
Defines functions write_yamlet read_yamlet print.yamlet `[.yamlet` encode.yamlet list2encoding as.character.yamlet to_yamlet.list to_yamlet.NULL to_yamlet.character to_yamlet.yamlet to_yamlet.numeric to_yamlet.default to_yamlet as.character.yam as_yam.yamlet as_yamlet.yamlet as_yamlet.list as_yamlet.data.frame as_yamlet.character .resolve as_yamlet.yam as_yamlet unnest.list unnest.default unnest as_yam.character as_yam

Documented in as.character.yam as.character.yamlet as_yam as_yam.character as_yamlet as_yamlet.character as_yamlet.data.frame as_yamlet.list as_yamlet.yam as_yamlet.yamlet as_yam.yamlet encode.yamlet list2encoding print.yamlet read_yamlet to_yamlet to_yamlet.character to_yamlet.default to_yamlet.list to_yamlet.NULL to_yamlet.numeric to_yamlet.yamlet unnest unnest.default unnest.list write_yamlet

#' Coerce to Yam
#' Coerce to yam, a precursor to yamlet.  Generic, with character
#' method: \code{\link{as_yam.character}}.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return list
#' @family yam
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
as_yam <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('as_yam')

#' Coerce Character to Yam
#' Coerces character to yam.  Length-one character can be
#' a filepath, otherwise treated as data.  Proceeds by
#' importing the data and determining the default keys.
#' @param x length-one filepath or actual data
#' @param as.named.list enforced as TRUE
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[yaml]{read_yaml}} and \code{\link[yaml]{yaml.load}} if supported
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom yaml read_yaml yaml.load
#' @family yam
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a named list
#' @examples
#' # Read sample data from file.
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' file
#' as_yam(file)
#' # Read yamlet directly from character vector.
#' as_yam(c('ID:','TIME:'))
#' # Read from length-one character (same result).
#' as_yam('ID:\nTIME:')
as_yam.character <- function(
  handlers = list(
    seq = parsimonious, 
    map = function(x)lapply(x, unclass),
    str = function(x){
      if(identical(x, 'yamlet_NA_literal_')){
      if(identical(x, 'NA')){
  if(length(x) == 1 & file.exists(x[[1]])){
    x <- readLines(x)
  #   allowed <- c(names(formals(read_yaml)), names(formals(yaml.load)))
  #   args <- list(...)
  #   args <- args[names(args) %in% allowed ]
  #   args <- c(
  #     list(
  #       file = con,
  #       as.named.list = TRUE,
  #       handlers = handlers
  #     ),
  #     args
  #   )
  #   y <- do.call(read_yaml, args)
  # }else{
     allowed <- c(names(formals(yaml.load)))
    args <- list(...)
    args <- args[names(args) %in% allowed ]
    x <- paste(x, collapse = '\n')
    if(any(grepl('yamlet_NA_literal_', x))){
      stop('yamlet_NA_literal_ is reserved')
    x <- gsub('"NA"','yamlet_NA_literal_', x)
    x <- gsub("'NA'",'yamlet_NA_literal_', x)
    args <- c(
        string = x,
        handlers = handlers,
        as.named.list = TRUE
    y <- do.call(yaml.load, args) ### sole parsing!
  # should just be a bare list
  y <- unclass(y)

  # its members should be bare lists
  y[] <- lapply(y, unclass)

  if(!inherits(y, 'list')){
    if(length(x) == 1){
      stop('x is not YAML or path to YAML')
      stop('x is not YAML')

  # ? each member of y must be a list
  # for(m in seq_along(y)) y[[m]] <- as.list(y[[m]])

  # un-nesting is now applied at parsing using 'parsimonious'
  # y[] <- lapply(y, unnest)

  # but list coercion still important ...
  y[] <- lapply(y, as.list)

  if('_keys' %in% names(y)){
    k <- y$`_keys`
    y <- y[names(y) != '_keys']
    attr(y,'keys') <- k
  class(y) <- 'yam'

