
Defines functions zi_load_hud zi_load_uds zi_load_crosswalk

Documented in zi_load_crosswalk

#' Load Crosswalk Files
#' @description Spatial data on USPS ZIP Codes are not published by the U.S.
#'     Postal Service or the U.S. Census Bureau. Instead, ZIP Codes can be
#'     converted to a variety of Census Bureau geographies using crosswalk files.
#'     This function reads in ZIP Code to ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) crosswalk
#'     files from the former UDS Mapper project, which was sunset by the American
#'     Academy of Family Physicians in early 2024. It also provides access to the
#'     U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's ZIP Code crosswalk files,
#'     which provide similar functionality for converting ZIP Codes to a variety
#'     of geographies including counties.
#' @usage zi_load_crosswalk(zip_source = "UDS", year, qtr = NULL, target = NULL,
#'     query = NULL, key = NULL)
#' @param zip_source Required character scalar; specifies the source of ZIP Code
#'     crosswalk data. This can be one of either \code{"UDS"} (default) or
#'     \code{"HUD"}.
#' @param year Required four-digit numeric scalar for year; varies based on source.
#'     For \code{"UDS"}, years 2009 through 2023 are available. For \code{"HUD"},
#'     years 2010 through 2024 are available.
#' @param qtr Numeric scalar, required when \code{zip_code} is \code{"HUD"}.
#'     Integer value between 1 and 4, representing the quarter of the year.
#' @param target Character scalar, required when \code{zip_code} is \code{"HUD"}.
#'     Can be one of \code{"TRACT"}, \code{"COUNTY"}, \code{"CBSA"},
#'     \code{"CBSADIV"}, \code{"CD"}, and \code{"COUNTYSUB"}.
#' @param query Scalar or vector, required when \code{zip_code} is \code{"HUD"}.
#'     This can be a five-digit numeric or character ZIP Code, a vector of
#'     ZIP Codes, a two-letter character state abbreviation, or \code{"all"}.
#' @param key Optional when \code{zip_code} is \code{"HUD"}. This should be a
#'     character string containing your HUD API key. Alternatively, it can be
#'     stored in your \code{.RProfile} as \code{hud_key}.
#' @return A tibble containing the crosswalk file.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'  # former UDS mapper crosswalks
#'  zi_load_crosswalk(zip_source = "UDS", year = 2020)
#'  # HUD crosswalks
#'  ## ZIP Code to CBSA crosswalk for all ZIP Codes
#'  zi_load_crosswalk(zip_source = "HUD", year = 2023, qtr = 1, target = "CBSA",
#'      query = "all")
#'  ## ZIP Code to County crosswalk for all ZIP Codes in Missouri
#'  zi_load_crosswalk(zip_source = "HUD", year = 2023, qtr = 1, target = "COUNTY",
#'      query = "MO")
#'  ## ZIP Code to Tract crosswalk for ZIP Code 63139 in St. Louis City
#'  zi_load_crosswalk(zip_source = "HUD", year = 2023, qtr = 1, target = "TRACT",
#'      query = 63139)
#' }
#' @export
zi_load_crosswalk <- function(zip_source = "UDS", year, qtr = NULL, target = NULL,
                              query = NULL, key = NULL){

  # check inputs
  if (zip_source %in% c("UDS", "HUD") == FALSE){
    stop("The 'zip_source' value provided is invalid. Please input either 'UDS' or 'HUD'.")

  if (is.numeric(year) == FALSE){
    stop("The 'year' value provided is invalid. Please provide a numeric value for the requested year.")

  if (zip_source == "UDS" & year %in% c(2009:2022) == FALSE){
    stop("The 'year' value provided is invalid for UDS data. Please provide a year between 2009 and 2022.")

  if (zip_source == "HUD"){

    if (year %in% c(2010:2024) == FALSE){
      stop("The 'year' value provided is invalid for HUD data. Please provide a year between 2010 and 2024.")

    if (qtr %in% c(1:4) == FALSE){
      stop("The 'qtr' value is required when 'zip_source' is 'HUD'. Please provide a value between 1 and 4.")

    if (target %in% c("TRACT", "COUNTY", "CBSA", "CBSADIV", "CD", "COUNTYSUB") == FALSE){
      stop("The 'target' value is required when 'zip_source' is 'HUD'. Please provide a valid target value (see help file).")

    if (is.null(query) == TRUE){
      stop("The 'query' value is required when 'zip_source' is 'HUD'. Please provide a valid query value (see help file).")

