
Defines functions crosstype addlog convertxoloc countxo inferxoloc.F2 find.breaks.F2 find.breaks

Documented in convertxoloc countxo find.breaks

## util.R

#' Estimate crossover locations
#' Estimate the locations of crossovers in a backcross.
#' This works only a backcross, RIL, or intercross.  We use the function
#' [qtl::locateXO()] in R/qtl.  Crossovers are estimated to be at the
#' midpoint of the interval between the nearest flanking typed markers.
#' @param cross An object of class `cross`. (This must be a backcross,
#' RIL, or intercross.) See [qtl::read.cross()] for details.
#' @param chr Optional set of chromosomes on which to look for crossovers.  If
#' NULL, all chromosomes are considered.
#' @return If only one chromosome is considered, this is a list with one
#' component for each individual.  If multiple chromosomes were considered,
#' this is a list with one element for each chromosome, each of which is a list
#' with one element for each individual, as above.
#' For backcrosses and RIL, the componenets for the individuals are
#' `numeric(0)` if there were no crossovers or a vector giving the
#' crossover locations.  The length of the chromosome (in cM) is saved as an
#' attribute.  (Note that the format is the same as the output of
#' [simStahl()].)
#' For an intercross, the components for the individuals are themselves lists
#' with all possible allocations of the crossovers to the two meiotic products;
#' each component of this list is itself a list with two components,
#' corresponding to the two meiotic products.
#' @author Karl W Broman, \email{broman@@wisc.edu}
#' @seealso [convertxoloc()], [fitGamma()],
#' [simStahl()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(bssbsb)
#' # crossover locations on chromosome 1
#' xoloc1 <- find.breaks(bssbsb, chr=1)
#' # crossover locations on all chromosomes
#' xoloc <- find.breaks(bssbsb)
#' @import qtl
#' @export
find.breaks <-
    function(cross, chr=NULL)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    type <- crosstype(cross)

    if(!is.null(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    if(type == "f2") return(find.breaks.F2(cross))

    if(type != "bc" && type != "risib" && type != "riself")
        stop("This works only for a backcross or RIL.")

    v <- vector("list", nchr(cross))
    thechr <- names(v) <- names(cross$geno)
    L <- chrlen(cross)
    for(i in seq(along=thechr)) {
        v[[i]] <- locateXO(subset(cross, chr=thechr[i]))
        attr(v[[i]], "L") <- L[i]

    if(length(v)==1) return(v[[1]])

# find breakpoints in F2
find.breaks.F2 <-
    v <- vector("list", nchr(cross))
    names(v) <- thechr <- names(cross$geno)
    L <- chrlen(cross)
    for(i in seq(along=thechr)) {
        v[[i]] <- lapply(locateXO(subset(cross, chr=thechr[i]), full.info=TRUE),
        attr(v[[i]], "L") <- L[i]

    if(length(v)==1) return(v[[1]])

# infer strand-specific XO locations in F2
inferxoloc.F2 <-
    # no XOs
    if(length(fullxoinfo)==0) return(list(list(numeric(0), numeric(0))))

    # 1 XO
    if(nrow(fullxoinfo) == 1) return(list(list(fullxoinfo[1,1], numeric(0))))

    # drop extraneous rows
    fullxoinfo <- fullxoinfo[c(TRUE, fullxoinfo[-nrow(fullxoinfo),4] != fullxoinfo[-1,4]),, drop=FALSE]

    # make sure we have midpoints
    fullxoinfo[,1] <- (fullxoinfo[,2]+fullxoinfo[,3])/2

    xo <- fullxoinfo[,1]
    gleft <- fullxoinfo[,6]
    gright <- fullxoinfo[,7]

    if(gleft[1]==gright[1]+2 || gleft[1]+2==gright[1]) {
        result <- list(list(xo[1], xo[1]))
        last <- list(0)
    else {
        result <- list(list(xo[1], numeric(0)))
        last <- list(1)

    if(nrow(fullxoinfo)==1) return(result)

    for(i in 2:nrow(fullxoinfo)) {
        if(gleft[i]==gright[i]+2 || gleft[i]+2==gright[i]) { # A-B or B-A
            for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                result[[j]][[1]] <- c(result[[j]][[1]], xo[i])
                result[[j]][[2]] <- c(result[[j]][[2]], xo[i])

        else if(gleft[i]==2 && gright[i]==gleft[i-1]) { # A-H-A or B-H-B
            for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                result[[j]][[last[[j]]]] <- c(result[[j]][[last[[j]]]], xo[i])

        else if(gleft[i]==2 && gright[i]!=gleft[i-1]) { # A-H-B or B-H-A
            for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                last[[j]] <- 3 - last[[j]] # put on opposite strand
                result[[j]][[last[[j]]]] <- c(result[[j]][[last[[j]]]], xo[i])