#' Collapse Uninformative Levels
#' Each element of a list that is itself a list
#' and does not have a name but has exactly one element
#' that DOES have a name should become that element
#' and have that name (recursively, from depth).
#' Collapses uninformative levels of nested lists.
#' Formerly used in as_yam; now superceded by \code{\link{parsimonious.list}}.
#' @param x object
#' @return named list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family unnest
#' @examples
#' # yaml.load reads this as a list of two un-named lists whose elements are named.
#' str(yaml::yaml.load('[foo: 1, bar: 3]'))
#' # yamlet treats it as a list of two named integers.
#' str(unnest(yaml::yaml.load('[foo: 1, bar: 3]')))
unnest <- function(x,...)UseMethod('unnest')

#' Collapse Uninformative Levels by Default
#' The default unnest() method returns the unmodified object.
#' @param x object
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family unnest
#' @examples
#' unnest(yaml::yaml.load('ITEM:'))
unnest.default <- function(x, ...)x

#' Collapse Uninformative Levels of a List
#' The list method for unnest() recursively
#' ascends a nested list, removing uninformative levels.
#' @param x list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family unnest
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' a <- 'ITEM: [ label: sunshine, [foo: 1, bar: 3]]'
#' #  yaml.load() sees label nested one-deep, and foo nested two-deep:
#' yaml::yaml.load(a)
#' # unnest() sees label nested zero-deep, and foo nested one-deep:
#' unnest(yaml::yaml.load(a))
#' # as_yamlet() provides explicit name (default key) for second element of ITEM:
#' as_yamlet(a)

unnest.list <- function(x,...){
  # make names explicit
  if(is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- rep('',length(x))
  # unnest members
  x[] <- lapply(x, unnest) # for atomics
  # if I reached here, I am a list
  # and all my members are unnested.
  # process each element:
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    this <- x[[i]]                    # element i
    nm <- names(x)[[i]]               # name of element i
    len <- length(this)               # length one?
    isList <- is.list(this)           # list?
    nms <- setdiff(names(this),'')    # good names
      isList &                        # each element that is a list
      nm == '' &                      # and does not have a name
      len == 1 &                      # but has exactly one element
      length(nms)                     # that is named
      x <- append(x, this, after = i)[-i] # should be that element and have that name

#' Coerce to Yamlet
#' Coerces something to yamlet format. If the object
#' or user specifies default keys, these are applied.
#' See \code{\link{as_yamlet.character}}.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @return a named list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family yamlet
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' file
#' identical(as_yamlet(as_yam(file)), as_yamlet(file))
#' # Read yamlet from storage and apply default keys.
#' as_yamlet(file)
as_yamlet <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('as_yamlet')

#' Coerce Yam To Yamlet Format
#' Coerces yam to yamlet format. If the object
#' or user specifies default keys, these are applied
#' See \code{\link{as_yamlet.character}}.
#' @param x a yam object; see \code{\link{as_yam}}
#' @param default_keys character: default keys for the first n anonymous members of each element
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @family yamlet
#' @keywords internal
#' @return yamlet: a named list with default keys applied
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' file
#' as_yamlet(as_yam(file))
as_yamlet.yam <- function(x, default_keys = getOption('yamlet_default_keys',list('label','guide')), ...){
  default_keys <- as.list(default_keys)
  k <- attr(x,'keys')
  if(is.null(k))k <- as.list(default_keys)
  stopifnot(length(k) == length(unlist(k)))
  if(!is.character(unlist(k)) & !identical(k,list())){
    warning('default keys do not appear to be character: ignoring')
    k <- list()
  attr(x,'keys') <- NULL
  x[] <- lapply(x, .resolve, keys = k)
  unresolved <- which(sapply(x, function(i)any(names(i) == '')))
  if(length(unresolved))warning('missing key(s) for element(s) ', paste(unresolved, collapse = ', '))
  class(x) <- 'yamlet'

.resolve <- function(x, keys){ # an item
  nms <- names(x)
  if(is.null(nms)) nms <- rep('',length(x))
  for(i in seq_along(nms)){
    if(length(keys)){ # if we have unused defaults
      if(nms[[i]] == ''){
        nms[[i]] <- keys[[1]]
        keys[[1]] <- NULL
        keys <- setdiff(keys, nms[[i]]) # if a default is given, it is used
  names(x) <- nms

