
Defines functions MFnestBoot MFhBoot

Documented in MFhBoot MFnestBoot

#' @title  MFhBoot
#' @name MFhBoot
#' @description Calculate rank tables for MF using bootstrapping.
#' @param formula Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous
#'   response, x is a factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are
#'   grouping variables corresponding to the clusters. Nesting is assumed to be
#'   in order, left to right, highest to lowest. So a single level of "a" will
#'   contain multiple levels of "b" and a single level of "b" will contain
#'   multiple levels of "c".
#' @param data a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula.
#'   Additional variables will be ignored.
#' @param compare Text vector stating the factor levels - `compare[1]` is the
#'   control or reference group to which `compare[2]` is compared.
#' @param nboot number of bootstrapping events
#' @param boot.unit Boolean whether to sample observations from within those of
#'   the same core.
#' @param boot.cluster Boolean whether to sample which cores are present. If
#'   TRUE, some trees have all the cores while others only have a subset.
#' @param seed to initialize random number generator for reproducibility. Passed
#'   to `set.seed`.
#' @returns A list with the following elements:
#' * `bootmfh`: Rank table for the bootstrapped values as output from
#' [MFh]. Includes a new `bootID` variable to distinguish each bootstrapped
#' incidence.
#' * `clusters`: Table of unique nodes with an ID.
#' * `compare`: Compare vector as specified by user.
#' * `mfh`: MFh run on original data input.
#' @seealso [MFClusBootHier], [MFnestBoot]
#' @author [MF-package]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(76153)
#' a <- data.frame(room = paste("Room", rep(c("W", "Z"), each = 24)),
#'                 pen = paste("Pen", rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8)),
#'                 litter = paste("Litter", rep(11:22, each = 4)),
#'                 tx = rep(rep(c("vac", "con"), each = 2), 12))
#' a[a$tx == "vac", "lung"] <-  rnorm(24, 5, 1.3)
#' a[a$tx == "con", "lung"] <- rnorm(24, 7, 1.3)
#' a
#' formula <- lung ~ tx + room / pen / litter
#' nboot <- 10000
#' boot.cluster <- TRUE
#' boot.unit <- TRUE
#' which.factors <- c("All", "room", "pen", "litter")
#' system.time(test1 <- MFhBoot(formula, a,
#'                             nboot = 10000,
#'                              boot.cluster = TRUE,
#'                              boot.unit = TRUE,
#'                              seed = 12345))
#' test1$bootmfh
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom tidyr gather unite spread all_of
#' @importFrom stats median terms
#' @importFrom purrr as_vector
#' @importFrom dplyr select sym mutate_if distinct mutate n full_join
#'   tibble case_when arrange filter rename ungroup group_by group_by_at
#'   vars summarize everything
#' @importFrom rlang ":=" quo_name
MFhBoot <- function(formula, data,
                    compare = c("con", "vac"),
                    nboot = 10000,
                    boot.unit = TRUE, boot.cluster = TRUE,
                    seed = sample(1:100000, 1)) {
  ## set seed

  termlab <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
  nests <- unlist(strsplit(termlab[[length(termlab)]], split = ":"))
  tgroup <- termlab[1]
  resp <- all.vars(formula)[1]

  # create symbols for later access
  symresp <- sym(resp)
  symtgroup <- sym(tgroup)
  wx <- sym(paste0(c(compare[1], "w"), collapse = "_"))
  wy <- sym(paste0(c(compare[2], "w"), collapse = "_"))
  nx <- sym(str_c(compare[1], "n", sep = "_"))
  ny <- sym(str_c(compare[2], "n", sep = "_"))
  mednm <- compare
  names(mednm) <- paste0("median_resp:", compare, sep = "")

  # assign an ID to each unique core node
  indivclus <- data |>
    mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) |>
    select(all_of(nests)) |>
    distinct() |>
    mutate(clusterID = seq_len(n()))
  nclus <- nrow(indivclus)

  datID <- data |>
    full_join(indivclus, by = nests)

  # **Sample to create the new trees**
  # Bootstrapping means that some trees have all the cores
  #     while others only have a subset.
  # We assume that the input data has the max possible number
  #     of unique cores.
  newdf <- tibble(
    bootID = rep(1:nboot, each = nclus),
    newClus = case_when(isTRUE(boot.cluster) ~
                                 nboot * nclus, replace = TRUE),
                        !isTRUE(boot.cluster) ~ rep(indivclus$clusterID,
                                                    nboot))) |>

