# Get the LOD value for each marker based on the correlation between genotype
# and phenotype.
# @param npheno The number of phenotypes present in the data set
# @param pheno The extracted phenotype data from the cross object
# @param geno The extracted genotype data from the cross object
# @param doGPU Boolean, whether to use the gputools package to speed up,
# mapping. This can only be set to \code{TRUE} on machines with an NVIDEA
# graphics card with the gputools package installed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
# @return The LOD scores for all markers

get_lod_by_cor <- function(npheno, pheno, gdata, doGPU = FALSE) {

  # Calculate the LODS score for each marker:phenotype combination
  if(doGPU) {

    # Throw an error if the gputools package is not installed
    if (!requireNamespace("gputools", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("The gputools package is required to complete a mapping with
           `doGPU` set to `TRUE`. Please install gputools and try again.")
    return((-npheno * log(1 - gputools::gpuCor(pheno, gdata, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')$coefficients ^ 2)) / (2 * log(10)))
    } else {
      return((-npheno * log(1 - cor(pheno, gdata, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs') ^ 2)) / (2 * log(10)))

# Map all of the traits in a given cross object
# @param cross A complete cross object with the phenotype data merged
# @param doGPU Boolean, whether to use the gputools package to speed up,
# mapping. This can only be set to \code{TRUE} on machines with an NVIDEA
# graphics card and the gputools package installed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
# @return The LOD scores for all markers

map <- function(cross, doGPU = FALSE) {
  # Remove interpolated SNPs
  cross <- qtl::calc.genoprob(cross, step=0)

  # Extract the necessary information from the cross object
  scaledpheno <- extract_scaled_phenotype(cross)
  npheno <- count_strains_per_trait(scaledpheno)
  geno <- extract_genotype(cross)

  # Do the mapping
  lods <- get_lod_by_cor(npheno, scaledpheno, geno, doGPU)

  # Convert the map result to a scanone object
  lods <- lodmatrix2scanone(lods, cross)


#' Map all of the traits in a given cross object with forward search
#' @param cross A complete cross object with the phenotype data merged
#' @param phenotype A string or vector of strings used in subsetting the
#' phenotype data. For example: \code{"bleomycin"} to map only the traits
#' phenotyped in bleomycin or \code{"amsacrine.q90.TOF"} for only that specific
#' trait. To get the union of these two sets, enter \code{c("bleomycin",
#' "amsacrine.q90.TOF")}.
#' @param permutations The number of permutations for the FDR/GWER calculation. Defaults
#' to \code{1000}.
#' @param doGPU Boolean, whether to use the gputools package to speed up,
#' mapping. This can only be set to \code{TRUE} on machines with an NVIDEA
#' graphics card with the gputools package installed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param threshold Can be set to either \code{FDR} for false discovery rate or
#' \code{GWER} for genome-wide error rate. Defaults to \code{FDR}.
#' @param markerset The set of markers to use for conversion of position to
#' physical position, if set to \code{NA}, no conversion will be completed.
#' @return The LOD scores for all markers
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export

fsearch <- function(cross, phenotype = NULL, permutations = 1000, doGPU = FALSE,
                    threshold = "FDR", markerset = c("N2xCB4856", "N2xLSJ2",
                                                     "AF16xHK104","full", NA)) {
  saf <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (threshold != "FDR" & threshold != "GWER") {
    stop("Unknown threshold type. Threshold should be set to either
         'FDR' or 'GWER'.")

