
Defines functions reorgByCluNo

Documented in reorgByCluNo

#' Reorganize matrix according to clustering-output
#' Reorganize input matrix as sorted by cluster numbers (and geometric mean) according to vector with cluster names, and index for sorting per cluster and per geometric mean.
#' In case \code{mat} is an array, the 3rd dimension will be considered as 'column' with arguments \code{useColumn} ( and \code{cluNo}, if it designs a 'column' of mat).
#' @param mat (matrix or data.frame) main input
#' @param cluNo (positive integer, length to match nrow(dat) initial cluster numbers for each line of 'mat' (obtained by separate clustering or other segmentation) or may desinn column of \code{mat} to use as cluster-numbers
#' @param useColumn (character or integer) the columns to use from \code{mat} as main data (default will use all, exept \code{cluCol} and/or \code{meanCol} if they design columns))
#' @param meanCol (character or integer) alternative summarizing data for intra-cluster sorting (instead of geometric mean)
#' @param addInfo (logical) allows adding of columns 'index', 'geoMean' and 'cluNo'  (or array if \code{FALSE}) 

#' @param retList (logical) return as list of matrixes (or array if \code{FALSE}) 
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @param debug (logical) additional messages for debugging 
#' @return This function returns a list or array (as 2- or 3 dim) with possible number of occurances for each of the 3 elements in nMax. Read results vertical : out[[1]] or out[,,1] .. (multiplicative) table for 1st element of nMax; out[,,2] .. for 2nd
#' @seealso pairwise combinations \code{\link[utils]{combn}}, clustering \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}} 
#' @examples
#' dat1 <- matrix(round(runif(24),2), ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL,letters[1:3]))
#' clu <- stats::kmeans(dat1, 5)$cluster
#' reorgByCluNo(dat1, clu) 
#' dat2 <- cbind(dat1, clu=clu) 
#' reorgByCluNo(dat2, "clu") 
#' @export
reorgByCluNo <- function(mat, cluNo, useColumn=NULL, meanCol=NULL, addInfo=TRUE, retList=FALSE, silent=FALSE, callFrom=NULL, debug=FALSE) {
  ## reorganize input matrix as sorted by cluster numbers (and geometric mean) according to vector with cluster names, and index for sorting per cluster and per geometric mean
  fxNa <- .composeCallName(callFrom, newNa="reorgByCluNo")
  iniCla <- inherits(mat, "data.frame")
  chDim <- dim(mat)
  dataOK <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(length(chDim) >1) if(all(chDim >1)) dataOK <- TRUE
  ## extract cluNo
  if(dataOK & length(cluNo)==1) {
    cluN <- if(is.character(cluNo)) which(dimnames(mat)[[length(chDim)]]==cluNo) else cluNo
    if(length(chDim) ==3) { cluNo <- mat[,1,cluN]; mat <- mat[,,-cluN] 
    } else { cluNo <- mat[,cluN]; mat <- mat[,-cluN] } }   
  if(dataOK) if(length(cluNo) != nrow(mat)) dataOK <- FALSE 
  ## extract meanCol
  if(dataOK & length(meanCol)==1) {
    meanC <- if(is.character(meanCol)) which(dimnames(mat)[[length(chDim)]]==meanCol) else meanCol
    if(length(chDim) ==3) { meanCol <- mat[,1,meanC]; mat <- mat[,,-meanC] 
    } else { meanCol <- mat[,meanC]; mat <- mat[,-meanC] } }   
  if(dataOK & length(meanCol) >0) {if(length(meanCol) != nrow(mat)) dataOK <- FALSE }
  if(debug) {message(fxNa,"rbc1")}
  ## main
    if(length(useColumn) <1) useColumn <- 1:ncol(mat)
    mat1 <- if(length(chDim) ==3) mat[,,useColumn] else mat[,useColumn]
    if(length(dim(mat1)) <1) mat1 <- matrix(mat1, ncol=1, dimnames=list(rownames(mat1), colnames(mat)[useColumn]))
    nClu <- length(unique(naOmit(cluNo)))
    if(!isFALSE(addInfo)) {
      ## construct geometric mean for sorting (if not provided externally)
      geoMe <- if(length(meanCol)==nrow(mat)) meanCol else apply(mat1, 1, function(x) prod(x,na.rm=TRUE)^(1/sum(!is.na(x))))
      if(length(dim(geoMe)) >1) geoM <- rowMeans(geoMe, na.rm=TRUE)
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"rbc2")}
      ## assemble main data
      mat1 <- cbind(mat1, index=1:nrow(mat), geoMean=geoMe)    
      ## 1: split in list, determine clu median, overall score & sort clusters  
      cluL <- by(mat1, cluNo, as.matrix)
      clTab <- table(cluNo)               
      if(length(clTab) < max(cluNo) & !silent) message(fxNa," Note: Some cluster-names seem to be absent (no-consecutive numbers for names) !")
      ## need to correct when single occurance
      if(any(clTab ==1)) for(i in which(clTab ==1)) cluL[[i]] <- matrix(cluL[[i]], nrow=1, dimnames=list(rownames(mat1)[which(cluNo==i)], colnames(mat1)))
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"rbc3")}
      ## sort intra
      cluL <- lapply(cluL, function(x) if(nrow(x) >1) x[order(x[,ncol(x)], decreasing=TRUE),] else x)
      ## sort inter
      cluL <- cluL[order(sapply(cluL, function(x) stats::median(x[,ncol(x)], na.rm=TRUE)), decreasing=TRUE)]        
      names(cluL) <- 1:length(cluL)
      nByClu  <- sapply(cluL, nrow)
    } else {
      fOrg <- if(is.data.frame(mat1)) as.data.frame else as.matrix
      cluL <- by(mat1, cluNo, fOrg)
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"rbc4"); rbc4 <- list(mat=mat,cluNo=cluNo,cluL=cluL,nByClu=nByClu,clTab=clTab,geoMe=geoMe,nClu=nClu)}

    if(isTRUE(retList)) { out <- cluL
      for(i in 1:nClu) out[[i]] <- if(!isFALSE(addInfo)) cbind(out[[i]][,-1], cluNo=i) else out[[i]][,-1]
      if(iniCla) out <- lapply(out, convMatr2df, addIniNa=FALSE, silent=silent, callFrom=fxNa) 
    } else {
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"rbc5")}
      out <- lrbind(cluL, silent=silent, callFrom=fxNa)
      if(!isFALSE(addInfo)) out <- cbind(out, cluNo=rep(1:nClu, nByClu)) }
  } else {out <- NULL; if(!silent) message(fxNa," invalid input, returning NULL")}
  out }

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