#' Coerce Character To Yamlet Format
#' Coerces character to yamlet format.
#' Length-one character is understood as a file path
#' if the file exists.  Otherwise, it is treated as data.
#' The file is a mapping of (nested) sequences,
#' where map keys are data item names, and
#' sequences represent data item attributes.
#' Attributes may be named or anonymous.
#' If an attribute is anonymous, an attempt
#' is made to name it using available defaults.
#' A special item named '_keys' if present identifies a sequence of
#' key names that over-ride \code{default_keys}.
#' Attribute names are sought first in the explicit yaml,
#' then in the special item named '_keys',
#' then in the \code{default_keys} argument passed to \code{\link{as_yamlet}},
#' then in \code{options()$yamlet_default_keys},
#' then in the defaults for argument \code{default_keys}.
#' @param x length-one filepath or actual data
#' @param default_keys character: default keys for the first n anonymous members of each element
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{as_yam.character}} and \code{\link{as_yamlet.yam}}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family yamlet
#' @return yamlet: a named list with default keys applied
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' as_yamlet(file)
#' as_yamlet('ID: subject identifier')
#' as_yamlet(c('id: subject','amt: dose'))
#' as_yamlet(c('id: subject\namt: dose'))
as_yamlet.character <- function(x, default_keys = getOption('yamlet_default_keys', list('label','guide')), ...){
  as_yamlet(as_yam(x, ...), default_keys = default_keys, ...)

#' Coerce Data Frame to Yamlet
#' Coerces data.frame to yamlet by calling {\code{\link{decorations}}}.
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{decorations}}
#' @family yamlet
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return yamlet
#' @examples
#' library(csv)
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv')
#' x <- decorate(as.csv(file))
#' as_yamlet(x)
as_yamlet.data.frame <- function(x, ...){
  out <- decorations(x,...)
  # class(out) <- 'yamlet' # as of 0.6.2 decorations() returns yamlet
#' Coerce List to Yamlet
#' Coerces list to yamlet. Assigns class 'yamlet'.
#' Checks that list has names.
#' @param x list
#' @param ... ignored
#' @family yamlet
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return yamlet
#' @examples
#' x <- list(a = 2, b = 3)
#' as_yamlet(x)
as_yamlet.list <- function(x, ...){
  if(is.null(names(x)))stop('list must have names for conversion to yamlet')
  class(x) <- 'yamlet'
#' Coerce Yamlet to Yamlet
#' Coerces yamlet to yamlet. Currently a non-operation.
#' @param x yamlet
#' @param ... ignored
#' @family yamlet
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return yamlet
#' @examples
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' x <- as_yamlet(meta)
#' as_yamlet(x)
as_yamlet.yamlet<- function(x, ...)x

#' Coerce Yamlet to Yam
#' Coerces class yamlet to yam, negotiating the default keys.
#' For each member of x, names of sub-members will be dropped
#' if all previous such have been dropped.  I.e., attribute
#' order is preserved, and 'guide' (by default) will not be
#' made implicit unless 'label' has already been encountered
#' (and made implicit).  Default keys are attached as the 'keys'
#' attribute of the result.
#' @param x yamlet
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param default_keys names that may be omitted in left subsets
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return yam
#' @family yam
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' as_yam(as_yamlet(c('id: subject','amt: dose')))
#' as_yam(as_yamlet(c('amt: [ dose, mg ]')))
#' as_yam(as_yamlet(c('amt: [ guide: mg, label: dose ]')))
as_yam.yamlet <- function(
  default_keys = getOption('yamlet_default_keys', list('label','guide'))
  default_keys <- as.list(default_keys)
  for(nm in names(x)){
    candidates <- unlist(default_keys)
    nms <- names(x[[nm]])
    for(i in seq_along(nms)){
        if(identical(nms[[i]], candidates[[1]])){
          names(x[[nm]])[[i]] <- ''
          candidates <- candidates[-1]
  attr(x, 'keys') <- default_keys
  class(x) <- 'yam'