  # Select the subset of the phenotype data frame to map
  if (!is.null(phenotype)) {
    pattern = paste(phenotype, collapse = "|")
    selectedcols <- which(grepl(pattern, colnames(cross$pheno)))
    cross$pheno <- cross$pheno %>%
      dplyr::select(strain, set, selectedcols)

  # Set up the iteration count
  iteration <- 1

  # Complete the first mapping with FDR/GWER calculation
  lods <- map(cross)

  #If there are NA values in the LOD calculation, set them to 0 so max peaks can be identified.

  if (threshold == "GWER") {
    threshold <- get_peak_gwer(lods, cross, permutations, doGPU)
  } else {
    threshold <- get_peak_fdr(lods, cross, permutations, doGPU)

  peaks <- get_peaks_above_thresh(lods, threshold)

  # If there are more than 0 peaks in the map...
  if (nrow(peaks) > 0) {

    # Create a list to hold all of the mapping iterations
    lodslist <- list()

    # While the number of peaks in each iteration is greather than 0,
    # continue with the forward search
    while (nrow(peaks) > 0){

      # Bind the threshold and iteration information to the map data,
      # melt the resulting data frame, and add it to the lodslist
      lods <- data.frame(lods)
      lodswiththresh <- lods %>%
        dplyr::mutate(marker = rownames(.), threshold = threshold, iteration = iteration)
      meltedlods <- tidyr::gather(lodswiththresh, trait, lod, -chr, -pos, -marker, -threshold, -iteration) %>%
        dplyr::select(marker, chr, pos, trait, lod, threshold, iteration)
      lodslist <- append(lodslist, list(meltedlods))

      # Get the residual phenotype cvalues and put them back in the cross
      # object
      resids <- get_pheno_resids(lods, cross, threshold)
      metapheno <- cross$pheno %>% dplyr::select(strain, set)
      cross$pheno <- data.frame(metapheno, resids)

      # Repeat the mapping, FDR/GWER calculationa and peak finding
      lods <- map(cross)

      if (threshold == "GWER") {
        threshold <- get_peak_gwer(lods, cross, permutations, doGPU)
      } else {
        threshold <- get_peak_fdr(lods, cross, permutations, doGPU)

      peaks <- get_peaks_above_thresh(lods, threshold)

      # Add one to the iteration
      iteration <- iteration + 1

    # Add the lods to the lodslist for the final iteration
    lods <- data.frame(lods)
    lodswiththresh <- lods %>%
      dplyr::mutate(marker = rownames(.), threshold = threshold, iteration = iteration)
    meltedlods <- tidyr::gather(lodswiththresh, trait, lod, -chr, -pos, -marker, -threshold, -iteration) %>%
      dplyr::select(marker, chr, pos, trait, lod, threshold, iteration)
    lodslist <- append(lodslist, list(meltedlods))

    # rbind the whole list of maps
    finallods <- dplyr::bind_rows(lodslist)

  } else {

    # If no peaks were found from the first iteration, just melt the lods
    # and return them
    lods <- data.frame(lods)
    lodswiththresh <- lods %>%
      dplyr::mutate(marker = rownames(.), threshold = threshold, iteration = 1)
    finallods <- tidyr::gather(lodswiththresh, trait, lod, -chr, -pos, -marker, -threshold, -iteration) %>%
      dplyr::select(marker, chr, pos, trait, lod, threshold, iteration)

  # Switch genetic position to physical position (WS244) for all of the
  # markers in the map
  cat("\nConverting marker position to physical position. This step takes a while...\n")

  # If you need to add possible marker sets, add them here
  if (!is.na(markerset)) {
    if (markerset %in% c("N2xCB4856", "N2xLSJ2", "AF16xHK104")) {
      if (markerset == "N2xCB4856") {
        markers <- N2xCB4856markers
      } else if (markerset == "N2xLSJ2") {
        markers <- N2xLSJ2markers
      } else if (markerset == "AF16xHK104") {
        markers <- AF16xHK104markers
      finallods$pos <-
        vapply(finallods$marker, function(marker) {
          return(as.numeric(unlist(markers[markers$marker == marker, "position"])))
        }, numeric(1))
    } else if (markerset == "full") {
      finallods$pos <-
        as.numeric(stringr::str_split_fixed(finallods$marker, "_", 2)[, 2])
    } else {
      finallods$pos <- finallods$pos
      warning("Markerset unknown, leaving marker positions alone.")
  else {
    finallods$pos <- finallods$pos
  options(stringsAsFactors = saf)
AndersenLab/linkagemapping2 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:32 p.m.