
Defines functions WH.regr.two.comp.Bootstrap WH.regression.GOF WH.regression.two.components.predict WH.NNLS WH.regression.two.components

Documented in WH.regression.GOF WH.regression.two.components WH.regression.two.components.predict

## Regression analysis ----
# Multiple regression analysis of histogram variable based on Wasserstein distance----
#' Multiple regression analysis for  histogram variables based on a two component model and L2 Wasserstein distance
#' @description The function implements Multiple regression analysis for  histogram variables based on
#' a two component model and L2 Wasserstein distance. Taking as imput dependent histogram variable and
#'  a set of explanatory histogram variables the methods return a least squares estimation of a two component
#'  regression model based on the decomposition of L2 Wasserstein metric for distributional data.
#' @param data A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH).
#' @param Yvar An integer, the dependent variable number in data.
#' @param Xvars A set of integers the explanantory variables in data.
#' @param simplify a logical argument (default=FALSE). If TRUE only few equally spaced quantiles
#' are considered (for speeding up the  algorithm)
#' @param qua If \code{simplify=TRUE} is the number of quantiles to consider.

#' @return a named vector with the model estimated parameters
#' @references
#' Irpino A, Verde R (in press 2015). Linear regression for numeric symbolic variables: a least squares approach
#' based on Wasserstein Distance. ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION, ISSN: 1862-5347, DOI:10.1007/s11634-015-0197-7 \cr
#' An extended version is available  on arXiv repository arXiv:1202.1436v2 \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1436v2}
#' @details  A two component regression model is implemented. The observed variables are histogram variables
#'  according to the definition given in the framework
#' of Symbolic Data Analysis and the parameters of the model are estimated
#' using the classic Least Squares method. An appropriate metric is introduced
#' in order to measure the error between the observed and the predicted distributions.
#' In particular, the Wasserstein distance is proposed.
#' Such a metric permits to predict the response variable as direct linear combination of other independent
#'  histogram variables.
#' @examples
#' model.parameters <- WH.regression.two.components(data = BLOOD, Yvar = 1, Xvars = c(2:3))
#' @importFrom stats as.formula lm
#' @export
WH.regression.two.components <- function(data, Yvar, Xvars, simplify = FALSE, qua = 20) {
  # check input
  if (is(data) != "MatH") {
    stop("HW.regression.two.components accepts only MatH objects as input data table")
  if (length(Yvar) > 1) {
    stop("Multiple choice not allowed for Y variable")
  # check for missing values and set up working data
  selected <- c(1:nrow(data@M))

  Y <- data[selected, Yvar]
  X <- data[selected, Xvars]

  n <- length(selected)
  d <- ncol(X@M)
  # simplify, i.e. use a fixed number of quantiles for a rapid computation

  if (simplify) {
    pr <- c(0:qua) / qua
    for (i in 1:n) {
      tmpx <- numeric(0)
      for (q in 0:qua) {
        tmpx <- c(tmpx, compQ(Y@M[i, 1][[1]], pr[q + 1]))
      Y@M[i, 1][[1]] <- new("distributionH", x = tmpx, p = pr)
      for (j in 1:d) {
        tmpx <- numeric(0)
        for (q in 0:qua) {
          tmpx <- c(tmpx, compQ(X@M[i, j][[1]], pr[q + 1]))
        X@M[i, j][[1]] <- new("distributionH", x = tmpx, p = pr)
  # extract means and do multiple regression on means
  MatAver <- matrix(0, n, (d + 1)) # the matrix of means of the distributions
  for (i in 1:n) {
    MatAver[i, 1] <- Y@M[i, 1][[1]]@m
    for (j in 1:d) {
      MatAver[i, (j + 1)] <- X@M[i, j][[1]]@m

  colnames(MatAver) <- paste0("AV_", c(colnames(Y@M), colnames(X@M)))
  rownames(MatAver) <- rownames(Y@M)
  MatAver <- as.data.frame(MatAver)
  xnam <- colnames(MatAver)[2:(d + 1)]
  fmla <- as.formula(paste(colnames(MatAver)[1], paste(xnam, collapse = "+"), sep = "~"))
  fit <- lm(fmla, data = MatAver)
  AveCoeff <- fit$coefficient
  names(AveCoeff)[1] <- "(AV_Intercept)"

  # center data
  CENDATA <- new("MatH", nrows = n, ncols = d + 1)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    CENDATA@M[i, 1][[1]] <- Y@M[i, 1][[1]] - Y@M[i, 1][[1]]@m
    for (j in 1:d) {
      CENDATA@M[i, (j + 1)][[1]] <- X@M[i, j][[1]] - X@M[i, j][[1]]@m
  if (!simplify) {
    CENDATA <- registerMH(CENDATA)

