
Defines functions impute

Documented in impute

# Imputes the observation for a variable from a reference observation to a
# target observation. Also, imputes a value for a reference from other
# references. This practice is useful for validation.
# Arguments:
#   object is of class yai (built using function yai)
#   ancillaryData is a data frame of reference, target, or both observations
#       with variables that may or may not be in original problem.
#       Imputations are made for these variables using the neighbor
#       relationships found in object.
#   method defines how continuous variables are imputed, where:
#       closest     = the value from the nearest neighbor is imputed for
#                     target observations. For reference observations,
#                     the value form the observation itself is excluded.
#                     When k==1, closest is always used. 
#       mean        = the mean of the k neighbors is taken
#       median      = the median of the k neighbors is taken
#       dstWeighted = a weighted average is taken over the k
#                     neighbors where the weights are (1/(1+d))/sum(1/(1+d))
#  method.factor defines how factors are imputed, default is to use the 
#             "method", where: 
#       closest     = same as continous (always used with k==1).
#       mean|median = actually, the mode. The factor level that is the most 
#                     frequent
#       dstWeighted = the factor level with the largest weight, 
#                     where weights are (1/(1+d))/sum(1/(1+d))
#  k is the number of neighbors to use. When NULL, all those available
#    in the yai object are used.
#  vars a character vector of variable names desired. If NULL (the default),
#    then the list is formed by taking all variables in the input object.
#  observed is a flag, when TRUE, the returned data frame includes
#    the observed values (see value, below)
# Value:
#  A data frame of class impute.yai with all variables
#  in the problem or just those listed in "vars" if it is not
#  null. When observed is TRUE, the set of variables
#  is duplicated with .o added to the names and each is
#  the observed value when one exists for the observation.

impute <- function(object,...) UseMethod("impute")

impute.yai <- function (object,ancillaryData=NULL,method="closest",
   # ======== predict functions used internally
   findFactors =  get("findFactors",asNamespace("yaImpute"))

   pred.c <- function (refs,ids,w=NULL,method="closest",k=1,vars,observed)
      if (is.null(vars)) vars <- colnames(refs)
      else vars <- intersect(vars,colnames(refs))
      if (is.null(vars) | length(vars)==0) return (NULL)

      if (method=="closest" || k==1) 
        ans <- refs[ids[,1],vars,FALSE]
      } else if (method=="mean" || method== "median")
         rws <- match(ids[,1:k],rownames(refs))
         ans <- lapply(vars, function (v,rws,refs,nr,func)
             rfs <- refs[rws,v]
             dim(rfs) <- c(nr,length(rfs)/nr)
           }, rws, refs, nrow(ids), if (method=="mean") mean else median)
         names(ans) <- vars
         ans <- as.data.frame(ans)

      } else if (method=="dstWeighted")
         if (is.null(w))
            warning ("w is required when method is dstWeighted")
         wei <- t(apply(w[,1:k,drop=FALSE],1,
           function (x) {x <- 1/(1+x); x/sum(x)}))
         rws <- match(ids[,1:k],rownames(refs))
         ans <- lapply(vars, function (v,rws,refs,wei)
             rfs <- refs[rws,v]
             dim(rfs) <- dim(wei)
           }, rws, refs, wei)
         names(ans) <- vars
         ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
      rownames(ans) <- rownames(ids)

      if (observed)
         obs <- matrix(data=NA, nrow = nrow(ans), ncol = ncol(ans))
         rownames(obs) <- rownames(ans)
         colnames(obs) <- vars
         obs <- as.data.frame(obs)
         commonRows <- intersect(rownames(ans),rownames(refs))
         if (length(commonRows)>0) obs[commonRows,vars] <- refs[commonRows,vars]
         colnames(obs) <- paste(vars,"o",sep=".")
         ans <- cbind(ans,obs)
   pred.f <- function (refs,ids,w=NULL,method="closest",k=1,vars,observed)   
      if (is.null(vars)) vars <- colnames(refs)
      else vars <- intersect(vars,colnames(refs))
      if (is.null(vars) | length(vars)==0) return (NULL)

      if (method=="closest" || k==1) 
        ans <- data.frame(refs[ids[,1],vars,FALSE])
      } else 
         wei <- if (method != "dstWeighted" || is.null(w)) NULL else  
                  function (x) {x <- 1/(1+x); x/sum(x)}))
         rws <- match(ids[,1:k],rownames(refs))
         ans <- lapply(vars, function (v,rws,refs,wei,nr)
             rfs <- as.character(refs[rws,v])
             dim(rfs) <- c(nr,length(rfs)/nr)
             if (is.null(wei))
               apply(rfs,1,function (x)
                   t <- table(x)
                   t <- t + (runif(length(t)) * 0.01)
             } else
               a <- vector("character",nrow(wei))
               for (i in 1:nrow(wei))
                 t <- tapply(wei[i,],rfs[i,],sum)
                 t <- t + (runif(length(t)) * 0.01 * min(t))
                 a[i] <- names(which.max(t))
           }, rws, refs, wei, nrow(ids))
        names(ans) <- vars 
        ans <- as.data.frame(ans,rownames=rownames(ids))
      rownames(ans) <- rownames(ids)
      if (observed)
         obs <- matrix(data=NA, nrow = nrow(ans), ncol = ncol(ans))
         rownames(obs) <- rownames(ans)
         colnames(obs) <- vars
         obs <- as.data.frame(obs)
         commonRows <- intersect(rownames(ans),rownames(refs))
         if (length(commonRows)>0)
            for (var in vars)
               obs[commonRows,var] <- levels(refs[,var])[refs[commonRows,var]]
               obs[,var] <- factor(obs[,var])
         names(obs) <- paste(vars,"o",sep=".")
         ans <- cbind(ans,obs)
   pred <- function (refs,ids,w=NULL,method="closest",
      factors <- findFactors(refs)
      nfactors <- sum(factors)
      if (nfactors>0 && method.factor != "closest" && k==1)
         warning ("method.factor was set to closest because k=1")
         method.factor <- "closest"
      if (nfactors == 0)
         out <- pred.c(refs=refs,ids=ids,w=w,method=method,
      else if (nfactors == ncol(refs))
         out <- pred.f(refs=refs,ids=ids,w=w,method=method.factor,
         tmp <- data.frame(refs[,!factors],row.names=rownames(refs))
         colnames(tmp) <- colnames(refs)[!factors]
         p1 <- pred.c(refs=tmp,ids=ids,w=w,method=method,
         tmp <- data.frame(refs[,factors],row.names=rownames(refs))
         colnames(tmp) <- colnames(refs)[factors]
         p2 <- pred.f(refs=tmp,ids=ids,w=w,method=method.factor,
         if      (is.null(p1) && is.null(p2)) out <- NULL
         else if (is.null(p1)) out <- p2
         else if (is.null(p2)) out <- p1
         else                  out <- cbind(p1,p2)

