
Defines functions read_file read_directory read_data

Documented in read_data

#' Read plate data
#' This is the primary fuction for reading data into R with this package. It is
#' built exlusively for use with worm data. This function can read in
#' individual plates, plates from a single directory (e.g. setup or score
#' directory), or plates from an experimental directory (with both score and
#' setup sub-directories). The files/directories to be read in (individual
#' file/directory/experiment directory) are detected and handled automatically
#' by the function. This function also utilizes an SVM to determine whether
#' objects are more likely to be bubbles or worms and labels them accordingly.
#' It also estimates the lifestage of each worm.
#' @param filedir The file or directory to be read. This can be an individual
#' file, a directory containing .txt files to be read, or the directory
#' containing the score and setup directories.
#' @param tofmin The minimum time of flight value allowed. Defaults to 60.
#' @param tofmax The maximum time of flight value allowed. Defaults to 2000.
#' @param extmin The minimum extinction value allowed. Defaults to 0.
#' @param extmax The maximum extinction value allowed. Defaults to 10000.
#' @param SVM Boolean specifying whether or not to use the support vector
#' machine to separate worms and bubbles.
#' @param levels The number of levels above the individual files for the
#' directory containing information about experiment date, name, round, and
#' assay. Defaults to 2, which is the standard for Andersen Lab file structure
#' as of June 2015.
#' @param ... Optional specifications for COPAS functions, such as reflx = FALSE
#' @return If a single file is given, a single data frame for only the provided
#' plate is returned. If an experiment directory is given, a list of two data
#' frames will be returned. The first element in the list will be a single data
#' frame for all of the score plates. The second element will be all of the
#' setup plates. If there are no setup plates, NA will fill the second list
#' element. If a setup or score directory is given, a single data frame of all
#' of the plates in the directory will be returned.
#' @export

read_data <- function(filedir, tofmin = 60, tofmax = 2000, extmin = 0,
                      extmax = 10000, SVM = TRUE, levels = 2, ...) {
    # If the directory is a list of directories, call read_data for all of the
    # directories in the list
    if(length(filedir) > 1) {
        data <- lapply(filedir, function(x) {read_data(x,
                                               levels, ...)})
    } else {
        # NOTE: 'The next two lines were added to get known issue with
        # dplyr::left_join treating character NAs incorrectly. This is currently
        # (6/9/2015) issue number 965 for the dplyr package. It should be corrected
        # in dplyr version 0.5. At that time, remove the two lines below as well as
        # the reseting of the option at the end of the function and test the
        # function to ensure that the strain names are still present after the point
        # of the final in bamf_prune.
        saf <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
        options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        # Remove trailing '/' if present in the file path
        if (grepl("/$", filedir)){
            filedir <- substr(filedir, 1, nchar(filedir) - 1)
        # If an individual file is given, read it in
        if (length(dir(filedir)) == 0){
            data <- read_file(filedir, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, SVM, levels, ...)
        } else if ("score" %in% dir(filedir) & "setup" %in% dir(filedir)) {
            # If both setup and score directories are subdirectories of the given
            # directory, read in both directories and return them as a list
            scorepath <- file.path(filedir, "score")
            setuppath <- file.path(filedir, "setup")
            # If the 'no files in directory' error is thrown by read_directory, 
            # make it a bit more specific when it is thrown from read_data
            score <- read_directory(scorepath, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, SVM,
                                    levels, ...)
            setup <- read_directory(setuppath, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, SVM,
                                    levels, ...)
            data <- list(score, setup)
        } else if ("score" %in% dir(filedir) & !("setup" %in% dir(filedir))) {
            # If in an experiment directory but there is no setup directory, read in
            # everything from the score directory
            scorepath <- file.path(filedir, "score")
            score <- read_directory(scorepath, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, SVM,
                                    levels, ...)
            data <- score
        } else {
            # Otherwise, just read in the given directory
            data <- read_directory(filedir, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, SVM,
                                   levels, ...)
        # NOTE: Remove the following line after dplyr updates to > v0.5. 
        options(stringsAsFactors = saf)

read_directory <- function(directory, tofmin = 60, tofmax = 2000, extmin = 0,
                           extmax = 10000, SVM = TRUE, levels = 2, ...) {
    # Get all of the txt files from adirectory and read them in individually.
    # Then rbind them and return a data frame.
    dirfiles <- dir(directory)
    files <- subset(dirfiles, grepl(".txt$", dirfiles))
    # Throw an error if there are no files in the given directory
    if (length(files) == 0) stop("There are no text files in the given directory.")
    filepaths <- file.path(directory, files)
    plates <- lapply(filepaths, function(x){
        read_file(x, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax,
                  SVM, levels, ...)
    data <- do.call(rbind, plates)

