
Defines functions run_grammar

Documented in run_grammar

#################################### To use RpackGAMMA, need to R version >= 3.5.0 ####################################
#################### If you have any question using RpackGAMMA, please email me 2eding@dongguk.edu ####################
#################### input X, individual x snp ################### input Y, individual x phenotype ####################
###################################### Check installed.package to use RpackGAMMA ######################################

################################################## Run GAMMA ###################################################

#' Generalized Renown Analysis of Molecular variance for Mixed model Analysis R package
#' run_grammar function calculates p-value and f-value.
#' @param K is obtained from the Kinship function
#' @param Y is the phenotype matrix, individual x phenotype
#' @param X is the SNP matrix, individual x snp
#' @param VC is obtained from the varComp function
#' @param max_itr is specifies the number of permutations.
#' @param num.parallel Number of parallel processes or a predefined socket cluster
#' @param outPath is a parameter that specifies the path of the result file
#' @param outName is a parameter that specifies the name of the result file
#' @return p-value and f-value
#' @importFrom vegan adonis
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @examples 
#'    X <- as.matrix(read.table("./testData/X_rightdim.txt"))
#'    Y <- as.matrix(read.table("./testData/Y_rightdim.txt"))
#'    K <- Kinship(X)
#'    VC <- varComp(K, Y, X)
#'    result <- run_grammar(K, Y, X, VC, max_itr = 4, num.parallel = 2, outPath = "./dir/", outName = "result")
#' @export
run_grammar<- function(K, Y, X, VC, max_itr, num.parallel, outPath, outName) {
  ptm <- proc.time()
  run_gamma <- function(Y, X, max_itr, num.parallel, outPath, outName) {
    Ng <- dim(X)[2]
    pval <- 1:Ng
    fval <- 1:Ng
    newY <- Y - min(Y)
    getp <- function(Y, x, p) {
      res <- vegan::adonis(Y ~ x, perm = p)
    getF <- function(Y, x, p) {
      res <- vegan::adonis(Y ~ x, perm = p)
    esgamma <- function(Y, x, max_itr) {
      Y <- Y
      x <- x
      for (i in 2:max_itr) {
        p <- 10^i
        limit <- 5/p
        pval <- getp(Y, x, p)
        if (pval > limit) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = num.parallel, type = "SOCK")
    '%dopar%' <- foreach::"%dopar%"
    dir.create(path=paste(outPath, "/tempFolderToResult", sep=""), mode = "777")
    tempPath <- paste(outPath, "/tempFolderToResult", sep = "")
    foreach::foreach(i=1:Ng, .combine = 'rbind', .verbose = T) %dopar% {
      pval[i] <- esgamma(newY, X[, i], max_itr)
      pv <- pval[i]
      fval[i] <- getF(newY, X[, i], 1)
      fv <- fval[i]
      saveresult <- c(i,"\t",pv,"\t",fv,"\n")

      cat(saveresult, file = paste(tempPath, "/tempResult_", i, sep = ""))
    src_dir <- paste(outPath, "/tempFolderToResult/", sep = "")
    Sys.chmod(paste(src_dir, "tempResult_*", sep=""), mode = "777")
    src_files <- list.files(src_dir, pattern = "tempResult_*")
    src_files_cnt <- length(src_files)
    for(i in 1:src_files_cnt){
      tempResult <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(src_dir, src_files[i], sep = "")))
      write.table(tempResult, paste(outPath, outName, sep = ""), row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, append = T)  
    resultHeader <- c("SNP_Num\t", "P_value\t", "F_value")
    tempread <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(outPath, outName, sep = "")))
    towrite <- tempread[order(tempread[,1]),]
    write.table(towrite, paste(outPath, "/", outName, sep = ""), row.names = F, col.names = resultHeader, quote = F)
    unlink(paste(outPath, "/tempFolderToResult", sep = ""), recursive = T)

    colnames(towrite) <- c("SNP_Num", "P-values", "F-values")
  chol_solve <- function(K) {
    a <- eigen(K)$vectors
    b <- eigen(K)$values
    b[b < 1e-13] <- 1e-13
    b <- 1 / sqrt(b)
    return(a %*% diag(b) %*% t(a))
  rotate <- function(Y, sigma) {
    U <- chol_solve(sigma)
    tU <- t(U)
    UY <- tU %*% Y
  snpNum <- dim(X)[2]
  indiNum <- dim(X)[1]
  geneNum <- dim(Y)[2]
  Vg <- median(VC[,1])		# Variance components
  Ve <- median(VC[,2])
  I <- diag(indiNum)
  sigma <- Vg*K + Ve*I
  UY <- rotate(Y,sigma)		# Rotate genotypes and phenotypes
  UX <- rotate(X,sigma)
  grammar_result <- run_gamma(UY, UX, max_itr, num.parallel, outPath, outName)

  print(proc.time() - ptm)
2eding/GRAMMAR documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 6 a.m.