#' Coerce Yam to Character
#' Coerces class yam to character.  Forms the basis for a
#' yamlet emitter.
#' @param x yam
#' @param ... ignored; keys is an attribute of yam
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family yam
#' @keywords internal
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' foo <- as_yamlet(c('id: subject','amt: dose'))
#' class(foo)
#' bar <- as_yam(foo)
#' class(bar)
#' as.character(bar)
#' as.character(
#' as_yam(
#' as_yamlet(
#' "race: [label: race, guide: [ white: 0, black: 1, asian: 2 ], multiple: ['yes': 1, 'no': 0]]"
#' )))
as.character.yam <- function(x, ...){
    k <- attr(x, 'keys')
  if(!identical(k, list('label','guide'))){
    x <- c(x, list(`_keys` = k))
# out <- paste0(names(x), ': ', sapply(x, to_yamlet, ...))
  out <- paste0(
    sapply(names(x), to_yamlet, ...), 
    ': ',
    sapply(x, to_yamlet, ...)

#' Coerce to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces to yamlet storage format. Generic, with methods
#' for default, null, character and list which together
#' implement the yamlet storage syntax.
#' Always returns length-one character, possibly the empty string.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
to_yamlet <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('to_yamlet')

#' Coerce Default to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces to yamlet storage format by default conversion to character.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' to_yamlet(3)
#' to_yamlet(c(a = '4',b = '5.8'))
#' to_yamlet(c(a = 4,b = 5.8))
#' to_yamlet(TRUE)

to_yamlet.default <- function(x,...)to_yamlet(sapply(x, as.character, ...))

#' Coerce Numeric to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces numeric to yamlet storage format.
#' By default, numeric values would be processed as character.
#' But character values with a leading dash are ordinarily 
#' quoted, since in character context a leading dash could
#' be mistaken for a yaml metacharacter.
#' In the case of a numeric value, however, we can be
#' fairly certain that, despite appearances, the dash
#' if any is actually a negative sign. This method
#' intends to leave negative numerics unquoted, like their
#' positive counterparts.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#'  'a: [[d: [-1, 0, 1, 2]]]' %>% as_yamlet %>% to_yamlet
#'  to_yamlet(c(a = 4, b = 5.8))
#'  to_yamlet(list(a = 4, b = 5.8))
#'  to_yamlet(numeric(0))

to_yamlet.numeric <- function(x,...){
  if(length(x) > 1) return(to_yamlet(as.list(x), ...))
  sign <- sign(x)
  x <- abs(x)
  x <- to_yamlet(as.character(x), ...)
  x[sign == -1] <- paste0('-', x[sign == -1])

#' Coerce Yamlet to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces yamlet to yamlet storage format by unclassing to list.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#'  'a: [[d: [-1, 0, 1, 2]]]' %>% as_yamlet %>% to_yamlet

to_yamlet.yamlet <- function(x,...)to_yamlet(unclass(x), ...)

#' Coerce Character to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces character to yamlet storage format.
#' Named character is processed as a named list.
#' NA_character_ is is stored as unquoted NA
#' and read back as NA by \code{\link{as_yam.character}}.
#' Use quoted "NA" or 'NA' to store the literal string,
#' which will be read back as a string by \code{\link{as_yam.character}}.
#' If block is TRUE, an attempt will be made
#' to represent character strings as literal
#' block scalars if they contain
#' newlines (experimental in yamlet >= 0.8).
#' @param x character
#' @param block whether to write block scalars
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character, never NA, no names
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' to_yamlet('foo')
#' to_yamlet(c('a','b'))
#' to_yamlet(c(a = 'a',b = 'b'))
#' to_yamlet(c(no = 'n', yes = 'y'))
#' to_yamlet(NA)
#' to_yamlet("NA")

to_yamlet.character <- function(x, block = FALSE, ...){

    x <- as.list(x)

  # treat NA_character_ as 'NA'.
  # x <- paste(x) # dropping this behavior @ 0.10.12

  # quote strings beginning with ' " [] {} > | * & ! % # ` @ ,. ? : -
  index <- grepl("^'", x)                       # starts with '
  x[index] <- paste0('"',x[index], '"')         # wrapped in "
  # leading single quote has been double-quoted
  # test conditions for single quoting.
  quotable <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
  index <- grepl('^[][{}>|*&!%#`@,.?:-]', x)    # starts with special
  quotable[index] <- TRUE  # paste0("'",x[index],"'")

