
## Emilio Torres Manzanera
## University of Oviedo
## Time-stamp: <2018-05-23 17:37 emilio on emilio-despacho>
## ============================================================

##' Plot the axis
##' This function plots the axis
##' It plots the axis of the graph.
##' @param xrange The range of the X axe.
##' @param yrange The range of the Y axe.
##' @param ... Other arguments.
##' @return A layer with the axis.
##' @import ggplot2
##' @import extrafont
##' @importFrom Hmisc bezier
##' @importFrom stats runif
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' xrange <- range(mtcars$mpg)
##' yrange <- range(mtcars$wt)
##' p <- ggplot() +
##'      geom_point(aes(mpg, wt), data=mtcars) +
##'      xkcdaxis(xrange,yrange)
##' p
##' }
xkcdaxis <- function(xrange, yrange, ...) {
    if( is.null(xrange) | is.null(yrange) )
        stop("Arguments are: xrange, yrange")
    xjitteramount <- diff(xrange)/50
    yjitteramount <- diff(yrange)/50
    ## This cause R CMD check to give the note
    ## 'no visible binding for global variable'
    ## Notes do not forbbiden the submission
    ## I will follow this suggestion:
    ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439256/how-can-i-handle-r-cmd-check-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-notes-when
    ##mappingsegment <- aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend) ## Put it within a with!!!

    ## dataaxex <- data.frame(xbegin=xrange[1]-xjitteramount,
    ##                        ybegin=yrange[1]-yjitteramount,
    ##                        xend=xrange[2]+xjitteramount,
    ##                        yend=yrange[1]-yjitteramount)
    ## mappingsegment <- with(dataaxex, aes(xbegin=xbegin,ybegin=ybegin,xend=xend,yend=yend))
    dataaxex <- data.frame(x=xrange[1]-xjitteramount,
    mappingsegment <- with(dataaxex, aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend))
    axex <- xkcdline(mappingsegment, dataaxex, yjitteramount = yjitteramount, mask = FALSE, ... )
    dataaxey <- data.frame(x=xrange[1]-xjitteramount,
    mappingsegment <- with(dataaxey, aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend))
    axey <- xkcdline(mappingsegment, dataaxey, xjitteramount = xjitteramount, mask = FALSE, ... )
    coordcarte <- coord_cartesian(xlim = xrange + 1.5*c(-xjitteramount,xjitteramount),
                                  ylim = yrange + 1.5*c(-yjitteramount,yjitteramount))
    list(c(axex,axey), coordcarte,theme_xkcd())

## Therefore, we get a data frame with the default names of the mapping
## and a new mapping with the names by default
## For instance
## mapping <- aes(x= x1 +y1, y = y1) -> mapping <- aes(x= x, y = y)
## data[ , c("x1","y1","color")]  -> data[, c("x","y","x1","y1","color")]
createdefaultmappinganddata <- function(mapping, data, mandatoryarguments =c("x","y")) {

    ## Check the names of the aes
    nm <- names(mapping)
    positionswithoutname <- (1:length(nm))[nm==""]
    failsthisarguments <- mandatoryarguments[ !(mandatoryarguments %in% nm) ]
    if(length(failsthisarguments) != length(positionswithoutname))
        stop(paste("Argumenst of aes are ", paste(mandatoryarguments, collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    names(mapping)[positionswithoutname] <- failsthisarguments
    ## New names
    namesmapping <- names(mapping)

    ## Create a new data
    ## For each name of the mapping, evaluate it and create a new data base
    ## with the names of the mapping.
    ## dataaes <- as.data.frame(lapply(mapping, function(xnamedataxkcdveryrare.327) with(data, eval(xnamedataxkcdveryrare.327))))  # ggplot2 version <=2.2.1
    dataaes <- as.data.frame(lapply(mapping,

    ## Add the rest of variables of the data base

    variablestocbind <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% namesmapping)]
    dataaes[, variablestocbind] <- data[,variablestocbind]
    ## Now, it creates a new mapping with the default variables x=x, y=x, yend=yend, and so on.
    ## See the definition of the function ggplot2::aes_string
    parsed <- lapply(namesmapping, function(x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
    names(parsed) <- namesmapping
    newmapping <- structure(parsed, class = "uneval")
    list(mapping = newmapping, data = dataaes)