    # register all data
  YC <- CENDATA[, 1]
  XC <- CENDATA[, 2:(d + 1)]
  # do Non Negative Least Squares modifying
  # Lawson, Charles L.; Hanson, Richard J. (1995). Solving Least Squares Problems. SIAM.
  gammas <- WH.NNLS(XC, YC)
  gammas <- as.vector(gammas)
  names(gammas) <- paste0("CEN_", colnames(X@M))
  return(parameters = c(AveCoeff, gammas))
## NNLS for histogram variables -----

WH.NNLS <- function(X, Y) {
  # Non Negative Least Squares for histogram variables modifying
  # Lawson, Charles L.; Hanson, Richard J. (1995). Solving Least Squares Problems. SIAM.
  tol <- 1e-14
  # Check input
  if ((is(Y)[1] != is(X)[1]) && (is(X)[1] != "MatH")) {
    stop("X and Y maust be a MatH objects")
  if (nrow(Y@M) != nrow(X@M)) {
    stop("X and Y must have the same number of rows")
  # Lawson and Hanson NNLS algorithm
  # step 1
  P <- integer(0)
  Z <- c(1:ncol(X@M))
  gamma <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(X@M), ncol = 1)
  stp <- 0
  # step 2
  while (stp == 0) {
    w <- WH.mat.prod(X, Y, traspose1 = TRUE) - WH.mat.prod(X, X, traspose1 = TRUE) %*% gamma

    # step 3: if Z is empty or if all w are less or equal to 0 end
    if ((length(Z) == 0) || (sum(w <= 0) == length(w))) {
      stp <- 1
    else {
      P <- c(P, Z[which.max(w[Z, 1])])
      Z <- Z[-which.max(w[Z, 1])]
      stp2 <- 0
      while (stp2 == 0) {
        P <- sort(P)
        Z <- sort(Z)
        tmpX <- X[, P]
        GG <- solve(WH.mat.prod(tmpX, tmpX, traspose1 = TRUE)) %*% 
          WH.mat.prod(tmpX, Y, traspose1 = TRUE)
        zvect <- matrix(0, ncol(X@M), 1)
        zvect[P, 1] <- GG
        # step 7
        if (length(zvect[P, 1]) == sum(zvect[P, 1] > 0)) {
          gamma <- zvect
          stp <- 0
          stp2 <- 1
          # go to step 2
        else { # step 8 and 9
          tmp3 <- gamma / (gamma - zvect)
          alpha <- min(tmp3[zvect[P, 1] <= 0, 1])
          # step 10
          gamma <- gamma + alpha * (zvect - gamma)

