
Defines functions encode_file encode_reg encode_images clean_env_images process_slide flatten_chunk slide_navigate slide_context is_package open_file pkg_file file_content split_lines highlight_output highlight_code summon_remark sample2 yolofy yolo split_yaml_body check_builtin_css list_css css_deps pkg_resource

Documented in summon_remark

#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom xfun read_utf8 write_utf8 normalize_path prose_index protect_math

pkg_resource = function(...) system.file(
  'rmarkdown', 'templates', 'xaringan', 'resources', ..., package = 'xaringan',
  mustWork = TRUE

css_deps = function(theme) {
    'remark-css', '0.0.1', pkg_resource(), stylesheet = paste0(theme, '.css'),
    all_files = FALSE

list_css = function() {
  css = list.files(pkg_resource(), '[.]css$', full.names = TRUE)
  setNames(css, gsub('.css$', '', basename(css)))

check_builtin_css = function(theme) {
  valid = names(list_css())
  if (length(invalid <- setdiff(theme, valid)) == 0) return()
  invalid = invalid[1]
  maybe = sort(agrep(invalid, valid, value = TRUE))[1]
  hint = if (is.na(maybe)) '' else paste0('; did you mean "', maybe, '"?')
    '"', invalid, '" is not a valid xaringan theme', if (hint != "") hint else ".",
    " Use `xaringan:::list_css()` to view all built-in themes.", call. = FALSE

split_yaml_body = function(file) {
  x = readLines(file, encoding = 'UTF-8')
  i = grep('^---\\s*$', x)
  n = length(x)
  if (length(i) < 2) {
    list(yaml = character(), body = x)
  } else {
    list(yaml = x[i[1]:i[2]], body = if (i[2] == n) character() else x[(i[2] + 1):n])

karl = 'https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/releases/download/v0.0.2/karl-moustache.jpg'

yolo = function(img = karl, ...) {
  knitr::include_graphics(img, ...)

yolofy = function(x, config) {
  if (!is.list(config)) config = list(times = config, img = karl)
  n = as.numeric(config$times); img = config$img
  if (!is.character(img)) img = karl
  if (n <= 0) return(x)
  i = grep('^---$', x)
  b = sprintf('background-image: url(%s)', img)
  if (length(i) == 0) return(c(x, '---', b))
  if (n < 1) n = ceiling(n * length(i))
  n = min(n, length(i))
  j = sample2(i, n)
  # randomly add Karl above or below a slide
  x[j] = paste(c('---', b, '---'), collapse = '\n')

# sample() without surprise
sample2 = function(x, size, ...) {
  if (length(x) == 1) {
    rep(x, size)  # should consider replace = FALSE in theory
  } else sample(x, size, ...)

#' Summon remark.js to your local disk
#' Download a version of the remark.js script to your local disk, so you can
#' render slides offline. You need to change the \code{chakra} argument of
#' \code{\link{moon_reader}()} after downloading remark.js.
#' @param version The version of remark.js (e.g. \code{latest}, \code{0.13}, or
#'   \code{0.14.1}).
#' @param to The destination directory.
#' @export
summon_remark = function(version = 'latest', to = 'libs/') {
  name = sprintf('remark-%s.min.js', version)
  if (!utils::file_test('-d', to)) dir.create(to, recursive = TRUE)
    paste0('https://remarkjs.com/downloads/', name),
    file.path(to, name)

# replace {{code}} with *code so that this line can be highlighted in remark.js;
# this also works with multiple lines
highlight_code = function(x) {
  x = paste0('\n', x)  # prepend \n and remove it later
  r = '(\n)([ \t]*)\\{\\{(.+?)\\}\\}(?=(\n|$))'
  m = gregexpr(r, x, perl = TRUE)
  regmatches(x, m) = lapply(regmatches(x, m), function(z) {
    z = gsub(r, '\\1\\2\\3', z, perl = TRUE)  # remove {{ and }}
    z = gsub('\n', '\n*', z)     # add * after every \n
  x = gsub('^\n', '', x)
  # adds support for `#<<` line highlight marker at line end in code segments
  # catch `#<<` at end of the line but ignores lines that start with `*` since
  # they came from above
  x = gsub('^\\s?([^*].+?)\\s*#<<\\s*$', '*\\1', split_lines(x))
  paste(x, collapse = '\n')

highlight_output = function(x, options) {
  if (is.null(i <- options$highlight.output) || isFALSE(i)) return(x)
  x = split_lines(x)
  x[i] = paste0('*', x[i])
  paste(x, collapse = '\n')

# make sure blank lines and trailing \n are not removed by strsplit()
split_lines = function(x) {
  unlist(strsplit(paste0(x, '\n'), '\n'))

file_content = function(file) {
  paste(unlist(lapply(file, read_utf8)), collapse = '\n')

pkg_file = function(file) file_content(pkg_resource(file))

open_file = function(path){
  if (xfun::is_windows()) {
  } else {
    system2(if (xfun::is_macos()) 'open' else 'xdg-open', shQuote(path))

# does the current dir look like an R package dir?
is_package = function() {
  all(c(file.exists(c('DESCRIPTION', 'NAMESPACE')), dir.exists(c('R', 'inst'))))

