
Defines functions fin_chin_c

#' Title Chinese Restaurant Process Finite Dimensions (known means and variance)
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
fin_chin_c = function(n_data = 90, mu_s = c(-5,0,5), p_mu_s = c(0.6,0.2,0.2), sd_s = 1, alpha = 90/3, sd_0 = 10, mu_0 = 0, n_samples = 2000){

  # GENERATE DATA --------------------------------------------------------
  # distribution x_i | c_i ~ N(mu_ci, 1)
  n_data = (n_data %/% (length(mu_s))) * length(mu_s)
  x_s = rep(0,rep(n_data)) # initialize vector for final samples
  temp = permute(rep(c(1:length(mu_s)),times=p_mu_s*length(x_s)))
  c_s = matrix(0,nrow = length(mu_s),ncol = length(x_s),byrow = 1) # we sue fixed categories

  for (i in 1:length(x_s)){
    c_s[temp[i],i] = 1

  k = length(mu_s)# initialize dirichtlet parameter
  mean_s = mu_s %*% c_s # generate a vector of means corresponding to class asssignments
  x_s = rnorm(length(x_s), mean = mean_s, sd = sd_s) # generate data sample x_s ~ N(mean_s, 1)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  # SAMPLING PROCESS -----------------------------------------------------
  # intialization of main variables
  c_temp = rmultinom(length(x_s),size = 1,prob = rep(1/length(mu_s),length(mu_s))) # Initialize random category sample
  P_c_I_c_x = c_temp # initialize P( c_i = k | c_-i, X )
  P_c_I_c_others = rep(0,length(mu_s)) # initialize P( c_i = k | c_-i )
  P_x_I_c = rep(0,length(mu_s)) # initialize P( X | c )

  # initialize a couple of variables needed in the loop
  cnt = 0
  max_cnt = n_samples
  c_samples = matrix(0,nrow = length(x_s)*max_cnt,ncol = length(mu_s) + 2) # stores the final samples of category distributions
  c_samples[,length(mu_s) + 1] = rep(1:length(x_s),max_cnt)
  c_samples[,length(mu_s) + 2] = rep(1:max_cnt,each = length(x_s))
  loglik_post = rep(0,max_cnt)
  x_s_len = length(x_s)
  mu_s_len = length(mu_s)
  x_seq = seq_len(x_s_len)

  plot_update_ratio = max_cnt %/% 20
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))

  # run sampler
  while (cnt <= max_cnt-1){

    c_samples[(cnt*x_s_len + 1):((cnt+1)*x_s_len),1:mu_s_len] = t(c_temp) # store current category sample
    x_seq = permute(x_seq)

    for (i in x_seq){ # we go through each data point i
      temp_category_count = apply(c_temp[,-i], sum, MARGIN = 1) # sum of data points in each category excluding data point in consideration
      P_c_I_c_others = (temp_category_count + (alpha/x_s_len)) / (x_s_len - 1 + alpha) # fill in probability to belong to category i according to P(c_i = k | c_-i) = (m_i,k + a/K) / (N - 1 + a)
      P_x_I_c = dnorm(x_s[i], mean = mu_s, sd = sd_s) # calculate p(X | c_i = k)
      P_c_I_c_x[,i] = P_c_I_c_others * P_x_I_c # get P(c_i = k | c_-i, X) as vector for each k
      c_temp[,i] = rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = P_c_I_c_x[,i]) # sample category for x_i (P_c_I_c_x is automatically normalize by rmultinom)

    cnt = cnt + 1
    category_cnt = apply(c_temp, sum, MARGIN = 1) + (alpha/k)
    loglik_post[cnt] = sum(log(dnorm(x_s,mean = mu_s %*% c_temp, sd = sd_s))) + log(diri_norm(category_cnt) / diri_norm(rep(alpha/k,mu_s_len)))

    # plot progress ----
    if (cnt %% plot_update_ratio == 0){
      if (cnt < 2*plot_update_ratio){
             ylim = c(min(loglik_post[1:cnt]) - 2*abs(range(loglik_post[1:cnt])[1] - range(loglik_post[1:cnt])[2]),
                      max(loglik_post[1:cnt]) + 2*abs(range(loglik_post[1:cnt])[1] - range(loglik_post[1:cnt])[2])),
             xlim = c(1,max_cnt),
             ylab = 'Sample Log Likelihood',
             xlab = 'Sample Index')
        plot_cnt = cnt + 1
      } else{
        plot_cnt = cnt + 1
    # ---
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Get the distributions of categories over items from sampling process -
  category_sums = apply(c_samples[,1:mu_s_len],sum,MARGIN = 2)
  category_proportions_posterior = prop.table(category_sums)
  c_samples = as.data.table(c_samples)
  c_posterior_by_datapoint = c_samples[,lapply(.SD,mean),by=key(c_samples),.SDcols = 1:mu_s_len]
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  # PLOTTING -------------------------------------------------------------
  # DATA
  par(mfrow = c(2,2))
  dat = data.table(data = x_s, category = as.vector(t(1:length(mu_s) %*% c_s)))

  plot(dat$data,rep(0,length(dat$data)),type='n',ylim=c(0,0.75),ylab = 'Density', xlab = 'Data Points',xlim=c(min(mu_s) - 4*sd_s, max(mu_s) + 4*sd_s), main = 'Data')
  for (i in unique(dat$category)){
    d = density(dat[category == i,data])
    rug(dat[category == i,data],col=i)

  category_proportions_s = prop.table(tabulate(dat$category))
  barplot(category_proportions_s, names.arg = 1:length(category_proportions_s),
          ylab = 'Proportion', xlab = 'Category',
          col = adjustcolor(1:length(category_proportions_s),alpha.f = 0.3),border = NA,ylim = c(0,1),
          main = 'Data')

  plot(x_s,1:x_s_len,type='n',col = 1:mu_s_len %*% c_s,ylab='Index',xlab='Data Points',xlim=c(min(mu_s) - 4*sd_s, max(mu_s) + 4*sd_s))
  abline(h=1:length(x_s), col='grey20')
  points(x_s,1:x_s_len,pch='|',col = 1:mu_s_len %*% c_s)

  for (i in 1:mu_s_len){
    points(rep(mu_s[i],length(x_s)),1:x_s_len,pch=16,col = adjustcolor(i,alpha.f = 0.3),cex = t(c_posterior_by_datapoint[,i+1,with=FALSE])*1.5)

  barplot(category_proportions_posterior, names.arg = 1:length(category_proportions_posterior),
          ylab = 'Proportion', xlab = 'Category',
          col = adjustcolor(1:length(category_proportions_posterior),alpha.f = 0.3),border = NA, ylim=c(0,1),
          main = 'Samples')
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  return(list(samples = c_samples,
              category_postereriors = c_posterior_by_datapoint,
              data = x_s,
              category_proportions_data = category_proportions_s))
AlexanderFengler/asianprocesses documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:53 a.m.