#' @include pamchip_data.R
#' @import methods
#' A representation of the PamChip PTK Data
#' @slot BioNavigatorVersion character. A string indicating the version of BioNavigator that generated the dataset
#' @slot ImageAnalysisDate character. The date the analysis was conducted on.
#' @slot PamGridVersion character. PamGrid version the chip was run on.
#' @slot QuantitationType character. The kind of qunatitation analysis performed.
#' @slot SampleData tbl_df. A tibble with the observed activity on each peptide
#' @slot SampleCharacteristics tbl_df. A tibble with the characteristics of each sample
#' @slot RefData tbl_df.
#' @slot PeptideIDs character.
#' @slot ProcessedData tbl_df.
#' @slot DataProcessDate character. The date when the data was processed
#' @return An object of class PamchipData-PTK
#' @export
#' @import tibble readr stringr dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
slots = c(
BioNavigatorVersion = "character",
ImageAnalysisDate = "character",
PamGridVersion = "character",
QuantitationType = "character",
RefData = "tbl_df",
SampleData = "tbl_df",
SampleCharacteristics = "tbl_df",
PeptideIDs = "character",
ProcessedData = "tbl_df",
DataProcessDate = "character"
contains = "PamchipData",
prototype = list(ChipType = "PTK")
function(object) {
#' Process a file into a usable structure
#' @param dataset character. Path to a file that holds the output of BioNavigator
#' @return An object of class PamchipData-PTK
#' @export
#' @examples
PamchipData_PTK <- function(dataset) {
if (!file.exists(dataset)) {
stop(stringr::str_glue("Dataset {dataset} does not exist."))
# Read and split data
input_data <- readLines(dataset, warn = F, encoding = "UTF-8")
id_line <- max(which(stringr::str_detect(input_data, "ID")))
ref_end <- max(which(stringr::str_detect(input_data, "REF")))
metadata_line <- stringr::str_c(input_data[1], "\n")
characteristic_data <-
stringr::str_c(input_data[2:(id_line - 1)], collapse = "\n")
ref_data <-
stringr::str_c(input_data[(id_line + 1):ref_end], collapse = "\n")
sample_data <-
stringr::str_c(input_data[(ref_end + 1):length(input_data)], collapse = "\n")
# Process Metadata
metadata <- readr::read_tsv(metadata_line, col_names = F)
BioNavigatorVersion <- metadata$X2
ImageAnalysisDate <- metadata$X8
QuantitationType <- metadata$X5
# Process Sample Characteristics
SampleCharacteristics <-
readr::read_tsv(characteristic_data, col_names = F) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$X1) %>%
column_to_rownames("X2") %>%
t %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename_with(stringr::str_to_lower) %>%
gsub(" ", "_", n)) %>%
dplyr::rename(class = .data$sample_name,
exposure = .data$exposure_time) %>%
dplyr::mutate(sample = str_c("S", stringr::str_pad(seq_along(.data$barcode), 5, pad = "0"))) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$sample, everything())
# Process Reference Data
RefData <- readr::read_tsv(ref_data, col_names = F) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ID = str_c(gsub("#", "", .data$X1), seq_along(.data$X1), sep = "_")) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$X1, -.data$X2) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$ID, everything()) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames("ID") %>%
t %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(sample = str_c("S", stringr::str_pad(seq_along(.data$REF_1), 5, pad = "0"))) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$sample, everything())
# Process Sample Data
SampleData <- readr::read_tsv(sample_data, col_names = F) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$X2) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames("X1") %>%
t %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dummy = "dummy",
sample = str_c("S", stringr::str_pad(seq_along(.data$dummy), 5, pad = "0"))) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$dummy) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$sample, everything())
# Get Peptide IDs
PeptideIDs <- colnames(SampleData)[2:ncol(SampleData)]
# Create a new object
chipdata <- new(
BioNavigatorVersion = BioNavigatorVersion,
ImageAnalysisDate = ImageAnalysisDate,
PamGridVersion = BioNavigatorVersion,
QuantitationType = QuantitationType,
RefData = RefData,
SampleData = SampleData,
SampleCharacteristics = SampleCharacteristics,
PeptideIDs = PeptideIDs,
ProcessedData = tibble(),
DataProcessDate = format(Sys.time(), "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", tz = "GMT")
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