
Defines functions `xtsAttributes<-.xts` `xtsAttributes<-` `xtsAttributes` `xcoredata<-.default` `xcoredata<-` `xcoredata` `xcoredata.default` coredata.xts

Documented in coredata.xts

#   xts: eXtensible time-series
#   Copyright (C) 2008  Jeffrey A. Ryan jeff.a.ryan @ gmail.com
#   Contributions from Joshua M. Ulrich
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Extract/Replace Core Data of an xts Object
#' Mechanism to extract and replace the core data of an xts object.
#' Extract coredata of an xts object - removing all attributes except
#' `dim` and `dimnames` and returning a matrix object with rownames
#' converted from the index of the xts object.
#' The rownames of the result use the format specified by `tformat(x)` when
#' `fmt = TRUE`. When `fmt` is a character string to be passed to `format()`.
#' See [`strptime()`] for valid format strings. Setting `fmt = FALSE` will
#' return the row names by simply coercing the index class to a character
#' string in the default manner.
#' `xcoredata()` is the complement to `coredata()`. It returns all of the
#' attributes normally removed by `coredata()`.  Its purpose, along with the
#' the replacement function `xcoredata<-` is primarily for developers using
#' \pkg{xts}' [`try.xts()`] and [`reclass()`] functionality inside functions
#' so the functions can take any time series class as an input and return the
#' same time series class.
#' @param x An xts object.
#' @param fmt Should the rownames be formated using `tformat()`? Alternatively
#'   a date/time string to be passed to `format()`. See details.
#' @param value Non-core attributes to assign.
#' @param \dots Unused.
#' @return Returns either a matrix object for coredata, or a list of named
#'   attributes.
#' The replacement functions are called for their side-effects.
#' @author Jeffrey A. Ryan
#' @seealso [`coredata()`][zoo::zoo], [`xtsAttributes()`]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(sample_matrix)
#' x <- as.xts(sample_matrix, myattr=100)
#' coredata(x)
#' xcoredata(x)
coredata.xts <- function(x, fmt=FALSE, ...) {
  x.attr <- attributes(x)

  if(is.character(fmt)) {
    tformat(x) <- fmt
    fmt <- TRUE
  if(length(x) > 0 && fmt) {
    if(!is.null(tformat(x))) {
      x.attr$dimnames <- list(format(index(x), format=tformat(x)),
      tformat(x) <- NULL  # remove before printing
    } else {
      x.attr$dimnames <- list(format(index(x)),dimnames(x)[[2]])
      #attributes not to be kept
    original.attr <- x.attr[!names(x.attr) %in%
    if(is.null(dim(x))) {
      xx <- structure(coredata(x), names=x.attr$dimnames[[1]])
    } else {
      xx <- structure(coredata(x), dim=dim(x), dimnames=x.attr$dimnames) 
    for(i in names(original.attr)) {
      attr(xx,i) <- NULL

  if(length(x) == 0) {
    xx <- NextMethod(x)
    attr(xx, ".indexCLASS") <- NULL
    attr(xx, "tclass") <- NULL
    # Remove tz attrs (object created before 0.10-3)
    attr(xx, ".indexTZ") <- NULL
    attr(xx, "tzone") <- NULL
  } else 
  return(.Call(C_coredata_xts, x))


`xcoredata.default` <-
function(x,...) {
  x.attr <- attributes(x)
  original.attr <- x.attr[!names(x.attr) %in%

#' @rdname coredata.xts
`xcoredata` <-
function(x,...) {

#' @rdname coredata.xts
`xcoredata<-` <- function(x,value) {

`xcoredata<-.default` <- function(x,value) {
  if(is.null(value)) {
  } else {
    for(att in names(value)) {
      if(!att %in% c('dim','dimnames'))
        attr(x,att) <- value[[att]]

#' Extract and Replace xts Attributes
#' Extract and replace non-core xts attributes.
#' This function allows users to assign custom attributes to the xts objects,
#' without altering core xts attributes (i.e. tclass, tzone, and tformat).
#' [`attributes()`] returns all attributes, including core attributes of the
#' xts class.
#' @param x An xts object.
#' @param user Should user-defined attributes be returned? The default of
#'   `NULL` returns all xts attributes.
#' @param value A list of new `name = value` attributes.
#' @return A named list of user-defined attributes.
#' @author Jeffrey A. Ryan
#' @seealso [`attributes()`]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' x <- xts(matrix(1:(9*6),nc=6),
#'          order.by=as.Date(13000,origin="1970-01-01")+1:9,
#'          a1='my attribute')
#' xtsAttributes(x)
#' xtsAttributes(x) <- list(a2=2020)
#' xtsAttributes(x)
#' xtsAttributes(x) <- list(a1=NULL)
#' xtsAttributes(x)
`xtsAttributes` <-
function(x, user=NULL) {
  # get all additional attributes not standard to xts object
  rm.attr <- c('dim','dimnames','index','class','names')
  x.attr <- attributes(x)

  if(is.null(user)) {
  # Both xts and user attributes
    rm.attr <- c(rm.attr,'.CLASS','.CLASSnames','.ROWNAMES', '.indexCLASS', '.indexFORMAT', '.indexTZ', 'tzone', 'tclass')
    xa <- x.attr[!names(x.attr) %in% rm.attr]
  if(user) {
  # Only user attributes
    rm.attr <- c(rm.attr,'.CLASS','.CLASSnames','.ROWNAMES', '.indexCLASS', '.indexFORMAT','.indexTZ','tzone','tclass',
    xa <- x.attr[!names(x.attr) %in% rm.attr]
  } else {
  # Only xts attributes
    xa <- x.attr[names(x.attr) %in% x.attr$.CLASSnames]

  if(length(xa) == 0) return(NULL)

#' @rdname xtsAttributes
`xtsAttributes<-` <-
function(x,value) {

`xtsAttributes<-.xts` <-
function(x,value) {
  if(is.null(value)) {
    for(nm in names(xtsAttributes(x))) {
      attr(x,nm) <- NULL
  } else
  for(nv in names(value)) {
    if(!nv %in% c('dim','dimnames','index','class','.CLASS','.ROWNAMES','.CLASSnames'))
      attr(x,nv) <- value[[nv]]
  # Remove tz attrs (object created before 0.10-3)
  attr(x, ".indexTZ") <- NULL
  attr(x, "tzone") <- NULL
  # Remove index class attrs (object created before 0.10-3)
  attr(x, ".indexCLASS") <- NULL
  attr(x, "tclass") <- NULL
  # Remove index format attr (object created before 0.10-3)
  attr(x, ".indexFORMAT") <- NULL

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xts documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:56 a.m.