  # select zip
  if (zip_source == "HUD"){
    out <- zi_load_hud(year = year, qtr = qtr, target = target, queries = toupper(query),
                key = key)
  } else if (zip_source == "UDS"){
    out <- zi_load_uds(year = year)

  # return output


# Load HUD and UDS Crosswalk Files
# @description These two helper functions load either the UDS crosswalk files
# or the HUD API crosswalk data based on the zip_source specified with
# zi_load_crosswalk.
# @param year A four-digit numeric scalar for year. \code{zippeR} currently
#     supports data for from 2010 to 2020.
# @param qtr Numbers 1-4 to select a quarter.
# @param target A string to select the crosswalk type. Options are 'TRACT',
# @param query This can be a five-digit numeric for zip code, a two-
# letter capitalized string state abbreviation, or 'ALL'.
# @return A tibble containing either the UDS Mapper crosswalk file for a given
# year the HUD API data for a particular year, quarter, target, and location.

zi_load_uds <- function(year) {
  # Read and bind all CSV files into a single dataframe
  out <- readr::read_csv(paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chris-prener/uds-mapper/main/data/uds_crosswalk_", year, ".csv"),
                         col_types = readr::cols())

  out$zip <- stringr::str_pad(out$zip, width = 5, side = "left", pad = "0")
  out$zcta <- stringr::str_pad(out$zcta, width = 5, side = "left", pad = "0")

  # Remove military zip if 'zip_type' column exists
  if ("zip_type" %in% names(out)) {
    out <- dplyr::filter(out, grepl("^M", zip_type) == FALSE)

  # Convert 'po_name' to title case if it exists
  if ("po_name" %in% names(out)) {
    out <- dplyr::mutate(out, po_name = stringr::str_to_title(po_name))

  # Remove N/A zcta if 'zcta' column exists
  if ("zcta" %in% names(out)) {
    out <- dplyr::filter(out, zcta %in% c("N/A", NA) == FALSE)

  ## remove non-ZCTA geometries
  out <- dplyr::filter(out, !zcta %in% "No ZCTA")

  # re-order output
  out <- dplyr::arrange(out, zip)

  # convert to tibble
  out <- tibble::as_tibble(out)

  # check validation
  valid_zip <- zi_validate(out$zip)

  if (valid_zip == FALSE) {
    warning("The 'zip' column failed initial validation. Inspect it closely and address issues found with 'zi_validate()' before using.")

  valid_zcta <- zi_validate(out$zcta)

  if (valid_zcta == FALSE) {
    warning("The 'ZCTA' column failed initial validation. Inspect it closely and address issues found with 'zi_validate()' before using.")

  names(out) <- toupper(names(out))
  # return output

zi_load_hud <- function(year, qtr, target, queries, key = NULL){

  if (is.null(key) == TRUE){
    key <- Sys.getenv("hud_key")

  if (key == ""){
    stop("Please provide a valid HUD API key.")

  url <- "https://www.huduser.gov/hudapi/public/usps"

  # Loop over queries using map_dfr
  result <- purrr::map_dfr(queries, function(query) {

    if (year <= 2020 & query %in% c(datasets::state.abb, "VI", "PR", "ALL") == TRUE){
      stop("Queries with two letter state abbreviations or ALL are only available from the 1st quarter of 2021 onwards.")

    if (target == "CBSADIV" & year <= 2016 | target == 'CBSADIV' & year == 2017 & qtr < 4){
      stop("CBSADIV data is available from the 4th quarter of 2017 onwards.")

    if (target == "COUNTYSUB" & year < 2018 | target == 'COUNTYSUB' & year == 2018 & qtr < 2){
      stop("COUNTYSUB data is available from the 2nd quarter of 2018 onwards.")

    if (query %in% c(datasets::state.abb, "VI", "PR", "ALL") == FALSE & is.numeric(query) == FALSE && nchar(as.character(query)) != 5){
      stop("The 'query' value provided is invalid. Please input a valid state abbreviation or zip code.")

    url <- "https://www.huduser.gov/hudapi/public/usps"

    # create request
    if (target == "TRACT"){
      type <- "?type=1&query="
    } else if (target == "COUNTY"){
      type <- "?type=2&query="
    } else if (target == "CBSA"){
      type <- "?type=3&query="
    } else if (target == "CBSADIV"){
      type <- "?type=4&query="
    } else if (target == "CD"){
      type <- "?type=5&query="
    } else if (target == "COUNTY_SUB"){
      type <- "?type=11&query="

    # get data and format
    request <- httr::GET(paste0(url, type, query, "&year=", year, "&quarter=", qtr), httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", key, sep = " ")))
    content <- httr::content(request, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)
    list <- lapply(json,"[[",5)

    # create output
    out <- as.data.frame(list)
    colnames(out) <- sub("data.", "", colnames(out))
    names(out) <- toupper(names(out))
    out <- dplyr::as_tibble(out)

    #return output



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zippeR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:56 p.m.