wid
        wid <- tmp
      isOverlaped <- TRUE
      while (isOverlaped) {
        inCorrectRegion <-
          theta > thetaBins[group[i]] && theta < thetaBins[group[i] + 1]
        if (inCorrectRegion && !overlap(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht) &&
            x1 - .5 * wid > 0 && y1 - .5 * ht > 0 &&
            x1 + .5 * wid < 1 && y1 + .5 * ht < 1) {
            cex = size[i],
            offset = 0,
            srt = rotWord * 90,
            col = colors[group[i]],
          boxes[[length(boxes) + 1]] <- c(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht)
          isOverlaped <- FALSE
        } else{
          if (r > sqrt(.5)) {
                          "could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."))
            isOverlaped <- FALSE
          theta <- theta + thetaStep
          if (theta > 2 * pi)
            theta <- theta - 2 * pi
          r <- r + rStep * thetaStep / (2 * pi)
          x1 <- .5 + r * cos(theta)
          y1 <- .5 + r * sin(theta)
    par(mar = op)

wordlayout <- function(x,
                       cex = 1,
                       rotate90 = FALSE,
                       xlim = c(-Inf, Inf),
                       ylim = c(-Inf, Inf),
                       tstep = .1,
                       rstep = .1,
                       ...) {
  tails <- "g|j|p|q|y"
  n <- length(words)
  sdx <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  sdy <- sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (sdx == 0)
    sdx <- 1
  if (sdy == 0)
    sdy <- 1
  if (length(cex) == 1)
    cex <- rep(cex, n)
  if (length(rotate90) == 1)
    rotate90 <- rep(rotate90, n)
  boxes <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(words)) {
    rotWord <- rotate90[i]
    r <- 0
    theta <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
    x1 <- xo <- x[i]
    y1 <- yo <- y[i]
    wid <- strwidth(words[i], cex = cex[i], ...)
    ht <- strheight(words[i], cex = cex[i], ...)
    #mind your ps and qs
    if (grepl(tails, words[i]))
      ht <- ht + ht * .2
    if (rotWord) {
      tmp <- ht
      ht <- wid
      wid <- tmp
    isOverlaped <- TRUE
    while (isOverlaped) {
      if (!is_overlap(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht, boxes) &&
          x1 - .5 * wid > xlim[1] && y1 - .5 * ht > ylim[1] &&
          x1 + .5 * wid < xlim[2] && y1 + .5 * ht < ylim[2]) {
        boxes[[length(boxes) + 1]] <- c(x1 - .5 * wid, y1 - .5 * ht, wid, ht)
        isOverlaped <- FALSE
      } else{
        theta <- theta + tstep
        r <- r + rstep * tstep / (2 * pi)
        x1 <- xo + sdx * r * cos(theta)
        y1 <- yo + sdy * r * sin(theta)
  result <- do.call(rbind, boxes)
  colnames(result) <- c("x", "y", "width", "ht")
  rownames(result) <- words

textplot <-
           cex = 1,
           new = TRUE,
           show.lines = TRUE,
           ...) {
    if (new)
      plot(x, y, type = "n", ...)
    lay <- wordlayout(x, y, words, cex, ...)
    if (show.lines) {
      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        xl <- lay[i, 1]
        yl <- lay[i, 2]
        w <- lay[i, 3]
        h <- lay[i, 4]
        if (x[i] < xl || x[i] > xl + w ||
            y[i] < yl || y[i] > yl + h) {
                 pch = 16,
                 col = "red",
                 cex = .5)
          nx <- xl + .5 * w
          ny <- yl + .5 * h
          lines(c(x[i], nx), c(y[i], ny), col = "grey")
    text(lay[, 1] + .5 * lay[, 3], lay[, 2] + .5 * lay[, 4], words, cex = cex, ...)

Try the wordcloud package in your browser

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wordcloud documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:47 p.m.