# apply calibration adjustments and flags to cal check results
# run like so:
# Rscript analysis/scripts/process_calibrations.R <site>
# produces file analysis/intermediate/processedcals_<site>.sqlite
site = commandArgs(trailingOnly = T)[1]
config = read_csv_dir('analysis/config')
# get some site-specific config info
site_channels = config$channels[config$channels$site == site, ]
cal_flags = config$cal_flags[config$cal_flags$site == site, ] %>%
transform(times = as_interval(times))
site_flows = config$cal_flows[config$cal_flows$site == site, ]
site_flows$time = as.Date(site_flows$time, tz = 'EST')
# set up database connections
dbinpath = file.path('analysis', 'intermediate',
paste0('cals_', site, '.sqlite'))
dbin = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbinpath)
dboutpath = file.path('analysis', 'intermediate',
paste0('processedcals_', site, '.sqlite'))
if (file.exists(dboutpath)) invisible(file.remove(dboutpath))
dbout = dbConnect(SQLite(), dboutpath)
# determine whether a cal check result is flagged based on the end time of the
# check (t)
cal_flagged = function(t, datalogger, param, type) {
if (!length(t)) return(logical(0))
flag_times = cal_flags[cal_flags$data_source == datalogger &
cal_flags$measurement_name == param &
cal_flags$type == type, 'times']
if (!length(flag_times)) return(FALSE)
t %within% as.list(flag_times)
# get the raw cal check results
get_cals = function(datalogger, param, type) {
sql_str = "
select *
from calibrations
where data_source=?
and measurement_name=?
and type=?
order by end_time asc"
q = sqlInterpolate(dbin, sql_str, datalogger, param, type)
res = dbGetQuery(dbin, q)
res$start_time = as.POSIXct(res$start_time, tz = 'EST')
res$end_time = as.POSIXct(res$end_time, tz = 'EST')
if (any(is.na(res$end_time))) {
nmiss = sum(is.na(res$end_time))
warning('Missing ', nmiss,
' calibration end times. Guessing the end times.')
res$end_time[is.na(res$end_time)] =
res$start_time[is.na(res$end_time)] + as.difftime(1, units = 'hours')
res = res[order(res$end_time), ]
res$manual = as.logical(res$manual)
res$flagged = cal_flagged(res$end_time, datalogger, measurement, type)
append_cals = function(cals) {
# write time, value, corrected columns
transform(cals, time = format(end_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST')) %>%
subset(select = c(data_source, measurement_name, type, time, value, flagged,
corrected, manual)) %>%
dbWriteTable(dbout, 'calibrations', ., append = TRUE)
# get the processed cal check results
get_processed_cals = function(datalogger, param, type) {
sql_str = "
select *
from calibrations
where data_source=?
and measurement_name=?
and type=?
order by time asc"
q = sqlInterpolate(dbout, sql_str, datalogger, param, type)
res = dbGetQuery(dbout, q)
res$time = as.POSIXct(res$time, tz = 'EST')
res$flagged = as.logical(res$flagged)
get_flow_values = function(param, t) {
flows = site_flows[site_flows$measurement_name == param, ]
f_breaks = flows$time[is_true(flows$changed)]
estimate_cals(flows$time, flows$measured_value, NA, t, f_breaks)
parameters = dbGetQuery(dbin, 'select distinct data_source, measurement_name from calibrations')
for (i in seq_len(nrow(parameters))) {
datalogger = parameters$data_source[i]
measurement = parameters$measurement_name[i]
if (measurement == 'NO2') next()
meas_conf = site_channels[site_channels$data_source == datalogger &
site_channels$name == measurement, ]
# skip if there's no processing instructions
if (!nrow(meas_conf)) next()
# zero results don't need to be corrected
zeros = get_cals(datalogger, measurement, 'zero')
zeros$value = zeros$measured_value
spans = get_cals(datalogger, measurement, 'span')
if (nrow(spans)) {
# zero values estimated at the span times
z_breaks = zeros$end_time[is_true(zeros$corrected)]
s_zeros = estimate_cals(zeros$end_time, zeros$measured_value,
meas_conf$zero_smooth_window, spans$end_time,
spans$value = spans$measured_value - s_zeros
# convert spans to ratio, possibly using flow cals
if (site == 'WFMS') {
provided_value = get_flow_values(meas_conf$gilibrator_span,
} else {
provided_value = spans$provided_value
spans$value = spans$value / provided_value
# get CE cals
ceffs = get_cals(datalogger, measurement, 'CE')
if (nrow(ceffs)) {
# zero and span values estimated at the ceff times
z_breaks = zeros$end_time[is_true(zeros$corrected)]
ce_zeros = estimate_cals(zeros$end_time, zeros$measured_value,
meas_conf$zero_smooth_window, ceffs$end_time,
s_breaks = spans$end_time[is_true(spans$corrected)]
ce_spans = estimate_cals(spans$end_time, spans$value,
meas_conf$span_smooth_window, ceffs$end_time,
ceffs$value = (ceffs$measured_value - ce_zeros) / ce_spans
# Convert ceffs to ratio, possibly using flow cals. But only if it applies
# to this parameter-- otherwise need to save the non-ratio value, and the
# ratio is calculated further down
if (is_true(meas_conf$apply_ce)) {
if (site == 'WFMS') {
provided_value = get_flow_values(meas_conf$gilibrator_ce,
} else {
provided_value = ceffs$provided_value
ceffs$value = ceffs$value / provided_value
# Calculate NO2 conversion efficiencies (derived from NOx and NO results)
if (site == 'WFMS') {
# WFMS NO2 conversion efficiencies are recorded on the NOx channel
no2_ceffs = rbind(get_processed_cals('campbell', 'NOx_Avg', 'CE'),
get_processed_cals('envidas', 'NOX', 'CE'))
no2_ceffs$measurement_name = 'NO2'
# convert to ratio
no2_ceffs$value = no2_ceffs$value / get_flow_values('NO2', no2_ceffs$time)
no2_ceffs$time = format(no2_ceffs$time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST')
dbWriteTable(dbout, 'calibrations', no2_ceffs, append = TRUE)
} else if (site == 'PSP') {
# PSP NO2 conversion efficiencies require subtracting NO, because the CE air
# includes both NO2 and NO
no2_ceffs = rbind(get_processed_cals('envidas', 'NO', 'CE'),
get_processed_cals('envidas', 'NOx', 'CE'))
no2_ceffs = reshape(no2_ceffs, timevar = 'measurement_name', idvar = 'time',
v.names = c('value', 'flagged'), direction = 'wide')
# also need to get the raw values to get the provided_value
nox_ceffs = get_cals('envidas', 'NOx', 'CE')
provided_values =
nox_ceffs$provided_value[match(no2_ceffs$time, nox_ceffs$end_time)]
no2_ceffs$value = with(no2_ceffs, value.NOx - value.NO) / provided_values
no2_ceffs$measurement_name = 'NO2'
no2_ceffs$flagged = with(no2_ceffs, flagged.NO | flagged.NOx)
no2_ceffs[, c('value.NO', 'value.NOx', 'flagged.NO', 'flagged.NOx')] = NULL
no2_ceffs$time = format(no2_ceffs$time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'EST')
dbWriteTable(dbout, 'calibrations', no2_ceffs, append = TRUE)
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