  # quote yes, no, y, n
  # index <- x %in% c('yes','no','y','n')
  # https://yaml.org/type/bool.html
  # TTB 2022-10-26 @ 0.9.8 extended set
  index <- x %in% c(
    'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 
    'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', 
    'on', 'On', 'ON', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF',
    'NA' # @ 0.10.12
  quotable[index] <- TRUE 

  # must quote existing ][, to disambiguate
  index <- grepl('[],[]', x)                   # contains collapse meta
  quotable[index] <- TRUE

  # leading colon trapped above
  # must quote embedded colon-space (multi-char syntactical element)
  index <- grepl(': +', x)                   # contains collapse meta
  quotable[index] <- TRUE
  # implement one instance of single-quotes
  x[quotable] <- paste0("'", x[quotable], "'")

     has_newline <- grepl('\n', x)
     x[has_newline] <- gsub('\n','\n  ', x[has_newline])
     x[has_newline] <- paste0('|\n  ', x[has_newline])
  # @0.10.12, true NA has now survived the 
  # quoting process, but must be emitted as
  # character. Formerly, we used 'paste' to 
  # convert NA to 'NA'. 
  # Here, we conserve code by striking 
  # the early return of length one result.
  # That allows the ensuing paste to have
  # effect.  We do however conditionalize
  # the imposition of brackets.
  #if(length(x) == 1) return(x)

  # multiples get [,,]
  # collapse multiple
  multiples <- length(x) > 1
  # converts NA to character, no effect on other singlets:
  x <- paste(x, collapse = ', ') 
  if(multiples) x <- paste('[', x, ']')
  names(x) <- NULL # should not have names

#' Coerce Null to Yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces null to yamlet storage format (returns empty string).
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' to_yamlet(NULL)
to_yamlet.NULL <- function(x, ...)''

#' Coerce list to yamlet Storage Format
#' Coerces list to yamlet storage format. Operates recursively on list members.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param bracket_all FALSE at top level, but TRUE recursively downward; supports 'ITEM: definition' which would otherwise be bracketted
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return length-one character
#' @family to_yamlet
#' @examples
#' to_yamlet(list())
#' to_yamlet(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = NULL))
#' to_yamlet(list(a = 1, b = list(c = 3, d = list(e = 4, f = 'g', 'h'))))
#' to_yamlet(setNames(1:3, c('a','b',NA)))
#' to_yamlet(setNames(c(1,2,NA), c('a','b','c')))
to_yamlet.list <- function(x, ..., bracket_all = FALSE){
  # convert each member to yamlet
  if(length(x) == 0) x <- list(NULL)
  nms <- names(x)
  nms <- sapply(nms, to_yamlet) # assures individual treatment
  out <- lapply(x, to_yamlet, ..., bracket_all = TRUE)
  # if member not null (''), attach name using colon-space,
  # else using ? name
  # if name is '', do not attach
  for(i in seq_along(nms)){
    if(nms[[i]] != ''){
      if(out[[i]] != ''){
        out[[i]] <- paste(nms[[i]], out[[i]], sep = ': ')
        out[[i]] <- paste0('? ', nms[[i]])
  # separate members with commas
  out <- unlist(out) # converts empty list to NULL
  if(is.null(out)) out <- ''

  if(length(out) == 1){ # a singlet

   # maybe *all* singlets need brackets.
   # bracket_all <- length(x) > 1 # i.e. not for 'sex: Sex' but perhaps for 'sex: [Sex, M ]'
   has_name    <- as.logical(length(names(out))) # not all singlets have names
     if(is.na(names(out)) | names(out) == ''){  # a singlet may have an empty name
       has_name <- FALSE

   if(bracket_all | has_name){
     out <-paste0('[ ', out, ' ]') # named singlets may need brackets

  if(length(out) > 1){ # sequences need brackets
    out <- paste(out, collapse = ', ')
    out <- paste0('[ ', out, ' ]')
  out <- gsub('] ',']', out)
  names(out) <- NULL # should not have names