  # ** use new tree structure to calculate summary statistics **
  # For each possible possible node figure out the set of w, u, & n1n2
  #    statistics.
  # nx is the number of observations in the control or reference group for a
  #     node.
  # ny is the number of observations in the comparison group for a node.
  # w is the sum of the rankings of observations from the control
  #    or reference group where observations are ranked within the entire node.
  #    This will change with the sampling that a occurs when
  #    isTRUE(boot.unit), although the interval of possible values does not
  #    change.
  #    Note that depending on which bootstrap incidence, this may not be a
  #    complete w for a unique core node.
  # u = w - nx(nx + 1) / 2. The value on the rhs of minus is constant regardless
  #    of boot.unit. As the value of "w" changes due to sampling when
  #    isTRUE(boot.unit), so will "u" by the same amount. Note that for
  #    bootstrap cases where a unique core node is included > 1x, the value
  #    of u is being calculated for each instance, separately
  #    (as above for w).
  if (boot.unit) {
    strat_b <- matrix(newdf$newClus, nboot)
    w <- u <- n1n2 <- med_resp1 <- med_resp2 <- con_n <- vac_n <-
      matrix(NA, nboot, nclus)
    n.each <- rep(NA, nclus)
    names(n.each) <- indivclus$clusterID
    w_boot <- function(x, y, n.b) {
      n_x <- length(x)
      n_y <- length(y)
      x_b <- matrix(switch(as.character(n_x == 1),
                           "TRUE" = rep(x, n.b),
                           "FALSE" = sample(x, size = n.b * n_x,
                                            replace = TRUE)),
                    n.b, n_x)
      y_b <- matrix(switch(as.character(n_y == 1),
                           "TRUE" = rep(y, n.b),
                           "FALSE" = sample(y, size = n.b * n_y,
                                            replace = TRUE)),
                    n.b, n_y)
      w <- apply(cbind(x_b, y_b), 1,
                 function(x, n_x) {
      return(list(w, x_b, y_b))

    lapply(1:nclus, FUN = function(a) {
      x <- datID |>
        filter(!!symtgroup == compare[1] & clusterID == a) |>
        select(!!symresp) |>
        as_vector() |>

      y <- datID |>
        filter(!!symtgroup == compare[2] & clusterID == a) |>
        select(!!symresp) |>
        as_vector() |>

      n_x <- length(x)
      n_y <- length(y)

      n.each[a] <<- sum(strat_b == a)
      thiswboot <- w_boot(x, y, n.each[a])
      w[strat_b == a] <<- thiswboot[[1]]
      u[strat_b == a] <<- w[strat_b == a] - (n_x * (n_x + 1)) / 2
      n1n2[strat_b == a] <<- n_x * n_y
      con_n[strat_b == a] <<- n_x
      vac_n[strat_b == a] <<- n_y
      med_resp1[strat_b == a] <<- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      med_resp2[strat_b == a] <<- median(y, na.rm = TRUE)

    newnames <- c("med_resp1", "med_resp2", "n1", "n2")
    names(newnames) <- c(paste(compare, "medResp", sep = "_"),
                         paste(compare, "n", sep = "_"))
    budat <- newdf |>
      mutate(w = as.vector(t(w)),
             u = as.vector(t(u)),
             n1n2 = as.vector((t(n1n2))),
             n1 = as.vector((t(con_n))),
             n2 = as.vector((t(vac_n))),
             med_resp1 = as.vector(t(med_resp1)),
             med_resp2 = as.vector(t(med_resp2))) |>
      rename(!!newnames) |>
      full_join(indivclus, by = c("newClus" = "clusterID")) |>
      ungroup() |>
  } else {
    budat <- full_join(data, indivclus, by = nests) |>
      group_by(clusterID) |>
      mutate(rank = rank(!!symresp)) |>
      group_by_at(vars("clusterID", tgroup)) |>
      summarize(w = sum(rank),
                n = length(!!symresp),
                medResp = median(!!symresp, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
      gather(variable, value, -c(clusterID, !!symtgroup)) |>
      unite(tmp, tgroup, variable) |>
      spread(tmp, value) |>
      rename(w = !!wx) |>
      mutate(u = w - (!!nx * (!!nx + 1)) / 2,
             n1n2 = !!nx * !!ny,
             !!quo_name(nx) := !!nx,
             !!quo_name(ny) := !!ny) |>
      select(-!!wy) |>
      full_join(newdf, by = c("clusterID" = "newClus")) |>
      arrange(bootID) |>
      select(bootID, everything()) |>
      full_join(indivclus, by = "clusterID") |>
      ungroup() |>

  return(list(bootmfh = budat,
              clusters = indivclus,
              compare = compare,
              mfh = MFh(formula, data, compare), seed = seed))

