# get manual calibrations from pdf cal sheets
# ASRC cal sheets are pdf's with embedded forms. The forms can be read by pdftk
# (included with the staplr package). Each instrument has its own version of the
# pdf. Form field names are similar across instruments but with minor
# variations.
# I'm trying to get this function added to staplr (see
# https://github.com/pridiltal/staplr/pull/52). In the meantime it can live
# here.
pdftk_ReportAcroFormFields = function(f) {
pdftk_jar = system.file('pdftk-java/pdftk.jar', package = 'staplr',
mustWork = TRUE)
# instead of an output file, write the output to this byte array so we can
# send it directly back to R
out = rJava::.jnew('java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream')
ofs = rJava::.jnew('java/io/PrintStream',
rJava::.jcast(out, 'java/io/OutputStream'))
input_reader = rJava::.jnew('pdftk/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfReader', f)
output_utf8_b = FALSE
# `report.ReportAcroFormFields` is the java function that actually prints the
# form fields
rJava::.jcall('com/gitlab/pdftk_java/report', 'V', 'ReportAcroFormFields',
ofs, input_reader, output_utf8_b)
rJava::.jcall(out, 'Ljava/lang/String;', 'toString')
#' Get fields from a pdf form
#' Get the field values from a pdf form (AcroForms). This function is a faster,
#' streamlined alternative to \code{staplr::get_fields}.
#' @param f Path to pdf file.
#' @return A list of the field values.
#' @examples
#' # read the staplr example file
#' pdf = system.file('testForm.pdf', package = 'staplr')
#' head(read_pdf_form(pdf))
#' @seealso \link[staplr]{get_fields}
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
read_pdf_form = function(f) {
pdftk_ReportAcroFormFields(f) %>%
strsplit('\n') %>%
getElement(1) %>%
data.frame(lines = .) %>%
transform(field_id = cumsum(lines == '---')) %>%
subset(lines != '---') %>%
transform(attr = sub('Field([^:]*):.*', '\\1', lines),
val = sub('Field[^:]*: +(.*)', '\\1', lines)) %>%
subset(attr != 'StateOption') %>%
reshape(timevar = 'attr', idvar = 'field_id', direction = 'wide',
drop = 'lines') %>%
with(setNames(val.Value, val.Name)) %>%
## return True if the box is checked, otherwise False
box_checked = function(box) !is.na(box) & box == 'On'
format_pdf_time = function(pdf, time_label)
strptime(paste(pdf$date, unlist(pdf[time_label])), '%d-%b-%y %H:%M', tz = 'EST')
# order matching strings so that the numbers at the ends of the strings match
# numeric vector `i`
order_matches = function(x, regex, i) {
labels = x[grepl(regex, x)]
stopifnot(length(labels) == length(i))
n = as.integer(sub('.*[^0-9]+', '', labels))
stopifnot(all(!is.na(n)) && all(sort(n) == i))
# Return the labels for the pdf time entries, ordered 1 to 8. `x` is a vector of
# labels
get_time_labels = function(x) order_matches(x, 'time[ _]log[ _][0-9]+', 1:8)
# Return the labels for the didcheck check boxes, ordered 2, 4, 6 (zero, span,
# second zero). `x` is a vector of labels
get_didcheck_labels = function(x) {
order_matches(x, '(zero|span)[ _](cal[ _])?(mode|check)[ _][246]', c(2, 4, 6))
# Return the labels for the corrected check boxes, ordered 3, 5 (zero,
# span). `x` is a vector of labels. Some files contain 2 parameters, and in that
# case the function will return different values depending on which parameter (1
# or 2) is selected.
get_corrected_labels = function(x, param = NULL) {
if (is.null(param)) {
regex = 'set.*zero.*3|set.*span.*5'
} else {
if (param == 1) {
regex = 'set.*zero.*3|set.*span.*a_5'
} else if (param == 2) {
regex = 'set.*zero.*3|set.*span.*b_5'
order_matches(x, regex, c(3, 5))
# Return the labels for the measured values, ordered 3, 5, 7 (zero, span, second
# zero). `x` is a vector of labels. Some files contain 2 parameters, and in that
# case the function will return different values depending on which parameter (1
# or 2) is selected.
get_measured_labels = function(x, param = NULL) {
if (is.null(param)) {
regex35 = 'measured[ _](zero|span)[ _].*[35]'
# a couple of weird cases here
if ('zero check 300EU ppb' %in% x) {
# 300EU equivalent of zero check 7
return(c(order_matches(x, regex35, c(3, 5)), 'zero check 300EU ppb'))