# obtain the context of Rmd for xaringan slides
slide_context = function(ctx = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()) {
  x = ctx$contents
  if (length(x) < 3 || length(s <- which(x == '---')) < 2 || s[1] != 1) return()
  if (length(grep(' xaringan::.+', x[1:s[2]])) == 0) return()
  l = ctx$selection[[1]]$range$end[1]  # line number of cursor
  i = prose_index(x, warn = FALSE); x2 = x; if (length(i)) x2[-i] = ''
  s = grep('^---?$', x2)  # line numbers of slide separators; first two are YAML

  # remove hidden slides from the source
  k = unlist(lapply(grep(reg_hidden, x2), function(i) {
    i1 = tail(s[s < i], 1); if (length(i1) == 0) i1 = 1
    i2 = head(s[s > i], 1); if (length(i2) == 0) i2 = length(x)
    (i1 + 1):i2
  if (length(k)) {
    x[k] = ''; x2[k] = ''; s = grep('^---?$', x2)

  i = which(x2 == '---')
  n = max(sum(s <= l), 1)
  i1 = tail(i[i <= l], 1); if (length(i1) == 0) i1 = 1
  i2 = s[n + 1]; if (is.na(i2)) i2 = length(x)
  txt = x[i1:i2]; i = grep('^---?$', txt)
  if (length(i)) txt = txt[-i]
  o = getOption('xaringan.page_number.offset', 0L)
  # total # of pages; current page #; Markdown content of current page
    N = as.integer(length(s) + o), n = n + o, c = if (i1 > 1) txt

reg_hidden = '^(layout|exclude): true\\s*$'

slide_navigate = function(ctx = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext(), message) {
  if (!is.list(message) || !is.numeric(p <- message$n)) return()
  sel = ctx$selection[[1]]
  if (sel$text != '') return()  # when user has selected some text, don't navigate
  l = sel$range$end[1]; x = ctx$contents
  i = prose_index(x, warn = FALSE); x2 = x; if (length(i)) x2[-i] = ''
  s = grep('^---?$', x2); o = getOption('xaringan.page_number.offset', 0L)
  k = unlist(lapply(grep(reg_hidden, x2), function(i) sum(s < i)))
  k = unique(k[k > 0])
  if (length(k)) s = s[-k]
  if (length(s) + o != message$N) return()
  n = max(sum(s <= l), 1); p = p - o
  # don't move cursor if already on the current page
  if (n != p && p <= length(s))
    rstudioapi::setCursorPosition(rstudioapi::document_position(s[p] + 1, 1))

flatten_chunk = function(x) {
  if (length(i <- grep(knitr::all_patterns$md$chunk.begin, x)) == 0) return(x)
  k = grepl('\\W(echo|include)\\s*=\\s*FALSE\\W', x[i])
  x[i][!k] = gsub('\\{.+', '', x[i][!k])
  x[i][k]  = gsub('\\{.+', '.hidden', x[i][k])

process_slide = function(x) {
  x = protect_math(flatten_chunk(x))
  paste(x, collapse = '\n')

# store the base64 data of images (indexed by image paths)
env_images = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
clean_env_images = function() {
  rm(list = ls(env_images, all.names = TRUE), envir = env_images)
url_token = 'data:image/png;base64,#'

# find images in Markdown, encode them in base64, and store the data in JSON
# (the data will be used when post-processing remark.js slides in browser)
encode_images = function(x) {
  # only process prose lines and not code blocks
  if (length(p <- prose_index(x)) == 0) return(x)
  xp = x[p]
  # opening and closing tags of images and other media
  rs = matrix(c(
    '!\\[.*?\\]\\(', '\\)',
    '<img .*?src\\s*=\\s*"', '".*?/>',
    rbind(sprintf('<%s .*?src\\s*=\\s*"', c('audio', 'video', 'source')), '".*?>'),
    '^background-image: url\\("?', '"?\\)'
  ), 2)
  rs = paste0('(?<!`)(', rs[1, ], ')(.*?)(', rs[2, ], ')(?!`)')
  for (r in rs) xp = encode_reg(r, xp)
  x[p] = xp

# given a regex for images, base64 encode these images
encode_reg = function(r, x) {
  m = gregexpr(r, x, perl = TRUE)
  regmatches(x, m) = lapply(regmatches(x, m), function(imgs) {
    if ((n <- length(imgs)) == 0) return(imgs)
    x1 = gsub(r, '\\1', imgs, perl = TRUE)
    x2 = gsub(r, '\\2', imgs, perl = TRUE)
    x3 = gsub(r, '\\3', imgs, perl = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      f = x2[i]
      if (f == '') next  # src shouldn't be empty
      # don't re-encode if the file has been encoded previously
      if (!(ok <- !is.null(env_images[[f]]))) {
        b = encode_file(f)
        if (b == f) next
        env_images[[f]] = b
        ok = TRUE
      # dirty hack: hide paths after a base64 string and we'll replace it
      # will the actual base64 data after the slides are rendered in browser
      if (ok) x2[i] = paste0(url_token, f)
    paste0(x1, x2, x3)

encode_file = function(x) {
  if (grepl('^data:[^/]+/[^;]+;base64,', x)) return(x)  # already encoded
  tf = x
  if (grepl('^https?://.+', x)) {
    tf = tempfile(fileext = xfun::url_filename(x))
    xfun::download_file(x, tf, mode = 'wb', quiet = TRUE)
    on.exit(unlink(tf), add = TRUE)
  if (!file.exists(tf)) {
    warning('Failed to encode the file ', x)

Try the xaringan package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xaringan documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:59 a.m.