
# File description --------------------------------------------
# This fine contains functions designed to interaqct with VDAOEngine.jar
# Only the main function will be exported and made available to the user

# Configuration Functions --------------------------------------------

#' Define the grammar to produde a circular principal graph
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user.
#' @return A parameter set that can be used to construct a circular principal graph
CircleConfiguration <- function(){

  params <- NULL

  params$algtype = 'grammar'
  params$initstretch1 = 1

  # initialization by a closed reactangle spanned by first two PCs
  params$initalgorithm = 2

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  params$epochs[[1]]$id = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$minimize = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$eps = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  params$epochs[[1]]$grammartype = 'circle'

  # elasticity parameters
  params$epochs[[1]]$ep = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$rp = 0.1

  # default number of nodes
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiter = 20


#' Define the grammar to produde a tree principal graph
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user.
#' @return A parameter set that can be used to construct a tree principal graph
DefaultPrincipalTreeConfiguration <- function(){

  params <- NULL

  params$algtype = 'grammar'
  params$initstretch1 = 1

  # initialization by a piece of first principal component
  params$initalgorithm = 0

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  params$epochs[[1]]$id = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$minimize = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$eps = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  params$epochs[[1]]$grammartype = 'treeWithPruning'

  # elasticity parameters
  params$epochs[[1]]$ep = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$rp = 0.1

  # default number of nodes
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiter = 20



#' Define the grammar to produde a curve (a path) principal graph
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user.
#' @return A parameter set that can be used to construct a curve (a path) principal graph
CurveConfiguration <- function(){

  params <- NULL

  params$algtype = 'grammar'
  params$initstretch1 = 1

  # initialization by a piece of first principal component
  params$initalgorithm = 0

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  params$epochs[[1]]$id = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$minimize = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$eps = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  params$epochs[[1]]$grammartype = 'curve'

  # elasticity parameters
  params$epochs[[1]]$ep = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$rp = 0.1

  # default number of nodes
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiter = 20


#' Define the grammar to produde a robust tree principal graph
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user
#' @return A parameter set that can be used to construct a robust tree principal graph
RobustPrincipalTreeConfiguration <- function(){

  params <- NULL

  params$algtype = 'grammar'
  params$initstretch1 = 1

  # initialization by a piece of first principal component
  params$initalgorithm = 1

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  params$epochs[[1]]$id = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$minimize = 1
  params$epochs[[1]]$eps = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  params$epochs[[1]]$grammartype = 'treeWithPruning'

  # elasticity parameters
  params$epochs[[1]]$ep = 0.01
  params$epochs[[1]]$rp = 0.1

  # default number of nodes
  params$epochs[[1]]$numiter = 30

  # robustness parameters
  params$epochs[[1]]$robust = TRUE
  params$epochs[[1]]$trimradius = 0.1


#' Define the grammar to produde a tree principal graph using a two stage approach.
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user.
#' This function is still experimental and not is not working yet.
#' @return A parameter set that can be used to construct a robust tree principal graph
TwoStagesRobustPrincipalTreeConfiguration <- function(){

  params <- list()

  params$algtype = 'grammar'
  params$initstretch1 = 1

  # initialization by a piece of first principal component
  params$initalgorithm = 0

  # Epoch 1 #

  epochs <- list()
  epochs[[1]] <- NA

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  epochs[[1]]$id = 1
  epochs[[1]]$minimize = 1
  epochs[[1]]$eps = 0.01
  epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  epochs[[1]]$grammartype = 'treeWithPruning'

  # elasticity parameters
  epochs[[1]]$ep = 0.01
  epochs[[1]]$rp = 0.1

  # default number of nodes
  epochs[[1]]$numiter = 30

  # robustness parameters
  epochs[[1]]$robust = FALSE
  epochs[[1]]$trimradius = 0.1

  # Epoch 2 #

  epochs[[2]] <- NA

  # universal parameters (should be rarely modified)
  epochs[[2]]$id = 1
  epochs[[2]]$minimize = 1
  epochs[[2]]$eps = 0.01
  epochs[[2]]$epsSLAU = 0.01
  epochs[[2]]$numiterSLAU = 1000

