#' Function af.model
#' Statistical model based on the most relevant predictors as chosen using a stepwise procedure.
#' @param formula A formula specifying the criterion and its relation to all predictors possibly relevant.
#' @param data Numeric data.frame.
#' @param direction Character element specifying the stepwise procedure to be applied (besides "forward", "backward" or "both", possible values are "none", "adaptive", "complete" or "top". It's also possible to add a number after "top" (e.g. "top 3") in order to specify the maximum number of predictors to be examined). Defaults to "top".
#' @param model Function of an approproate class. Defaults to lm.
#' @details This function fits a statistical model based on the most relevant predictors as chosen using a stepwise procedure.
#' @keywords modeling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' af.hclust(data.frame(x=rnorm(100),y=rnorm(100)+scale(1:100),z=rnorm(100)+scale(1:100)));
af.model <- function (formula, data, direction = "top", model = lm, scope = NULL,
if (is.null(model) | !is.function(model))
model = lm
if (is.null(scope))
scope = formula
c = as.character(formula)
t = attr(terms(formula, data = data), "term.labels")
if (is.null(direction) | direction == "none")
l = model(formula, data, ...)
if (direction == "adaptive")
direction = ifelse(length(t) <= 5, "complete", "forward")
if (direction == "forward")
l = stats::step(object = model(y ~ 1, data, ...), direction = direction,
scope = scope)
if (direction == "backward")
l = stats::step(object = model(formula, data, ...), direction = direction,
scope = scope)
if (direction == "both")
l = stats::step(object = model(formula, data, ...), direction = direction,
scope = scope)
if (direction == "complete") {
com = cbind(rep(1:length(t), length(t)))
for (i in 1:(length(t) - 1)) com = data.frame(com, rep(1:length(t),
each = length(t)^i))
t0 = sapply(1:(length(t)^(dim(com)[2])), function(x) {
f2 = as.formula(paste(c[2], c[1], paste(t[unlist(com[x,
])], collapse = "+")))
AIC(model(f2, data, ...))
formula = as.formula(paste(c[2], c[1], paste(t[unlist(com[which.min(t0),
])], collapse = "+")))
l = model(formula, data, ...)
if (sum(grepl("top", direction)) > 0) {
top = 5
if (sum(grepl("[0-9]", direction)) > 0)
top = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]", "", direction))
top = min(length(t), top)
com = cbind(1:length(t))
if (top > 1)
for (i in 1:(top - 1)) com = data.frame(com, rep(1:length(t),
each = length(t)^i))
t0 = sapply(1:(length(t)^(dim(com)[2])), function(x) {
f2 = as.formula(paste(c[2], c[1], paste(t[unlist(com[x,
])], collapse = "+")))
AIC(model(f2, data, ...))
formula = as.formula(paste(c[2], c[1], paste(t[unlist(com[which.min(t0),
])], collapse = "+")))
l = model(formula, data, ...)
l$call = (parse(text = gsub("= formula", paste("=", deparse(formula)),
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