#' Coerce Yamlet to Character
#' Coerces yamlet to character.  See also \code{\link{as_yamlet.character}}.
#' @param x yamlet
#' @param sort whether to coerce attribute order using \code{\link{canonical.yamlet}}
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{as.character.yam}} and \code{\link{as_yam.yamlet}}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family yamlet
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' as.character(as_yamlet('ID: subject identifier'))
#' as.character(as_yamlet(c('id: subject','amt: dose')))
#' as.character(as_yamlet(c('id: subject\namt: dose')))
#' foo <- as_yamlet(system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml'))
#' class(foo)
#' writeLines(as.character(foo))
#' identical(foo, as_yamlet(as.character(foo)))
#' identical(as.character(foo), as.character(as_yamlet(as.character(foo))))

#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet','extdata','quinidine.csv')
#' file
#' foo <- resolve(decorate(file))
#' as.character(as_yamlet(foo))
#' as.character(as_yamlet(foo, exclude_attr = 'class'))
as.character.yamlet <- function(
  sort = TRUE,
  if(sort) x <- canonical(x, ...)
  y <- as_yam(x, ...)
  z <- as.character(y, ...)

#' Coerce List to Encoding
#' Tries to coerce a list to an encoding.  Names are
#' understood as decodes, and list values as codes.
#' On failure, the list is returned unchanged.
#' @param x list
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return an encoding (length-one character), or original list if error occurs
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family encode
#' @importFrom encode encoded
#' @importFrom encode encode
#' @examples
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' meta <- as_yamlet(meta)
#' list2encoding(meta$Creatinine$guide)
list2encoding <- function(x, ...){
  # empty strings are effectively zero-length character
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    if(length(x[[i]] == 1)){
      if(x[[i]] == ''){
         x[[i]] <- character(0)
  drop <- x[lapply(x,length) == 0 ]
      'dropping ',length(drop),
      ' zero-length level(s) including labels: ',
      paste(names(drop), collapse = ', ')
    x <- x[lapply(x,length) != 0]
  out <- unlist(x)
  nms <- names(out)
  out <- try(encode(out, labels = nms))
  if(length(out) != 1) return(x)
  if(inherits(out, 'try-error')) return(x)
  if(!encoded(out)) return(x)

#' Encode Yamlet
#' Encodes yamlet.  Each 'guide' element with length > 1
#' is converted to an encoding, if possible. If \code{data}
#' is supplied, conditional guides will be ignored.
#' @param x yamlet
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param target attribute to encode
#' @param data optional data.frame for guide context
#' @return yamlet, with guide elements possibly transformed to encodings
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family encode
#' @examples
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' meta <- as_yamlet(meta)
#' meta <- encode(meta)
encode.yamlet <- function(x, ..., target = 'guide', data = NULL){
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    t <- x[[i]][[target]]
      if(length(t) > 1){ # prime criterion
        try <- list2encoding(as.list(t))
        if(inherits(try, 'character')){
          if(length(try) == 1){
              x[[i]][[target]] <- try

#' @importFrom encode encode
#' @export

#' Subset Yamlet
#' Subsets yamlet. Preserves class, since a subset of yamlet is still yamlet.
#' @param x object to subset
#' @param ... passed to next method
#' @return yamlet
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family yamlet
#' @examples
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' meta <- as_yamlet(meta)
#' class(meta)
#' stopifnot(inherits(meta[1:2],'yamlet'))
`[.yamlet` <- function(x, ...){
  x <- NextMethod()
  class(x) <- 'yamlet'

#' Print a Yamlet
#' Prints a yamlet object for interactive inspection.
#' By default, lists with no names (recursively) that
#' unlist to identical length are displayed in one 
#' line for compactness.  If this seems misleading,
#' you can turn it of with \code{options(yamlet_print_simplify = FALSE)}.
#' @param x yamlet
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param simplify whether to collapse the display of very simple lists into one line of output
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @method print yamlet
#' @family yamlet
#' @return invisible(x)
#' @examples
#' as_yamlet('mpg: [efficiency, mi/gallon]\nvs: [Engine, [V-shaped: 0, straight: 1]]')