read_file <- function(file, tofmin = 60, tofmax = 2000, extmin = 0,
                      extmax = 10000, SVM = TRUE, levels = 2, ...){
    # Read the raw sorter files and make the row names
    plate <- COPASutils::readSorter(file, tofmin, tofmax, extmin, extmax, ...)
    if(is.null(plate$Status.sort)) {
        plate$Column <- as.numeric(as.character(plate$Column))
        if(max(plate$Column) == 0){
            modplate <- with(plate,
                             data.frame(row=stringr::str_split_fixed(Source.well, "[0-9]", 2)[,1],
                                        col=as.factor(stringr::str_split_fixed(Source.well, "[A-Z]", 2)[,2]),
        }else {
    modplate <- with(plate,
    } else {
        modplate <- with(plate,
    # Extract the time so that it is realtive to the first worm sorted
    modplate <- modplate %>%
        dplyr::group_by(row, col) %>%
    modplate <- data.frame(modplate)
    # Normalize the optical values by time of flight
    modplate[, 10:13] <- apply(modplate[, c(5, 7:9)], 2,
                               function(x) x / modplate$TOF)
    colnames(modplate)[10:13] <- c("norm.EXT", "norm.green", "norm.yellow",
    # Handle the SVM predictions if requested
        plateprediction <- kernlab::predict(
        modplate$object <- plateprediction[, "1"]
        modplate$call50 <- factor(as.numeric(modplate$object > 0.5),
                                  levels=c(1, 0), labels=c("object", "bubble"))
    # Calculate the life stage values based on the size of the worms
    modplate$stage <- ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 60 & modplate$TOF < 90, "L1",
                             ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 90 & modplate$TOF < 200,
                                    ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 200
                                           & modplate$TOF < 300, "L4",
                                           ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 300,
                                                  "adult", NA))))
    # Convert integer values to numerics
    modplate[, as.vector(which(lapply(modplate, class) == "integer"))] <- lapply(
        modplate[, as.vector(which(lapply(modplate, class) == "integer"))],
    # Get info about the plate using the new_info function 
    plateinfo <- new_info(file, levels)
    # Get the template base directory
    templatedir <- strsplit(file, "/")[[1]]
    templatedir <- templatedir[-c(length(templatedir), length(templatedir) - 1)]
    templatedir <- paste0(templatedir, collapse = "/")
    templatedir <- paste0(templatedir, "/")
    # Get the template file paths
    strainsfile <- paste0(templatedir, "strains/",
                          plateinfo$straintemplate[1], ".csv")
    conditionsfile <- paste0(templatedir, "conditions/",
    controlsfile <- paste0(templatedir, "controls/",
                           plateinfo$controltemplate[1], ".csv")
    contamfile <- paste0(templatedir,
                         sprintf("p%02d", plateinfo$plate[1]),
    # Read all of the templates
    strains <- read_template(strainsfile, type="strains")
    conditions  <- read_template(conditionsfile, type="conditions")
    controls <- read_template(controlsfile, type="controls")
    contam <- read_template(contamfile, type="contam")
    # Join all of the metadata and template info to the plate data
    modplate <- cbind(plateinfo[,1:5], modplate)
    modplate <- dplyr::left_join(modplate, strains, by = c("row", "col"))
    modplate <- dplyr::left_join(modplate, conditions, by = c("row", "col"))
    modplate <- dplyr::left_join(modplate, controls, by = c("row", "col"))
    modplate <- dplyr::left_join(modplate, contam, by = c("row", "col"))

read_template <- function(templatefile, type){
    if (!file.exists(templatefile)) {
        stop(paste("The", type, "template file at", templatefile, "could not be
                   found. Please check to ensure that file exists and is in the
                   right directory structure, then try again."))
    # Read in the teamplate file and melt it with tidyr
    template <- read.csv(templatefile, check.names=FALSE)
    template <- template[,!colnames(template)==""]
    melttemplate <- tidyr::gather(template, col, variable, -row)
    # Change the column names based on the type of template and return the data
    if(type == "strains"){
        colnames(melttemplate) <- c("row", "col", "strain")
    } else if (type == "conditions"){
        colnames(melttemplate) <- c("row", "col", "condition")
    } else if (type == "controls"){
        colnames(melttemplate) <- c("row", "col", "control")
    } else if (type == "contam") {
        colnames(melttemplate) <- c("row", "col", "contamination")
        melttemplate$contamination[is.na(melttemplate$contamination)] <- FALSE

# KSE add new function to read in sample cup data 11.24.20
read_samplecup <- function(filedir) {
    plate <- COPASutils::readSorter(filedir)
    modplate <- with(plate,
    # Extract the time so that it is realtive to the first worm sorted
    modplate <- modplate %>%
        dplyr::group_by(row, col) %>%
    modplate <- data.frame(modplate)
    # Normalize the optical values by time of flight
    modplate[, 10:13] <- apply(modplate[, c(5, 7:9)], 2,
                               function(x) x / modplate$TOF)
    colnames(modplate)[10:13] <- c("norm.EXT", "norm.green", "norm.yellow",
    # Handle the SVM predictions if requested
    plateprediction <- kernlab::predict(
    modplate$object <- plateprediction[, "1"]
    modplate$call50 <- factor(as.numeric(modplate$object > 0.5),
                              levels=c(1, 0), labels=c("object", "bubble"))
    # Calculate the life stage values based on the size of the worms
    modplate$stage <- ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 60 & modplate$TOF < 90, "L1",
                             ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 90 & modplate$TOF < 200,
                                    ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 200
                                           & modplate$TOF < 300, "L4",
                                           ifelse(modplate$TOF >= 300,
                                                  "adult", NA))))
    # Convert integer values to numerics
    modplate[, as.vector(which(lapply(modplate, class) == "integer"))] <- lapply(
        modplate[, as.vector(which(lapply(modplate, class) == "integer"))],

    # return plate
AndersenLab/easysorter documentation built on Nov. 27, 2020, 4:26 a.m.