   # ===========================

   if (missing(object)) stop ("object required.")
   if(!inherits(object, "yai")) stop ("class must be yai")

   if (is.null(vars))
      if (is.null(ancillaryData)) 
         if (object$method != "randomForest") vars <- yvars(object)
         else if (names(object$ranForest)[[1]] == "unsupervised") 
           vars <- xvars(object)
        if (! is.data.frame(ancillaryData)) 
          ancillaryData <- as.data.frame(ancillaryData)
        vars <- colnames(ancillaryData)
   posMethods <- c("closest","mean","median","dstWeighted")
   if (length(intersect(method,posMethods))==0)
      stop (paste("method=",method," must be one of: {",
            paste(posMethods,collapse=", "),"}",sep=""))

   if (is.null(k)) k <- object$k
   if (k>object$k || k==0)
      warning ("k out of range, set to ",object$k)
      k <- object$k

   if (method != "closest" && k==1)
      warning ("method was set to closest because k==1")
      method <- "closest"

   if (is.null(ancillaryData))
      r <- NULL
      if (length(object$neiIdsRefs)>0)
         if (!(ncol(object$yRefs) == 1 && names(object$yRefs)[1]=="ydummy"))
            yPredRefs <- pred(refs=object$yRefs,ids=object$neiIdsRefs,
         else yPredRefs <- NULL
         xPredRefs <- pred(refs=object$xall,ids=object$neiIdsRefs,
         if      (is.null(yPredRefs) && is.null(xPredRefs)) r <- NULL
         else if (is.null(yPredRefs)) r <- xPredRefs
         else if (is.null(xPredRefs)) r <- yPredRefs
         else                         r <- cbind(yPredRefs,xPredRefs)

      t <- NULL
      if (length(object$neiIdsTrgs)>0)
         if (!(ncol(object$yRefs) == 1 && names(object$yRefs)[1]=="ydummy"))
             yPredTrgs <- pred(refs=object$yRefs,ids=object$neiIdsTrgs,
         else yPredTrgs <- NULL
         xPredTrgs <- pred(refs=object$xall,ids=object$neiIdsTrgs,

         if      (is.null(yPredTrgs) && is.null(xPredTrgs)) t <- NULL
         else if (is.null(yPredTrgs)) t <- xPredTrgs
         else if (is.null(xPredTrgs)) t <- yPredTrgs
         else                         t <- cbind(yPredTrgs,xPredTrgs)
      if      (is.null(r) && is.null(t)) out <- NULL
      else if (is.null(r)) out <- t
      else if (is.null(t)) out <- r
      else                 out <- rbind(r,t)

      scale <- data.frame(center=c(object$xScale$center,object$yScale$center),
                           scale=c(object$xScale$scale, object$yScale$scale))
      out <- NULL
      if (!is.null(vars))
         ancillaryData <- ancillaryData[,vars,FALSE]
         if (is.null(ncol(ancillaryData))) 
           stop ("requested variables not present in ancillaryData")
      rownames(ancillaryData) <- as.character(rownames(ancillaryData))
      ids <- as.character(rownames(object$xRefs))
      common <- intersect(ids,rownames(ancillaryData))
      missing <- setdiff(common,rownames(ancillaryData))
      if (length(missing) != 0) warning (paste("no data for",length(missing),
      w  <- rbind(object$neiDstRefs,object$neiDstTrgs)

      ids <- rbind(object$neiIdsRefs,object$neiIdsTrgs)
      out <- pred(refs=ancillaryData,ids=ids,w=w,method=method,

      # find the sd/mean of the data and attach these as an attribute

      notFactors <- !findFactors(ancillaryData)
      if (sum(notFactors) > 0)
         scale <- matrix(data=NA,nrow=ncol(ancillaryData),ncol=2)
         rownames(scale) <- colnames(ancillaryData)
         colnames(scale) <- c("center","scale")
         scale[notFactors,"center"] <- apply(ancillaryData[,
         scale[notFactors,"scale" ] <- apply(ancillaryData[,
           rownames(scale)[notFactors],FALSE],2,sd,  na.rm=TRUE)
      else scale=NULL
   if (!is.null(out))
      class(out) <- c("impute.yai","data.frame")
      if (!is.null(scale)) attr(out,"scale") <- scale

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yaImpute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.