  # what grammar to use
  epochs[[2]]$grammartype = 'treeWithPruning'

  # elasticity parameters
  epochs[[2]]$ep = 0.0001
  epochs[[2]]$rp = 0.0001

  # default number of nodes
  epochs[[2]]$numiter = 30

  # robustness parameters
  epochs[[2]]$robust = TRUE
  epochs[[2]]$trimradius = 0.1

  params$epochs <- epochs


# Data extraction Functions --------------------------------------------

#' Produce a graph structure from the coputed elastic principal graph details
#' The function depends on a working JVM with the VDAOEngine.jar library in the libpath.
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user
#' @param PrintGraph An elastic principal graph structure as returned from \code{link{computeElasticPrincipalGraph}}
#' @return A graph structure
makeGraph <- function(PrintGraph){

  Graph = .jnew('vdaoengine/analysis/grammars/Graph')

  Utils <- .jnew(class = 'vdaoengine/analysis/grammars/Utils')

  Utils$setNodesForGraph(Graph, .jarray(.jfloat(data.matrix(PrintGraph$Nodes)),dispatch=T))
  if(min(PrintGraph$Edges) == 0){
    Utils$setEdgesForGraph(Graph, .jarray(matrix(as.integer(PrintGraph$Edges), ncol = 2),dispatch=T))
  } else {
    Utils$setEdgesForGraph(Graph, .jarray(matrix(as.integer(PrintGraph$Edges-1), ncol = 2),dispatch=T))




# computeElPT --------------------------------------------

#' Compute the the elastic principal graph
#' The function depends on a working JVM with the VDAOEngine.jar library in the libpath.
#' This is an internal function and should not be accessed directly by the user.
#' @param Data The data points to be used to compute the graph
#' @param NumNodes The number of vertices to be used to construct the graph
#' @param Parameters The name of a parameter function
#' @param ... Additional parameter to be procesed by the Java procedure. Currently only EP, RP and TrimRadius are supported
#' @return A list describing the principal elastic graph
computeElPT <- function(Data, NumNodes, Parameters, NodesPositions = NULL, Edges = NULL, ...){

  StartTime <- Sys.time()

  EP <- NULL
  RP <- NULL
  TrimRadius <- -1

  # Checking for overwriting parameters 
  AddPar <- list(...)


    print("Additional parameters found")
      EP <- AddPar[["EP"]]
      print("EP set by user")
      RP <- AddPar[["RP"]]
      print("RP set by user")
      TrimRadius <- AddPar[["TrimRadius"]]
      print("TrimRadius set by user")


  cat("Configuring engine .")

  Config <- .jnew(class = "vdaoengine/analysis/grammars/ConfigFile")

  Config$algtype <- Parameters$algtype

  tArray <- Config$stretchInitCoeffs
  tArray[1] <- Parameters$initstretch1

  Config$stretchInitCoeffs <- .jfloat(tArray)

  Config$initStrategy <- as.integer(Parameters$initalgorithm)


  Epoch <- .jnew(class = "vdaoengine/analysis/elmap/ElmapAlgorithmEpoch")
  # only the first epoch will be used 
  Epoch$grammarType <- Parameters$epochs[[1]]$grammartype
  Epoch$EP <- .jfloat(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$ep)
      Epoch$EP <- .jfloat(EP)
  Epoch$RP = .jfloat(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$rp)
      Epoch$RP <- .jfloat(RP)
  Epoch$numberOfIterations <- as.integer(NumNodes)
  Epoch$maxNumberOfIterationsForSLAU <- as.integer(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$numiterSLAU)
  Epoch$epsConvergence <- .jfloat(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$eps)
  Epoch$epsConvergenceSLAU <- .jfloat(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$epsSLAU)
    Epoch$robust <- Parameters$epochs[[1]]$robust
    Epoch$trimradius <- .jfloat(Parameters$epochs[[1]]$trimradius)
    Epoch$robust = TRUE
    Epoch$trimradius = TrimRadius
  cpg <- .jnew(class = "vdaoengine/analysis/grammars/ComputePrincipalGraph")
  cpg$config <- Config

  if(!is.null(NodesPositions) & !is.null(Edges)){
    # if(!is.integer(Edges)){
      # stop("Edges need to be a matrix of integers")
    # }
    if(min(Edges) == 1){
      Edges <- Edges - 1
    print("Data-dependent initialization")
    cpg$config$initStrategy = as.integer(-1)
    # .jcall(cpg, "V", "setPrimitiveGraphByNodesAndEdges", .jarray(.jfloat(data.matrix(NodesPositions)),dispatch=T), .jarray(matrix(as.integer(Edges), ncol = 2), dispatch=T))
                                         .jarray(matrix(as.integer(Edges), ncol = 2), dispatch=T))
  } else {
    print("Empty initialization")

  print("Running engine")

  report <- read.delim(text = cpg$compute())

