# relative path to the sqlite files from the app directory
interm_dir = file.path('..', 'intermediate')
config = read_csv_dir('../config')
# get only true values
is_true = function(x) ! & x
# get all available channels from a sqlite measurements file
.get_channels = function(f) {
if (!file.exists(f)) return(character())
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), f)
columns = dbListFields(db, 'measurements')
columns = columns[startsWith(columns, 'value')]
sub('value\\.', '', columns)
# get all available channels (including derived values) for a given datalogger
get_channels = function(site, datalogger) {
file_suffix = paste0(site, '_', datalogger, '.sqlite')
raw_path = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('raw_', file_suffix))
processed_path = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('processed_', file_suffix))
unique(c(.get_channels(raw_path), .get_channels(processed_path)))
## retrieve data from table based on timerange and measure
get_raw = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2) {
dbpath = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('raw_', s, '_', ds, '.sqlite'))
param_col = paste0('value.', m)
param_fcol = paste0('flagged.', m)
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
q = paste0('select time, ?, ? from measurements where time >= ? and time <= ? order by time asc')
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, q, dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_col),
dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_fcol),
format(t1, tz = 'EST'), format(t2, tz = 'EST'))
res = try(dbGetQuery(db, sql))
if (inherits(res, 'try-error')) return(data.frame())
res[, 1] = as.POSIXct(res[, 1], tz = 'EST')
# booleans are stored as numbers in SQLite so they need to be converted
res[, 3] = ![, 3]) & as.logical(res[, 3])
get_processed = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2) {
dbpath = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('processed_', s, '_', ds, '.sqlite'))
param_col = paste0('value.', m)
param_fcol = paste0('flagged.', m)
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
q = paste0('select time, ?, ? from measurements where time >= ? and time <= ? order by time asc')
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, q, dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_col),
dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_fcol),
format(t1, tz = 'EST'), format(t2, tz = 'EST'))
res = try(dbGetQuery(db, sql))
if (inherits(res, 'try-error')) return(data.frame())
res[, 1] = as.POSIXct(res[, 1], tz = 'EST')
# booleans are stored as numbers in SQLite so they need to be converted
res[, 3] = ![, 3]) & as.logical(res[, 3])
.get_cals = function(s, ds, m, type, t1, t2) {
dbpath = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('processedcals_', s, '.sqlite'))
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
# if end_time is missing, crudely estimate it by adding an hour to the
# start_time
q = "
select *
from calibrations
where data_source = ?
and measurement_name = ?
and type = ?
order by time asc"
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, q, ds, m, type)
zeros = dbGetQuery(db, sql)
zeros$time = as.POSIXct(zeros$time, tz = 'EST')
zeros$flagged = as.logical(zeros$flagged)
zeros$filtered = F
zeros$label = type
# Get the estimated (median filtered) zeros from the raw values. These
# calculations are the same as in `drift_correct`
m_conf = subset(config$channels, site == s & data_source == ds & name == m)
z_breaks = zeros$time[is_true(zeros$corrected)]
# If we keep the values before and after the time range [t1,t2], they will
# influence ggplot2's y-axis bounds calculations, which we don't want. But we
# also want the preceding and succeeding points so that the zero/span lines
# can be drawn to the edges of the graph.
zeros0 = zeros
zeros = zeros %>%
transform(lead_time = c(tail(time, -1), NA),
lag_time = c(NA, head(time, -1))) %>%
subset(ifelse(, time > t1, lead_time > t1) &
ifelse(, time < t2, lag_time < t2))
fzeros = zeros
good_zeros = replace(zeros0$value, zeros0$flagged, NA)
smooth_window = m_conf[[paste0(tolower(type), '_smooth_window')]]
fzeros$value = estimate_cals(zeros0$time, good_zeros, smooth_window,
zeros$time, z_breaks)
fzeros$filtered = if (nrow(fzeros)) T else logical()
zeros = rbind(zeros, fzeros)
cols = c('time', 'value', 'flagged', 'filtered', 'label')
zeros[, cols]
get_cals = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2) {
zeros = .get_cals(s, ds, m, 'zero', t1, t2)
spans = .get_cals(s, ds, m, 'span', t1, t2)
rbind(zeros, spans)
get_cal_breaks = function(s, ds, m, type, t1, t2) {
dbpath = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('cals_', s, '.sqlite'))
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
q = "
select end_time as time
from calibrations
where data_source = ?
and measurement_name = ?
and type = ?
and corrected
and end_time > ?
and end_time < ?
