#' Function compareDocs
#' Plots difference between two documents as a modified dotchart.
#' @param a Character value.
#' @param b Character value.
#' @param relative Logical value. Defaults to T.
#' @param vertLine Logical value specifying whether to plot a vertical line at x=0. Defaults to T.
#' @param horizLines Logical value specifying whether to plot horizontal lines between each point and the y axis. Defaults to T.
#' @param max Numeric value indicating the maximum number of word frequencies to be displayed. Defaults to 40.
#' @param main Character value specifying the plot's title. Defaults to "Comparison of Word Frequencies"
#' @param pch Numeric element speccifying the symbol to represent points. Defaults to 16
#' @param cex Numeric value indicating the text size. Defaults to .7.
#' @details Plots difference between two documents as a modified dotchart. Returns matrix with relative frequencies and differences between documents a and b.
#' @keywords plotting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compareDocs("This is document 1","this is another document")
compareDocs <- function (a = NULL, b = NULL, relative = T, vertLine = T, horizLines = T,
max = 40, main = "Comparison of Word Frequencies", pch = 16,
cex = 0.7, ...)
if (is.null(a) & is.null(b)) {
a = "a a b d c c"
b = "a b b b b c"
if (is.null(a) | is.null(b))
stop("Please provide two character elements a and b")
a = paste(a, collapse = " ")
b = paste(b, collapse = " ")
common.terms = quantqual::vecToTDM(c(a, b))
if (relative)
common.terms = apply(common.terms, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
common.terms = common.terms/colSums(common.terms)
diff = (common.terms[, 1] - common.terms[, 2])
common.terms = cbind(common.terms, diff)
common.terms = common.terms[order(common.terms[, 3], decreasing = F),
com = common.terms
if (dim(com)[1] > max) {
com = com[c(1:floor(max/2), (dim(com)[1] - floor(max/2)):dim(com)[1]),
warning(paste("Only", max, "differences are displayed"))
quantqual::dotplot(com[, 3], pch = pch, main = main, cex = cex,
vertLine = ifelse(vertLine[1] == T, 0, ifelse(vertLine[1] ==
F, NA, vertLine)), horizLines = horizLines, max = max +
1, ...)
if (horizLines)
segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 1:dim(com)[1], x1 = round(com[,
3], 2), y1 = 1:dim(com)[1])
if (vertLine)
abline(v = 0)
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