  NodeSize <- cpg$graph$countNumberOfPointsProjected(.jcast(cpg$dataset, new.class = "/java/lang/String" ))
  NodePositions <- cpg$graph$getNodePositions()
  NodePositions <- .jevalArray(NodePositions, simplify = TRUE)

  Edges <- cpg$graph$getEdgeTable()
  Edges <- .jevalArray(Edges, simplify = TRUE)

  EndTime <- Sys.time()

  if(min(Edges) == 0){
    Edges <- Edges + 1
  NumNodes <- max(Edges)
  StructuredReturn <- list()
  StructuredReturn$Nodes <- matrix(as.double(NodePositions), nrow = NumNodes) 
  StructuredReturn$Edges <- Edges
  StructuredReturn$Report <- report
  StructuredReturn$EndTime <- EndTime
  StructuredReturn$StartTime <- StartTime
  StructuredReturn$NodeSize <- NodeSize


# computeElasticPrincipalGraph --------------------------------------------

#' Compute the elastic principal graph
#' @param Data The datapoints to be used. Rows are expected to indicate the points and columes their dimensions
#' @param NumNodes The number of nodes to be used to compute the principal graph
#' @param Method The parametriation associated with a specific graph grammar.
#' @param ReduceMethod An optional string indicating if dimensionality reduction via PCA need to per performed
#' @param ReduceSize Th number of dimensions to retain in case of dimensionality reduction
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the internal function thqt computes the principal graph
#' @return A list describing the principal elastic graph
#' @export
#' @examples
computeElasticPrincipalGraph <- function(Data, NumNodes, NodesPositions = NULL, Edges = NULL,
                                         Method = NULL, NodeStep = NULL,
                                         ReduceMethod = 'none', ReduceSize = 3, ...) {

  ExtraArgs <- list(...)

  # Reduce dimensions?

  RedDone <- FALSE 

  if(ReduceMethod != 'none'){

    print(paste("Performing dimensionality reduction using", ReduceMethod))

    if(ReduceMethod == 'irlba-Lanczos' & ReduceSize == ncol(Data)){

      print(paste("Performing dimensionality reduction using base-svd instead of irlba-Lanczos (RTM)"))

    } else {

      print(paste("Performing dimensionality reduction using", ReduceMethod))


    FunArg <- append(list(Data = Data, Components = ReduceSize, Method = ReduceMethod), ExtraArgs[OkArgs])
    RedData <- do.call(SelectComputePCA, FunArg)

    NewData <- t(t(Data)-RetVal$centers)%*%RetVal$Comp

    if((ReduceMethod != 'base-svd' & ReduceMethod != 'base-cov') & ReduceSize < ncol(Data)){
      print(paste(signif(100*sum(RetVal$ExpVar), 4), "% (estimated) of the original variance vas retained", sep=''))
    } else {
      print(paste(signif(100*sum(RetVal$ExpVar), 4), "% of the original variance was retained", sep=''))

  } else {

    NewData <- Data
    RedDone <- TRUE



    print('Invalid dimensionality reduction method selected')
    print('Original data will be used')


    print('Please select the correct parametrization')
  } else {
    PrintGraph <- list()
      NodeStep = NumNodes
    AllocatedNodes <- 0
    Round <- 1
    while(AllocatedNodes < NumNodes){
      AddNodes = NodeStep
      if(AllocatedNodes + AddNodes > NumNodes){
        AddNodes <- NumNodes - AllocatedNodes
      Parameters <- do.call(Method, list())
      PrintGraph[[Round]] <- do.call(computeElPT,
                                     append(list(Data = NewData, NumNodes = AllocatedNodes + AddNodes, NodesPositions = NodesPositions,
                                                 Edges = Edges, Parameters = Parameters),
      PrintGraph[[Round]]$Method <- Method
      NodesPositions <- PrintGraph[[Round]]$Nodes
      Edges <- PrintGraph[[Round]]$Edges
      AllocatedNodes <- nrow(NodesPositions)
      Round <- Round + 1


Albluca/rpgraph documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.