          # step 11
          # remove from P all the indices for wich gamma_j is 0 and move them to Z
          tmp4 <- P[abs(gamma[P, 1]) < tol]
          P <- P[-tmp4]
          Z <- c(Z, tmp4)
## diagnostics measures to be implemented
#' Multiple regression analysis for  histogram variables based on a two component model and L2 Wasserstein distance
#' @description Predict distributions using the results of a regression done with \code{WH.regression.two.components} function.
#' @param data A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH) explantory part.
#' @param parameters A named vector with the parameter from a \code{WH.regression.two.components} model
#' @return a \code{MatH}  object, the predicted histograms
#' @references
#' Irpino A, Verde R (in press 2015). Linear regression for numeric symbolic variables: a least squares approach
#' based on Wasserstein Distance. ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION, ISSN: 1862-5347, DOI:10.1007/s11634-015-0197-7 \cr
#' An extended version is available  on arXiv repository arXiv:1202.1436v2 \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1436v2}
#' @examples
#' # do regression
#' model.parameters <- WH.regression.two.components(data = BLOOD, Yvar = 1, Xvars = c(2:3))
#' # do prediction
#' Predicted.BLOOD <- WH.regression.two.components.predict(data = BLOOD[, 2:3], 
#'                                                         parameters = model.parameters)
#' @export
WH.regression.two.components.predict <- function(data, parameters) {
  if (is(data) != "MatH") {
    stop("HW.regression.two.components.predict accepts only MatH objects as input data table")
  if (ncol(data@M) != (length(parameters) - 1) / 2) {
    stop("Predictors (colums of data) are not consistent with the number of parameters (that must be (num.of colums of data)x2+1)")
  npred <- ncol(data@M)
  if (sum(abs(parameters[(1 + npred + 1):length(parameters)]) - (parameters[(1 + npred + 1):length(parameters)])) > 0) {
    stop(cat("HW.regression.two.components.predict accepts only last ", npred, " parameters positives"))
  indiv <- nrow(data@M)
  predictions <- new("MatH", nrows = indiv, ncols = 1, names.cols = c("Predicted"), names.rows = rownames(data@M))
  parameters <- as.numeric(parameters)
  for (i in 1:indiv) {
    tmp.pred <- new("distributionH", x = c(parameters[1], parameters[1]), p = c(0, 1))
    for (j in 1:npred) {
      tmpdist <- data@M[i, j][[1]]
      tmp.pred <- tmp.pred + (parameters[1 + j] * tmpdist@m) + (parameters[1 + npred + j] * (tmpdist - tmpdist@m))
    predictions@M[i, 1][[1]] <- tmp.pred
#' Goodness of Fit indices for Multiple regression of histogram variables based on a two component model and L2 Wasserstein distance
#' @description It computes three goodness of fit indices using the results and the predictions of a regression done with \code{WH.regression.two.components} function.
#' @param observed A one column MatH object, the observed histogram variable
#' @param predicted A one column MatH object, the predicted histogram variable.
#' @return a list with the GOF indices
#' @references
#' Irpino A, Verde R (in press 2015). Linear regression for numeric symbolic variables: a least squares approach
#' based on Wasserstein Distance. ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION, ISSN: 1862-5347, DOI:10.1007/s11634-015-0197-7 \cr
#' An extended version is available  on arXiv repository arXiv:1202.1436v2 \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1436v2}
#' @examples
#' # do regression
#' model.parameters <- WH.regression.two.components(data = BLOOD, Yvar = 1, Xvars = c(2:3))
#' #' # do prediction
#' Predicted.BLOOD <- WH.regression.two.components.predict(data = BLOOD[, 2:3], 
#'                                               parameters = model.parameters)
#' # compute GOF indices
#' GOF.indices <- WH.regression.GOF(observed = BLOOD[, 1], predicted = Predicted.BLOOD)
#' @export
WH.regression.GOF <- function(observed, predicted) {
  indiv <- nrow(observed@M)
  WassD2 <- matrix(0, nrow = indiv, ncol = 1)
  TOTSSQ <- WH.SSQ(observed)
  MO <- WH.vec.mean(observed)
  SSQR <- 0
  RMSE_W <- 0
  NUM_OMEGA <- 0
  DEN_OMEGA <- 0
  for (i in 1:indiv) {
    WassD2[i, 1] <- WassSqDistH(observed@M[i, 1][[1]], predicted@M[i, 1][[1]])
    SSQR <- SSQR + WassSqDistH(predicted@M[i, 1][[1]], MO)
    NUM_OMEGA <- NUM_OMEGA + (predicted@M[i, 1][[1]]@m - MO@m)^2 + (predicted@M[i, 1][[1]]@s)^2
    DEN_OMEGA <- DEN_OMEGA + (observed@M[i, 1][[1]]@m - MO@m)^2 + (observed@M[i, 1][[1]]@s)^2

  return(indices = list(
    RMSE_W = sqrt(sum(WassD2) / indiv),
    PSEUDOR2 = list(
      index = max(0, min(SSQR / TOTSSQ, 1 - sum(WassD2) / TOTSSQ)),
      details = c(
        TotSSQ = TOTSSQ, SSQ.R = SSQR, SSQ.E = sum(WassD2),
        Bias = TOTSSQ - SSQR - sum(WassD2), SSQ.R.rel = SSQR / TOTSSQ,
        SSQ.E.rel = sum(WassD2) / TOTSSQ,
        SSQ.bias.rel = (TOTSSQ - SSQR - sum(WassD2)) / TOTSSQ

WH.regr.two.comp.Bootstrap <- function(data, Yvar, Xvars, simplify = FALSE,
                                       qua = 20, rep = 100, GOF = FALSE) {
  nobj <- get.MatH.nrows(data)
  ind <- sample(nobj, nobj, replace = TRUE)
  pars <- WH.regression.two.components(data[ind, ], Yvar, Xvars, simplify = simplify, qua = qua)

  if (GOF == TRUE) {
    OBS <- data[ind, Yvar]
    PRED <- WH.regression.two.components.predict(data[ind, Xvars], pars)
    idxs <- WH.regression.GOF(OBS, PRED)
    MP <- c(pars, RMSEW = idxs$RMSE_W, OMEGA = idxs$OMEGA, PSEUDOR2 = idxs$PSEUDOR2$index)
  } else {
    MP <- pars
  for (i in 1:rep) {
    ind <- sample(nobj, nobj, replace = TRUE)
    pars <- WH.regression.two.components(data[ind, ], Yvar, Xvars, simplify = simplify, qua = qua)

    if (GOF == TRUE) {
      OBS <- data[ind, Yvar]
      PRED <- WH.regression.two.components.predict(data[ind, Xvars], pars)
      idxs <- WH.regression.GOF(OBS, PRED)
      TMP <- c(pars, RMSEW = idxs$RMSE_W, OMEGA = idxs$OMEGA, PSEUDOR2 = idxs$PSEUDOR2$index)
      MP <- rbind(MP, TMP)
    } else {
      MP <- rbind(MP, pars)
Airpino/HistDAWass documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 7:53 p.m.