# load raw data into SQLite
# run like so:
# Rscript analysis/load_raw.R <site> <data_source>
# produces file analysis/intermediate/raw_<site>_<data_source>.sqlite
site = commandArgs(trailingOnly = T)[1]
data_source = commandArgs(trailingOnly = T)[2]
raw_folder = paste0('raw_data_v', Sys.getenv('raw_version'))
# transform a raw data file according to its site and data source
transform_raw = function(f) {
ds = data_source
if (ds == 'campbell') return(transform_campbell(f, site))
if (site == 'WFMS' && ds == 'envidas') return(transform_envidas_daily(f))
if (site == 'WFMS' && ds == 'DEC_envidas') return(transform_wfm_envidas(f))
if (site == 'WFMB' && ds == 'envidas') return(transform_wfm_envidas(f))
if (site == 'PSP' && ds == 'envidas') {
# check to see if the file is in the simpler daily format
is_daily_format = grepl('^[0-9]{8}_envidas.csv$', basename(f))
if (is_daily_format) {
} else {
# these remaining functions are from older code that requires the results to
# be reshaped
res = if (ds == 'ultrafine') {
} else if (ds == 'mesonet') {
} else if (site == 'WFMS' && ds == 'aethelometer') {
if (!nrow(res)) return(data.frame())
res %>%
transform(time = as.POSIXct(instrument_time, tz = 'EST')) %>%
reshape(timevar = 'measurement_name', idvar = 'time', direction = 'wide',
drop = c('record', 'instrument_time'))
# make corrections to raw data
make_corrections = function(f, dat) {
if (site == 'WFMS') {
if (data_source == 'campbell') {
# replace mislabeled NO2 column
names(dat) = sub('NO2', 'NOx', names(dat))
# correct miscalculated wind speeds
wind_miscalculated = dat$time > '2016-12-14' &
dat$time < '2019-02-14 15:57'
if (any(wind_miscalculated)) {
for (windvar in c('value.WS3Cup_Avg', 'value.WS3Cup_Max')) {
dat[wind_miscalculated, windvar] =
(.5 / .527) * (dat[wind_miscalculated, windvar] - 1) - .5
# ignore some incorrect flags
dat[dat$time > '2018-12-01' & dat$time < '2019-01-01',
paste0('flagged', c('T', 'RH'), '_Avg')] = F
dat[dat$time >= '2019-11-07 04:15' & dat$time < '2019-11-15',
'flagged.CO_Avg'] = F
dat[dat$time >= '2020-02-25 12:01' & dat$time < '2020-03-05 10:37',
paste0('flagged', c('NO', 'NOx'), '_Avg')] = F
dat[dat$time >= '2020-07-15 14:03' & dat$time < '2020-07-22 12:00',
'flagged.CO_Avg'] = F
# T/RH flags have not been working correctly and were probably never
# flagged
dat$flagged.T_Avg = F
dat$flagged.RH_Avg = F
# replace malfunctioning wind direction values with NA
dat[dat$value.WindDir_SD1_WVT == 0,
c('value.WindDir_D1_WVT', 'value.WindDir_SD1_WVT')] = NA
# a few column names got messed up 2020-06-30 when changes were made to
# wind columns
if ('value.WS3CupB_SWS3CupB_S_WVT' %in% names(dat)) {
names(dat) = sub('WS3CupB_SWS3CupB_S_WVT', 'WS3CupB_S', names(dat))
names(dat) = sub('WindDirB_D1_WVT', 'WS3CupB_S_WVT', names(dat))
names(dat) = sub('WindDirB_SD1_WVT', 'WindDirB_D1_WVT', names(dat))
names(dat) = sub('WS3CupB_WVc', 'WindDirB_SD1_WVT', names(dat))
} else if (data_source == 'DEC_envidas') {
# Unflagged WFMS ozone calibrations, 2020-06-27 to 2020-09-01, 2-4am every
# 3 days
if ('value.O3' %in% names(dat)) {
botched_period = dat$time > as.POSIXct('2020-06-27', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time < as.POSIXct('2020-09-02', tz = 'EST')
day3 = as.integer(as.Date(dat$time) - as.Date('2020-06-27')) %% 3 == 0
am2to4 = substr(dat$time, 12, 13) %in% c('02', '03')
dat$flagged.O3[botched_period & day3 & am2to4] = T
} else if (data_source == 'ultrafine') {
# fix some times
date_str = basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(f))
if (date_str >= '21022402' && date_str <= '21031601') {
# Year says 2020, should be 2021. Due to leap year, some days are also
# off by one. Can solve using Julian days
dat$time = as.POSIXct(format(dat$time, '2021 %j %T'), tz = 'EST',
format = '%Y %j %T')
} else if (site == 'WFMB') {
if (data_source == 'campbell') {
# replace mislabeled NO2 column
names(dat) = sub('NO2', 'NOX', names(dat))