## Apply a FUN to each row of the DATA
## If the arguments of the FUN are in the DATA and in the ELLIPSIS
## only use the variable of the DATA
## If doitalsoforoptargs = TRUE, then try to get the row of the ELLIPSIS variable
## when applying the function FUN to each row of the DATA.
## Otherwise, use the original ELLIPSIS variable
## when calling the function FUN
doforeachrow <- function(data, fun, doitalsoforoptargs, ...) {
    ## Do not pass the variables of the ELLIPSIS
    ## that are they are in the DATA
    argList <- list(...)
    for( i in intersect(names(data), names(argList) ) )
        argList[i] <- NULL
    if(doitalsoforoptargs) {
        ## If there are variable of ELLIPSIS with the same length than the data base
        ## copy them to the data base and delete them from the ELLIPSIS
        for( i in  names(argList) ) {
                if(length(argList[[i]]) == 1
                   | length(argList[[i]]) == dim(data)[1] ) {
                    data[,i] <-  argList[[i]]
                    argList[i] <- NULL
    ## Now, apply for each row the FUN
           function(i, data, fun,  argList) {
               largstopass <- as.list(data[i,,])
               mylistofargs <- c(largstopass, argList)
               ## Arguments of the function?
               fcn <- get(fun, mode = "function")
               argsfcntt <-  names(formals(fcn))
               if( "..." %in% argsfcntt ) do.call(fun, mylistofargs)
               else { ## we can only pass the arguments of the function
                   for( i in names(mylistofargs)[ !(names(mylistofargs) %in% argsfcntt )])
                       mylistofargs[i] <- NULL
                   do.call(fun, mylistofargs)
           data = data,
           fun = fun,
           argList = unlist(argList)

## ggplot version <= 2.2.1
mappingjoin <- function(x,y) {
    nm1 <- names(x)
    nm2 <- names(y)
    for( i in intersect(nm1,nm2)) y[[i]] <- NULL
    parsed <- lapply(c(x,y), function(x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
    structure(parsed, class = "uneval")

mappingjoin2 <- function ( y)
    y[["xend"]]  <- NULL
    y[["yend"]] <- NULL
    y[["diameter"]] <- NULL
    y[["scale"]] <- NULL
    y[["ratioxy"]]  <-  NULL
    y[["angleofspine"]]  <-  NULL
    y[["anglerighthumerus"]]  <-  NULL
    y[["anglelefthumerus"]]  <- NULL
    y[["anglerightradius"]]  <- NULL
    y[["angleleftradius"]]  <- NULL
    y[["anglerightleg"]]  <- NULL
    y[["angleleftleg"]]  <- NULL
    y[["angleofneck"]]  <- NULL

pointscircunference <- function(x =0, y=0, diameter = 1, ratioxy=1, npoints = 16, alpha=  runif(1, 0, pi/2)){
    ##require(Hmisc) # bezier
    center <- c(x,y)
    r <- rep( diameter / 2, npoints )
    tt <- seq(alpha,2*pi + alpha,length.out = npoints)
    r <- jitter(r)
    sector <-  tt > alpha & tt <= ( pi/ 2 + alpha)
    r[ sector ] <- r[sector] * 1.05
    sector <-  tt > ( 2 * pi/2 + alpha)  & tt < (3* pi/ 2 +alpha)
    r[ sector ] <- r[sector] * 0.95
    xx <- center[1] + r * cos(tt) * ratioxy
    yy <- center[2] + r * sin(tt)
    ##return(data.frame(x = xx, y = yy))
    return(data.frame(bezier(x = xx, y =yy,evaluation=60)))

pointssegment <- function(x, y, xend, yend, npoints = 10, xjitteramount= 0, yjitteramount=0, bezier = TRUE) {
    ##require(Hmisc) # bezier
    if(npoints < 2 )
        stop("npoints must be greater than 1")
    ## If there are no jitters, do not interpolate
    if( xjitteramount == 0 & yjitteramount == 0) npoints <- 2
    xbegin <- x
    ybegin <- y
    x <- seq(xbegin,xend,length.out = npoints)
    if( (xend - xbegin) != 0 ) {
        y <- (yend - ybegin) * ( x - xbegin ) / (xend - xbegin) + ybegin
    } else {
        y <-  seq(ybegin, yend, length.out = npoints)
    if(xjitteramount !=0) x <- jitter(x, amount=xjitteramount)
    if(yjitteramount !=0) y <- jitter(y, amount=yjitteramount)
    x[1] <- xbegin
    y[1] <- ybegin
    x[length(x)] <- xend
    y[length(y)] <- yend
    if(bezier & length(x)>2 & (xjitteramount != 0 | yjitteramount != 0)) {
        data <- data.frame(bezier(x=x, y=y, evaluation=30))
    else data <- data.frame(x=x,y=y)

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xkcd documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:43 a.m.