# to keep R CMD happy
globalVariables(c("clusterID", "newClus", "variable", "value", "tmp"))

#' @title MFnestBoot
#' @name MFnestBoot
#' @description MFnest using bootstrapping
#' @param x output from [MFhBoot]
#' @param which.factor one or more grouping variable(s) of interest. This can be
#'   any of the core or nest variables from the data set. A MF value will be
#'   calculated for each level of the variable(s) specified. Default is "All",
#'   to sum over entire tree.
#' @param alpha Passed to `emp_hpd` to calculate eq tailed upper and high
#'   lower of mitigated fraction
#' @returns A list with the following elements:
#' * `mfnest_details`: The MF and summary statistics as calculated for each
#' bootstrap event. Variables as in [MFnest] output.
#' * `mfnest_summary`: Statistical summary of bootstrapped MF with each
#' unique level of a core or nest variable passed to `which.factor` as a
#' row. Other variables include:
#'   * `median`: Median of MFs from all of the bootstrap events.
#'   * `etlower`: Lower value of equal tailed range.
#'   * `etupper`: Upper value of equal tailed range.
#'   * `hdlower`: Lower value of the highest posterior density range.
#'   * `hdupper`: Upper value of the highest posterior density range.
#'   * `mf.obs`: MF calculated from data using [MFh].
#' @seealso [MFClusBootHier], [MFhBoot]
#' @author [MF-package]
#' @examples
#' set.seed(76153)
#' a <- data.frame(room = paste("Room", rep(c("W", "Z"), each = 24)),
#'                 pen = paste("Pen", rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8)),
#'                 litter = paste("Litter", rep(11:22, each = 4)),
#'                 tx = rep(rep(c("vac", "con"), each = 2), 12))
#' a[a$tx == "vac", "lung"] <- rnorm(24, 5, 1.3)
#' a[a$tx == "con", "lung"] <- rnorm(24, 7, 1.3)
#' a
#' formula <- lung ~ tx + room / pen / litter
#' nboot <- 10000
#' boot.cluster <- TRUE
#' boot.unit <- TRUE
#' which.factors <- c("All", "room", "pen", "litter")
#' #################
#' test1 <- MFhBoot(formula, a,
#'                  nboot = 10000,
#'                  boot.cluster = TRUE, boot.unit = TRUE, seed = 12345)
#' MFnestBoot(test1, c("All", "litter"))
#' \dontrun{
#' system.time(test2 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors))
#' test2
#' system.time(test3 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[1]))
#' test3
#' system.time(test4 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2]))
#' test4
#' system.time(test5 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2:3]))
#' test5
#' system.time(test6 <- MFnestBoot(test1, which.factors[2:4]))
#' test6
#' }
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom forcats fct_relevel
#' @importFrom dplyr select ends_with sym bind_rows mutate filter group_by
#'   summarize full_join rename mutate_if ungroup arrange
#' @importFrom rlang ":=" quo_name
#' @export
MFnestBoot <- function(x, which.factor = "All", alpha = 0.05) {

  quant <- c(.5, alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2)

  tmpall <- x$bootmfh |>

  stat_names <- paste(x$compare, "n", sep = "_")
  comp1 <- sym(stat_names[1])
  comp2 <- sym(stat_names[2])

  comp3 <- sym(gsub(stat_names[1], pattern = "_n", replacement = "_N"))
  comp4 <- sym(gsub(stat_names[2], pattern = "_n", replacement = "_N"))

  mfnest_all <- bind_rows(tmpall |>
                            gather(variable, level,
                                   -all_of(c("bootID", "w", "u", "n1n2",
                                             stat_names))) |>
                            mutate(level = as.character(level)),
                          tmpall |>
                            select(bootID, w, u, n1n2, !!comp1, !!comp2) |>
                            mutate(variable = "All", level = "All")) |>
    filter(variable %in% which.factor) |>
    group_by(variable, level, bootID) |>
    summarize(U = sum(u),
              N1N2 = sum(n1n2),
              !!quo_name(comp3) := sum(!!comp1),
              !!quo_name(comp4) := sum(!!comp2),
              MF = 2 * (U / N1N2) - 1)

  mfnest_summary <-
    mfnest_all |>
    group_by(variable, level) |>
    summarize(median = quantile(MF, prob = quant[1]),
              etlower = quantile(MF, prob = quant[2]),
              etupper = quantile(MF, prob = quant[3]),
              hdlower = emp_hpd(MF, alpha = alpha)[1],
              hdupper = emp_hpd(MF, alpha = alpha)[2]) |>
      MFnest(x$mfh, which.factor = which.factor) |>
        select(variable, level, MF) |>
        rename(mf.obs = "MF") |>
        mutate_if(is.factor, as.character),
      by = c("variable", "level")) |>
    ungroup() |>
    mutate(variable = fct_relevel(variable, which.factor)) |>

  return(list(mfnest_details = mfnest_all,
              mfnest_summary = mfnest_summary,
              seed = x$seed))

# to keep R CMD happy
globalVariables(c("variable", "level", "bootID", "w", "u", "n1n2",
                         "U", "N1N2", "MF"))
ABS-dev/MF documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m.