print.yamlet <- function(x, ..., simplify = getOption('yamlet_print_simplify', TRUE)){
  stopifnot(length(simplify) == 1, is.logical(simplify), !is.na(simplify))
  render <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('render')
  render.list <- function(x, indent = 0, name = NULL, ...){
    stopifnot(length(name) <= 1)
    simplified <- unlist(x)
      simplify &&
      length(x) == length(simplified) && 
    )return(render(simplified, indent = indent, name = name))
    margin <-  paste(rep(' ',indent), collapse = '')
    leader <- paste0(margin, '- ',name)
    for(i in seq_along(x)){
      render(x[[i]], indent = indent + 1, name = names(x)[[i]])
  render.default <- function(x, indent = 0, name = NULL, ...){
    # @0.10.12, adding to_yamlet() calls to distinguish variants of NA
    stopifnot(length(name) <= 1)
    x <- sapply(x, to_yamlet) # avoids the brackets of a global to_yamlet()
    name <- to_yamlet(name)
    margin <-  paste(rep(' ',indent), collapse = '')
    leader <- paste0(margin, '- ',name)
   #data <- paste(format(x), collapse = ', ')
    data <- paste(x, collapse = ', ') # no brackets
    # don't print colon if name was null (now '')
    if(name != '') leader = paste0(leader, ': ')
    #msg <- paste0(leader,': ', data)
    # if(is.null(name)) ...
    msg <- paste0(leader, data)
  # render.function <- function(x, indent = 0, name = NULL, ...){
  #   margin <-  paste(rep(' ',indent), collapse = '')
  #   leader <- paste0(margin, '- ',name)
  #   data <- format(x)
  #   data <- paste0(margin, '    ', data)
  #   msg <- paste0(leader,': |')
  #   msg <- c(msg,data)
  #   writeLines(msg)
  # }
    writeLines('0 length object of class yamlet')
  # x has length
  nms <- names(x)
  if(!length(nms))stop('yamlet must have names')
  # x has names
  lapply(seq_along(x), function(i)render(x[[i]], name = nms[[i]]))

#' Read Yamlet
#' Reads yamlet from file.
#' Similar to \code{\link{io_yamlet.character}}
#' but also reads text fragments.
#' @param x file path for yamlet, or vector of yamlet in storage syntax
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{as_yamlet}}
#' @param default_keys character: default keys for the first n anonymous members of each element
#' @export
#' @family interface
#' @seealso \code{\link{decorate.data.frame}}
#' @return yamlet: a named list with default keys applied
#' @examples
#' library(csv)
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv')
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' x <- as.csv(file)
#' y <- read_yamlet(meta)
#' x <- decorate(x, meta = y)
#' stopifnot(identical(x, decorate(file)))
read_yamlet <- function(
  default_keys = getOption(
  as_yamlet(x, default_keys = default_keys, ...)
#' Write Yamlet
#' Writes yamlet to file. Similar to \code{\link{io_yamlet.yamlet}}
#' but returns invisible storage format instead of invisible storage location.
#' @param x something that can be coerced to class 'yamlet', like a yamlet object or a decorated data.frame
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{as_yamlet}} and to \code{\link{as.character.yamlet}}
#' @param con passed to \code{\link{writeLines}}
#' @param eol end-of-line; passed to \code{\link{writeLines}} as \code{sep}
#' @param useBytes passed to \code{\link{writeLines}}
#' @param default_keys character: default keys for the first n anonymous members of each element
#' @param fileEncoding if \code{con} is character, passed to \code{\link{file}} as \code{encoding}
#' @param block whether to write block scalars
#' @export
#' @family interface
#' @seealso \code{\link{decorate.list}}
#' @return invisible character representation of yamlet (storage syntax)
#' @examples
#' library(csv)
#' file <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.csv')
#' meta <- system.file(package = 'yamlet', 'extdata','quinidine.yaml')
#' x <- as.csv(file)
#' y <- read_yamlet(meta)
#' x <- decorate(x, meta = y)
#' identical(x, decorate(file))
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' write_yamlet(x, tmp)
#' stopifnot(identical(read_yamlet(meta), read_yamlet(tmp)))

write_yamlet <- function(
  con = stdout(),
  eol = "\n",
  useBytes = FALSE,
  default_keys = getOption(
  fileEncoding = getOption('encoding'),
  block = FALSE,
  x <- as_yamlet(x, default_keys = default_keys, ...)
  y <- as.character(x, default_keys = default_keys, block = block, ...)
    con <- file(con, 'w', encoding = fileEncoding)
  writeLines(text = y, con = con, sep = eol, useBytes = useBytes)

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yamlet documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 9:07 a.m.