# add missing data, 2021-02-16 to 2021-02-24
if (basename(f) == 'WFMS_LODGE_Table1_2021_02_15_0001.dat') {
# Missing data is in file info/2021_gap.dat. That file has the same
# structure as a normal campbell file, but without the header and with
# tabs instead of commas.
gap_file = file.path(dirname(dirname(f)), 'info', '2021_gap.dat')
gap_lines = gsub('\t', ',', readLines(gap_file, warn = F))
f_header = readLines(f, n = 4)
gap_conn = textConnection(c(f_header, gap_lines))
gap_dat = transform_campbell(gap_conn, 'WFMB') %>%
subset(time > as.POSIXct('2021-02-16 00:00', tz = 'EST') &
time < as.POSIXct('2021-02-24 00:00', tz = 'EST'))
dat = rbind(dat, gap_dat)
} else if (data_source == 'envidas') {
# flag left on after instrument installed, 2020-01-03 14:02 to 2020-01-07
# 09:04
if ('flagged.PM25C' %in% names(dat)) {
dat$flagged.PM25C[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2020-01-03 14:02', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time < as.POSIXct('2020-01-07 09:04', tz = 'EST')] = F
} else if (site == 'PSP') {
if (data_source == 'envidas') {
# fix some black carbon data, which is incorrectly recorded as zero when it's
# missing
if (all(c('value.BC1', 'value.BC6') %in% names(dat))) {
na_bc = which(dat$value.BC1 == 0 & dat$value.BC6 == 0)
if (length(na_bc)) dat[na_bc, c('value.BC1', 'value.BC6')] = NA
# fix some incorrectly set flags
dat$flagged.NOy[dat$time >= '2020-01-24 12:00' &
dat$time < '2020-01-27 11:00'] = F
dat$flagged.CO[dat$time >= '2020-08-17 14:10' &
dat$time < '2020-08-18 10:00'] = F
dat$flagged.NOy[dat$time >= '2020-08-19 14:00' &
dat$time < '2020-08-20 09:00'] = F
dat$flagged.VWS[dat$time >= '2020-11-04 09:23' &
dat$time <= '2020-11-16 09:44'] = F
dat$flagged.VWD[dat$time >= '2020-11-04 09:23' &
dat$time <= '2020-11-16 09:44'] = F
dat$flagged.NO[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-05-11 13:45', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time < as.POSIXct('2021-05-12 07:28', tz = 'EST')] = F
dat$flagged.NOx[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-05-11 13:45', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time < as.POSIXct('2021-05-12 07:28', tz = 'EST')] = F
dat$flagged.WS[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-09-10 09:00', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time <= as.POSIXct('2021-10-29 09:00', tz = 'EST')] = F
dat$flagged.WD[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-09-10 09:00', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time <= as.POSIXct('2021-10-29 09:00', tz = 'EST')] = F
dat$flagged.VWS[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-09-10 09:00', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time <= as.POSIXct('2021-10-29 09:00', tz = 'EST')] = F
dat$flagged.VWD[dat$time >= as.POSIXct('2021-09-10 09:00', tz = 'EST') &
dat$time <= as.POSIXct('2021-10-29 09:00', tz = 'EST')] = F
# add columns to the db table if needed
add_db_columns = function(db, cols) {
cur_fields = dbListFields(db, 'measurements')
if (!all(cols %in% cur_fields)) {
new_fields = setdiff(cols, cur_fields)
for (fname in new_fields) {
sql_text = 'alter table measurements add column ?'
sql = sqlInterpolate(db, sql_text, dbQuoteIdentifier(db, fname))
dbExecute(db, sql)
# read the file and add it to the sqlite database
load_file = function(f, db) {
dat = tryCatch(transform_raw(f), error = function(e) {
stop(f, ' loading failed: ', e)
if (!nrow(dat)) return()
dat = make_corrections(f, dat)
add_db_columns(db, names(dat))
dat$time = format(dat$time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST')
dbWriteTable(db, 'measurements', dat, append = T)
# set up the sqlite database
interm_dir = file.path('analysis', 'intermediate')
dir.create(interm_dir, F, T)
dbpath = paste0('raw_', site, '_', data_source, '.sqlite') %>%
file.path(interm_dir, .)
if (file.exists(dbpath)) invisible(file.remove(dbpath))
db = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
invisible(dbExecute(db, 'create table measurements(time text)'))
# load data into sqlite
files = file.path('analysis', 'raw', raw_folder, site, 'measurements',
data_source, '*', '*') %>%
# exclude files in the 'info' folder
files = files[basename(dirname(files)) != 'info']
message('Loading ', length(files), ' files into ', basename(dbpath), '...')
for (f in files) load_file(f, db)
# speed up future queries, especially queries that filter by time of day
invisible(dbExecute(db, 'create index time_index on measurements(time, substr(time, 12, 5))'))
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