        else if(gleft[i-1]==2 && gright[i]==2) { # H-B-H or H-A-H
            result2add <- result
            last2add <- last
            for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                result[[j]][[1]] <- c(result[[j]][[1]], xo[i])
                last[[j]] <- 1

                result2add[[j]][[2]] <- c(result2add[[j]][[2]], xo[i])
                last2add[[j]] <- 2

            result <- c(result, result2add)
            last <- c(last, last2add)

        else if(gright[i] == 2) { # A-B-H or B-A-H
            if(any(gleft[1:i] == 2)) { # was a previous H; consider both possibilities
                result2add <- result
                last2add <- last
                for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                    result[[j]][[1]] <- c(result[[j]][[1]], xo[i])
                    last[[j]] <- 1

                    result2add[[j]][[2]] <- c(result2add[[j]][[2]], xo[i])
                    last2add[[j]] <- 2

                result <- c(result, result2add)
                last <- c(last, last2add)
            else { # arbitrary
                for(j in seq(along=result)) {
                    result[[j]][[1]] <- c(result[[j]][[1]], xo[i])
                    last[[j]] <- 1

    } # end loop over rows in fullxoinfo


#' Estimate number of crossovers
#' Estimate the number of crossovers in each meiosis in a backcross.
#' This works only a backcross.  We use the internal function (within R/qtl)
#' `locate.xo`.
#' @param cross An object of class `cross`. (This must be a backcross.)
#' See [qtl::read.cross()] for details.
#' @param chr Optional set of chromosomes across which to count crossovers.  If
#' NULL, the total number of crossovers, genome-wide, is counted.
#' @return A vector with the estimated number of crossovers for each
#' individual.
#' @author Karl W Broman, \email{broman@@wisc.edu}
#' @seealso [find.breaks()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(bssbsb)
#' # estimated number of crossovers on chr 1
#' nxo <- countxo(bssbsb, chr=1)
#' # estimated number of crossovers genome-wide
#' nxo <- countxo(bssbsb)
#' @export
countxo <-
    function(cross, chr=NULL)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    type <- crosstype(cross)
    if(type != "bc" && type != "risib" && type != "riself")
        stop("This works only for a backcross or RIL.")

    if(!is.null(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    br <- find.breaks(cross)

    if(!is.list(br[[1]])) return(sapply(br, length))
    apply(sapply(br, sapply, length),1,sum)

#' Convert format of crossover locations data
#' Convert the format of data on crossover locations to that needed for the
#' function \code{\link{fitGamma}.}
#' @param breaks A list of crossover locations, as output by
#' [find.breaks()] or [simStahl()].
#' @return A data frame with two columns: the inter-crossover and crossover-to
#' chromosome end differences (`"distance"`) and indicators of censoring
#' type (`"censor"`), with 0 = distance between crossovers, 1=start of
#' chromosome to first crossover, 2 = crossover to end of chromosome, and 3 =
#' whole chromosome.
#' @author Karl W Broman, \email{broman@@wisc.edu}
#' @seealso [find.breaks()], [fitGamma()],
#' [simStahl()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(bssbsb)
#' # crossover locations on chromosome 1
#' xoloc1 <- convertxoloc(find.breaks(bssbsb, chr=1))
#' # crossover locations on all chromosomes
#' xoloc <- convertxoloc(find.breaks(bssbsb))
#' @export
convertxoloc <-
    f <- function(x, L) {
        if(length(x)==0) return(rbind(L,3))
        else {
            d <- diff(c(0,x,L))
            cen <- c(2, rep(0,length(x)-1), 1)
        } }

    if(is.list(breaks[[1]])) {
        v <- vector("list", length(breaks))
        names(v) <- names(breaks)
        for(i in 1:length(breaks)) {
            v[[i]] <- lapply(breaks[[i]], f, attr(breaks[[i]], "L"))
            v[[i]] <- matrix(unlist(v[[i]]), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
        for(i in 2:length(v))
            v[[1]] <- rbind(v[[1]],v[[i]])
        v <- v[[1]]
    else {
        v <- lapply(breaks, f, attr(breaks, "L"))
        v <- matrix(unlist(v), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
    v <- as.data.frame(v)
    names(v) <- c("distance", "censor")

# addlog: calculates log(sum(exp(input))
addlog <- function(..., threshold=200)
    a <- unlist(list(...))
    if(length(a)<=1) return(a)
    x <- a[1]
    a <- a[-1]
    for(i in seq(along=a)) {
        if(a[i] > x + threshold) x <- a[i]
        else if(x < a[i] + threshold)
            x <- a[i] + log1p(exp(x-a[i]))

# determine cross type
crosstype <-
        type <- class(cross)
        type <- type[type != "cross" & type != "list"]
        if(length(type) > 1) {
            warning("cross has multiple classes")

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