if ('43c_zero_7' %in% x) {
# I think in the 43C form the zero_check_7 value somehow took the place of
# zero_check_complete_7 (the checkbox)?
regex7 = '43c_zero_7'
} else {
regex7 = 'zero.*[ _](check[ _])7'
regex = paste0(regex35, '|', regex7)
} else {
if (param == 1) {
regex = 'measured[ _](zero|span)[ _].*a_[35]|zero.*[ _]a_7'
} else if (param == 2) {
regex = 'measured[ _](zero|span)[ _].*b_[35]|zero.*[ _]b_7'
order_matches(x, regex, c(3, 5, 7))
get_cal_start_time = function(start_time, offline_time, measured_times) {
## get the start time, guessing if needed
prev_measured_times = measured_times[1:(length(measured_times) - 1)]
cur_measured_time = tail(measured_times, 1)
if (!is.na(start_time)) {
} else if (length(measured_times) > 1 &&
!all(is.na(prev_measured_times))) {
## get the previous measured time if one is available
tail(na.omit(prev_measured_times), 1)
} else if (!is.na(offline_time)) {
## get the switch flag offline time
} else if (!is.na(cur_measured_time)) {
## get the measured time - 40 minutes
cur_measured_time - as.difftime(40, units = 'mins')
get_cal_end_time = function(start_times, online_time, measured_time) {
## get the end time, guessing if needed
next_start_times = start_times[2:length(start_times)]
if (length(start_times) > 1 && !all(is.na(next_start_times))) {
## get the next start time if one is available
} else if (!is.na(online_time)) {
## get the switch flag online time
} else if (!is.na(measured_time)) {
## get the measured time + 10 minutes
measured_time + as.difftime(10, units = 'mins')
} else if (!is.na(start_times[1])) {
## get the start time + 40 minutes
start_times[1] + as.difftime(40, units = 'mins')
transform_wfm_cal_list = function(pdf, measurement_name,
provided = c(0, 14, 0),
param = NULL) {
time_entries = format_pdf_time(pdf, get_time_labels(names(pdf)))
offline_time = time_entries[1]
start_times = time_entries[c(2, 4, 6)]
measured_times = time_entries[c(3, 5, 7)]
online_time = time_entries[8]
didcheck = box_checked(unlist(pdf[get_didcheck_labels(names(pdf))]))
corrected = box_checked(unlist(pdf[get_corrected_labels(names(pdf), param)]))
measured = unlist(pdf[get_measured_labels(names(pdf), param)])
types = c('zero', 'span', 'zero check')
res = data.frame()
for (n in 1:3) {
# Hey! need to look at more info here to determine if the calibration
# happened-- occasionally people forget to check the box
if (didcheck[n]) {
start_time = get_cal_start_time(start_times[n], offline_time,
end_time = get_cal_end_time(start_times[n:3], online_time,
# This is an embarrassing workaround to get the correct span values for
# the WFMS NO autocals. The span numbers really shouldn't be hardcoded in
# the first place and I should just rewrite how this whole thing works so
# that it gets the values from the autocal schedule.
if (end_time > '2020-08-12 06:00' & end_time < '2020-08-19 06:00' &
measurement_name %in% c('NO', 'NOx', 'NO 42Cs', 'NOy')) {
# make sure it's the WFMS and not WFML instrument
if (provided[2] == 4) provided[2] = 4.2
if (!is.null(start_time) && !is.null(end_time)) {
times_str = paste0('[', start_time, ', ', end_time, ']')
res1 = data.frame(measurement_name, type = types[n],
times = times_str,
provided_value = provided[n],
measured_value = measured[n],
corrected = n < 3 && corrected[n])
res = rbind(res, res1)
transform_wfm_single_cal = function(f, ...) {
pdf = read_pdf_form(f)
transform_wfm_cal_list(pdf, ...)
transform_wfm_no_cal = function(f, measurement_names, provided_span) {
## this is based on the "42Cs_calsheet_v04" format
pdf = read_pdf_form(f)
## this one has different cal checkbox labels
provided = c(0, provided_span, 0)
res1 = transform_wfm_cal_list(pdf, measurement_names[1],
provided = provided, param = 1)
res2 = transform_wfm_cal_list(pdf, measurement_names[2],
provided = provided, param = 2)
rbind(res1, res2)
#' @export
transform_wfml_42i = function(f) {
transform_wfm_no_cal(f, c('NO_Avg', 'NOX_Avg'), 14)
#' @export
transform_wfml_48C = function(f) {
df48C = transform_wfm_single_cal(f, 'CO_Avg', provided = c(0, 450, 0))
## need to multiply by 1000 because cal values are recorded in
## different units than the measurements!
df48C$measured_value =
as.numeric(as.character(df48C$measured_value)) * 1000
#' @export
transform_wfms_300EU = function(f) {
df300EU = transform_wfm_single_cal(f, 'CO_Avg', provided = c(0, 452, 0))
## for whatever reason these cal values are being recorded as an
## offset from 200 rather than from zero
df300EU$measured_value =
as.numeric(as.character(df300EU$measured_value)) + 200
#' @export
transform_wfms_42C = function(f) {
transform_wfm_no_cal(f, c('NO_Avg', 'NOx_Avg'), 4)
#' @export
transform_wfms_42Cs = function(f) {
transform_wfm_no_cal(f, c('NO 42Cs', 'NOy_Avg'), 4)
#' @export
transform_wfms_43C = function(f) {
transform_wfm_single_cal(f, 'SO2_Avg', provided = c(0, 5.9, 0))
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