order by end_time asc"
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, q, ds, m, type,
format(t1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST'),
format(t2, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST'))
res = dbGetQuery(db, sql)
as.POSIXct(res[, 1], tz = 'EST')
get_ceffs = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2) {
.get_cals(s, ds, m, 'CE', t1, t2)
get_hourly = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2) {
dbpath = file.path(interm_dir, paste0('hourly_', s, '_', ds, '.sqlite'))
param_col = paste0('value.', m)
param_fcol = paste0('flag.', m)
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
q = paste0('select time, ?, ? from measurements where time >= ? and time <= ? order by time asc')
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, q, dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_col),
dbQuoteIdentifier(db, param_fcol),
format(t1, tz = 'EST'), format(t2, tz = 'EST'))
res = try(dbGetQuery(db, sql))
if (inherits(res, 'try-error')) return(data.frame())
res[, 1] = as.POSIXct(res[, 1], tz = 'EST')
make_processing_plot = function(s, ds, m, t1, t2, plot_types, logt = F,
show_flagged = T) {
if (is.null(ds) || m == '') return(NULL)
## get measurement info
m_info = subset(config$channels, site == s & data_source == ds & name == m)
if (nrow(m_info)) {
ylabel = paste0(m, ' (', m_info$units, ')')
has_raw = 'raw' %in% plot_types && !is_true(m_info$derived)
has_processed = is_true(m_info$apply_processing) &
'processed' %in% plot_types
has_cal = is_true(m_info$has_calibration) &
any(c('zero','span') %in% plot_types)
has_ce = is_true(m_info$apply_ce) &
'ce' %in% plot_types
has_hourly = is_true(m_info$apply_processing) &
'hourly' %in% plot_types
} else {
# if this channel isn't in the channel tables then only the raw data is
# available
ylabel = m
has_raw = 'raw' %in% plot_types
has_processed = F
has_cal = F
has_ce = F
has_hourly = F
if (logt) ylabel = paste('Log', ylabel)
# organize subplots
n = 1
plist = list()
rel_heights = numeric()
if (has_raw || has_processed) {
df_list = list()
if (has_raw && nrow(raw <- get_raw(s, ds, m, t1, t2))) {
raw$label = 'raw'
df_list$raw = raw
if (has_processed && nrow(processed <- get_processed(s, ds, m, t1, t2))) {
processed$label = 'processed'
df_list$processed = processed
if (length(df_list)) {
meas_orig =, df_list)
names(meas_orig)[2:3] = c('value', 'flagged')
if (logt) meas_orig$value = log(meas_orig$value)
if (!show_flagged) meas_orig$value[meas_orig$flagged] = NA
plist[[n]] = ggplot(meas_orig, aes(x = time, y = value, color = flagged,
group = 1)) +
geom_line(size = .2) +
scale_color_manual(values = c('black', 'red')) +
xlim(t1, t2) +
facet_wrap(~ label, ncol = 1, scales = 'free_y',
strip.position = 'right') +
xlab('Time (EST)') + ylab(ylabel)
rel_heights = length(df_list)
n = n + 1
if (has_cal && nrow(cals <- get_cals(s, ds, m, t1, t2))) {
cals$segment = 0
breaks = as.POSIXct(numeric(), tz = 'EST', origin = '1970-01-01')
labels = character()
for (type in c('zero', 'span')) {
if (type %in% plot_types) {
zero_breaks = get_cal_breaks(s, ds, m, type, t1, t2)
cals$segment[cals$label == type] =
findInterval(cals$time[cals$label == type], zero_breaks)
if (length(zero_breaks)) {
breaks = c(breaks, zero_breaks)
labels = c(labels, rep(type, length(zero_breaks)))
} else {
cals = subset(cals, label != type)
breaks_df = data.frame(breaks = breaks, label = labels)
if (!show_flagged) cals$value[cals$flagged] = NA
plist[[n]] = ggplot(cals, aes(x = time, y = value, color = flagged,
group = interaction(filtered, segment))) +
geom_point(aes(shape = filtered)) +
geom_line(aes(linetype = filtered), color = 'black') +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = breaks), breaks_df, color = 'darkgray',
size = .3) +
scale_color_manual(values = c('black', 'red')) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(19, NA)) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c('blank', 'solid')) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(t1, t2)) +
facet_wrap(~ label, ncol = 1, scales = 'free_y',
strip.position = 'right') +
xlab('Time (EST)') + ylab('value')
rel_heights = c(rel_heights, length(unique(cals$label)))
n = n + 1
if (has_ce && nrow(ceffs <- get_ceffs(s, ds, m, t1, t2))) {
if (!show_flagged) ceffs$value[ceffs$flagged] = NA
plist[[n]] = ggplot(ceffs, aes(x = time, y = value, color = flagged,
group = filtered)) +
geom_point(aes(shape = filtered)) +
geom_line(aes(linetype = filtered), color = 'black') +
scale_color_manual(values = c('black', 'red')) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(19, NA)) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c('blank', 'solid')) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(t1, t2)) +
facet_wrap(~ label, ncol = 1, scales = 'free_y',
strip.position = 'right') +
xlab('Time (EST)') + ylab('value')
rel_heights = c(rel_heights, 1)
n = n + 1
if (has_hourly && nrow(hourly <- get_hourly(s, ds, m, t1, t2))) {
hourly$label = 'hourly'
names(hourly)[2:3] = c('value', 'flag')
if (logt) hourly$value = log(hourly$value)
if (!show_flagged) hourly$value[startsWith(hourly$flag, 'M')] = NA
plist[[n]] = ggplot(hourly, aes(x = time, y = value, color = flag, group = 1)) +
geom_line() +
xlim(t1, t2) +
facet_wrap(~ label, ncol = 1, scales = 'free_y', strip.position = 'right') +
xlab('Time (EST)') + ylab(ylabel)
rel_heights = c(rel_heights, 1)
# remove bottom axis, except for bottom plot
plist[seq_len(length(plist) - 1)] =
lapply(head(plist, -1), function(x) {
x + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
# add space for the bottom axis labels
rel_heights = .94 * rel_heights / sum(rel_heights)
rel_heights[length(rel_heights)] = rel_heights[length(rel_heights)] + .06
plot_grid(plotlist = plist, align = "v", ncol = 1, rel_heights = rel_heights)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$data_sources = renderUI({
site_data_sources = subset(config$dataloggers, site == input$site)
selectInput('data_source', 'Data Source:', site_data_sources$name)
output$measurements = renderUI({
selectInput('measurement', 'Measurement:',
get_channels(input$site, input$data_source))
output$plots = renderPlot({
## to make sure the time zone is handled correctly
date_range = as.POSIXct(as.character(input$dateRange),
tz = 'EST')
make_processing_plot(input$site, input$data_source, input$measurement,
date_range[1], date_range[2], input$plotTypes,
input$log, input$showFlagged)
height = 700, res = 100)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.