
Defines functions oddRatio

### ...........................................................................  This function
### provide the odd.ratio value for metabolomics data.  file The file with the expression
### information.  An odds ratio is a measure of association between an exposure and an outcome.  OR
### is equal to 1, which means exposure does not affect odds of outcome. OR is high than 1, which
### means exposure associated with higher odds of outcome.  OR is less than 1, which means exposure
### associated with lower odds of outcome.The 95 percent of confidence interval (CI) is used to
### estimate the precision of the OR. A large CI indicates a low level of precision of the OR,
### whereas a small CI indicates a higher precision of the OR. It is important to note however, that
### unlike the p value, the 95 percent of CI does not report a statistical significance.
### ...........................................................................
oddRatio <- function(file) {
    pwdfile = paste(getwd(), "/Univariate/DataTable.csv", sep = "")
    file = pwdfile
    x <- read.csv(file, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
    x.x = x[, 3:ncol(x)]
    rownames(x.x) = x[, 2]
    k = matrix(x[, 1], ncol = 1)
    slink = paste(getwd(), "/DataPretreatment", "/slink.csv", sep = "")
    slink = read.csv(slink, header = TRUE)
    x.n = cbind(k, x.x)
    sorted = x.n[order(x.n[, 1]), ]
    g = c()
    for (i in 1:nrow(sorted)) {
        if (any(g == sorted[i, 1])) {
            g = g
        } else {
            g = matrix(c(g, sorted[i, 1]), ncol = 1)
    NoF = nrow(g)
    dirout.w = paste(getwd(), "/Univariate/oddRatio", sep = "")
    for (i in 1:NoF) {
        for (j in 1:NoF) {
            if (i < j) {
                ni = paste("r.", ExcName(i, slink), ".csv", sep = "")
                nj = paste("r.", ExcName(j, slink), ".csv", sep = "")
                pwdi = paste(getwd(), "/Univariate/Groups/", ni, sep = "")
                pwdj = paste(getwd(), "/Univariate/Groups/", nj, sep = "")
                I = read.csv(pwdi, header = TRUE)
                J = read.csv(pwdj, header = TRUE)
                I = I[, -1]
                J = J[, -1]
                Ilf = matrix(rep(i), nrow(I))
                Jlf = matrix(rep(j), nrow(J))
                colnames(Ilf) = c("lf")
                colnames(Jlf) = c("lf")
                I = cbind(Ilf, I)
                J = cbind(Jlf, J)
                IJ = rbind(I, J)
                # fin = ncol(sorted) - 1 we <- matrix(rep(NA, fin))
                # odds.radio..........................................................
                IJM <- as.matrix(IJ[, 2:ncol(IJ)])
                outFactor <- as.factor(IJ[, 1])
                logit_or <- function(outcome, a) {
                  if (sd(a) == 0) {
                    Out <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)
                    names(Out) = c("Odd.radio", "2.5%CI", "97.5%CI", "p.value")
                  } else {
                    # check the odds of A to B
                    #outcome <- as.factor(c(rep("A",30),rep("B",28)))
                    levels(outcome)[1] <- "pos" # pos
                    levels(outcome)[2] <- "neg" # neg
                    outcome <-relevel(outcome, ref= "neg")
                    glm.log <- glm(outcome ~ scale(a), control = list(maxit = 50), family = binomial(link = "logit"))
                    res <- summary(glm.log)$coefficients[2, 1:2]
                    p <- summary(glm.log)$coefficients[2, 4]
                    out <- c(res, p)
                    Odd.radio <- exp(out[1])
                    #Odd.radio <- exp(glm.log$coefficients["scale(a)"])
                    Std.error1 <- exp(out[1] - 1.96 * out[2])
                    Std.error2 <- exp(out[1] + 1.96 * out[2])
                    Out <- c(Odd.radio, Std.error1, Std.error2, p)
                    names(Out) = c("Odd.radio", "2.5%CI", "97.5%CI", "p.value")
                or <- apply(t(IJM), 1, function(x) {
                  logit_or(outFactor, x)
                or <- as.data.frame(t(or))
                # write.table(or,'odds_radio.txt',sep='\t',quote=F)
                or.ij = paste("odds_of_", ExcName(i, slink), "to", ExcName(j, slink), ".csv", sep = "")
                assign(or.ij, or)
                write.csv(or, paste(dirout.w, or.ij, sep = "/"))
13479776/statTarget documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 1:58 p.m.